The Grim Heaper

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    This video should help.

    I share in your frustration. One of my alts was being asked "Mind filling for a sec" numerous times by someone.

    Now when this happens I check my search status to make sure it states that I do not fill. Sure enough the status still said "Ask First, No Fill-ins Accepted".

    Do these morons not know how to READ???

    They searched for my character to ask whether or not they would fill, they NEEDED to have seen the message because they wouldn't have sent a tell otherwise, and my alt was not near a place where a task force leader would have been trolling for fills.

    Maybe we are taking this the wrong way... I think from now on I will be telling people if they want me to fill they need to pay me a million influence - in advance. If they want me to waste my time, they should make it worth my while.

    What do you think, guys? A million inf paid in advance for fills?

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    My standard fee is 1 billion. So far, not a single person has been that desperate to pay for my services. Oh well.
  2. The Grim Heaper

    u no wat?

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    Broadcast would be much quieter. Especially if it didn't tell them how to actually spell the word. There are high school graduates out there with less than a 4th grade reading level. ...And they all find their way to the internet.

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    well duh, one of the only things kids enjoy and allow themselves to take from a day in school is how to access the internet and bypass education-only firewalls :P .

    (Seriously, there are 6th graders I've heard of in my district who use proxy redirects to bypass the firewall and get to anywhere)

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    Worst part was, it was THESE people (the ones with a 4th grade reading level) who kept getting caught by my high school's network admin, forcing those of us computer savvy enough to actually find the security holes to keep finding others.

    It got to the point where some of us carried a boot disk / XP disk around to remove Deep Freeze when the teacher's back was turned for long enough (A slower process, but ensured that THAT computer was security free for a month). And saved registry files to reverse the whole "you cannot edit any settings on this computer" thing.

    Curse you Mr. Mogg! Why couldn't we have oblivious network admins like other schools in the district? >.<
  3. The Grim Heaper

    u no wat?

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    I thought that was the purpose of the Darwin Awards.

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    The purpose of a Darwin Award is to honor someone who got killed because of natural selection. It's commonly misinterpreted to mean something it isn't. Natural selection says that favorable traits are passed on. Stupidity is not a favorable trait, and if you're so stupid you got killed, you got Darwin'd.

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    I feel all good now knowing I have a toon called "Natural Selection"

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    Oh Noes!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Mostly build compliments are the results of ascanning the power tab under /info and looking at power picks and set bonuses. Generally the people with sixty line blocks of set bonuses will have pretty good builds.

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    You'd think so. On my blaster's alt build I tried as hard as I could to cram creap IO sets into it (none higher than lvl 30, 'cept the lvl50 end mod common IOs which I two slotted in every atack). Probably running JUST under SO efficiency. The set bonuses are all over the place but seem to concentrate on accuracy, damage, stun/sleep reduction, and Movement. Although if you don't look too closely the block of text is impressive looking.
  5. It just seems a bit off considering Defense only has to raise the number to 45% (not the actual hard-cap, I know), while resist caps off at, what? double that?

    Although, it gets a bit harder to quantify when you consider that resist will ALWAYS provide the same mitigation; while defence is at the mercy of a few (un?)lucky RNG rolls.
  6. The Grim Heaper

    Claws Costume?


    Although... for interesting/amusing results; try using the "pirate hook" glove option. It only works for the left hand... and a nunber of the claws look really bad with it... "villain claws 2" seems to look alright, but probably not even close to what you're looking for.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    What he said. You can also change the number of posts shown per page, which is handy. I have mine set to a huge number, and I'm always amused when people are like, "ZOMG there are 10 pages of posts!" I'm like, "Um, no there's not..."

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    Same here, I find 10 posts per page annoying. More often that not that doesn't even get you past the stickies.

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    I find stickies are not factored into the topics/page, and will be there in addition to the standard 10 on the first page.
  8. Wow, hadn't noticed this before, but while reading your post, I confirmed every single point on my other monitor ('cept the 4 winds cape; don't have that).

    This is going to bug me now every time I start a new character...
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Not that it matters, but who is Fulmens ignoring? Me or FireWyvern?

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    Considering he quoted you, and then the introduction to the next quote was "New! Improved!"... I'd say it's a fair bet YOU are the one he ignored. But, if nothing else, he is taking your "No one is making you read it." advice to heart and making sure he never has to read it again.

    Although, he may be ignoring FireWyvern too, but didn't seem to make a post dedicated to the fact (that I've seen). *shrug*
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    The limitation is an anti-farming nerf to keep players from exploiting certain enemy groups on various maps. It comes from the days when a Tank (usually Fire/) and a Blaster (also often Fire/) would herd an entire map of Freaks (or Wolves or Ninjas) into a single dumpster and blast them into oblivion.

    Good luck trying to get it reversed.

