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  1. What we see here is further proof that something needs to be changed.

    No offense to the OP but, psi/em....
    Its almost always psi/em or /regen scrappers

    There is no originality left in coh pvp, they should have chucked v 2.0 out the door when castle left & tried to hit him in the *** with it instead of the door.

    Having a zone or arena full of basically only 2 different toons is almost as bad as DR TS HD.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Zwil has braved the forums trying to ask specific questions about PvP Play experience:


    The amount of information actually derived from those threads was minimal. What we do know from those threads is that the pre-I13 PvP experience is not coming back, ever. The developers have no intentions of doing a roll-back or re-implementing the Pre-I13 experience.

    Now, as to whether or not PvP itself will ever be revisited... I think it is something that will get kicked around the Paragon Studios office, but I highly suspect NCSoft themselves will put the kibosh on funding any direct work. As far as I am aware NCSoft's policy is still to push PvP oriented players to current PvP oriented franchises Guild Wars and Aion.

    Its apparent the majority of those that honestly responded to the 3 threads , 2 from zwill, 1 from beastyle, want the same thing pre I13 style of PvP.

    I sadly don't see anything happening with PvP, because they still refuse to admit the changes were a massive failure, and the 3 threads didn't give them what they wanted to hear.

    Its a shame they won't just switch it back and give the few players left who would PvP the epic, fast paced, comic book style hero vs. villian that pre I13 offered.

    If the current state of PvP in Coh is the attitude they project, i can't see players going to other games offered by the franchise, i see them moving away from anything offered by nc soft all together.
  3. I've only been on 2 toons since issue 20 because of the grindfest mentality that we have been 'blessed' with.

    Friday:multiple mapservers, and disconnects during, and with the forming of baf's & lambda.
    Tfs were attempted or formed in co-op zones only, rwz , cimerora, midnighters club, and pocket d.
    logged out for the night in fire base zulu to finish progress on day job badge which was at 97.34 progress .

    Saturday: logged in on same character to find that charcater in cap at the black market, and progress missing on fire base zulu day job badge which now reads it at 79.26.
    ok, no big deal, just take a few days longer for that one now.
    Did several runs of baf & lambda until the time for the hamidon raids, again disconnects, mapserves, other people beside myself being randomly dropped from team.
    At one instance of the whole team being dropped i too started in cimerora , and ended up in that unknown persons level 41 non cimeroran mission.
    Tried to form again, disconnect, loaded back in in the 2nd instance of cimerora, attempted to rejoin the event, ended up on my own map 'steal lore from the circle' mission from operative grillo, which is a mission in nerva. next disconnect ended up on someones council sewer map after disconnecting while trying to reform from midnighters club.

    ..off to the hamidon raids.. we formed up using the league system in the hive.
    One disconnect after mapserve at the end of the first raid at the door to eden, the 53 merits chosen from defeating hami no longer there.
    ok, joined in for the second raidat the kill of hamidon disconnected with the reward window popped up, loaded back in , and it was gone.
    I did several more baf , and a few lambda for the rest of the night. i disconnectedat the last one upon exit , and did not bother to go to day job spot, instead letting it crash out in midnighter club.

    Sunday: loaded same character in, character was in rwz3 this time....
    attempted to start more trails than actually got to start due to crashes.
    At one point ending up on another level 41's map as they were escorting a hostage out.
    At another ending up on someones level 48 rikti tip mission.
    And ...another on a level 50's council sewer map.
    Attempted the 'slideshow' red side hamidon raid, got through to the end, chose the merits, exited the abyss, attempted to enter the abyss 2, froze up , mapserved & disconnected at the sub in grandville(with super speed & combat jumping on).
    Loaded back in with flight on hovering above the spawn point for hamidon in the abyss 1 with no merits from the raid , and additional merits(from3544 to 2696) salvage(regular & incarnate), and recipies missing.

    I too have several times gotten the corrupted file notice as others have mentioned in here.

