Soul Mastery: Moonbeam (request for clarification)




I've come up against a contradiction in documentation on the Soul Mastery attack powers for Stalkers, Dark Blast and Moonbeam, between what can be found in the City of Data repository and the v1.920 of Mids'. If anyone actually has either (or both) of these powers on their Stalkers, could you be so kind as to check the in-game data provided on the enhancement slotting screen and share it here?

Specifically, what interests me is that the City of Data entry for Moonbeam (and Dark Blast too for that matter) shows that both of these two attacks do extra damage when Hidden. What I would like confirmed is if Moonbeam specifically delivers a damage burst from Hidden status that looks like it ought to rival the damage throughput of almost any primary powerset's Assassination Strike.

A lot of what I've read concerning the tradeoffs between Moonbeam and Dark Blast have to do with whether or not either of these attacks can be used as part of a regular attack chain, mixed in with the Primary attack powers. In such an analysis, the answer is (somewhat obviously) Dark Blast, because of its fast cycle time and quick animation speed. But that neglects the potential of Moonbeam when used as an alpha strike, from Hidden status, as an extreme range Assassination Strike. To be sure, sitting back at extreme range, doing nothing but Moonbeam, would be a hideous waste of damage potential over time ... but when used as a single shot opening gambit? The calculus changes when thinking of Moonbeam as an additional Assassination Strike which can be safely launched from Hidden status even while standing next to the target.

Using Moonbeam as an Opening Attack from Hidden status leaves your Placate and Assassination Strike in reserve for immediate use after completing Moonbeam, if "sniping" at melee range to your $Target. And under most circumstances where you (the Stalker) have the initiative and can choose when to begin combat on your own terms (such as when soloing), being able to (Hidden) Moonbeam --> Placate --> Assassin Strike as an opening attack gambit on unaware mobs could prove to be a decisive advantage when dealing with either a single tough Boss that you want to dispatch quickly ... or a pair of Lieutenants in close proximity to each other that you want to defeat in a hurry.

And this is also not counting the possibilities of Corner Pulling at long range, where forcing a mob to come to you (thanks to terrain blocking Line of Sight) might require them to take upwards of 8 seconds to arrive at your location, in which case you will have re-entered Hide just in time for them to round the corner and meet your Assassin Strike ... and you'd still have Placate in your back pocket for dealing with anything else in the spawn group.

Bottom line ... if you're trying to work Dark Blast/Moonbeam into your in-combat attack chain ... go for Dark Blast. If instead you want a second (ranged) Assassination Strike ... consider Moonbeam.

And for those of us who live and die by reaching the Defense Softcap, a 6-slot Extreme Measures (sniper set) in Moonbeam is not to be dismissed lightly, if you're close but not quite there yet on your build.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Yes, they critical when hidden.

Moonbeam does about 250 damage less than AS, assuming ED slotting and no Build Up. Using Moonbeam > Placate > AS will work fine, provided you don't mind the six second interrupt on Moonbeam; you almost certainly have faster ways to achieve similar results.



The last time I tried a Stalker Snipe is about 2 years ago or could be longer?

I remember the damage is kinda low for the amount of time you spend on casting. If you use Build Up, you literally waste at least 7-8s for just one snipe.

I remember the damage isn't even that good with critical.

It is just very terrible IMO because even if you don't want to open the battle with Assassin Strike, you get way better dps by just cycling through all your attacks.

I think I have more problem with the damage part of it. I can't remember how much but it is quite low because Stalker's range damage modifier is only 0.6? I mean I can see some squishies trying to open the battle with a burst snipe but stalker has defensive secondary to withstand some aggro.

I don't understand why you would "need" Stalker Snipe because:

1. If you want to pull, Dark Blast works well enough. You don't need a snipe to pull.

2. You need a range attack to finish off a runner? Dark Blast is way faster.

3. You need a good burst damage? Assassin Strike or any of the 8s or higher ST attack are much better choice.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Bottom line ... if you're trying to work Dark Blast/Moonbeam into your in-combat attack chain ... go for Dark Blast. If instead you want a second (ranged) Assassination Strike ... consider Moonbeam.
I already find Assassin Strike's 4s too long... I can't imagine spending 8s for one mediocre attack.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
Yes, they critical when hidden.

Moonbeam does about 250 damage less than AS, assuming ED slotting and no Build Up. Using Moonbeam > Placate > AS will work fine, provided you don't mind the six second interrupt on Moonbeam; you almost certainly have faster ways to achieve similar results.
6 second interrupt is no big deal when you can make surprise attacks from Hide. Yeah, the animation time is looooong ... but if you're Hidden and not being attacked, and you aren't steamrolling with a team (ie. you're solo), then the animation time becomes academic when used as an opening surprise attack move.

Okay, good to know. Thanks.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
6 second interrupt is no big deal when you can make surprise attacks from Hide. Yeah, the animation time is looooong ... but if you're Hidden and not being attacked, and you aren't steamrolling with a team (ie. you're solo), then the animation time becomes academic when used as an opening surprise attack move.

