Proctrops: Specifically, which ones?




I've been trying to figure out how to slot my Kin/Nin Stalker, and though I hear a lot of people refer to 'Proctrops,' I don't know which ones make it really good. Ragnarok Chance for Knockdown? Tons of damage procs?



As many as you can afford generally. Chance for knockdown and 3 damage procs (the -recharge proc is useless) are possible, one of the damage procs is a PvP IO so quite expensive so just sticking to knockdown, energy and smashing damage still makes it a pretty funny power to proc.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



lol you dont need ragnarock for chance for knock down...just get your self some real low level chance for knock down kinetic combat enhancements....that way if you exemplar down you can still use the power.

You also want your typical miracle and whatever healing ones that add + recovery and +healing.

SInce you are doing kinetic most of your attacks knock down anywise and extra enhancements for it are just icing on the cake.

You also want to slot for exttra defense adds.....becasue ninja doesnt have lots and lots of the extra amoutn helps.

You also want to slot in enahcnements that prevent knock back and knock down....thats one of the ninja me it gets old quick when you fall down alot.....
I myself used acrobatics and some enehancments to stop the knock back and knock down.....

No matter what you choose to do...remember this:

You are a Stalker....Thats what you do the things no one else seams to be able to do.

And also:

You dont do impossible things becasue you like to do do them becasue you can and no one else can.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
lol you dont need ragnarock for chance for knock down...just get your self some real low level chance for knock down kinetic combat enhancements....that way if you exemplar down you can still use the power.
This doesn't make any sense at all. First, procs never stop working as long as the power is available, it is global's that stop. Second, you can't slot a melee attack IO like kinetic combat into caltrops.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
lol you dont need ragnarock for chance for knock down...just get your self some real low level chance for knock down kinetic combat enhancements....that way if you exemplar down you can still use the power.

You also want your typical miracle and whatever healing ones that add + recovery and +healing.

SInce you are doing kinetic most of your attacks knock down anywise and extra enhancements for it are just icing on the cake.

You also want to slot for exttra defense adds.....becasue ninja doesnt have lots and lots of the extra amoutn helps.

You also want to slot in enahcnements that prevent knock back and knock down....thats one of the ninja me it gets old quick when you fall down alot.....
I myself used acrobatics and some enehancments to stop the knock back and knock down.....

No matter what you choose to do...remember this:

You are a Stalker....Thats what you do the things no one else seams to be able to do.

And also:

You dont do impossible things becasue you like to do do them becasue you can and no one else can.

OP didn't really ask for "how to play a stalker in 10 lines or less" he asked for slotting advice on 1 power. And it looks very much like you tried to suggest slotting something that just won't go in there. Until you read the rest of you're post and realise you've invented a tangent to discuss.

IMO, the 2 non-PVP damages and the knockdown proc rock, knockdown always handy for restealthing.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
OP didn't really ask for "how to play a stalker in 10 lines or less" he asked for slotting advice on 1 power. And it looks very much like you tried to suggest slotting something that just won't go in there. Until you read the rest of you're post and realise you've invented a tangent to discuss.

IMO, the 2 non-PVP damages and the knockdown proc rock, knockdown always handy for restealthing.
oh sorry i didnt realize he wanted only advice with caltrops.

I miss understood and triggered off the fact he was saying he was a kinetic/ninja and needed help with slotting.

<Ill take reading comprehension for 600 dib....sorry kitty but you miss read that....we are actualy making you pay 600 for not being able to read the category> =O_O=;;



I'm just struggling for the right build myself. Never chose the caltrops because of how it messes with AI and I hate chasing my targets. That being said, before I enter a group I'll throw Blinding Powder and coupled with Duplicity it can work out nicely as a good temp distraction. It's a bit of a pain though, wont deny that.

The difficulty I'm having is allocating the slots properly with the powers. I plan to run four sets of Lucks: Ninja Def, Senses, Restu, and Weave/Acrobatics (Retsu, Weave/Acro will be five slotted while weave and acro only slotted to four since Karma takes a spot).

Unfortunately mids wont work on my computer so I have no real "road map", gotta go off the top of my head. Any particular guides to follow for a Kin/Nin set?



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
Unfortunately mids wont work on my computer so I have no real "road map", gotta go off the top of my head. Any particular guides to follow for a Kin/Nin set?

