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  1. SS/Fire. Elec/Fire is sort of nice when you can get constant targetcap with fiery embraced lightning rod but in the end SS/Fire pulls ahead anyway.
  2. Free movement and diversity have already been mentioned so my favorite thing was acessibility(sp?).
    People who said it was so hard to get into didn't really try, they probably stepped into a zone once and get pooped on then never returned.
    I did it on some riggedy pve builds(ill/storm and spines/will scrapper mostly). I didn't do too well but i sure as hell had more fun in zones than now. I could grab a tray of inspirations and just enjoy the thrill of chasing down targets, getting chased and having to position correctly and trying to jump cancel and switcing between cj and sj and hopefully get a cancel off.
    Now everything is travel suppressed and heal decayed and thats not that fun.
  3. Hope the server list merge happens before this tourney
  4. Woah. Not sure if i want to reactivate my current eu account though but this is really nice.

    I'll probably end up rolling something on union or defiant to plqy with old friends if they are still around.
  5. Terror1

    Stalker offense

    Shadow maul is garbage
  6. Melee works if they can mobile and not be locked in the stand in one place and press 1-2-3-4 mindset
  7. Terror1

    DM DPS Questions

    SL, Gloom, Smite, MG, Gloom, Smite IIRC
    SL, Sloom, Smite, MG, Smite is pretty good and doesnt require as much recharge and has slightly better EPS.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post

    Controllers are meant to be team-players. Dominators are meant to be soloists, so of course their single-target DPS is going to be higher in most cases. Of course, there are some exceptions. Obviously, a Mind/Fire Perma-Dom will cut through a mission faster than a Mind/FF controller using SO's. By the same token, I'm sure my IO'd out Mind/Kin could easily beat a Mind/Stone with no recharge bonuses and who has to go through half the mission without the benefit of Domination.

    See, Terror's comparison comes from MC performing at its peak, during Domination. But it should be noted that when Domination is NOT up, a Dom's control abilities are weaker than a Controller's. Duration is less, no chance for Overpower, No containment, and without any buffs or debuffs a Dominator who isn't in domination mode is going to have a hard time against most bosses and EBs. And it should be noted that when taking advantage of containment, a Controller's control powers out-damage the Dominator versions. But since Dominators have attack powers in their secondary, the edge in damage goes to them.
    I disagree on the first. A mind dominator can be very good for a team.
    The second is true i got to experience mind control at its peak and thats why i think its a much better set on dominators. Subjective opinion sure but i can only really tell him things that i have experienced myself from playing the set on both AT's.
  9. hello can i join boot camp on my warshade WARCHODE
  10. i buy most salvage for buy it nao prices since making inf is not that hard to get and i usually go + anyway.
    When i started out i left low bids on salvage and managed to get it at lower prices.
    Salvage moves really fast.
  11. KO blow is amazing. Wish it recharged faster
  12. Quote:
    The title of the thread is Very Best Farmer, I undertook a journey to find out that very thing.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    A few nights go I took my Earth/Ice/Ice to AE with a team of 8 and my setting to 8x/+0 and we steam rolled the map.

    The beauty that Earth/Ice/Ice is great at AoE control and using Sleet and Ice Storm I can pretty much clear a map and get 1650 tickets in one roll... for someone who never farms and does think it brings about negative changes, it's pretty sweet
    That doesnt say much other than gaining tickets is easy. I farmed tickets ona db regen stalker in i14 faster than alot of people on farm focused builds.

    I heard fire/psi/fire is nice and having tried the fire epic on my fire/fire dom i can believe it
    Not sure how good it is and the cost is probably high compared to a brute.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Searching for a clue to what you are talking about specifically, I looked at your post history, and found this post from you in the "Most Overrated Powerset Combos" thread:

    That pretty much explains why I'm not going to continue this conversation with you. You are welcome to your opinion but I'm not going to convince you of anything.
    Do note i have a mind/cold controller and a mind/elec dominator.
    Comparing control my dominator made this easy game borderline retarded, my mind controller couldnt even come close to that.
    Colds are always nice, i like the set on corrs and defenders myself but thats personal preference.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    And 100% better support. Because they, you know, get a support set.

    You're comparing apples to #2 pencils.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I actually have two versions of the same character, one a Mind/Cold Controller, the other Mind/Icy Dominator. The Controller was my favorite of the two until recent changes made it so the Dominator can have many of the endurance advantages the Controller previously had a lock on. The Controller version can still do things the Dominator can't though.
    Comparing the control set against control set. mind control is mediocre on trollers.
  16. Problem with anything that doesnt have a mass immob with a wide radius or a taunt aura is scatter. Well if you can constrain space thats great but you would still end up with more runners.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

    Uh, no.

    That's fighting words on these boards.

    Controller <> Dominator. You just have to know your reasons for picking one or the other.
    Mediocre damage, lack of containment options. Poor control compared to doms.
    Fire is great though.
    Heard and seen great stuff done by ill/colds and elec/colds as well.
    Plant/Cold sounds like a nice combo.
  18. Not sure why he had to go grab his crotch when he hasnt gotten below 25 minutes with a stacked team.

    Speaking of apex i managed to keep a fire brute without alpha healed(pain corr) standing in a blue patch but not sure if i could keep it up when damage is increasing as i was more focused on keeping a fire/dark corr alive so we could finish the sf.