Bots/TA a tad perplexed





Ive just started Robotics/Trick Arrow MM, a meer lvl 7 atm. My problem is i can't decide what TA powers to leave out, they all look abit fun.

Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Doctor Disruption
Level: 50
Archetype: Mastermind
Primary: Robotics
Secondary: Trick Arrow
01) --> Battle Drones==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(7)Acc(7)
01) --> Entangling Arrow==> Acc(1)
02) --> Flash Arrow==> Acc(2)TH_DeBuf(9)TH_DeBuf(34)
04) --> Glue Arrow==> Slow(4)Rechg(5)Slow(50)
06) --> Equip Robot==> TH_Buf(6)
08) --> Photon Grenade==> Acc(8)Acc(9)DisDur(34)Rechg(34)Rechg(46)
10) --> Ice Arrow==> Acc(10)Acc(11)Hold(11)Hold(19)Rechg(25)Rechg(25)
12) --> Protector Bots==> Acc(12)Acc(13)DefBuf(13)DefBuf(15)Dmg(15)EndRdx(17)
14) --> Hover==> Fly(14)Fly(37)EndRdx(43)
16) --> Poison Gas Arrow==> Rechg(16)Rechg(17)Slow(19)
18) --> Fly==> Fly(18)Fly(40)Fly(43)
20) --> Acid Arrow==> DefDeBuf(20)DefDeBuf(21)DefDeBuf(21)Rechg(23)Rechg(31)
22) --> Repair==> Rechg(22)Rechg(23)Rechg(33)
24) --> Assault==> EndRdx(24)EndRdx(42)
26) --> Assault Bot==> Acc(26)Dmg(27)Dmg(27)Dmg(29)Acc(29)
28) --> Disruption Arrow==> Rechg(28)Rechg(31)DmgRes(33)
30) --> Tactics==> Empty(30)EndRdx(31)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(43)
32) --> Upgrade Robot==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(40)
35) --> Oil Slick Arrow==> Rechg(35)Rechg(36)DefDeBuf(36)Slow(36)DmgRes(37)DmgRes(37)
38) --> Group Fly==> Fly(38)Fly(39)Fly(39)Fly(39)EndRdx(40)
41) --> Web Envelope==> Acc(41)Acc(42)
44) --> Scorpion Shield==> DefBuf(44)DefBuf(45)DefBuf(45)DmgRes(45)EndRdx(46)EndRdx(46)
47) --> Web Cocoon==> Acc(47)Hold(48)Hold(48)Rechg(48)Rechg(50)Acc(50)
49) --> Grant Invisibility==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Supremacy==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)

This is the plan atm, im not to confident as i dont have any TA experience and have spent little time as an MM, so any help losing powers and re-thinking enhancements would be appritiated.



A few suggestions:

Lose Photon Grenade unless you like to redraw your weapons.

Get EMP Arrow at level 38.

If you lose PG and move Hover, Fly, Repair, Assault, Tactics and Group Fly up then you'll be able to fit in EMP Arrow at 38 without doing anything else. Slotting should be rearranged of course.

1 Fly slot too much in Group Fly, the increase you get from the 4th slot is not worth it.

Oil Slick Arrow should not take Damage Resistance, your planner may need updating.

3 To-Hit in Tactics if you're going to 4 slot it. Acc in general is overslotted when combined with 3 To-Hit Tactics, you should probably reallocate some of these to effect enhancements (Hold/-ToHit/etc.) while others could be put on powers that could use more slots.

As you're only level 7 now, don't plan too far ahead. It will only give you a skewed image of what you need right now. Try planning to level 30 or 40 and then hold off any further planning until level 20/22.



You might find my TA guide here useful (it's for contollers, but a lot of things still apply).

I really should do something about this signature.



Lose Photon Grenade unless you like to redraw your weapons.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was wondering wether it would be handy to have an AoE stun early on as i don't think my protector bots get a stun till lvl 32, also i could direct it where necesary, but your right about the redraw swaping between the quite cool looking lazer gun and my bow and Vice versa would get frustrating. i think i may try without as it would be nice to get emp in and leadership earlier.

Group Fly==> Fly(38) Fly(39) Fly(39) Fly(39) EndRdx(40)

[/ QUOTE ] oops! i blame my hero planer (though im sure it was my fault), its always moving enhancements, i kee finding Acc ens in combat jumping.

on the subject of hero planers i thought i couldnt slot restistance debuffs, but i put more faith in the planer than myself.

I do look heavy on Acc, partly as i wasnt sure what to do with the some slots i have, i hate it when i think i have spare i prefer to be eager for one or two more. But i plan on a spot of pvp, am i over sloted with that in mind?

P.s yes i did over plan, i got exited and tad carried away , i will post a revised final build l8er, and scale some down for my own benifit based on this feed back.

@PRAF68- great guide it will be useful as what u say can be addapted/still aplies for MM's.

Cheers guys



Lose Photon Grenade unless you like to redraw your weapons.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was wondering wether it would be handy to have an AoE stun early on

[/ QUOTE ]
Low damage, low chance to stun, short duration. Overall, not worth the pick.

And if your planner is moving around slots/enhancements without you doing so (and placing illegal enhancements) then you should definately look for an upgrade.



flash arrow is 3.75% acc debuff IIRC
could maybe use those slots elsewere

also what are you going to use to touch off oil slick ?




Yeah, my hero planner that says it doesn't need updating said 20% debuff, sounded too good to be true and after seeing PRAF68's guide i new it was.

As for igniting the slick im tech origing so my origin power could do it, otherwise i have energy damage from my bots, and hear my assult bot has a flame thrower, if these don't prove effective i will have to grab pulse rifle busrt



also what are you going to use to touch off oil slick ?

[/ QUOTE ]
Bot Lasers FTW!



Bots will have no problem igniting the oil slick!

I really should do something about this signature.



Lvl 37 Robots/Ta here...

Get every single dooda Trick Archer power... they are all superb!

Redraw problems... I'd miss ALL of the Primary Attacks (THe laser beam gun thingy)... Damage is NOT an issue as a Trick Archer - with two -res debuffs and the mighty Oil Slick which kills minions to fast for my robots to even get at them.



... and loose fly and group fly and get teleport ally and teleport. It's a hell of a lot more useful.