Okay, good to know. Thanks.
You can fire off Dark Blast 5-6 (maybe even more) times in the same time it takes to fire 2 Moonbeams with similar slotting. As cool as I think the glowing swirly white Moonbeam looks, I haven't even for a second regretted respeccing out of it for Dark Blast.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



If you play with two monitors animations with long cast times are great. I can multi-task on the second monitor during snipes.

By multi-task I mean surf the web.



I had Moonbeam from Soul mastery and hated the long activation time of the attack and the recharge for that poor attack.
I love Soul mastery, but I hate it for scrappers.
I dont get why it has a defense toogle, it should come with Dark obliteration for AoE damage, like all the others APP/PPP fro scrappers have AoE attacks.
All scrappers got defensive toogles already.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
You can fire off Dark Blast 5-6 (maybe even more) times in the same time it takes to fire 2 Moonbeams with similar slotting.
Highly doubt you can fire it that many times. And how many times you can fire it is not the issue. The issue is doing significant damage in one shot from an extreme distance (though it's a great thing with my squishy AR/Dev Blaster with his Sniper Rifle, LRM Rocket, and Time Bomb, I can't think of any situation where it would be of use to a Stalker) without the foe being able to fire back at you while doing so.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
You can fire off Dark Blast 5-6 (maybe even more) times in the same time it takes to fire 2 Moonbeams with similar slotting.
How many Dark Blasts vs how many Moonbeams is only relevant in the context of sustained attacking over time ... meaning part of an Out Of Hidden attack chain. As I mentioned in my OP, if what you're seeking is sustained DPS during combat, you want Dark Blast ... but if what you're looking for is high burst damage as a surprise attack from Hidden status, you're going to want Moonbeam.

Yes Moonbeam has an extremely long windup animation ... but when you're solo and nothing's aggroed onto you and you can pick and choose your targets and time of attack, and hostiles cannot engage you until YOU attack, that windup animation (or the interrupt time in it) isn't a "problem" anymore. You can simply use Moonbeam as a big Damage Per Attack power delivering a big damage spike to your initial target as you attack from Hidden status. The point is that when using it as a one-shot opening gambit to initiate combat on your own terms, Moonbeam is better than Dark Blast ... in much the same way that it's kinda pointless to try and work Assassin's Strike into a standard attack chain. You use Assassin's Strike to START combat, on your own terms, but then don't use it (much) DURING extended combat. Same deal here with Moonbeam. Use it as a big damage spike up front, like Assassin's Strike, and you'll still have your Placate+Assassin's Strike available for immediate followup.

With */Ninjitsu, you've even got another trick in the bag ... involving Smoke Flash (which I know most people eschew on the grounds that it's an escape move, and if you need to "escape" from combat, you're doing it wrong). But if you can open with Moonbeam, you can immediately follow up with Smoke Flash at the beginning of combat to limit the number of hostiles you have to deal with, making any continued combat a 1-on-1 affair for the next 15 seconds. Follow Smoke Flash with your Tier 9 attack and whatever you're up against is going to be hurting ... and ripe for Placate+Assassin's Strike (if needed) in relative safety. That's a whole lot of spike damage in a pretty short time after Moonbeam's damage lands on target ... and you just can't get that from Dark Blast using repeating attacks for sustained, rather than spike, DPS.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I have Moonbeam (and have used it the past 4 years, or so) on my Dark/Dark/Soul stalker. It is 5 slotted with 3 Sting of the Manticore and 2 Devastations for a +24% Regen and, if I recall correctly, a boost to max health.

I can almost one shot an orange lieut from over 150 ft away.(Using BU, and striking from Hide). If you dont see that as having any uses, then don't take the power.

IMO, it is and always was an awesome power.

Another thing I like about it is when you have a runner, you Soul storm him then activate Moonbeam, by the time it fires you're hidden again, so you get the crit.

EDIT: I have to clarify my previous statement. I can do this because I use the SotM chance for +Toxic damage proc.


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I don't think anybody disputes that opening with Moonbeam in complete safety lets you frontload a fight with another big orange number.

I personally find using it that way slow, boring, and inefficient compared to just scrapping it out. In three years I have found Moonbeam actually, legitimately useful exactly once: ganking the portals before wading into the Holtz/Honoree fight.

I keep it for three reasons:

1. Sometimes it's fun to drop a dude from halfway across the map.
2. Set mule.
3. See number 1.



If the snipe takes 4s, I may consider taking it...

Either that or they increase the snipe damage more because spending 7s on an average attack makes no sense to me.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Largo View Post
IMO, it is and always was an awesome power.
I absolutely love Moonbeam on my EM/Nin Stalker. Being able to 2 shot +3 bosses when opening with Moonbeam and then AS is absolutely heavenly.

