243 -
Dark Blast - 2 ACC, 3 DMG
Gloom - 2 DMG, 2 EndRed
Moonbeam - 2 DMG, 1 ACC, 1 EndRed
Tentacles - 1 ACC, 2 THDbf
Nightfall - 1 ACC
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I'd suggest dropping Moonbeam and slotting the remaining four attack powers 1 Acc/3 Dam and then add 1 End/1 Rech when you have free slots. If you add a 3 Recharge Tar Patch on top of that you should see some decent damage without making a new character.
Moonbeam, and other snipes, take too long to activate for the damage dealt IMO.
If you do make a new Defender and want solo damage then Rad/Sonic offers a good deal with both defense and offense. Psionic Blast does offer decent, unresisted damage until you encounter undead, robots or Carnies. -
if you don't do any damage to begin with?
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How have you slotted your attacks so far?
Are you using Tar Patch to increase your damage? -
Also, if you can, do the side mission to break another villain free before you enter the bank, the other villain will really help in taking down both the hero but also the security guards/police/longbow that the hero brings with him/her.
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As well as all the dangerous parking meters, crates and garbage bins that threaten your existence. -
It's part of how mission ambushes work, they go directly after the responsible player. Stalkers have a similar problem with Hide not working all that great against them.
Try putting your henchmen in Bodyguard mode (Defensive Follow, must be within Supremacy range) to help distribute the damage. You should be able to survive a lot better that way. -
Even so it is more like traps than devices in concept.
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1. a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, esp. a mechanical or electrical one.
Everything in the Devices set fits that (as does everything in both Traps sets). The Devices concept is not the same as the other Blaster secondaries.
Ingame (character creation) description of the set:
Devices are equipment that you have constructed for use in combat. By using them strategically, you can gain a great tactical advantage. Traps, non-lethal munitions, and demolitions are available in this power set
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Seems to me that having various traps is intended, as is having a Time Bomb or other high-explosive.
I dont like either btw.
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That still doesn't mean they are bad or underpowered powers or that Devices is underpowered.
I don't like playing with most Control sets as they don't fit my playstyle. I dislike playing Empathy, Spines are right out too and I can easily find other sets that I won't play. Does that mean all those are bad/underpowered and should be changed?
Don't mistake your own likes and dislikes for actual balance problems or concept failure. -
Devices needs planning and patiance to work the best, things you dont get in teams that often as most people tend to want to rush in a hit things rather than wait for a near insta kill plan.
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This is what BindW does not understand about the set (or Trip Mines + Time Bomb). It is not a set for the "Go. Go. Go. XP XPXPXP!" mentality, the requirement for patience is rewarded with a higher level of safety by eliminating opponents before they react.
Any discussion about who can kill the quickest IS about dps. Trip Mines and Time Bomb are not.
And Syn's version would be like bringing back the test version of Regen where you could heal during MoG. It is simply way too good. -
its not really pvp friendly at all because people arent as thick as the AI.
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Teleport Foe tends to help. And those you'd have problems teleporting you'd have problems hitting in the first place. -
Why not just give a Patron set that can do fire damage?
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Energy damage also works (unless you run into a bug that thinks it shouldn't). -
bombs and mines - did somebody say DPS very slowly? and by slwoly I mean ******* slowly
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If you think that Trip Mine and Time Bomb are about dps then you've sorely misunderstood their use. AoE Alpha Strike.
Set up enough and you can vaporize a +2 boss before he deals any damage to you (requires a pull method that doesn't let him shoot at you immedately).
Used wisely they're nearly enough to call /Devices overpowered for solo play. Almost zero risk (especially when combined with CD and Super Speed) and plenty of reward. The only balancing factor is the speed. -
At least there's a tiny glimmer of hope.
A 3 ToHit Buff Targeting Drone will rougly count as an Accuracy enhancement in targeted powers. It will not help Trip Mine, Time Bomb or Auto Turret.
also what are you going to use to touch off oil slick ?