    I have also noticed crashes , and drops in framerate of 10 f.p.s or more with powers like barrier from incarnate destiny slot, judgement ion, and the same person with electric control kept crashing on a baf when attempting to cast the gremlin pets.

    also, i've run a combined 43 baf & lambda since isuue 20 ( 25 baf, 18 lambda) all but the last time the reward was uncommon, last time was a common. nice rng there.
    As i write this virtue has crashed twice in the past 2 hours since getting home from work, makes me not want to even play.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vexington View Post
    With the original mez system, toggles should drop. It adds a necessity of awareness to remain buffed via your team, or keep a BF running. Especially in team PvP, if CMs, Clarity's, Thaws aren't kept on people, they deserve to lose Def/Res Travel, etc.

    Just found that to be an odd exception to the removal of i13s changes.
    I was just referring to the 'supression' factor, the idea of not having to pyshically click them all, back on.
    I completely agree that mezzes need to work the way they did, a mez is a mez & thats part of what made them effective, and why if you didn't have bf's or team support you did deserve to lose the effects.
    The 'suppression' keeping the toggles on , but with no effect until the mez was broken, or timed out is a good idea, and would add to the speed of a pre I13 system.

    p.s. thank god for the interviewers that brought the neglect of PvP somewhat back into the light with the on the spot questioning of the system, even if the question was dodged.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beastyle View Post
    Ha! Never. Seriously, I could never forget about this community, nor would I want to. My first interactions when I started here at Paragon was Mod 08 telling me to keep an eye on you guys.

    I apologize for not having so much of a presence in the thread, but be sure I've been watching it closely every day, including over the weekend.

    So, to explain my thinking and why I brought the topic up, and also why I gave the criteria of everyone giving me one aspect of pre-I13 PvP, is because I was looking for commonalities: specific things that users echo, because that tells us (in OCR) what the main points are. And over the past week, I'm really appreciative over all the feedback in this thread because almost all of what the PvP community has said in this thread can be boiled down into two really simple terms:

    • Diversity
    • Accessibility
    And it's much easier to view feedback in categories like this, because you've got two points and all you need is to say, "Okay, well how was it more diverse? How was it more accessible?" And then there's the specifics, like how powers worked the same, which a lot of people in the thread feel was more understandable than having a modified PvP ruleset--which required a different way of approaching PvP content, and lead to builds that were viable in PvE but not PvP. So, I've been taking a look at all of your comments throughout the week and noticed these two points are the common denominators.

    About further thoughts or a general timeline...I'm not going to blow smoke at you guys about what this may or may not accomplish in the future. That's not something I want to do, not just because I'm "not allowed" to comment, but also because it's something I don't want to do to any of our subcommunities, least of all PvP.

    So while I won't say anything to one effect or another about what will happen with PvP, I do want everyone to know that this feedback serves two vital purposes:

    • It helps OCR understand the community's issues better
    • It says that you're still here and still have enough passion about PvP to actually come in and post feedback
    And that second one is always something I'd like for our subcommunities to know is important. It's as important to you as it is to us. So again, I want to thank everyone for all the feedback thus far, whether it was detailed or just single sentence stuff, it's all been informative. I hope we'll continue to receive more as we pick your guys' brains with more threads like these.
    So, no timeline, can't say one way or the other about any changes... sorry but sounds like blowing smoke to me.
    You already knew the community's issue(s) . There are many good threads which we're told were read with a lot of good feedback, though sometimes you'd have to read past the 'trolling' posts.

    Why i'm commenting on this is to pose a question while stating an answer to the original question.
    Before I13 when i PvP'd with friends regularly it was zone PvP and in RV at level 50.
    When PvP was enjoyable because you understood your powers, and they worked as they are supposed to, PvP back then was good end game content with variety.
    The variety being that not everyone had the same psi blaster or regen scrapper, powers worked like in PvE & depending on who the opposition was in the zone you could adjust or swap toons, or swap sides
    All of the end game content now, new and old can be blown through beginning to end in a week if not less.
    This has been asked before, but..
    The question, since we actually have rednames posting, Why not just revert to the I12 system, which is better liked, more balanced, and powers worked as they are meant to, then build off that with the (very) few good additions like toggles not dropping, taunt reducing range, etc.etc?
    Is any of this a possibility, or are people stuck grinding PvE for enjoyable end game content?
  6. Same as the majority here, that powers worked the same as in PvE.
    Take certain viable AT's into PvP now that were useful , and good before, and you can't help feeling that I13 was just done to punish that part of the community =(
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
    As long as PvP balance changes don't affect the way the powers work in PvE, I don't give a damn about PvP.