I don't care about the animation time like most people do, there are far more important things to worry about.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Originally Posted by Novella View Post

I don't care about the animation time like most people do, there are far more important things to worry about.
For example?

Animation time factors in how much dps you can do, which relates to how efficient your "burst damage" can be, which relates to your how good your role is on a team.

Spending 8s to snipe, placate (1s) and then run in to the boss (while not being hit by minions around him) and then set up AS for another 4s.

May I ask what do you care when you play Stalker?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
For example?

Animation time factors in how much dps you can do, which relates to how efficient your "burst damage" can be, which relates to your how good your role is on a team.

Spending 8s to snipe, placate (1s) and then run in to the boss (while not being hit by minions around him) and then set up AS for another 4s.

May I ask what do you care when you play Stalker?
I would fathom a guess that some people play for more then just DPS, burst damage, how fast you can speed through missions....exc. Personally, I try to find a happy medium between these and fun factor.

Don't I know you???



I don't know if the Stalker Moonbeam works exactly like the blast set version, but, Interruption Reduction enhancers does wonders for the power. It enables me to use it even while in melee chaos. Also, with the Interrupt Reduction, you can start moving before the animation completes and it still goes off.

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Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
For example?

Animation time factors in how much dps you can do, which relates to how efficient your "burst damage" can be, which relates to your how good your role is on a team.

Spending 8s to snipe, placate (1s) and then run in to the boss (while not being hit by minions around him) and then set up AS for another 4s.

May I ask what do you care when you play Stalker?
The game is more than just a numbers exercise. It is not always about how much damage you can do and how fast you can do it.

I may take Moonbeam on my DM/Nin stalker's build because it is thematically appropriate to him.

I don't really care if it isn't the most efficient power, because I create characters, not just collections of numbers I pit against other collections of numbers.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The game is more than just a numbers exercise. It is not always about how much damage you can do and how fast you can do it.

I may take Moonbeam on my DM/Nin stalker's build because it is thematically appropriate to him.

I don't really care if it isn't the most efficient power, because I create characters, not just collections of numbers I pit against other collections of numbers.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............... .... NUmbers! SHiney!

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The game is more than just a numbers exercise. It is not always about how much damage you can do and how fast you can do it.

I may take Moonbeam on my DM/Nin stalker's build because it is thematically appropriate to him.

I don't really care if it isn't the most efficient power, because I create characters, not just collections of numbers I pit against other collections of numbers.
I don't mind using snipe on Stalker too (that's why I took it in the first place on my db/nin) but not with 8s super long animation time. When I first took it, I didn't read the 8s casting time. I thought most patron powers just have double the recharge timer or maybe a bit less damage.

The reply is "there are far more important things to worry about" and I wonder what are they?

I am not always a min/maxer but stalker snipe is very poorly designed (I think snipe is poorly designed in general). The damage isn't that good (due to stalker's low range scale). If the damage is great or if the snipe casting time stays at 4s, it may have its use WHILE preserving its "coolness" that you like.

Why can't we have a cool power that also works well... is what I am asking?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



The snipes have not used the ranged damage table since Issue 15. No melee ATs use their ranged damage tables for anything anymore.



I could be wrong, but I think that the endurance cost for using Moonbeam over its 7.33 sec animation time could be lower than the amount of endurance which gets recovered on my build during that same time span. That would mean that (effectively) Moonbeam is an attack power which "refunds" blue bar when used ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...




Dopey noob-Stalker question: there are other Patron pool snipes (at least one), do they also get bonus damage coming out of Hide?



Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post

Dopey noob-Stalker question: there are other Patron pool snipes (at least one), do they also get bonus damage coming out of Hide?


I have to assume Snipes do get normal critical rate (at least 10% base and more for teammates) just like what patron Dark Blast gets.

If you wait for 1s, you'll be back to Hidden by the time your snipe goes off anyway (snipe has 7 something casting time). lol

Just a side note, 3 out of 4 Epic sets can't critical. I believe the only epic set that can critical is Fire Mastery. Don't ask me why. I've reported this 3 times now. They don't seem to care enough to fix such obvious bugs. I respec my /Weapon Stalker because I hate the fact that my throwing stars can't critical.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
For example?

Animation time factors in how much dps you can do, which relates to how efficient your "burst damage" can be, which relates to your how good your role is on a team.

Spending 8s to snipe, placate (1s) and then run in to the boss (while not being hit by minions around him) and then set up AS for another 4s.

May I ask what do you care when you play Stalker?
As others have pointed out, numbers aren't everything. I don't care about DPS, burst damage, etc. As long as what I attack is defeated that is what matters to me. My role in a team when I play my Stalker has never been questioned and I have led Lady Grey's, Statesman, etc with my Stalker to great effect. Too many of you approach playing Stalkers or the game in general from a numbers view and that is your metric in determining if a character is fun/efficient. In my opinion that is a sad way to play, but to each their own.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)