819 -
Quote:The map with the carnies is still filled with map holes. Pretty sloppy to leave it like that for several years of bug reports especially now with the wst.Thankfully the one street-sweep mission for IMSF can be done anywhere there are CoT.
Hahhah Heroes :P
I already had and posted the idea (Costume salvage + LGTFs), but Someone said I couldn't ;(.
But hey its all about the FUN(tm) NEW **** and leave old broken **** unfixed. Unless it's heroside, then it will be fixed next patch window. -
had to authorize this comp 6 times now
Fill last spot with a warshade.
Receive surprise ambush cysts with the clockwork.
Sweet. -
i just hope that there is no more currencies as another currency to aquire the slots is dumb already.
tbh destiny and interface are both more interesting than lore and judgement
thought it was still was bugged and would trigger on the player if you put it in ls.
I like that you can turn off TS and HD in the arena and you can pick maps.
Forts has loads of aoe its just they do little damage on their own and have to pick up webs to mitigate scatter.
You could probably make a decent elec/x/blaze stalker since you can control fireballs criticals but you would have isssues with scatter.
P much everything that isn't something with a taunt aura or have a good mass immob is going to suck for farming. -
Nothing will happen until the ****** designer can see the flaws in his own creation.
It took them several issues and and pressure from heavy lobbying(only way to get real changes) to fix bugs from i13 closed beta.
Some things like indom will for widows did not get fixed at all(added immob protection instead of fixing the kb when mezzed bug)
Seeing how Positron defended his design baby in a recent DR thread, don't hold your breath. -
I'd say a mind/fire.
Good damage, solid control. Good for solo and teams.
It's viable in multiple aspects of this game including PvP(arena and zone) -
Quote:But the AT was considered balanced according to Castle and Black Scorpion seems to be of the same opinion.Stalkers are underpowered, plain and simple. There is a reason so many people consistently avoid adding them to teams (and I'm not one of them, I'll work with any at when forming a team, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not aware of the relative strength of one at vs. another, especially on teams.)
Those who don't seem to see the problem claim they are superior to scrappers in terms of single target damage, but in reality the two at's are pretty much on par there, and single target damage is not very valuable on teams anyway. The one area where stalkers actually are notably superior is burst damage, but again, burst damage is not very valuable on teams, hell, it's not very valuable solo either. AOE is the name of the game on teams, and in pve too really, since you are almost always fighting more than one foe, and scrappers on average bring more of that to the table than stalkers. Then you have the other team benefits that scrappers add to a team better than stalkers - aggro generation/control and better survivability and damage absorbtion.
I like the concept of stalkers, but in terms of overall ability, and especially in terms of value added to teams, this at could really use some added power/abilities to be more competitive with other at's.
Actually i pulled tthat one out of my *** i have no idea what Black Scorpion thinks. Mostly since he doesn't really interact and it's hard to see where he stands. -
Can you still run Silver Mantis in an hour or less?
EDIT: or am i thinking about leviathan? -
Quote:Ignorance? I do admit that scrappers have more survivability than a stalker thanks to having more hp however this game is not that hard.I tried educating, you refused to listen and responded only with hyperbole. I treat willful ignorance with very little compassion.
If i'm able to one shot yellows on a puny stalker. How does the extra damage make scrappers better in that situation if the mitos hp do not vary? -
Quote:I ahve laway eben o hte oponion htat edcutatin rather htan ridiculning makes you seem like les of a ****.It's abacus.
Yes, it is about the player. That same player on the other AT will do better.
I only corrected spelling. I did not add the apostrophe in for you.
Your mileage may vary of course. -
Quote:Yeah but the hp remains the same and at damage cap it really doesn't matter. Well perhaps 1-2 seconds faster in theory if we pull out our abbacus and excel spreadsheet but it's more about the player than AT.
There is no AT specific thing with Mitos that makes their HP change. There is, however, an AT specific thing that makes a scrapper do more damage to Mitos than your stalker. It's called a damage modifier. Not only is a scrapper's build up better than a stalkers, damage buffs (including the red inspirations you mentioned) do more for a scrapper than they do for a stalker. There is a higher base number on the scrapper, so the buff makes a bigger number to begin with even bigger by a bigger amount. The more buffs you add to the situation, the further the scrapper pulls ahead of a stalker.
If you are going bother to correct my spelling to make yourself seem better it's isn't not "isnt" -
Quote:Right.By being able to survive more reliably and do more damage with each 1-2 shot, meaning more 1 shots and less 2s.
EDIT: Survivng isnt that hard if you know what you are doing and i'm not aware of any AT specific thing with Mitos that makes their hp change but ok. -