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    Uhm, the thread's not talking about unlimited AoE target caps; It's asking for the target cap on full auto to be raised to 16 (I think), for parity with other tier 9 blasts.
  11. Clearly, sending them gift baskets of cheese & stuff gets their attention. Just attach a note to it; "PS, look into full auto max target cap."
  12. No, not broke... Some people might argue that it's a little bent out of shape in some areas, however... I'm guessing somewhere just before 22 and decent end redux enhancements.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't like that idea at all. It would be a nerf for many of my characters. I tend to play near the edge, and that involves in some situations being close to 0 end.

    Endurance management has always seemed fine to me, so I don't even understand why would this be necessary.

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    Some fine tuning of the idea is assured; but I don't realy see how it would be terribly different - except towards characters who rely on togles to keep themselves fighting. Under the original terms of the idea, the 'edge' you speak of only moves about 5 units to the right. It is not changing the rate at which you recover End, so you can continue to fight as close to it as you deside; but going beyond it only means that you aren't brought to a dead stop. You can either keep attacking at reduced effectiveness, or wait a second or two to go back above the last 5. (I think a section of the endurance bar would have to be clearly marked to tell you you're working on "fatigue" now). Although, yes - it would take some getting used to.

    Is the Idea perfect? Perhapps not, but I think it gives us a stepping point in the right direction. And the numbers of what the penalties are for entering the "fatigued state" are would need to be worked; What would consititute a proper penalty for failing to manage your endurance while still maintaining toggles (or clicking further attacks), even with deminished returns?
  14. I just feel bad for anyone who may have sent me a legitimate email ofer the course of the last 6 or so months... I just open up the spam (erm, that's "email") window, and hit the spam button until the red letters are not yelling at me any more.

    And I can't be the only one that does this.

    Although it only addresses a symptom of the problem, I would still like to see a separate "spammer" ignore list implemented and utilized when that button is pressed. That file can probably be even smaller, as those accounts are likely going to be closed before they get bumped off the list.

    The only other option would be a filter (friends, global friends, SG, coalition, and perhapps "subscribed private channel"). It might take a little more coding and debugging; but it does directly address the problem. Or, at least, the current problem.
  15. only thing is; after you complete the "convert 20 lost" mission and call the contact, the wand gets taken away. And I find, other than amusement value, there's no real point in keeping it beyond 20 charges.

    I think the OP's trouble with 21/20 converted and no more charges might stem from using the wand in MA, where defeats don't count towards outside badges; might be doing something odd with other non-badge-related "defeat counters" in the game.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    rember last expansion was villains how many AT's did that bring to the game?
    This is marketed as a boxed expansion so should atleast have 4 new AT's if not they should publish it as what it should be an ISSUE not a new box

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    This argument makes absolutely no sence to me. "Last expansion gave us at least 4 new ATs, so this one should too!"... It's most likely that the ability to transfer each and every AT to 'the other side', where they normally do not exist, will be considered sufficient for "new ATs". Although - The possibility of what level is required to adjust your character's moral compas might be a bit limiting (Not a bad thing); but those hoping to play a lvl 1ish MM, and port him over to blue side immediately might have to think again (And... how would PPPs work if you went 'good' early? you'd have to go back JUST to get your patron )

    And technically even CoV, as an expansion early on - WAS an 'issue' when it was released. You just had to buy the box to get to use most of the things included with that issue.

    This will likely be the same. Any power proliferation or new powersets the "issue" releases will be available to everyone. But if you want to port characters from one side over to the other? You have to buy the expansion code for that. Of course, we know so little at this point; For all I know, we might have the ability to START new characters in Praetoria, with a neutral moral compas.

    And honestly? We get so many free issues with this game that we're fairly spoiled. (Granted, Sexy J does such a good job on those bonus pack costumes that I can't resist shelling out the a few more dollars.)
  17. The Grim Heaper

    Unique build?

    This is why I don't visit the blaster section too often... Gives my elec/dev an inferiority complex. >.<

    But, uh - yeah, I'd say devices is fairly oddball compared to other sets. It isn't HORRIBLE, but - it just doesn't synergize well with most primaries, and it plays COMPLETELY different, requireing set-up time that just isn't desireable on most teams. So - unless you're willing/able to work at least half a spawn ahead of the team setting up a timebomb; on the run you only have about 3 atacks to use: web nade, caltrops, and taser.

    And I can't speak for many other primary sets, but to do what it does really well, Elec blast tends to need either /elec or /energy. Because elec's additional effect is endurance drain, it's an all or nothing type thing, and since ED, you cannot rely on a single application of Short Circuit alone.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just one question for the devs:

    Where are the electricity Controllers?

    We have the tech costumes that make this fit. I can think of 3 Holds 1 being a group hold, a pet summoning, even an AoE that could be used. I know many people would hate it, but I am just too big of a fan of the end drain to not have that option.

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    Because it would need a large number of new powers. Mental Manipulation was pushing it with World Of Confusion.

