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  1. TheUnnamedOne

    Demo Playing?

    Originally Posted by MTS View Post

    cityofheroes.exe -demoplay filename

    not work anymore?

    I don't recall being able to play demos directly with the old launcher either, but the above has always worked fine for me.
    That's still the method to do it. You just launch cityofheroes.exe directly with the -demoplay switch just like you always used to. I just used it the other day.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
    Basically for a PvP stalker just make sure to throw sharks, hibernate, and phase shift mostly because those will be your bread and butter abilities.
    PVP sounds like so much fun these days...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
    The 120 second global IOs were recently changed. They used to work for as long as the toggle was active, and for 120 seconds after it was detoggled, with retoggles refreshing. Now they'll last as long as the toggle is up, but drop as soon as the toggle drops. If put into click power they'll last for 120 seconds after each click (with repeated clicks refreshing rather than stacking) and last forever if in an auto power.
    One caveat to this is that the 120 second globals will still stack for 120 seconds every time you zone if it's in a toggle. Not sure if all of the stacked buffs will drop if you untoggle, but I doubt it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    The global channels eventually fill up with inactive accounts and people start a NEW version of the channel and all the active accounts migrate over to the new one. You need to get the names of the global channels that are currently active for your server.
    While this is good advice, it's not necessary to create a new channel if they fill up. From what I understand, a quick petition to the GMs from the channel owner can get the channel limit raised fairly quickly.
  5. If you use the Global Channel Search feature it shows you how many people are joined to each channel. Just search for the most populated one with "Freedom" in the name and I'll bet you'll be able to find plenty of stuff to do when using that channel instead of broadcasts.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    It's not repeatable (on the same character) but I got enough zone exploration accolades on my level 2 to get 50 RMs, thus an Alignment Merit. (OK, 11 RMs were from vet badges.) Which I could have used for ... a wing recipe. At level 7 I rolled 5 randoms for 150 or 200 million inf worth of stuff. I went zone by zone in increasing order of level and I didn't die till Independence port.

    You'll get really good at jetpacking from badge to badge in a leisurely manner.
    If you made a Stalker, you could do this Villain-side and have 150' Stealth and easier access to buy a JetPack in Grandville along with a really easy way to get there with the Helicopter in Mercy Island. I count 8 regular zones and one hazard zone for a total of 45 Merits. That means it would work as long as you had the 60 Month "City Traveler" Veteran reward that grants 5 Merits.

    Also, what is a "Wing Recipe"??
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Yeah, I hate to ride on someone else's coattails though, so I'd want to do the fighting myself.
    You could get another account and do it all yourself. Your High-level farmer could spend his/her Tickets on Rare Salvage that you need for high level IOs and let the lowbie get the level 10 stuff with his/her tickets.

    Are there really any Gold-List recipes that are that useful at level 10 for this to be worthwhile or is it just a concept test to see how best to do it?


    For a Level 10 AE Farming Character (using Fire-based enemies), you could try an Electrical Melee/Fiery Aura Brute. By level 10 you could get a single-target attack (that has a chance to restore a small amount of End), a cone attack, a PBAOE attack and Build Up along with one Resist Shield, a Heal and Temperature Protection Resists. With level 10 IOs you'd end up with about 25% S/L Resist, 49% Fire Resist, 4 slotted Single Target and Cone attacks (Rech, End, 2x Dam?) with 3 slotted PBAOE attack (End, 2x Dam?) and a 25% Heal every 40 seconds.

    If you make sure you play the right origin (Mutant or Natural I think) you could use the special Level 10 Single-Origin Damage enhancements from Mr. Yin's Market in Faultline if you have another character who can purchase them for your lowbie. These things REALLY make it easy for a low-level character since everything you fight at level 10 is created around expecting you to have only a couple lowly Training Enhancements.
  8. The Soulbound Allegiance recharge issue is because when Purple Sets were introduced in Issue 11 there were no "Recharge Intensive Pet" recipes yet and all those Controllers and Dominators had been yelling about not being able to enhance the recharge of their pets since the Pet Recipe IO Sets were released in Issue 9 without any provisions for Pet Recipes to enhance Recharge of Controller/Dominator pets.

    Unfortunately, when Recharge Intensive Pets came out in Issue 13, they didn't add a non-Recharge-focused Pet Damage Purple Set to balance out the existing Recharge-focused Soulbound Allegiance set.

    The only Purple Pet recipe I use on any of my Masterminds is the Chance for Build-Up proc. Usually on the lowest pets since all three of them get a chance to proc on any of their attacks.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Because Ninja Run and Beast Run are classed as temp powers. All temp powers are disabled for the duration of the Incarnate Trials. I don't see that changing with future Incarnate Trials.
    Is there really that much need for Travel Powers though? I haven't tried it yet but I haven't seen the need for Temp Travel Powers on "Master Of" Task Force runs besides it being slightly annoying getting from place to place.
  10. TheUnnamedOne


    In my experience, it seems like the people who have the most trouble with Trapdoor are the ones that don't know they're supposed to take out the Bifurcations.

