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  1. I missed it, anyone got any notes on what was discussed?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    It is a fine post, quite positive and "together."

    And I await Twitch TV tomorrow afternoon. Is that 1:30PM EST or PST?
    1:30pm Eastern, 10:30am Pacific
  3. Still a few things. Don't forget that Game Informer is looking for player stories

    Send them to webmaster@gameinformer.com, and use the header: Save CoH Effort - Article for Magazine (Oct Issue)

    Hopefully we can use this to get the word out further. Like others said, this is PR fluff. We did something to NCSoft and they're not liking it, at all. This just a tactic to deflate the Save CoH movement. I say make more noise, rattle those cages, to hell with shaking the pillars of Heaven, lets bring 'em down like the walls of Jericho.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HexGirl View Post
    If NCsoft doesn't want to play ball, than I would fully support a kickstarter for a brand new Hero MMO developed by the staff that we have come to respect and love. I would wait for a few years to have a new one if I knew it was coming.

    How do we get the Devs and other staff members to start their own company with their own IP/game/etc?
    Would love to see this, they would have whatever money I have to get this off the ground.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    I'm not sure, but it sounds like you're implying PA's integrity is compromised. So if GW2 is paying for ad space...
    They shouldn't be, PA just finished a kickstarter were the site will run ad free. If any the only ads you would see are for PA products like books, their card game, video game, and anything they worked on.
  6. Seems like it's a stab at our efforts to save the game. The message I get from it is "Don't bother, it's not worth saving." I'm hoping the blogpost will shed more details on the comic.
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 7. Mostly because at Comic-Con it was stated that this was more of an homage to the 80's Wolfman TMNT series vs the comic series. Heck they even have one of the 80s TMNT voice actors playing one of the Turtle's Voice. Donatello's VA did the voice to Raphael in the 80s series. If any it could do without the anime cliche's. The Teen Titan series did the same thing when it first started, and eventually it was either reduced or dropped and I'm hoping for the same thing with this series. So far the vibe I get with this one is a 'Year One' approach to the TMNT mythos. Past TMNT series had each Turtle already established in their roles. With this one you get to how they grow into that role vs. it being established from the get go. Will probably give it a few more episodes just to see how it goes.
  8. Action Comics was okay, Superman was average, nothing really spectacular about it. The Batman books were hit or miss, had no love for Batgirl, thought that Babs was better off as Oracle. JL was boring, Animal Man was good, Swamp Thing didn't bother, JL Dark was hit or miss. Everything else was just very forgettable.

    Overall the whole thing was just a bad experiment, in the fact that it was obvious that DC editorial was making everything up as they went along. Despite them saying that things were plotted in advance.
  9. DC posted a questionnaire on their Facebook page in regards to the Nu52 DC universe.


    Me, I personally want to see this abortion of continuity to end and never rear it's ugly head ever.
  10. Maybe it was a rumor started by someone in NCSoft to jumpstart their stock prices
  11. For anyone interested Hitstreak is on the CoH twitch TV stream right now.
  12. My local comic shop doesn't buy any comics. Only option he likes to give is ebay or online sites.
  13. I'm eager to see this game, played the original. Ah the fond memories, the frustration, the anger as squad members freaked out and shot members of their own unit in a blind panic, a grenade that comes out of no where and wipes out a whole unit. Yep, can't wait for the fun to begin.
  14. Unknown_User

    Quick update...

    That's mean dude, for a moment I thought Jack was back.
  15. At one point this game was only run by bareknuckles staff. I think it was around 16 people. So it was 16 people for a whole year producing new content and keeping the game running.
  16. Good-bye Mr. Belford and thank you for the awesome. Good fortune and good victory on your future endeavors.

    /e Salute
  17. As others said negotiations are still on going. From what's been said about them it seems the purpose of negotiations was never to have NCSoft flip the switch back on or reverse their decision, but to allow Paragon Studios to split from NCSoft and take the City of Heroes IP with them.
  18. Unknown_User

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    That one's good, but was thinking of this one
  19. Saw this on Kotaku, the original post had no sound and for some reason got taken down by animator. Now I see the reason why, so he could add music and SFX to it, takes it from awesome to kick-[censored] awesome.
  20. Unknown_User

    Good news all..

    Interesting, has me hopeful but at the same time till I hear something concrete I'll hold of on doing the dance of joy.
  21. Hoping for a miracle to happen, it's not over till it's over. Zwil you've been one of the best community reps out there, I put you up there with CuppaJo. I know that you're doing your job, and I thank you for doing it to the best of your ability with what tools you had. Also my prayers go out to the Paragon Studios dev team and I really hope you guys land on your feet.

    However, I will say this. NCSoft, go [censored] yourself, go [censored] long and hard with a splintery 2x4 set on fire wrapped with rusty barbed wire. This here has confirmed one thing, I will never, ever, ever touch a NCSoft product, ever. I'm sure the higher ups are saying it's only one guy, but go [censored] yourself NCSoft and you will never see my money, ever.
  22. Have to agree that it feels like they set that email just so the big 3 don't get flooded with things that don't pertain to the day-to-day business functions of NCSoft. We made enough noise to get their attention, but it looks like it caused NCSoft to direct us to go make that noise in the back alley away from the front door.
  23. Unknown_User

    Cap is president

    A link from the Washington Post reveals a plot point for Ultimate Marvel, but I think a few people saw this coming. Ultimate Captain America has become president of the USA due to some kind of obscure legal loophole. With this being the Ultimate universe Marvel might keep this running for as long as they can.
  24. 0 to none. So far the best chances of seeing this game survive and go on are the negotiations that are still going on between NCSoft and various members of Paragon Studios management.