Discussion: Announcing City of Heroes Freedom and Issue 21: Convergence!
Looks like, and totally saw it coming.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
I guess we know what today's Ustream chat will be about then
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.
Uh oh it is doooom!
*Redacted comments*
I'm uneasy about this.
Where to now?
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
The links go nowhere and nothing is on the official site. I call shenanigans!!

Revenue will increase (if we can compare it to nearly all other F2P transitions) and there will be a VIP only server to keep us separate from the types that flood these sorts of games.
Yeah, total DOOM.
Son, I am disappoint. However, the subscriber-only server thing is exactly what I said I'd want CoH to do if it went F2P, so if every paid player were to get free transfers there or something, I'm significantly less disappoint, because I can sit in my shiny penthouse and ignore the F2P slums.
Trying to go to http://www.coh.com/freedom redirects you to http://www.cityofheroes.com/en/news/..._overview.html, which is a 404, but it would appear that there's a framework in place for it.
Edit: There is now a working link to http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/fre..._overview.html
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
We're all extremely excited about finally being able to share this news with all of you. We've got LOTS of Community Events and information to share with everyone all week and over the coming months, starting with this morning's Ustream chat and all of the news going out all morning long.
You'll find interviews, announcements and all sorts of information, and of course we'll have it all gathered for you in one convenient location: http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/fre..._overview.html
As you'll hear us say a lot, this isn't Free to Play...This is Freedom .
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
All the folk you knew who had to give up the game because of the cost of the subscription can now come back... with all their stuff.
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I'm looking forward to seeing what the store options are. I had put off buying the Steampunk pack because I'm mostly playing the COmpetition lately; maybe that's going to work out for me.
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
Oh but hang on - NEW SHINY STUFF - now I am conflicted
Oh no, this was just posted 4 minutes ago on Facebook and I'll just copy over my response here: Dislike. This game is already worth paying for... I really hope the F2P players are kept off the main servers.
Unless they designate Virtue as the VIP server, or they allow me to transfer all my characters, and their SG/VGs to the VIP server, this does very little for me.
EDIT: VIPs get 1 free sever transfer per month. (And we'll see if more can be bought with Paragon Points).
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I am looking forward to seeing a bunch of people over the years that have left because they couldn't/didn't want to pay $15 per month. And it sounds like they're doing a lot to avoid pitfalls of other F2P games.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
Oh but hang on - NEW SHINY STUFF - now I am conflicted
http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/gam..._overview.html |

Let me just tell you, Time Manipulation is awwwweeesooooome.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
City of Heroes Freedom™will be launching later this year and will be the new name for City of Heroes®. City of Heroes Freedom redefines City of Heroes based on the cornerstones of content, rewards, and choice. With City of Heroes Freedom, you will get the freedom to play and pay as you choose. Join the future of City of Heroes in City of Heroes Freedom. Freedom is the future!
In City of Heroes Freedom, dive into new stories and features right away and enjoy more of them in the future. Freedom kicks off with a new free update, Issue 21: Convergence, and increases the pace of quality, high-energy content with regular new Issues, monthly signature story arcs, new weekly in-game store items, and high-level Incarnate Trials. Issue 21 packs in the First Ward co-op zone, gripped in mystical conflict, as well as the Time Manipulation Power Set, the IDF and Defense Costume Sets, and the Underground Incarnate Trial. Signature story arcs, free with VIP players' subscriptions, let you fight alongside iconic Heroes and Villains in story arcs that make a difference in the City of Heroes universe.
Current City of Heroes subscribers will continue as a VIP players in City of Heroes Freedom, gaining more features, services, and rewards in addition to what they have already received. Some rewards begin today, as all current City of Heroes subscribers will accrue 400 Paragon Points per month starting on their first billing cycle after July 1, 2011 . At the launch of City of Heroes Freedom, you will be able to use Paragon Points to purchase new costumes, Power Sets, and hundreds of new items from the in-game Paragon Market. The new Paragon Rewards program also rewards all levels of loyal players with new bonus content that you select, including exclusive rewards for VIP players.
Pay for the content and features that you want. Choose to play for free, or become a VIP player and command VIP service. With City of Heroes Freedom, you don't have to buy the game or pay a monthly fee to play. You can download the game and play for free for as long as you wish. If you upgrade to VIP player status, you will unlock a bounty of content and benefits. You can also buy a variety of content and services from a new in-game store.
We will be giving you more information on the above features over the next few monthsbut in the meantime, an overview of Issue 21: Convergence, as well as a City of Heroes Freedom fact page and a statement by Brian clayton, Executive Producer and General Manager at Paragon Studios and are available for you to peruse!
City of Heroes® Freedom FAQ
Q: Why is City of Heroes® moving to a hybrid model?
A: Simply stated, it's the right time. We've been planning this transition to Freedom for well over a year now. We believe this opportunity is the best way for us to provide more value to our devoted player base than ever before, as well as grow our leadership position in the super-powered hero online gaming space. Over the past few years, MMO players have been enthusiastically embracing "choice". By making the transition now, we're putting our stake in the ground as a leader in the industry, helping to define the future of the MMO gaming space.