    I must have helped at least a dozen people defeat Trapdoor who completely freak that he goes down so easily when we defeat the Bifs as they appear.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    Well whatever the true reason is, I wish the devs would give us the answer. I'd really like to know why it's like this.
    Most likely it's a case of the Category the Costume Change power fits into.

    Costume Code Powers likely fit into the same category as other Temp Powers that change your character's object model. Things like the Freakshow Disguise temp power, Arachnos Disguise temp power, Midnight Visage temp power and Halloween Costumes. Not sure exactly which ones work and which don't. These powers likely have an exclusion effect for other powers such as Granite and the entire "Costume Change" category powers and the "Self-Stealth" category of powers as well.

    Some of these Costume Change powers have a Stealth Effect boost. All of the earliest Costume Change powers had a self-Stealth effect so likely the whole category of these powers are mutually exclusive with anything else in the same category or other powers that have an exclusion for this entire "Costume Power" category, like self-Stealth powers.

    The thing the Devs would have to do to fix all this would be to make a couple new power categories like "Costume Change Powers" and "Stealth Costume Powers" and then re-categorize EVERY current "Costume Change" power and EVERY Self-Stealth power to exclude the proper sets of other power categories and then test all the changes and combinations.

    That in itself doesn't seem like a huge amount of work, but it is fairly significant and with any radical power changes like these, they'd have to weigh the Risk vs. Rewards in the decision to do this. The Risk is that they could easily bork up a large number of critical powers (people that choose self-Stealth powers tend to really RELY on those self-Stealth powers and an entire AT is based around them) and also possibly open up a fair amount of Stealth-related exploits if they messed up when they made the changes. The Reward is that a few people could use their Costume Change powers with Self-Stealth effects. I'm guessing that outside of Halloween Trick or Treating, that would be a TINY amount of players in relation to the amount of people that might get broken or take advantage of any Stealth exploits that may result from this.

    Not an official or very palatable answer from your part, but I can understand their reluctance to make the changes needed to fix this.
  12. Since I'm usually more focused on Form over Function I still find myself sticking to themes and pick whatever Epic Pool works best with that.

    My Fire/Fire Brute took Pyre Mastery
    My Robot/Dark MasterMind took Soul Mastery
    My Elec/Elec Dominator took Mu Mastery (just wish I could change the color!)
    My Demon/Thermal Mastermind took Chill Mastery (to somewhat match the Fire/Ice theme of the Demons)

    My Mind/Energy Dominator on the other hand, took Ice Mastery simply for the function of Sleet, Frozen Armor and Ice Storm.

    Since VEATs don't really count in this, my Villains that have Epics so far are 2 for PPPs, and 2 for APPs. My SS/WP Brute is probably going to go with the Toggle/Auto powers from Energy Mastery though to maintain her concept so that'll 2 PPPs, 3 APPs.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gruumch View Post
    but I plan on taking Mace Mastery on my 38 Bane when I get there.
    That's a good plan because VEATs only have access to the PPPs.
  14. TheUnnamedOne

    Soloing Trapdoor

    An interesting thing happened with my Mind/Energy Dominator while fighting Trapdoor.

    I used Confuse to keep him docile while I attacked him. I have no idea if it prevented his regen or not as I wasn't really paying attention to that, I just killed his Bifs as they appeared and kept using Confuse on him. I must have queued up a final Confuse right after the ranged Energy Blast went off that defeated him and the Confuse took effect AFTER he got defeated and "turned blue". Since he was considered an "Ally NPC" upon being defeated, when my Confuse landed, he became aggressive again and started attacking me even though I was not able to attack him back.

    I was able to click on him and start his "After Being Defeated" conversation however and he continued to attack me throughout the entire process of clicking through his conversation tree. By the time I got done and the "Mission Complete" button popped up, he almost killed me. I have a pretty long-lasting Confuse.
  15. You can get recipes of any level you want with Hero/Villain Merits in Fort Trident/The Crucible if you use the level slider when buying specific recipes. If you choose the Random 5 Recipe rolls for 1 Merit, you can choose the level range of the recipes you get, but the recipes will actually be your own level or the max level of the recipe, whichever is lower.

    For AE Ticket rolls, if you have your level 10 join an AE farm lead by a good farming character, you can get tickets at a really nice pace. That's likely the least painful and quickest way to do what you're trying to do.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    1. If you want to pull, Dark Blast works well enough. You don't need a snipe to pull.
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I don't know if the Stalker Moonbeam works exactly like the blast set version, but, Interruption Reduction enhancers does wonders for the power. It enables me to use it even while in melee chaos. Also, with the Interrupt Reduction, you can start moving before the animation completes and it still goes off.
    The way that Sniper Powers work in the game is that they do their "To Hit" check at the end of the Interrupt Time NOT when the power fires. No matter what else happens in the game after the interrupt countdown timer reaches "0", whether you get knocked down, held, feared, confused, stunned, the enemy goes out of range or you even lose Line of Sight, the Sniper Power WILL go off.

