Claws Costume?
Now I is sad too. I guess it's time to petition Sexy Jay for claws costume pieces... ::runs off to costume request and I15 feedback::
The widow blades will be the closest to what you're seeking.
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:
Then it's time to up turn fruit stands and riot! RIOT WITHIN CoX! DEMAND CLAW-STYLE CLAWS!!!!
Or ask nicely... whatevs.. but thanks!! And do you have to get a villain to 50 for those or are they available from the jump?
The zombie hands look like they have long claw-like nails, i think.
BaBs has already chimed in on why this isn't possible. All the Claws attacks use a closed fist. For an open-hand version of the animations to be possible for the 'natural' claw look, you'd basically have to put a giant mit over the fists that looked like an open hand. And there are just too many issues with the tiny Female-body hands and gigantic Huge-body hands.
I'm not 100% familiar w/ the CoH engine, but in other rendering systems, it is possible to use "invisible" as a color. Thus, you can place an "invisible" object over an opaque on, the result being that you can see through that object now. It should be possible to mask the closed fist as invisible, place an open clawed hand over it, and get what you want.
My only disclaimer would be that, if this were done, not to expect more than 1-2 versions of this; like a bare hand, gloved hand, and any others would be gravy. A furry & reptilian version would be nice, though.
The "Fury" claws, if I'm thinking of the right one, at least project less. More of a bristling short array of spikes than claws. Maybe that would work in the mean time?
Wow, great minds think alike, eh? I was just about to suggest that...
I think if you get the vanguard claws and turn it black, it MAY work.
Wow, great minds think alike, eh? I was just about to suggest that...
I think if you get the vanguard claws and turn it black, it MAY work.
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what also sorta works is the tiny Widow claws with the the gloves from the Valkyrie set. You can barely see the tips of them through the large hand piece
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
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Though if it's supposed to be a "feral" type, the gloves would be pretty out of place. Really, the only workable solution is to put Jay on an IV drip of amphetamines and chain him to his workstation. Oh, and work something into the solution that makes him more open to suggestion, no sense in breaking someones will the hard way when you can do it with SCIENCE!!
See, to me it seems silly. We have the monstrous hands available under the gloves option. I've seen and used it. So we just need to make that a "claw" option. At least, thats how I see it... And you could make it furry, reptile, bare, etc. At least it sound simple enough to me... = /
You could use another set, dark melee or super strength which dont have weapon claws atop of their hands.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Except, as I stated in my original post, the natural claws are sorta primary to the character idea... I also think they'd be wicked awesome.
Having the monstrous handswith the slashing type claws, doesnt preclude you from using another set, personally I have a guy with monstrous hands and is Dark melee. It looks good enough for the concept to me.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I dunno. It seems to me like its settling for less when we could just as easily have the monstrous hands as a type of "claw" since they already exist and its a matter of just swapping them out like a glove. They have the swipe animations and such already...
I dunno. It seems to me like its settling for less when we could just as easily have the monstrous hands as a type of "claw" since they already exist and its a matter of just swapping them out like a glove. They have the swipe animations and such already...
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Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds or we would have it already. As another said *points* up there, BAB weighed in on this in another thread a while back... it simply isn't trivial to alter all of the animations to a set and tie that to a costume piece. IIRC you would have to dupe the entire set with new animations and have a whole new powerset called "Feral Claws" or something. It doesn't seem logical to have two claws sets. Would I like to see this option? Hellz yeah, I think there should be a ton of options available to cover all kinds of character concepts, but technical limitations win.
Well, I found this post from him around i11 and the Weapon Customization stuff, but that isn't the only post I recall seeing about it... hmmmm.
I'm not talking about making it it's own set, I'm talking about adding it in as a piece of costume weaponry. Instead of having some claws popping outta the wrist, lets see some feral claw options. But I guess just wait and see what happens. People lobbied for dual pistols and demon summoning hard enough and got it...
I'm not talking about making it it's own set, I'm talking about adding it in as a piece of costume weaponry. Instead of having some claws popping outta the wrist, lets see some feral claw options. But I guess just wait and see what happens. People lobbied for dual pistols and demon summoning hard enough and got it...
