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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    The level shifts, for me, have been inconsequential to everything except for Incarnate content and max difficulty runs. This is largely because I just increase my security level on all my toons that have a shift. So now, I fight at 50+2 instead of 50+1. The powers themselves are what pulls me through difficult situations.
    This is what I do, too. I ran all my 50s at +2 before Incarnates, which meant, in practice, I had to be able to at least handle +3s, because they would show up in missions. Now that my 50s are +1 full-time, I bumped the slider to +4 (meaning I'm really fighting +3s). That was possible since I was already built to handle +3s at least around 1/2 the time, and my actual Incarnate powers ensured I could do it full time.

    As an bonus, playing at the top of the level slider scale (+4) means I never have to worry about foes whose level varies within the mission, which actually tends to smooth my performance against any given critter faction.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Then they obviously didn't properly ask for player feedback. This was incredibly short-sighted on the development team's part and, if not Castle, someone else should have spoke up.
    I don't feel that way. I never inferred that "hypothetical 'Level 60' really meant +10 more functional combat levels. I mean, sure, it occurred to me that it might, back as far as that survey came out, but I never assumed that was for sure what it meant. And given that it actually occurred to me that they might mean +10 combat levels, there were specific reasons that I thought it might not.

    One, already discussed in this thread was the way the phrase was written. But it was really that in combination with the knowledge that the devs had several times referred to the Invention System as "alternate progress". That made apparent to me that they were open to means of character progress not tied to numerical level. There are clearly tiers of power one can build with Inventions, but they are complex and branching. With the way they used the phrase "Level 60", I foresaw that they might do something like that with what we now know as the Incarnate System.
  3. It's not meant to be like healing. There's no reason for it to be on par.

    It's its own mechanic that happens to also use the same enhancements. Don't let that fake you into thinking it needs to be "equal scale" with healing.

    We don't know what the magnitude of Absorb powers is going to be that the enhancements will be boosting, or how often we'll be able to apply them.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    I have made a spreadsheet to compare Core vs Radial
    Thanks for this. I downloaded a local copy to play with and plugged in my single-target Ice Blast attacks for a Corruptor. It looks like Corruptors are probably just below the break-even point where Core is better if you have a better damage scale and Radial is better if you have worse. Corruptor Ice Bolt gets more added average damage from Core, but Ice Blast and Bitter Ice Blast both get more from Radial. Given my single-target attack chain is Bolt, Blast, Bolt,BIB,repeat, I gain quite a lot more damage per cycle from Radial on the two larger attacks than I lose on two casts of Ice Bolt, so Radial wins handily.

    I also mucked around with the calculations to add in Synapse's proposed I24 PPM mechanics for Radial, just to see what it did. It caused Ice Bolt to be a bit worse with Radial and Ice Blast to be about the same between the two branches. Radial remained superior for BIB. (That's with 90+% recharge slotted in both Ice Blast and BIB.) Under those conditions, and given my attack chain, Core and Radial are almost equal in DPS contribution, with Core being slightly better.

    I think that I expect Core to work better with Ice Storm, and I don't want to have to build a new Assault come I24, I'll probably just go the Core route now.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
    The devs plan to patch that in the future into a mapwide zone power with 255 targets since sphere powers apparently have 16 target cap, even if this one is 5000ft. Just... dunno when they plan to do it, haha. Buy some Ultimate inspirations with Astral merits!
    I might be wrong, but I took his post to mean that 16 was the default. We have examples of sphere powers with 255 target caps. I'm guessing that's straightforward to modify. Well, as straightforward as anything is to modify in a production system.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Im just wondering if thats putting the benefit of one individual above the entire group. Im not trying to be snarky mean or exaggerating here, but are you letting your sense of fair play override necessity in a fairly difficult trial.
    Last night I was on a 23-man league with three masterminds who were asked to dismiss pets during that fight. We won handily after about 8 minutes.

    I am being guided by my sense of fair play here, but I don't think it's likely to cause much risk in doing so. Could it? Yes. If we have a league full of low DPS characters and MMs who can't add much, that's not smart. But I'll worry about crossing that bridge when I see it looming. I think there are fair odds the bug will be fixed before I need to worry about it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flitbit View Post
    I don't have Tactics on this build, but would Singularity benefit from it if I did? Or is it immune to the leadership aura? I know that mastermind pets do benefit, but since you can't heal Singularity I'm not sure if it benefits from leadership powers.
    He would benefit from them, as far as I know. He can't be healed because he has 100% resistance to heals. (I didn't know till I just looked that he has 100% resistance to Psi and Toxic damage, too.) Even if he had resistance to toHit modifers (which he doesn't), the buff from Tactics is irresistible.
  8. They do not. All set bonuses apply only to the character. Note that the special IOs found in pet sets like the +ref and +defense unique actually grant the character they're slotted in a power that has a large radius. That's not true of set bonuses, or really any other special IO bonuses.

