The Grim Heaper

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  1. The Grim Heaper


    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Shoulder capes as a vet reward.
    High-collar capes from the Magic Booster.
    Arachnos capes on Soldiers.

    One or two others that I'm missing.
    I think anyone with the Valkyrie pack can use any cape style at lvl 1, provided they use the Valkyrie cape design with it.
  2. I got a negative rep for a little bit of humor, once... but I figure it balanced out because someone else gave positive rep for it. *shrug* The best you can do is disable your rep, but you're still in the positive, so...
  3. The Grim Heaper

    LGTF inquiry

    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    And knowing is half the battle
    ... The other half? Lasers. 25% red, 25% blue.
  4. The Grim Heaper

    pigg = ?

    The extra g in "pig" is for gamingg..

    That 'g', however, is just a typo.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by fulmens View Post
    wait. You put a tl; dr version of a two sentence post? I don't give tl;dr on a twelve paragraph wall of text.
    TL;DR: Lol@TL;DR
  6. Quite sure it counts off anything the Nictus can target. pets, players, statesjerk....

    That being said - non-targetable pets (voltaic sentinel, lightning storm, etc) by their very nature wouldn't contribute to the heal.
  7. The Grim Heaper

    Is this wrong?

    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    You know, I can understand a certain... Premium for the lazy. But if the combined price for the components and crafting fee is, say, 5 million, the crafted item going for 13 million is just, well, a bit goofy.
    Shh.... or they'll stop paying 750+k for the memorized common IO's that cost me 275k (probably less) to craft.
  8. The Grim Heaper

    Is this wrong?

    It's also not 'wrong' to buy recipes for really cheap, and then vendor them... Not the most efficient method of generating inf, but if you don't have much to start your other inf generating activities... (just leave at least 5 on the market... someone might need one eventually.)
  9. Usually the only times in recent memory that my team has not been able to out-DPS the healing Nictus is when a Plant Control character used carrion creepers...

    Generally speaking; most targetable summoned pets do not provide sufficient DPS to overcome the additional healing they provide Rommy when the healer is still up. (also doesn't help that non MMs can't focus the pet's damage on Rommy; so they're uselessly hitting the various Nictus spawns)

    Not sure if MM pets fall under this category. Haven't teamed with one on an ITF run in a long time.
  10. -PI: Check closer to portal corp, there are often lvl 48-50 CoT in the parking lot
    -Cim: there's a lot of high level guys around the whole map - I think the higher level ones tend to spawn closer to the wall (northern edge of the map)
    -RWZ: lvl 48-50 tend te spawn in the Point Du Hoc area. But yeah - they tend to be Hazard zone sized spawns.
    -RV: depending on your server and what time you play, this might be ideal. Grab yourself a havy and atack groups of arachnos with it. Or attack the lvl 54 pillbox turrets. (and if you like the shineys - there's badges for pillboxes captured, and heavies controled)

    -If you're going to enter the shadow shard (ideal for soloing, as no one else is ever there... although the spawns are tough.) there are lvl 48-53 Rularuu and Lanaruu throughout the entire Storm Palace zone.
  11. Peregrine island... Cimerora, Rikti War Zone... The Shadow shard.... Recluse's victory (pvp zone - beware)...

    Or, while not solo; now that we get XP while exempt.... join a lowbie sewers team!
  12. Quick test... editing in a second.

    EDIT: huh... ok, the time is correct (set it to -6:00 CST)... but at the bottom it still says "All times are GMT -5.". But, uh, 'all times' seem to be for whatever I set my timezone to...
  13. And if a shivan isn't enough.... bring a warburg nuke or three*! :P

    But, yeah, GW is rather tough solo... -acc, holds, and self heals on an EB/AV makes things difficult...

    *Edit: in addition to the Shivan.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by silversword437 View Post
    Yes I had them customized to a dark blue color... and created this character after launch with those colors already in. Also I have plenty of inf for my repeated attempts at fixing it.

    And the in the customization screen it accepts the colors, and shows the animation of them being used correctly, but when I accept it and exit it goes back to this white color every time.
    I'm seconding this. On my Storm/ice defender on Triumph (Sue Tsunami) those are the only two powers in storm summoning that retain their custom colours.

    Additionally I can not seem to save my custom colours for storm summoning. It saves. The file exists, and attempting to re-save - the game give the "save file already exists" prompt; but I CAN NOT load the storm summoning file - it does not appear in the list when I attempt to load it. Could this be a symptom of the problem?
  15. The Grim Heaper

    Kill X mobs

    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    Does it work on all Rikti? Imagine using it on a Rikti Monkey and seeing it turn back into a Human. Poor sap will never live that down at Pocket D...
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    lol, I must try

    But I think it will only work on lost upgraded to Rikti.
    It works on all lost, and all Rikti. If I remember correctly. You'd be surprised what the Rikti have that are made of humans... Drones, Communication Officer summoned portals...

    Hmm, might be interesting to take the wand onto a MS raid one day, or a LGTF... Or an invasion.... what faction (if any) do the ships belong to again?
  16. The Grim Heaper

    Kill X mobs

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Hell, you could theoretically do 3 (or for an 8 man team, 24) missions at once
    I had something like that on my blaster in PI once (over the course of several missions) - As much as I disliked the hunt missions there, getting triple mission complete rewards made it somewhat worth it.
  17. The Grim Heaper


    Originally Posted by Marc_L View Post
    I think I messed up.