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Bot Lasers FTW! -
Lose Photon Grenade unless you like to redraw your weapons.
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I was wondering wether it would be handy to have an AoE stun early on
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Low damage, low chance to stun, short duration. Overall, not worth the pick.
And if your planner is moving around slots/enhancements without you doing so (and placing illegal enhancements) then you should definately look for an upgrade. -
A few suggestions:
Lose Photon Grenade unless you like to redraw your weapons.
Get EMP Arrow at level 38.
If you lose PG and move Hover, Fly, Repair, Assault, Tactics and Group Fly up then you'll be able to fit in EMP Arrow at 38 without doing anything else. Slotting should be rearranged of course.
1 Fly slot too much in Group Fly, the increase you get from the 4th slot is not worth it.
Oil Slick Arrow should not take Damage Resistance, your planner may need updating.
3 To-Hit in Tactics if you're going to 4 slot it. Acc in general is overslotted when combined with 3 To-Hit Tactics, you should probably reallocate some of these to effect enhancements (Hold/-ToHit/etc.) while others could be put on powers that could use more slots.
As you're only level 7 now, don't plan too far ahead. It will only give you a skewed image of what you need right now. Try planning to level 30 or 40 and then hold off any further planning until level 20/22. -
Can't think of any good ones, but I'll toss in a few anyway.
Zombie Zusan
Griselda the Goth
Dark Dolores
Hideous Henrietta -
They get to be a pain to apply yes, but so does having to resummon and upgrade pets who have died because they had no shield.
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Probably the main reason to NOT skip the targeted bubbles.
You'll spend more time resummoning without them, which means less damage while fighting, which in turn leads to lower speed and more danger. You'll probably end up saving endurance by re-applying the shields as they drop. -
Yeah exactly, you cant be a good pvp blaster without energy,
[/ QUOTE ]Oh, the ignorance...
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Well, Havoc Punch + Thunder Strike probably doesn't hurt at all and the same can be said about multiple Trip Mines... -
Many apologies if that turned into a rant but this issue is one of my biggest niggles in game and so I may be a tad opinionated on it.
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I think many non-Empath Defenders have held that view for at least a short period of time. -
One thing to remember with /Dev is the Targeting Drone vs Build Up discussion. 3 Acc + TD will hit almost anything constantly but BU will help burst damage more.
If a /Dev Blaster wants burst damage then TeleMining seems to be the best it has to offer. -
If you already have Assault or Maneuvers then Tactics is an obvious choice. If you lack either prerequisite then you should count Tactics as two power picks.
If the choice is Tactics + ? then I'd go for Disruption Arrow. If it's the choice between Assault + Tactics or Disruption + Stealth then consider how much endurance you can spend on toggles.
In any case, try out some different specs on the Training Room (if you don't know how, look in the apropriate forum) before you use your respec on Live. -
Tankerminds are fun for PVP.. pickup the presance pool - taunt and taunt all the peeps going for your pets first while in BG mode
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Recommendation: Use AoE healing. -
Although: WS is one of the most fun, challenging and interesting archetypes, but before 32 (the pets ease is a little) it is almost un-soloable if build it like mentioned above.
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It's just as soloable as most Blaster builds if you keep a Nova focus. In fact, you'll probably be out-DPSing most Blasters at the same level. Whether that is enough depends on your playstyle. -
but i cant solo for love nor money, wether this is the case with blasters as a whole im not sure
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That depends on level, build, player skill, what you want to solo and "minimum acceptable solo speed/difficulty". -
Rad / NRG is going to be really annoying due to the anchors & knockback. I wouldn't go near it.
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I played that combo in the US beta to level 38. It was a better combo back then due to Lingering Radiation being perma out of the box.
Knockback + AoE -Speed/Recharge = Mobs never getting into melee and at most getting 2 attacks off before their defeat
I just wouldn't use the combo today with the current recharge of LR, RI is far more useful for defense. -
Over time the blast sets deal comparable damage if slotted equally.