    Procs, however, do work for pets if they are slotted in the pet's summon power.

    Edit: Just to be really specific, some effects can transfer from the caster to a summoned pet. This is what allows things like Build Up to work with powers like Rain of Fire, which is actually a pet-like entity. Set bonuses are basically passive powers that give you little buffs, and that may mean that the buff will transfer to a summoned pet. However, transferred effects like this honor the remaining duration of the buff on the pet. Set Bonus buffs are short-lived, being refreshed every 10s, so even if they transferred to a pet, they would go away shortly thereafter, and not be replaced.
  9. I would just ask them to dismiss their pets in the Tyrant fight only, apologetically (but briefly) explaining why and that hopefully no one will need to be asked that for much longer.

    I would not avoid them / fail to invite them.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    Guys, let it go. I appreciate your trying to help GuyPerfect. But it is not worth it, let it go. I have learned my lesson about asking stupid questions here.
    LA, it really wasn't a stupid question. Hopefully you don't feel like anyone is ragging on you, because I really don't think anyone is. The argument above may have been triggered by your question, but that isn't a reflection on your knowledge or even the question itself.

    In case I personally said anything that came across as a downer, in my initial response to you I may have come off as blunt, but it was only meant to be matter-of-fact.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    This is a palm face.
    This is text interactions meaning you missed how I would have said that sentence out loud and with what body language.

    Hint. It was dripping in sarcasm.
  12. I believe in one of the recent Massively interviews they said that, based on feedback, they were going to leave Ms. Liberty in both places. It's not perfectly clear from that this is a permanent state of affairs, but I would read it as "it might be". They also said they still had things in mind for BaB, which reinforced my interpretation that he wasn't necessarily going to become the Atlas trainer.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    I knew I was not losing my mind. Thanks I was beginning to doubt what I was told and previously read.
    You were never told what you said in your original post. That survey did not mention 10 level shifts.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    As much as you guys seem to like flaming someone who asks an innocent question, you probably won't like to hear that the OP was spot-on and each of you is dead wrong.
    I took that survey. Are you perhaps unfamiliar with the use of quotes (as in the typographical character, not the quote function of the forums) to indicate "so-called" or "by another name" designation? For example, calling a Kheldian in Dwarf from a "tank".

    The very quote you posted has quotes used in this way, in the phrase "hypothetical 'Level 60'".

    That does not and never did clearly indicate 10 level shifts. The offset of the phrase "Level 60" in quotes makes clear that it may be a kind of virtual progress, analogous to 10 additional levels, but not so identical with as to clearly indicate 10 additional combat levels. Any interpretation of it meaning 10 level shifts was an assumption on the part of the reader and nothing more.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    I checked them in the target window before sending them in. They were usually +5 or +6. If that's a fluke then so be it, but there were +5 and +6 pancakes on the ground a few seconds later. (-:
    Well, that's kind of interesting, because being dead should cause them to lose the buff no matter what.

    Depending on where you were relative to the buff source and the rest of the league, sending your pets in may have caused them to lose the buff. It pulses like auto and toggle powers, so it changes dynamically as the order of targets changes. So as your distance from the source changes, you might lose the buffs because you're now not one of the 16 closest targets.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    I was asking this to someone who might be in the know on the level shift and asked if the devs will still do the level 60(level shift) still? Basically was told at this point the idea was abandoned at this point. Of course this is possibly his opinion so I turn to the forums and ask does anyone know?
    There was never any dev statement that we would get 10 level shifts. All that was said in this vein was a comparison between the Incarnate system and progressing to level 60. Some folks interpreted that rather literally when we got the +1 level shift with the Alpha Slot.

    There are many undesirable things about letting us get such high level shifts. The most critical in my mind is the inability to use any version of the sidekick system with them. If that changes, then more shifts may be OK, but that then also undercuts some of the conceptual point behind the shifts to start with, so it seems possible that "Incarnate Sidekicking" will never come to pass.

    Barring iSidekicking, I expect maybe one more level shift.
  17. Did other people on your team get the badges for these GMs? Because if so, that's very strange. (I guess it's something of a familiar issue with Lusca, but I'd never heard of that before now.)

    Hurting the GMs at all will get you the 2 Reward Merits, but the badge has the damage threshold mentioned above.
  18. I've gotten 2-3 Rares and one VR. I think the rest were commons out of about 15 successes now. (Not meant to indicate I think those ratios are representative, I'm just mentioning that I have gotten "good" rewards" from the trial, so it's not completely broken, if broken at all.)
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    Oh great....MasterMinds are going to be banned from the Mag trials until this bug is fixed.
    Only by serious dunderheads.

