Good names anyone?




Ok im making a necro/dark MM

The toon is female and i need a name,

if i dont have a name i like i cant stick with the toon ,

i dont know why i must be weird, i cant think of any names, or any good ones

can anybody think of any good names for my toon?
im having a namers block



Can't think of any good ones, but I'll toss in a few anyway.

Zombie Zusan
Griselda the Goth
Dark Dolores
Hideous Henrietta



If it was male, I'd go with "Neurotic Norville, the Necromantic Neurosurgeon of Nuneaton", but no good at naming female toons.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



How about Charna, from a Slavic word for "dark", which if you're after a slightly "comical" name you could have Charna L'Owse (charnel house being a vault for corpses, although not sure if the pronounciation of the name quite works).

Or Senka, from the Serbian for "shadow"?



Ooh sounds good :P

you lot much better at making names up than me



The Void Necromancer
The Dark Summoner
Dude with Dead
The Mistress of undeath
The Banshee Queen
The Lich Queen
The Black Rose

Ok im to tired to find anymore

(O.o )
(> < )
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I would suggest something with the wortd "Nox" in it since it´s latin for dark. Noxifer means the darkbringer in opposition to Lucifer that actually means the lightbringer.

Noxifer sounds rather masculine though byt you could try and integrate the word into a female name like Noxilia or something akin to that.



noxilia sounds like a disease if you ask me . Mine ones are called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... can you guess the rest?



Hm... female name... for necro/dark.. Hm...

Beautiful Death



noxilia sounds like a disease if you ask me . Mine ones are called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... can you guess the rest?

[/ QUOTE ]
ChristmasDay, EasterSunday and StPatricksDay?

All these Necro names are very angsty (something I'm also guilty of).

How about Little Fairy Princess or something similiar. A sweet lil girl who has 6 rotting corpses as buddies?

Or Little Scary Princess maybe.



The Dark Mistress
Lady Death Dealer
Bits N Pieces
Dark Radiance

Well thats my 5 Cents