2357 -
I'm looking forward to seeing what the store options are. I had put off buying the Steampunk pack because I'm mostly playing the COmpetition lately; maybe that's going to work out for me.
Looks like, and totally saw it coming.
Quote:The average PUG, without Incarnate abilities or strong Invention slotting, is completely wasting its time in any Incarnate content.
The devs have never locked players into a hard 'gear check' form of progression. The BAF and Lambda trials were tested for weeks without even having the Alpha level shift. -
It occurred to me as soon as I saw the piece that the meteors were probably the real story.
Quote:The groups I've been on have taken down Primal first, which prevents Praetorian from spawning clones. YMMV as to whether you prefer to deal with teleports or clones.
I see. So, the strategy is the defeat Praetorian Duray and any of his clones first before going to fight Primal Duray? Similar to fighting Trapdoor? -
Quote:Funny, I guessed what was going on in this one from the trailer.
I'd rather have this than a movie where you've guessed what happened and who did it 10 minutes into it.
Quote:For me, JJ Abrams = pass without pausing. No sale. -
Quote:Because people aren't going to go digging for real story arcs amidst mountains of farms. They're not going to spend time trying to get to the content through a ton of non-content. They don't want to deal with "tags" and they shouldn't have to.
Instead of going through and down rating farm arcs what about instead trying to start a grass-roots effort to make story arcs more accessible? -
Quote:Try "Psychophage" (#283197). It works, despite its numerous references to external works.
Maybe I've been terribly, terribly lucky, but I can't recall ever having to ditch an arc while thinking "man, that custom group was way too tough for me, my AT or anyone else except purpled-out Warshades!" -
Stop making excuses for a "filter" that is not only excessively strict, but gets triggered by file names that never appear to anyone but the author.
Quote:The way people are behaving in-game, for the most part it isn't. Finding a group for anything that doesn't involve the Incarnate system is at best an uphill battle.
The way you're talking here, NOTHING in the game other than Incarnate stuff is considered viable content anymore. -
Quote:That's not saying much....
That doesn't seem any less safe for work than my female avatars played by men in City of Heroes/Villains. -
Taking a cue from a member of the MA Arc Finder channel, who did the rewrite, Dominatrix?
So I can use them on whoever wrote the text for the "Ophelia's Last Scene" badge:
Quote:If you don't see the problem, read this. Or at least this.When Perez Park was still a place of safe recreation, Greek tragedies and the plays of Shakespeare were a common occurrence at the nearby open-air theater. In productions of Hamlet, it had become tradition for Ophelia's drowning scene to be played out in the waters of Everett Lake as Queen Gertrude stood on the dock, lamenting the death of her daughter. -
Quote:Can't do it.
That's where I'm having an issue. I can't get a lone boss to trigger for an ambush. I haven't been able to figure that out. -
Quote:Like all social "sciences" the field is rife with shoddy workmanship and junk science.
Uh, why? Do you think all psychologists are lying when they say that most people will respond in a similar way when given a certain stimulus?
Quote:And then you go on to ignore the rest of his post, which actually brings up a few good points. -
Quote:I trust psychology, as a field, slightly less than I would trust, say, a three-dollar bill.
No, psychological studies actually back this up, and it's pretty durn easy to test objectively.
Quote:I still think you're missing the point. Quote:Originally Posted by VentureFurthermore you have (evidently) not considered that while your underlying thesis (that instant gratification is bad) might be true, it is entirely possible that a) your adversary is not asking for instant gratification and b) the specific path the developers have taken in this case just might not have been such a good idea after all. -
Quote:Let me explain it to you then: it makes people feel that any time they spend playing that is not spent in trials is wasted. People also feel, with some historical justification, that if they don't, so to speak, "get on the bus" RITE NAO they're going to be left behind.
If, however, you run two trials per week over the course of less than four months, you get your shinies without that mind-numbing tedium. Why that's so difficult for people to get is beyond me.
You are attempting to argue that your subjective position on how the game is best enjoyed is superior to someone else's. The problems with this are left as an exercise for the reader. Furthermore you have (evidently) not considered that while your underlying thesis (that instant gratification is bad) might be true, it is entirely possible that a) your adversary is not asking for instant gratification and b) the specific path the developers have taken in this case just might not have been such a good idea after all. -
Quote:False dichotomy. One can argue for difficult objectives without necessarily settling for an MMO that voluntarily reduces 7 years of content to two encounters.
Here's a cool little experiment to try. Get a buddy who will humor you for a while and who will let you win at tic-tac-toe every game. Play it until you get bored and don't want to any more. How long did that take? Would you pay $15 a month to do that? Because people who complain about how "grindy" Incarnate stuff is should be careful what they wish for. -
The FX in this game appear to have been designed as if the initiating character is the only thing on the screen. This is so far from wrong it would take the light from wrong 2.3 years to reach it. FX need to be designed as if there are fifty characters on the screen all blazing away, because that's usually the case. As it currently stands, once there's more than 10 characters (counting mobs) on screen and fighting the game quickly turns into a Michael Bay movie where you can't see anything but FX. -
AFAIK buffs and debuffs have always been stripped coming out of AE missions. This is to avoid (e.g.) getting Confused in an AE mission then coming out and laying waste to other players.
There were no May entries because our arcs didn't work.
The only good thing I can say about what I've read of the new trial is that it should(*) end the Draco In Leather Pants bullcrap about Antimatter really being the "good" Praetor.
* but it won't -
"Why We Fight" chokes on "Webster", "Spikey Haired Cannibal Mutants", "Mutant Abomination", "LOLCat Girlz", "Mean Catgirl", "Angry Catgirl" and "Furious Catgirl".
"Splintered Shields" chokes on "Splinter", "Victor Praetorius" (a self-insert, I might add), and "Captain A. V. Livingston". -
I'm flashing back to this thread.
One of its conclusions: the devs broke it, the devs have to fix it. The community has already gone above and beyond on this.