So, in your opinion...
They are both better than each other.
ok which is funner then?
Necro, if only for Soul Extraction.
I have both with a /Dark secondary on both of them. They're both fun but the zombies do tend to be terminally stupid and run off to aggro everything in the room. Thugs at least tend to stick together and blast away making my job a lot easier.
Zombies are kind of more amusing, just for the fun of ordering the undead around and watching them shuffling off to eat some poor miscreant. The fact that they occasionally call "BRAINS....!!!" too is just hilarious and makes me feel like I'm in a George Romero movie.
I'd say try both up to at least level 12 and see how you feel about them. Thugs have less appeal in my book but tend to work better with /Dark as a secondary IMHO.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

ok which is funner then?
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably Necro...
Although Gang War is always fun.
ok thanks although i have no idea what a george Romero movie is. I probably do i just dont know ive seen one
Ok ty evrybody
I made a necro mm
and a thugs mm
thhink i like thugs better but not sure which secondary to have
ive got my eye on dark or traps. What dya think?
Go for Dark is my opinion. I like it a lot better and it acutally has a teamheal.
I have one of each
My necro/poison mastermind was so easy to play it was almost ridiculous. Your pets have access to most of the dark set of control/damage powers so they can hold/fear/heal/etc. My MM's poison secondary gave her holds and heals to supplement the pets and to cap it all she has a set of debuffs too. Being able to heal your pets and having pets that heal each other makes you a very strong force to be reckoned with in PvE, no idea about PvP, never tried that but strong pets could be disastrous if turned against you! You can push your dark pets around if they get in your way.
The thugs mastermind is a completely different kettle of fish. They have no holds but get the occasional stun in. You'll have an arsonist who is the kamikaze of the team, typical fire blaster! Until you get to lvl 32 and can give your thugs something useful to fight with it'll be a bit of s struggle, certainly more of a challenge than the necro set. For some reason you can't push thugs around so if they stand in a doorway you'll have to find some other way to get past or get them to move. There's a total lack of respect from those thugs I think
It's all down to your personal play style really. I like masterminds and could quite easily have half a dozen (if I had the slots free). My favourite so far has been the necro/poison, it's a sight to behold as they tear into a group of mobs.
Dark definatly. Got Dark with my Thugs and at lvl 38 it's great fun. Got Traps on my Bots MM and at 22 and am still waiting for a great Traps power to appear
Its not really that traps (or any other) has lousy powers, its more that Dark has too strong powers
And dispite all the massive issues with mercs and TA, that set remains my favo.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
TA is an awesome debuff set. The highest -res, nearly every power is perma, some control..... TA is tanfastic. Playing it on my troller has put me off playing it on a brute, and I'm now doing merc/Dark cause I want an offensive combo. If my Troller had hit 50 now and I was still leveling my Necro/Dark my mercs would be /TA
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
For troller/defender its one of the best set, for MM's.. lets say a Top 10 best secondairies, it would be place 10
But once most issues are fixed by devs, it would be a good killer.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I tried a robot/TA, but the robot noises put me off. It seemed less annoying to me than FF, but then I cant play a buffer to save my teams lives (would have said to save my life but am fine with self buffs)
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
So, in your opinion which is better
Necro Masterminds
Thug Masterminds
Thank you