    I leveled up to 35, and hadn't done the Talos Island Safeguard Mission yet. Not a problem, I thought. The wiki says it's 30-35, so I should still be able to get it. I go through the requisite number of missions, and instead, it gives me Brickstown (35-40). This worries me, because, of course, it means I'm missing a badge.

    My question is, if I were to go to a different town (I'm in Brickstown now, so Founder's Falls, for instance), and run missions there, would I be given the other Safeguard Mission? Or am I out of luck?

    I'm not 100% sure on this, but I believe at the overlap levels (in your case, 35), there is a certain % chance of getting the lower-level map... and I think that chance is lower than 50%
  18. I don't know about "soon", but probably "soon(tm)".
  19. I'd immagine the reward for killing him would be your standard reward for whatever he is (arch villain?), and the TF continues; the game doesn't really care if you kill him then - it doesn't know the Reishman critter from a hole in the wall. the mission objective is more or less to get him to spawn - beat on him uselessly for a bit - then get out (one way or another)...

    EDIT: And I'm fairly sure the devs are wary of turning anything into the next "quick katie", there's no way they'd let the TF end there if you managed to do it.
  20. Actually in an "ordinary mish" you do not automatically get back on the team if you are DCed for any reason. The AE is not ordinary - it uses a sort-of modified TaskForce code for teaming... (Where you cannot pass leadership voluntarily once the team task has been selected, but you can freely invite others onto the team while the task is in progress. Any cases of spit instances notwithstanding.)

    In a TF/trial, if you DC and then log back in, you are still on the team. and the team leader could not have found someone to replace you without having everyone abandon the Task Force, and reform it.

    A raid team is much like a regular one... the game will not remember whose team you were on when you log back in. And really the only way to prevent team leaders from filling the spot you previously occupied is by having some way to communicate with that person outside the game (Ventrillo/msn).

    Other than out-of game communication, your only option is to broadcast a message like "Got DCed, can I get a re-invite?" And if they filled your spot already, follow that up with your standard looking for group fare, and if need be, form your own.... I'd say most disconnects on an MS raid occur in the bowl phase anyway - just open up the search window and invite everyone in the zone who is not grey'd out, and advertise for everyone to send you a tell for invite. At that point in a MS raid it's just mindless hammering on the rikti anyway.
  21. Not sure it's the universal travel set bonuses are that worrying... If your spending THAT many slots there, then they are probably lacking somewhere else (more of an issue on some builds than others).

    I think it's more the throwing a number of the procs (knockdown protection/slow resistanse) in the default slot that they dont want.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gysin View Post
    I play infrequently, so forgive a "stupid" question:

    I processed tons of salvage into base components (tech material, mystic elements, etc.) to turn into base items later. Now (and I don't know when this happened), the workshops use standard salvage to build my base items - not all these components I have. I found out about turning my components into "brainstorm" credits, which I can then turn BACK into the salvage I started out with in the first place?!?!? My question: is there any other use for these components, other than playing 'ring-around-the-salvage-rosie'?
    Base salvage, as it was, was phased out a few issues ago... but since a number of SGs had built up a lot of these things in storage bins - brainstorms were created as a go-between to convert to invention salvage. (because the value of various rarities were not necessarily 1 to 1 value versus invention... never mind with components.)

    At first it was a REALLY sweet deal - as this conversion process counted towards "inventions crafted" badges. Sadly, that was stopped rather abruptly.

    Only really annoying part was that at the same time, the maximum any SG salvage rack could hold was reduced. Alot. So if you took a lot of SG salvage out... can't put it back.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Enlightmare View Post
    Hey, I have PC and I was wondering if it's possible to upgrade my account with mac special editions? I want one of those cool stuff though.

    Hope you reply soon. Thanks :3
    Mac edition code just allows access to the game, one free month, and the in-game items. Nothing more; think of it more as an advertisement that the game now CAN work on a Mac. PC or Mac doesn't matter... Only place I Imagine it WOULD matter is if you physically picked up the box from a retailer, and expected the disc to work on your PC. Even then, all you'd have to do is register the code online and download the correct installer.
  24. Ok - without going into THAT again (let's try to keep that contained in your other thread) - I... just don't see this happening... as it stands; the number of North American servers we have is, some would argue, stretching our population a bit thin as is.

    If we "merge" by just removing restrictions to who can acess what server - I don't really see the 'problem' getting much better. Who's to say that 90% statistic (that I'm sure Homer would have something to say about), is not present on the NA servers? Sometimes it feels that way over here too. Not saying it might not be a bad Idea to remove the boundaries, but...

    And the logistics of merging in any other fashion (as it is a periodic suggestion for the NA servers), is nightmarish - to say the least.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DuceyKins View Post
    My question is when did the creators of this game make the server I was on an Un-official gay server?
    Well, for starters.... unofficial means, well, NOT official... the games creators have no say in what becomes the unofficial whatever server. And this is the first I've EVER heard of any server being particularly gay in nature, never mind being the unofficial server for it. And even if it was, the server is not reserved specifically for them.

    I'd say it's likely your friend was being Effed with. Hopefully, for his own sake, not literally.

    If other players are actively telling others to play on another server, or otherwise harassing you or your friend, based on your sexual orientation. Petition them. Open your menu, click on support - and check off "harassment and conduct", fill out the text boxes with relevent information, and click the "send petition" button.