    There's some really interesting things that can be done with pulling using Snipe, Hide and the Interrupt reduction and Range increase you get with a Snipe IO Set. The Hide part may be situational though as I haven't used this with my DM/Nin Stalker yet.

    With a set of 5 Sting of the Manticore Moonbeam get a Cast time of 7.33, an Interrupt Time of just under 4 seconds, and a range of almost 170. You can start Moonbeam, wait 4 seconds and then MOVE for 3.33 seconds until the power Fires. When you can be almost 200 feet from your enemy and also he can't even see you, when that Moonbeam finally hits, odds are good that your targeted enemy is the only one that notices you, even if he is in a group.

    I've done some incredible pulls with this method even being able to pluck AVs out of their surrounding group. It makes single-pulling on the STF a breeze and single-pulling on the LRSF somewhat reliable without any other mitigation.

    Of course, this isn't quite so useful on a solo Stalker so you may or may not need to be able to do those kind of things. Being able to pull an EB out from his group with a nice large hit and still being able to hide in order to kick off an AS by the time he does get to you while still having Placate ready sounds like a very useful tool for even a solo Stalker though.

    I'm eager to see how I can work this on a Stalker and how it compares to my Energy/Devices Blaster who is an absolute master at pulling.
  17. Rikti Soldier bosses are one of the only things I ever notice that slows down my lvl 50 Broadsword Scrapper. Otherwise he just plows through most things pretty quickly. With AS and Build Up, Ninja Blade shouldn't be much different.

    I've noticed other things that do this too before but they aren't common enough that I remember what they were. Or they were things like Malta OpEng Gun Drones but those aren't dangerous at all, just an annoyance that takes longer to get rid of.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    You can't put slow sets in an invuln taunt aura. *blank stare*
    Boy, I'm just making mistakes left and right here... I thought I was replying to the OP who was talking about Chilling Embrace, the Ice Tanker aura. I didn't realize we tangented.

    Everyone point and laugh at TUO, He's wrong again!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    Why don't I have any .ogg files or those directories on my machine?
    You won't have any of those files or folders unless you have manually created them or installed some kind of player-made customization program to City of Heroes that creates them.

    They're not part of a regular installation and everything in this post is completely unsupported by NCSoft/Paragon Studios.
  20. Ah, good point, I forgot about those things.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    But it's this particular one, because it's the only possible one that could even be there. lol
    That's not right. Impeded Swiftness (level 10-30 Slow Set) has a Smashing Damage Proc in the set.
    That's great, but those aren't slottable in this power...
    Who said anything about 6 procs in it?...
    My bad, I didn't realize Chilling Embrace was not a Damage Aura which do take the Procs I was talking about and you can get 5 of them (4 Dam, 1 -Res) in them if you're so inclined. 6 if you're using Mud Pots (5 Dam, 1 -Res).

    I agree though, they should allow Taunt sets in those powers again if they haven't already done so. Mids doesn't show them as available but I'd be surprised if they managed to sneak that by everyone that uses Mids and the Mids developers. They're pretty quick to update Mids with changes to powers.
  22. TheUnnamedOne

    Odd sound effect

    Originally Posted by Katze View Post
    Same thing happens with other buffs (Hasten and Accelerate metabolism as examples) and pseudo-pets. My tar patch gets a nice Hasten glow in the middle of it on one of my characters, and on another character my Ice Patch gets Accelerate Metabolism ( as well as the Secondary mutation now ).
    Ah, yeah, that makes sense. It's probably a side effect of them fixing pseudo-pets to inherit buffs (especially Acc and Dam) of the owner. My Devices Blaster's Gun Drone inherits any Inspiration or click-buff powers that he has running when casting the drone and it used to also have the Hasten glow but I think it doesn't get that anymore.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ethyn View Post
    Yeah that is what I was afraid of. I'm level 27 now and it has taken me 6 years (off and on play) to get that far, starting over now is not an option. Thanks for the response!
    Make friends with someone who can PowerLevel you in AE. You could make a new Technology DP Blaster and be level 27 in an hour or two and never leave Atlas Park.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    ...And I'm pretty sure the rejection notice when trying to enter a base specifically said that CoV was required. It happened to me before I finally upgraded... but I can't provide the exact wording.
    Odds are the exact text is still buried somewhere in the game's client-side files. They almost never take anything OUT of them, they just add new stuff and don't ever reference the older stuff anymore.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    That's what I thought too. I have an Invul Tanker that has the Proc in her Aura and I love it, but that's only because it's grandfathered in. If I ever respec that build, I wont be able to keep it.
    What's so special about having that particular proc in your aura? Because it's really cheap and it's Psi damage?

    There's three other normal (20% chance for 72 damage) procs in the PBAOE sets (Eradication, Scirocco's Dervish, Obliteration) as well as the Purple (33% chance for 107 damage) proc (Armageddon) and then you also have the PVP Resist (20% chance for -20% resist) one (Fury of the Gladiator) as well.

    You need an aura power 6-slotted with only Procs in it?