Arc questions and advice
1) Part of the mission is supposed to be in Warburg, however, I can only find the one Warburg map in the MA (Unique-Outdoor-Warburg Malta Base). Are there any other Warburg maps?
The idea was for the first boss to spawn at the beginning of the map and run away from the player, but if I do that, the boss sees the player on entrance and begins attacking. Not an issue considering the boss is a LT. However, it doesn't mesh well with the story. I could make his defeat a requirement, but it would mean a slight reworking of the story. Is there a way to get him to spawn near the front of the map without being right on top of the player? |
The second boss was supposed to spawn at the back of the map, but for some reason keeps spawning just before the final warehouse door on top of the scaffolding to the left. Is there any way to get this guy to spawn in the back of the map? I have tried testing with different characters and this guy always spawns on that scaffolding. Could the locations be mislabeled in the AE or will I just never be able to get this guy to spawn properly in the back? |
I don't know if it interferes with the previous or not, but the collection I have continually spawns in the final room of the map, regardless of where I place it. I have tried placing it in Middle, Any, and Back. Could this map only have that single location for a collection? |
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I'm guessing you mean he's spawning at the front of the warehouse portion of the map, since if he's outside he'll spawn wherever. Looking at the map, there are two "middle" spawn points in the interior. Which one he spawns at is random. If you want him to run instead of attacking, I believe you need to set him to flee at full health and, if he is alone, either 0 or 1 minions remaining. (I haven't set up a running boss in a while, but in the early days the boss himself would count as a minion). I'm not entirely sure what the settings are if he is guarded.
And I did happen to see that there was only one collection allowed, just wasn't sure if that meant that was the only location for it or not.
Thanks for the answers Eva.
New question
I'm trying to script my second boss to say multiple lines in his dialogue, but using breaks doesn't seem to work. The text box in the editor will allow me to separate the dialogue using breaks, but it's not translating into the mission itself. Is there a way to do this or will it remain as a wall of text rather than a neat, divided block?
Actually he's spawning outside, which was the intent, but I suppose if he'll spawn wherever, then I should probably remove that portion so the player doesn't have the chance of being attacked at mission entrance.
And I did happen to see that there was only one collection allowed, just wasn't sure if that meant that was the only location for it or not. |
I'm trying to script my second boss to say multiple lines in his dialogue, but using breaks doesn't seem to work. The text box in the editor will allow me to separate the dialogue using breaks, but it's not translating into the mission itself. Is there a way to do this or will it remain as a wall of text rather than a neat, divided block?
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
That is odd, considering how many outdoor spawn points that map has. If you set him to spawn at "middle" though, then he will spawn inside the warehouse and not on top of the player's head.
I never realized how much work it takes to get these missions to play out right. It's a lot of repetition and little tweaks here and there to get things to unfold the way you want. Even then I've had to change how I wanted the first mission to go quite a few times to get around the limitations of the system.
Thanks for the help again, Eva.
I never realized how much work it takes to get these missions to play out right. It's a lot of repetition and little tweaks here and there to get things to unfold the way you want. Even then I've had to change how I wanted the first mission to go quite a few times to get around the limitations of the system.

I've sometimes had to juggle the front/middle/back at random, just to see what I can finally get to work (or not). I've even resorted to changing up the order of the events on the list. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure I heard/read that it does affect what happens where and when - and it seemed to help.
Like anything else, AE is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. If it wasn't fun to have the final thing done I'd have quit messing about with it by now.

Welcome to my world.
![]() I've sometimes had to juggle the front/middle/back at random, just to see what I can finally get to work (or not). I've even resorted to changing up the order of the events on the list. I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure I heard/read that it does affect what happens where and when - and it seemed to help. Like anything else, AE is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. If it wasn't fun to have the final thing done I'd have quit messing about with it by now. ![]() |
Now, for my next questions.
1) I'm looking for a specific map if anyone can assist me. It's the Longbow base map that has the submarine at the very back of it. I can't seem to find anything that looks like it from the maps in the Longbow set. And the unique Sea Base looks to be WAY too small.
2) I'd also like some story references for missions that take place villain-side in that map. Once again, I tried looking for specifics on ParagonWiki, but I haven't been able to find anything. Ran through the list of Vindicators and their encounters and nothing seems to pop up from the context. Nothing that sounds like it would occur in a submarine base anyway.
And finally...