Q: I am currently a subscriber to City of Heroes. What does this change mean for me?
A: All current City of Heroes subscribers will automatically be upgraded to VIP accounts when City of Heroes Freedom launches. When City of Heroes Freedom launches, you will continue to enjoy all of the subscription benefits and content you enjoy today, as well as brand-new exclusive rewards, features, and services. Additionally, beginning on July 1, 2011, you will earn 400 Paragon Points each month. When City of Heroes Freedom launches, you will become a VIP player, and you will start with a tidy sum of Paragon Points to spend in the new in-game Paragon Market.
Q: What are Paragon Points?
A: Paragon Points are a form of currency that you will use to purchase items and services from the Paragon Market. You can purchase Paragon Points through the Paragon Market or our partners. VIP players automatically get a 400 Paragon Point bonus per month as part of their subscription.
Q: What is the Paragon Market?
A: The Paragon Market is a new in-game store where you can purchase costumes, powers, items, and game services or features without ever having to leave the game.
Q: Will booster packs be available from the Paragon Market?
A: Super boosters and booster packs will no longer be available for sale when City of Heroes Freedom launches. The costumes, powers, emotes, and auras from super boosters and booster packs will be available for sale individually or as part of different bundles in the Paragon Market.
Q: What will happen to the game servers?
A: All 15 existing global servers will be available in City of Heroes Freedom. We are also adding a new server exclusively for VIPs.
Q: Will VIP players play with Free players?
[/b]A:[/b] Yes, although we have taken several steps to make sure that our VIPs have the choice for how they want to play, including creating a new VIP-only server.
Q: What happens to my Veteran Rewards? Will I continue to earn new Veteran Rewards?
A: We are replacing the Veteran Rewards with the Paragon Rewards program, a rewards program superior in every way with Veteran Rewards, to add new rewards, features, and choices. The Paragon Reward program unlocks new exclusive rewards on top of the existing Veteran Rewards. All subscribers keep their Veteran Rewards and badges, even if they choose to play for free. We will have more information to share about that in the coming months.
Q: What is the difference between a Reward Token and a Paragon Point?
A: Reward Tokens can be redeemed to unlock free in-game benefits. They are earned as part of your monthly VIP player subscription or as a bonus for purchasing Paragon Points. Paragon Points can be used to purchase items through the new in-game Paragon Market.
Q: What will happen with the issue game content system? Will there still be free issues?
A: City of Heroes Freedom lets Paragon Studios continue to support free issue launches and major seasonal events that expand the lore of the City of Heroes universe. City of Heroes Freedom will feature numerous free updates. In fact, we are inaugurating City of Heroes Freedom with a new issue, Issue 21: Convergence! We plan to share additional information about issues as launch day approaches.
Q: What new game content will we see when City of Heroes Freedom launches?
A: Issue 21: Convergence will launch alongside City of Heroes Freedom. Issue 21 packs in the First Ward co-op zone, gripped in mystical conflict, as well as the Time Manipulation Power Set, the IDF and Defense Costume Sets, the Underground Incarnate Trial, the new Seed of Hamidon zone event, and over 60 new missions.
Q: Are there any incentives to maintaining my subscription or reactivating my subscription before City of Heroes Freedom launches?
A: Current subscribers and former subscribers that reactivate their accounts earn 400 Paragon Points per month beginning July 1, 2011. Any active subscriber also earns Reward Tokens in our new Paragon Rewards program.
Q: What content will Free players receive?
A: A free player can achieve maximum character level (Level 50) in the game and can choose from among eight Archetypes (classes). Free players can create up to two characters (total) and play as Heroes in Paragon City™ or Villains in the Rogue Isles™. Free players can join in most Task Forces, Strike Forces, Trials, and raids. However, certain content and rewards are reserved for VIP players only.
Free players are restricted from certain systems within the game (alignment change, Day Jobs, Mission Architect, and so on), and they will not receive any live support unless they upgrade to VIP player status. They can still access self-help support. View the free player benefits in the Freedom player choice side-by-side comparison.
Q: What additional content will VIP players get?
A: A VIP player will enjoy the same benefits as a current City of Heroes subscriber and much more!
In addition to the regular Issue content updates, VIP players will receive new monthly Signature Story Arcs as well as full access to Incarnate Trials and Going Rogue expansion content. VIP players have high priority status in any server queues, access to live in-game support, and one free server transfer per month. VIP players also receive 400 Paragon Points each month and earn exclusive rewards in the Paragon Rewards program.
View the VIP player benefits in the Freedom player choice side-by-side comparison.
Q: If I am a subscriber now, what will happen to my account if I choose to become a free player when City of Heroes Freedom launches?
A: Current City of Heroes subscribers who choose to become Free players will retain access to tons of content, however some Issue content will be reserved for VIP players, including power sets, costume sets, etc. One notable difference is that Free players will be limited to two character slots total, plus any character slots directly purchased or earned through Veteran Rewards. All existing characters will be saved and reenabled if a player subscribes as a VIP player.
View the Free and Premium player benefits in the Freedom player choice side-by-side comparison.
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City of Heroes Freedom?
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.