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I know what you are asking for.... what I am saying is that it isn't as easy as you seem to think. Mostly because of two things: the animations in Claws do not have an open hand, but instead a closed fist, and there are no fingers in CoH/V. Between those two things, what you are left with is either altering a lot to add in fingers, or basically adding a new powerset's worth of animations work.
Again... I think this would be a cool option to have, but it seems to be limited by technical issues as well as a limited benefit (i.e. a lot of work to only benefit people who play Claws).
Although... for interesting/amusing results; try using the "pirate hook" glove option. It only works for the left hand... and a nunber of the claws look really bad with it... "villain claws 2" seems to look alright, but probably not even close to what you're looking for.
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
Hahaha. A pirate hook with a claw attachment. That sounds hilarious.
And I'm sure a lot of crazy needs to go into it... I'm just sad they didn't think of it before... especially since we have monster heads, feet, and such. Such is life. I guess it's time for the claw wanters to rally up like the Dual Pistol/Demon summon folks did.
Hmm... if they can have a pirate hook costume piece which overrides the opened/closed hand animations, why not just add a glove option that is locked in an open-claw-swipe position and add an invisible claw option - put the 2 together and you got it...
We can't assume anything about it. It's quote possible that "weapons" can't affect your base model except to add to it. Thus, it would have to ADD to them. Only way to do that is have giant mitts that go over the hands. Keeping in mind, it can't change the hand's animation. Which is a fist. So, the "hand" part of this "mitt" would have to be huge to cover up the hand. So, it's going to look very large and out of proportion. If we assume the Devs make this as tight to the skin as possible to offset this, then sliders(because weapons aren't affected by these) will easily make it look worse with clipping or scaling issues. Not to mention if you're using any types of gloves outside of the basic skintight option.
The other issue, is what KIND of hands to mold? Hairy claws? Keep in mind, at best you can color this hand. Hairy/scaled/robotic/zombie? And do they have to be bare? All claw uses have to take their gloves off to fight? Any other hand/glove/arm types get canceled out unless they go out of the way to make a new hand for it. And again, they will still have to distort to fix the fingers in the "mitt."
So, yeah, uh... they would rather not go through the insane amount of effort that would take, and rather just make NEW costume sets for the same amount of effort.
Alternatively, they could redo the animations to make them open handed. Which would look a little silly for normal claws, but would mean they just need to add little "nails" as an option to stick out the fingers.
But that means they have to redo every single animation in claws. And all the claw "standing/running/stoping/getting hit/flying x 3 for all body types" etc etc.
For that investment, they could just make a new set.
Yeah, there is a claw option with "Monstrous Hands", and zombie hands are clawed, too. And yes, if you use those hands with Claws, your clawed hands will be balled up into fists and you will use the claws that come out of the back of your hand instead. That's the way the graphics works.
I personally find that either Villain Claws or the Villain Claws with only 2 blades looks good with the Monstrous Hands, if you make them black, or the same color as the hands. While they still poke out of the back of the hand, they look like they MIGHT be claws coming from the tips of the fingers. The small size of the blades kind of confuses the fact that the fists are closed. (And the little bump at the top of the blades kind of looks like a knuckle)
Widow Claws I think look too big, but they are more claw-like, and there are five of them.
And also, I have used the Monstrous Hands with both Dark Melee and Energy Melee. It looks okay when he's just standing there, and when fighting the glow or cloud of darkness covers up whether he has his fingers extended, or is making a fist. In fact, I don't think there are ANY animations for attacks that use the open hand. (Maybe Cobra Strike...)
I'm sure this belongs elsewhere, but it's also tied to a power and so I figured I'd start here...
I'm not familiar with the scrapper set, or the blades set at all... but I was wondering (since my first look through didnt show it) is there a way where you can make the hands of your character claws (I know of the monsterous hands options) and make them your means of attack rather then adding some kind of knuckle blade, or wrist knife or whatever? I have a feral type creature in mind, and I'd like him to attack with his hands, not some attached component.