3) Can Bane Spider 'Hugo' be found anywhere in the AE or is he one of the many encounters we cannot expand on? Looking in both the Rogue Arachnos and Arachnos sets results in no hits at all. Am I just missing him or is he not in there at all?
Once again, this AE noob would love an assist. Thanks in advance

1) I'm looking for a specific map if anyone can assist me. It's the Longbow base map that has the submarine at the very back of it. I can't seem to find anything that looks like it from the maps in the Longbow set. And the unique Sea Base looks to be WAY too small.
2) I'd also like some story references for missions that take place villain-side in that map. Once again, I tried looking for specifics on ParagonWiki, but I haven't been able to find anything. Ran through the list of Vindicators and their encounters and nothing seems to pop up from the context. Nothing that sounds like it would occur in a submarine base anyway. |
3) Can Bane Spider 'Hugo' be found anywhere in the AE or is he one of the many encounters we cannot expand on? Looking in both the Rogue Arachnos and Arachnos sets results in no hits at all. Am I just missing him or is he not in there at all? |
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I'm back again, this time with some more mechanics questions
I have an Event A that is the first event in a sequence. Once A is completed, B opens up, then C activates upon completion of B. Then, finally, D triggers after C is done. All are supposed to be required for completion, but for some reason, I keep getting a dependency error.
Also, is there a way to spawn a boss ambush? Not an ambush of bosses, but a single boss (i.e. a named boss from any villain group)? I've tried creating a villain group with the only entity being that specific boss, but the event fails to trigger.
I'm back again, this time with some more mechanics questions
![]() I have an Event A that is the first event in a sequence. Once A is completed, B opens up, then C activates upon completion of B. Then, finally, D triggers after C is done. All are supposed to be required for completion, but for some reason, I keep getting a dependency error. |
Try rearranging your objectives by dragging an objective to its new position on the list. Typically you want things to be in the order of A, B, C and then D.
Also, is there a way to spawn a boss ambush? Not an ambush of bosses, but a single boss (i.e. a named boss from any villain group)? I've tried creating a villain group with the only entity being that specific boss, but the event fails to trigger.
If you have to set the mission to empty you'll need to add patrols and/or bosses to prevent the map from being empty.
If you want a boss with no critters accompanying it you'll have to set accompanying group to Empty under standard critters. However from memory when I last used this you also had to have the mission's enemy group set to Empty too.
If you have to set the mission to empty you'll need to add patrols and/or bosses to prevent the map from being empty. |
Here's the idea:
I have an Escort that you meet in the back of the map, but when you get to him, a boss is supposed to ambush you.
That's where I'm having an issue. I can't get a lone boss to trigger for an ambush. I haven't been able to figure that out.
That's where I'm having an issue. I can't get a lone boss to trigger for an ambush. I haven't been able to figure that out. |
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
*Deleted due to the filter rendering that arc unplayable and unpublishable for using the words: Kheldian and Peacebringer.*
Arc is now republished. Took less time than I thought to get around the filter.
The entity called "The Tactician" is actually Gaussian from the Vanguard (named for his role in the group).
Once again, feedback is welcome, but do be gentle :P
Arc ID: 501183
Case of the Missing Transcended
*Edited to say that this arc is my first arc. It is still listed as WIP and has only been played once. This arc is NOT the one referred to in all the questions above. I just wanted to post it here for review and feedback to see where I need improvement.*
I'll likely give it a try soon. *writes down on list, moves it up* I am not harsh in comments at all, since I don't see myself as really all that. So, hopefully you'll hear from me soon on comments.
I'm not a good forum, in-depth reviewer. I know we all have different tastes... so probably keep it confined to Comment. Unless you want feedback here as well.
To: @CrimsonOriole
Let me state that I want to encourage people here, not the opposite.
I gave it a run with a Level 50 Alpha (+1) Villain (irrelevent) MM - settings +0/x5 (Bosses off)... he's usually able to handle some high punishment with ease and hopefully it helps I'm 81 months and been around the block.
Glaring Issues to me:
1) Dialogue seems to be written as to the character has little insight on Kheldians. At level 50, I personally find this odd. Most level 50s are very familiar with them by this time. Just a suggestion to reflect that.
2) I'm no expert on Kheldian lore, as some here may be... but I think some further research may be needed to see if some of your context is accurate.
