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  1. Ellusive

    New to tanking


    Im new to tanking and i'm thinking of making one but not sure which primary and secondary to choose.
    I have my eye on stone or invun for primary
    stone or superstrength for secondary

    I dont know which ones are useless and which is good, but of the armours which one would you say has better resistance to things?

    I think if i get armour sorted ill easily be able to choose a secondary for myself

    And if its not too much too ask, maybe someone could show me a build on how to slot a tank, from whichever you suggest.

    Thank you
  2. i didnt want to make a new post so what would you say is the quickest type of controller to level when in a team?
  3. Ninjas or Mercs?

    My secondary is FF so is ninjas better or mercs better?

    Or which does the most damage or something to just help me to decide!
  4. Ok, i have decided to go for ice/ because it has some really nice powers in the set but i'm wondering what to choose for my secondary power so if you could give me any advice id be really grateful

    Thanks in advance
  5. Ellusive


    Ok thanks for the replies but after a [u]lot[u] of reading the posts and which brute suits me best and trying out different powersets ive decided to go for EM/EA

    But are there any powers that I should steer clear from if i will be in PvE mostly and mostly in a team? Could someone also write up a build guide for me please? I would like to know how to slot my char as I never really know how?

  6. Ellusive


    Ahhh yes sorry forgot to mention ill be mostly playing in team so i guess AoE attacks would be best any idea which is best ?????? ive never really had a brute before and want to make sure i get it right before getting high level and finding out its not that good after all
  7. Ellusive


    Actually.... hmmm... maybe i want electric/EA hmmm.... or elec/elec or dark/elec hmmmm... confused... well any suggestions pleeeeeeeease
  8. Ellusive


    i want to make a dark/EA brute and i was wondering if anybody could give me some tips or just opinions about it and maybe post a guide to show me how to slot it as i usually go wrong
  9. Ok ty evrybody

    I made a necro mm
    and a thugs mm

    thhink i like thugs better but not sure which secondary to have

    ive got my eye on dark or traps. What dya think?
  10. ok thanks although i have no idea what a george Romero movie is. I probably do i just dont know ive seen one
  11. So, in your opinion which is better

    Necro Masterminds
    Thug Masterminds

    Thank you
  12. Ooh sounds good :P

    you lot much better at making names up than me
  13. Ok im making a necro/dark MM

    The toon is female and i need a name,

    if i dont have a name i like i cant stick with the toon ,

    i dont know why i must be weird, i cant think of any names, or any good ones

    can anybody think of any good names for my toon?
    im having a namers block
  14. I have a [color=blue]robotics/traps [color=orange]MM [color=black]and i want to be good in [color=purple]PVP [color=black]so does anybody
    know what [color=green]build [color=black]i should be going by to be good in [color=purple]PVP? [color=black]

    maybe someone could tell me or show me a [color=green]build[color=black] or make me a [color=green]build

    [color=brown]P.S i cant download any hero/villain builder downloads, not allowed, and computer doesnt let it
  15. Ahh well me just see how it goes, but robots is looking good to me Ooo so many to choose from
  16. Ok. I dont think ill get it as I let my pets do all the work Thanks.
  17. Ellusive


    Ahh so taking leadership wont be a waste, Ill take it and if i dont like it i can always respec
  18. Ellusive


    I have mercs/traps, would it be a waste to get leadership, with that sort of powers?
  19. Hmm yeah, my computer doesnt like downloading stuff like that, and also im not allowed to.
  20. Ive been looking for a Mercs/Traps build for some time now, but cant find any. Anyone got one, or know where i can get one?