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



This will all probably sound stupid to you all but since I started playing again a few things I don't know about enhancement sloting has been bugging me.

These damage proc enhancements you're talking about in putting in trops, is the damage effected by the level of the enhancement or the character level and are they effected by damage enhancements in the same ability?
And since I'm already bugging you with questions... I've see a couple of builds on here putting enchancements like kismet +6% acc for 120 secs into toggle abilitys, wouldn't you only get the bonus for 120 secs after turning the toggle on or does the duration refresh itself when it's in an active toggle?

Thanks for any help.



Originally Posted by Cerial View Post
This will all probably sound stupid to you all but since I started playing again a few things I don't know about enhancement sloting has been bugging me.

These damage proc enhancements you're talking about in putting in trops, is the damage effected by the level of the enhancement or the character level and are they effected by damage enhancements in the same ability?
And since I'm already bugging you with questions... I've see a couple of builds on here putting enchancements like kismet +6% acc for 120 secs into toggle abilitys, wouldn't you only get the bonus for 120 secs after turning the toggle on or does the duration refresh itself when it's in an active toggle?

Thanks for any help.

Damage in the procs is based on your level. Damage enhancements and damage buffs make no difference to them, only debuffs on the enemy can. For non-purple PROCs the damage is 70 at level 50, so in Caltrops you're talking on average 20% chance of 70 damage every 10 seconds, or on average adding 1.4 DPS to Caltrops.

If I remember my calculations from earlier in the week right each PROC is like putting a 50% damage enhancement into Trops.

IMO it's nice to do if you have the slots free but not amazing or anything.



Originally Posted by Cerial View Post
This will all probably sound stupid to you all but since I started playing again a few things I don't know about enhancement sloting has been bugging me.

These damage proc enhancements you're talking about in putting in trops, is the damage effected by the level of the enhancement or the character level and are they effected by damage enhancements in the same ability?
And since I'm already bugging you with questions... I've see a couple of builds on here putting enchancements like kismet +6% acc for 120 secs into toggle abilitys, wouldn't you only get the bonus for 120 secs after turning the toggle on or does the duration refresh itself when it's in an active toggle?

Thanks for any help.
In response to bolded part. The 120 second global IOs were recently changed. They used to work for as long as the toggle was active, and for 120 seconds after it was detoggled, with retoggles refreshing. Now they'll last as long as the toggle is up, but drop as soon as the toggle drops. If put into click power they'll last for 120 seconds after each click (with repeated clicks refreshing rather than stacking) and last forever if in an auto power.

Looked and may as well respond to this as well.

Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
I'm just struggling for the right build myself. Never chose the caltrops because of how it messes with AI and I hate chasing my targets. That being said, before I enter a group I'll throw Blinding Powder and coupled with Duplicity it can work out nicely as a good temp distraction. It's a bit of a pain though, wont deny that.

The difficulty I'm having is allocating the slots properly with the powers. I plan to run four sets of Lucks: Ninja Def, Senses, Restu, and Weave/Acrobatics (Retsu, Weave/Acro will be five slotted while weave and acro only slotted to four since Karma takes a spot).

Unfortunately mids wont work on my computer so I have no real "road map", gotta go off the top of my head. Any particular guides to follow for a Kin/Nin set?
Acrobatics doesn't take any IO sets, and only accepts end reduction, knockback (enhances the knockback/knockup protection in this case) and recharge enhancements. Just wanted to mention this incase it will change your choices for future slotting, might save you a respec.

Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That...was a Herocon 09 exclusive easter egg. The powerset will not have doves associated with it.

Namely because you guys would want to color tint the damn doves, or make them hawks/ravens/flying sharks/etc and that's just a headache I deal with.



Originally Posted by Come Undone View Post
The 120 second global IOs were recently changed. They used to work for as long as the toggle was active, and for 120 seconds after it was detoggled, with retoggles refreshing. Now they'll last as long as the toggle is up, but drop as soon as the toggle drops. If put into click power they'll last for 120 seconds after each click (with repeated clicks refreshing rather than stacking) and last forever if in an auto power.
One caveat to this is that the 120 second globals will still stack for 120 seconds every time you zone if it's in a toggle. Not sure if all of the stacked buffs will drop if you untoggle, but I doubt it.