3) Sun Storm's attitude implied "revenge" over "justice"... again, not an expert on this... but not sure that's in his character.
4) Suggestion for all missions - make Nav text more descriptive.
Example: Nav = "Joey Marcone" vs "Defeat Joey Marcone"
and in your case, if you keep it set at Entire Encounter Required
I'd suggest: "Defeat Joey Marcone and his boys" or something to that effect.
5) Careful of trying to use line breaks in NPC Dialogue (in missions) - results in them saying <br><br> out loud. (Vanguard Captive in particular here)
6) Final Map Custom Group - Suggest adding more for diversity. My recommendations are 3 Minions / 2 Lieutenants / 1 Boss minimum. It helps make each encounter more unique and less predictable when they occupy a full map.
Again, this is NOT my strong-point - giving a major break down of every little thing I would change, because I want authors to have their own unique style and I don't want everyone to be a copy of me or someone else.
My positive feedback:
1) It's a good start and a good premise and something to build off of.
2) Your customs are very nice looking and there are custom bios from what I seen.
Creating an outstanding, memorable arc with high replay value is going to take more time... if you're willing to put in the effort. Your foundation is good, but the building resting on it still needs polished (IMO).
Other suggestions: More unique encounters. Maybe add a little foreshadowing along the way.
Wish you luck!
I appreciate the feedback, Supa Troll. I knew it needed work, but I like seeing what needs to be worked on. I've learned quite a bit just from messing around with other arcs that I've started on, but I didn't use this knowledge to improve on what I had here. I wanted it to remain as close to the original script as possible so I knew what needed adjusting.
Sunstorm's dialogue needs some definite work and I have plenty of thoughts on how to improve on it, but I definitely appreciate the feedback on it. Vengeance was his motive in part of the story, but I'll have to agree with you in that it probably doesn't fit well with his existing character. And I will definitely do a little more research on Kheldians and some other entities in particular.
Diversity in the final group is something I had thought about, but I figured with them being a relatively new group, they wouldn't have diversified roles all that much. I have some ideas for other mobs to incorporate in the group, but I'll have to work at it to see if I can get it right.
Once again, thanks for the feedback and I'll update this thread to let you know when the second draft is up and running.
I don't Troll the bad way, do I?
Just wanted to chime in and say what I replied with are merely suggestions that I feel will most likely be shared by others.
Please, don't get discouraged (it's easy to do) by any feedback from me or others. Again, I feel you have a fresh, unique premise to build off of and some very nice looking customs... hopefully you'll build off the positives and let me know when you update it.
I don't Troll the bad way, do I?
![]() Just wanted to chime in and say what I replied with are merely suggestions that I feel will most likely be shared by others. Please, don't get discouraged (it's easy to do) by any feedback from me or others. Again, I feel you have a fresh, unique premise to build off of and some very nice looking customs... hopefully you'll build off the positives and let me know when you update it. PEACE! |

Hi everyone. I've been toying around with a lot of ideas for MA missions since the AE was released but have yet to complete one. I tend to jump from one idea to the next, but I have one idea that's been stuck for quite a while and I've decided to expand on it and actually create a complete story arc for it.
Now, for my questions.
1) Part of the mission is supposed to be in Warburg, however, I can only find the one Warburg map in the MA (Unique-Outdoor-Warburg Malta Base). Are there any other Warburg maps?
If not, I can work with what's there, but
2) I'm having issues with the spawns on this particular map. I have 2 bosses and a collection.
The idea was for the first boss to spawn at the beginning of the map and run away from the player, but if I do that, the boss sees the player on entrance and begins attacking. Not an issue considering the boss is a LT. However, it doesn't mesh well with the story. I could make his defeat a requirement, but it would mean a slight reworking of the story. Is there a way to get him to spawn near the front of the map without being right on top of the player?
The second boss was supposed to spawn at the back of the map, but for some reason keeps spawning just before the final warehouse door on top of the scaffolding to the left. Is there any way to get this guy to spawn in the back of the map? I have tried testing with different characters and this guy always spawns on that scaffolding. Could the locations be mislabeled in the AE or will I just never be able to get this guy to spawn properly in the back?
I don't know if it interferes with the previous or not, but the collection I have continually spawns in the final room of the map, regardless of where I place it. I have tried placing it in Middle, Any, and Back. Could this map only have that single location for a collection?
*Will pop back in for more questions as progress continues. Guaranteed