    If PvP changes fall into the "death spiral" of affecting PvE play and PvE balance, that's when I'll be leaving the game.

    I do NOT want Issue 12 style PvP back if it means unifying PvE and PvP versions of powers. Also, those wanting the "old style" of PvP back seem to have forgotten the serious balance problems that previously existed. Namely, if you weren't a Night Widow, you were hosed in a fight.

    I'm sure no one wants PvP to affect PvE, what the majority want is for the powers to work as they did before, which was the same as PvE.

    There is always a counter to every AT night widows were no exception, as they were easily taken down by any high attack willpower scrapper correctly slotted, usually in 2 shots because of the low HP's of night widow/forts.
    But then you wouldn't find that now since mezzes are screwed & rise to the challenge was considered an offensive toggle & leaves /wp scrappers as a mezzed bag of HP waiting to be killed.
    The only true balance problem before was knowing what to bring for what opponents there were, and how many of what inspirations.
  8. Giving an i 12 button, while nice for arena, would leave zones in the shambles of the crap changes that were forced upon us.
    While arena is good for tournament stlye play, and the only thing i ever used it for before the changes, to test builds with friends, open zone is what was always more fun for me.

    There should be no difference in how a toon performs from PvP vs. PvE.
    Every AT has a role & it needs to be changed back to that.
    No one should have to learn a different system to compete, having thier toons play the way they do in PvE IS the first step to getting people to stay in the zones with something they are comfortable already playing.
  9. While i never used arena before except only to test builds with friends, like everyone else, its good that we can turn off most of what was forced upon us in I13

    As for zone, nothing, its completly ruined & more unbalanced than ever.

    There should be no difference between PvP & PvE, every AT has its strengths & weaknesses, and consequently should know the role of the toon they intend to bring into that enviroment.
  10. ZAM: It seems that for the PvP crowd in City of Heroes, development hasn't been exactly at the level of what they've wanted. Are there any future developments coming along for die-hard PvPers?

    Nate: We always fix bugs that come up with the current PvP system, and a couple of years ago we made it possible to balance PvP separately from PvE. The challenge is that it is very difficult to balance PvP in a game with over a thousand powers in hundreds of potential combinations, and we have made some changes in the past that didn't end up the way we wanted them to. "Just doing something else" isn't going to make anyone happy, least of all us. The community has given us great PVP feedback over the years and we have had some sound ideas internally, but we also want to find the right solution.

    While the article is not meant to inform the current player base of the status of the game, or the PvP system, it seems as though its common knowledge outside of CoH that there is disdain for the current system, especially if an interviewer brought its up as one of his posted questions. This type of round about answer shows to a prespective customer that would be interested in PvP that the system IS indeed broken, and sadly will be until they find "the right solution".

    That being said , PvP is not balanced, and to be completely fair, should not be in the aspect that powers should work no different than in PvE. Every AT has its role, has its strengths & weaknesses. Whats its been turned into is who can mash buttons fast enough with whatever Fotm that is broken to the advantage of the attacker.

    This is a discussion forum about the article, so if the do have sound ideas, and (really)want to find a solution, why not implement some of those ideas on the test server, with the understanding that it is not permanent, looking for feedback. PvP needs to be treated like beta again to get it to a workable system .

    Don't read between lines, don't put a spin on words, just ask when?...that goes for bases too.
  11. As long as your not giving out centrioles like the hami-grinch (26 in a row & counting).