    As Flea describes, they may be asked to dismiss their pets in the Tyrant fight (only), which I fully admit seriously limits what they bring to the table. However, that's just a work-around that will hopefully have a (very) limited lifespan.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I remember having to put "no blind invites, please" in my search notes. That's rather redundant these days.
    I'm one of those people who exists in a persistent state of /hide from searches, because I don't like blind invites. Sometimes, I turn it off, because I am doing something that being searchable is useful for, such as targeting for a Hamidon raid sub-group. (At least before leagues were added, people liked to use Search to find your character by name.)

    On occasion, I forget to turn /hide back on. And when I do, I am reminded of it because I still get blind invites. (Despite a search comment that says no blind invites. That's right, I am both hidden and have that in my search comments.)

    So, anecdotes are anecdotal and all, but I don't see what you're seeing.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Canine View Post
    So just losing APP/patron powers isn't an indication of being dropped to 50-3. In fact, if you'd been dropped to 50-3, you'd still have had access to your 47 power, and possibly the 49 as well if the system treated it like being exemped down.
    I'm pretty sure there's no relationship between negative level shifts and exemplar behavior. The Throw Quills power turns off access to Epic Pools as a direct effect of the power. Like most powers, Epic Pool powers have a short list of "disallowed modes" which let the devs turn them off, for things like Ouroboros challenge settings. Throw Quills uses this to disable them on targets it hits.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    There is at least some circumstance under which that's bugged. At least once that I noticed, for sure, I was debuffed from 50+3 to 50-3.
    Agreed. I have been debuffed by six levels. This is very noticable when fighting portals, which are "only" level 54. When double debuffed this way it becomes very difficult to hit the portals, and when you hit, you do piddly damage, because they are now +7 to you. It becomes pointless to attack Black Swan, since she is +10 under the same conditions.

    From my Ice/Dark Corruptor last night.

    06-05-2012 18:54:20 Your Ice Blast freezes Commander for 44.9 points of smashing damage!
    06-05-2012 18:54:20 Your Ice Blast freezes Commander for 70.16 points of cold damage!
    06-05-2012 19:05:06 Your Ice Blast freezes Shadow Rift for 46.31 points of smashing damage!
    06-05-2012 19:05:06 Your Ice Blast freezes Shadow Rift for 72.36 points of cold damage!
    06-05-2012 19:06:56 Black Swan impales you with the Quills of Jocas for 1.76 points of lethal damage!
    06-05-2012 19:07:10 Your Ice Blast freezes Shadow Rift for 8.16 points of smashing damage!
    06-05-2012 19:07:10 Your Ice Blast freezes Shadow Rift for 12.75 points of cold damage!
    That's not the degradation I expect for my target being +4.

    Note, the third damage entry above includes having activated Aim (which is probably the only reason I landed the shot), which for this character is a damage ratio increase of about 32%. Backing that out calculates that I would have dealt about 7% of my standard damage, which is pretty close to the expected 8% one deals to +7 targets.

    Edit: I am focusing on the portals, because Black Swan herself has powers that could create the behavior above without involving level shifts. For example, after using Quills of Jocas, she gains use of Barrier. The Portals have no such benefit, and have no level shifts of their own.

    Edit2: I looked, and "Throw Quills" doesn't apply any level debuffs. The implication is that Quills of Jocas is double stacking somehow.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
    Although isn't it interesting that with all those beefy hunks in Avengers, the one who seems to be causing the most fangirl swooning is Tom Hiddleston...
    Uh. That is not true of a single woman I know who saw that movie, either in real life or indirectly through things like CoH or just Facebook. And yes, I'm only counting the ones I know are actually women, thanks to things like Skype.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Also, nice try, but I was on light duty. They were +5s +6s before I sent them in, for just this very reason. Ol' bossypants still one- or two-shotted them with AoEs because the devs wanted him to have lulz epic aoezes. Ostracizing an entire archetype is no way to design a boss.
    That you point out that you were on light duty suggests to me that you are not aware of the actual mechanics involved, which makes me wonder if you know whether or not your pets were shifted the way you think they were. (Note that I don't mean that as a dig. The mechanics are obscure. I'm just pointing out that the problem may not be what you think it is.)

    Being near lights, being the person who takes one out, or anything of that sort has no bearing on whether you or any pet gets a level shift. They are given out by an entity that is not centered in the bowl, and presumably give them to the first closest 16 targets only.

    When this behavior is fixed, Tyrant will be +0 to you nearly full time. He's still a potent AV, but he should not be significantly more deadly for your henchmen than most +0 AVs. Indeed, because the rules for the level penalty your henchment get in iTrials is different than in other content, it may be easier for non-trial AVs to destroy them in general.