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    You sure? There is already a ST Immo, ST hold, AoE Immo, PBAoE End Drain (figured Elec/ control would consist of End Draining as its form of control), a toggle that drains end and damages, an AoE Stun, and a pet. All it would need is an AoE hold, and another AoE soft control (probably a sleep) or VS

    Really when you look at it the only thing really stopping Elec control from being made is an AoE hold.

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    Just use ball lightning's animation and apply holds. Think up reason later.
  19. Don't think it's just today's patch, I've been experiancing this for a little over a week.
  20. The Grim Heaper

    GM Can't see me

    I still think those chat options should be defaulted to on... or off... they seem to be really inconsistant on which ones are "Enable to allow messages" and "disable to stop hiding messages"... -.-
  21. I think I heard that player allied NPCs don't use every single buff at their disposal; to prevent easy xp (rescue a number of these buff-bots and solo a number of good xp AVs with little effort)

    So while they may have forge at their disposal, they've already (likely) buffed you with an armor, and the code says "ok - stop there, no more buffs for you! [/buffnazi]"

    I could have easily heard wrong though.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Your arguement is as silly as a lvl 40 running into RV and getting ganked by lvl 50's. Of course its more powerful the 50s put ten more lvls of work into their toons.

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    But it's not just a question of PvP, or being ganked - If incarnates are that much more powerful, how can you balance the core of the game (PvE)? Yes, there are certain powerset combinations that do outperform others, but the devs have tried to keep them within or as close to the bell-curve as possible.

    The 40 can at least SK up with the 50, and be fairly decent. But if incarnates are the new standard, I don't see how this relationship could work with the proposed "uberness" of the suggested incarnate... Unless the only thing that defines the incarnate is levels beyond 50; in which case this becomes a suggestion to raise the level cap. An entirely different beast with issues of it's own.

    Personally, I'd just love for the incarnate to be an addition to your origin with the fringe benifit of raising ONE attribute - at a heafty cost to other attributes. Raise your resistance to fire damage moderately (20%?) lower all other resistances by a medium amount (10%?). Raising, say, your resistance to exotic damage types might either lower the returns, or increase the penalties to other resistances.
  23. &lt;QR&gt;
    Besides, let's say the center of the earth suddenly becomes a ball of ice and they do give you (*cough* sorry, us) these god-like incarnates... WHAT THEN?! Let's face it - if we suddenly start going down the L-O-O-O-N-N-G road of one-upping ourselves (*coughwowcough*), where does it end? And how then, can we ever hope to attract and keep new players when everyone else is (excuse the DBZ reference) Super Saiyans, and the newbies are lvl 1 farmers-with-a-shotgun?

    Because let's face it - they will HAVE to keep one-upping themselves if they cave in. Once everyone maximized their incarnates, you'll be as bored with them then as you are with what you have now. Quite frankly, one of the things that has always kept me away from the 'other' MMO(s) is that they keep moving the finish line. What started as a 100M dash is now a full blown race around the world. And once you reach the finish line;
    "Oh, sorry, it's now two laps"
    -but what about all this stuff I spent MONTHS collecting?
    "As useless as your starting gear"

    At least in CoH, the finish line is never moved, they just widen the track so you can go sightseeing along the way. The SO's? JUST as effective against 95% of the content in the game as they ever were. (though I must admit, you can do some fun things with IOs)... I'd say now, with MA, the start and finish line are exactly right where they were, but they've just said;
    "Hey, uh, the starting gun just fired, but feel free to go two blocks that way; there's a great restaurant there called 'Joe's', best ribs you've ever had... or you can run the race and go to Joe's next time around, or go to Joe's after you cross the line... Just have fun with it; but I really can't recommend Joe's enough."

    (Of course, you can clearly never please all of the people all of the time. Some people just don't like ribs.)
  24. The Grim Heaper


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    If you plan on teaming a lot, skip Devices. Many of its powers (Trip Mine, Time Bomb, Gun Drone) are not very good for teaming.

    Solo, it's slightly different, but if you wanted a Blaster that solos safely, I'd still suggest /Ice over Devices.

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    Gun Drone is fairly team friendly, it was less so when it was stationary, and even LESS when we couldn't teleport it, but now that it follows us, it's not too bad - and it sticks around for a fair amount of time. If everyone else on the team is keeping aggro off you - take 5 seconds, summon it, and enjoy the extra DPS. Honestly my only complaint is that I've wasted endurance because my drone killed something before my snipe finished animating.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [u]60 Months [u]

    City Traveler Badge: Hit the ground runningÂ… this badge unlocks access to the following Power Pools at level 6, so players can access Tier 1, 2, or 3 powers early on.

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    Is it wrong that I regret my post-secondary education, solely because it ate up funds that would have otherwise been spent on this game - and having this reward being less than 20 months away?