    I also wonder.. is this a plot to get the ladies to sit on your lap o.O

    but of course there will be folks there, this is virtue after all.
  12. Lets do it again tuesday..assuming people show up.
    YES we do hami raids on tuesday red side also...hint hint.
  13. Please specify for your next themed contest, is it purely clown, or carnies?
    If its carnies count me in, if its clowns...there's just something so ugly about that ruffled collar, gloves, & even the iron shiek couldn't make curled boots cool again.
  14. AE?, oh yeah, i remeber those buildings, where players could make stories, stories that are no longer worth the supposed 'rewards'. add me to the no thanks list.
    A bunch of empty buildings that once had potential, AE is now Aeons Eyesore.
  15. With no nukes, almost all heavies & shivans dead to boot =D.
    Excellent team work, leadership, & determination to stay with the plan by all.
    ~Fortunata Silvermane~
  16. Just for an example, playing a fortunata vs. a psi defender.
    I have and play both, defenders get the full 40% resist bonus in pvp,fortunata gets 10%.
    Since diminishing returns my fortunata, a defense based toon, now has 72% less defense thanks to DR. With pvp being resistance based now, this severly cripples the fortunata, and favors the defender over it.
    Since the bonus defenders now get when soloing, with decreses up to a team of 3, my defender now outdamages the fortunata.
    Take into account this is only primary powers, the secondary for the fortunata is virtually nil since DR , the secondary for my defender, which is radiation, still works as intended, to a degree(not counting the effects of heal decay)the debuffs still do thier job.
    So now thanks to the laundry list of bad choices the devs have forced upon us, the "support" toon in this case is now much better than what is supposed to be an attack class toon.
    I've stated this numerous times, but for someone asking whats wrong with pvp, i'll phrase it as a question: What would you rather play in PvP, something you've played through level after level in PvE, and know its strengths & weaknesses, or the presumably "same" toon, only to get in a PvP zone, and find that thier damage is different, holds don't hold, they have no defense, their movement goes to a snails pace when they attack, are attacked, pop an inspiraition, heal, or even get hit byNPC characters?

    Personally, i'd like to play my characters as i've learned to play them in PvE, knowing if i have to use an inspiration, like a break free, or a heal, its going to work like intended.
    Every toon should have a role to play in PvP the same as PvE, this is no longer possible because of changes that were made to the system for the veiled reasoning of trying to get new players interested.
    Their changes only pushed the old players out, and pushed the "even playing field" further apart.

    Unfortunately the O.P. can't make a decision based on a comparison of the pre & post nerfed systems, but you do know the difference between the way your character preforms in PvE & what its like in PvP now.
    The question is which would you prefer?
  17. To be perfectly honest, i wouldn't even dicuss this as a bonus to anything PvP, the devs might turn around and say they did this for PvP'rs, as part of the smokescreen of"we did this & that for you" instead of actually doing something.
    If anything should be discussed, it should be the complete lack of anything metioned for PvP, or many other neglected areas of the game for the next two issues.
  18. Hands down MM's. i made one when demon summoning came out, got it to 50, and really enjoyed deleting it.(i won't even team with mm's anymore)
    Not big on tanks either, the damage...just sucks.
    Khelds...dunno they just seem like the mutt class of CoX.
    Favorites: Veats, scrappers,controllers.
    giving one more shot to doms, but with aggro + no heal, i think i might stick with controllers.
  19. Voided_Soul

    PvP Booster Pack

    Only if there is a temp power called "reversion" takes your powers, movement, etc. to pre I13 status until you are defeated. as long as we're dreaming...2 minute recharge =D
  20. Does this mean we can use RV for having prayer circles under the statue, holding hands and having a sing-a-long?
  21. Voided_Soul


    There should be no difference between powers for PvE to PvP.
    We all level our toons though PvE, we know how to play them stremgths & weaknesses via PvE.
    To implement a different system for PvP, and expect new players to come in, and then get wrecked because thier toon doesn't preform like its meant to, and expect that player to return for more is just plain stupid.
    Everyone knew how to cope before, breakfrees & greens for those that needed them. If you got beat on the old system, you either need different strategy, team make-up, or dare i say...practice.
    Just like in PvE all AT's should have a purpose, or should be able to find a purpose, and with the system they have in place its just not plausible.
    They want to fix it? Then they need to START with rolling it back, and build from there.
  22. Voided_Soul

    Boom crash!

    Too many (( ))'s .
    They should re-offer free server transfers, & make a seperate Pocket D only server. That should lighten the load a bit =D
  23. the real question should be.. when are they going to upgrade virtue from a hampster wheel powered server, c'mon we at least deserrve a hampster ball.
  24. Lag, rubberbanding, getting disconnected from mapserver on long loads into missions, wentworths & blackmarket doing that nice click 5 times to post, bid or receive.... yeah didn't see that coming...
    but if you send a ticket, its your settings, hardware, or connection =P
  25. One good thing about it being down is now i can at least stop getting the copy & paste responses from the tech department claiming its "my hardware, settings, or connection".
    Get to work monkeys!