My Lost Wand Seriously Borked now
What wand with 50 charges? It has never had that many when I've done it...
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
The Lost Cure wand comes with 50 charges. I think it was initially less though.
Pieces of this wand come from many sources, including Azuria, Argot'BurWot, Hero 1, the Midnight Squad and even the Circle of Thorns. The wand you crafted will cure the Lost of their horrific plague.
50 uses left
.Driver Sweeper * CohHelper * HijackThis * TweakCoH * CPU-ID
* Defraggler * Program Security Scan * PC Performance Scan *
Huh, I never saw it have that many, though I'll check next time I run it what I get. Odd. I thought it was basically "enough to get the job done".
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
only thing is; after you complete the "convert 20 lost" mission and call the contact, the wand gets taken away. And I find, other than amusement value, there's no real point in keeping it beyond 20 charges.
I think the OP's trouble with 21/20 converted and no more charges might stem from using the wand in MA, where defeats don't count towards outside badges; might be doing something odd with other non-badge-related "defeat counters" in the game.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
I suspect they increased it because once you craft the wand does not start your "smack the Lost around" mission. That has to be called in separately before hunting season starts; anyone not paying attention could conceivably run out of ammo without ever starting the mish.
I should know, I've gotten a head start before realizing, "Wait, where's my tally?".
You were scooped: Interesting Lost Curing Wand bug... (05/13/09 11:04 PM)

I got the mission to "cure" 20 Lost and the wand with 50 charges so I figured I try to get more use out of it than just slapping around greys.

Got a rescue door mission. Cleared the mobs but because I converted the boss guarding the captive she wouldn't stop cowering. (maybe I didn't wait long enough for him to find his way out, I didn't know about that yet). Dropped mission.
So I got another mission a kill Boss. Converted the lost boss, mission doesn't end and my "ally" NPC continues to go nuts on the civilian versions of the lost, bouncing them all over the room while they try to run away. Finally the poor guy gets out of the room runs to entrance and the mission ends.
Then it gets really weird. I took a MA mission with Lost. Converted a bunch came out and my counter says "21 Lost out of 20 converted" and my wand is out of charges. Oh I am in trouble now.
Houston we have a problem.
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.