178 -
All I can say now is:
Yup, everything's down. I even got put into a queue (something like "200 of 659") when I tried to log back onto Virtue, and I've never seen that before.
Even the message forum took a long time to load just now.
Update: I can log in and select Virtue, then get the "queued" message. Eventually I get my character-select screen, but no matter who I choose, I get "Cannot find map" and get booted back to the login screen. Sigh... -
I've not visited that particular area, so I can't comment on whether the issue affects only you or not. But it sounds similar to a spot in Pocket D (blueside, upper level, near the smaller of the two bars) where a floor tile shimmies incessantly as your viewpoint changes.
In the latter case, it seems clear to me that there are two polygons occupying the same space, each with a slightly different texture (or maybe the same texture oriented differently), and the game engine can't decide which one has priority, so it alternates between them with every screen update as the camera viewpoint moves.
You'll see the same thing in many supergroup/villain group bases, where the base designer placed two objects that overlap or intersect in some way. Again, the game engine doesn't seem to prioritize any particular object's polygons over another, so you'll see the shimmy where the surfaces occupy the same space.
In the case of the Pocket D floor tile, it's been that way practically forever. If the St. Martial shimmy really bothers you, you could always submit an in-game bug report. -
Shorten up the toes on the Witch, Barbarian and Bridal heels while you're at it, please!!!
I frequently use the in-game feature that lets us keep notes about other players. But for some time now, it's been broken.
I used to be able to create and edit notes that were spread over multiple lines; I basically made a new line (by hitting Enter within the note editor) for each of that player's characters as I found out about them. So a note might look like this:
Code:But sometime in the last six months or so, the game stopped recognizing line breaks in the player notes, so all the lines now run together, messing up the formatting. Notes now look like this:Character A - some notes here Character B - more notes Character C - another note Character D - and so on
Code:Character A - some notes hereCharacter B - more notesCharacter C - another noteCharacter D - and so on
Has anyone else noticed this? -
Just chipping in on the AMD-versus-Intel part of this little discussion...
A computer magazine I was reading had an article reviewing the latest-and-greatest CPUs from both vendors, and comparing them to a few of their older offerings. The article's author made the comment that Intel is already starting to reduce the "bang-for-the-buck" factor on their newer chips, precisely because AMD can't compete with them at the high end. AMD's Bulldozer chips are a disappointment, and Intel's latest i7 has cores that were deliberately disabled at the factory, apparently for no good reason other than Intel doesn't feel threatened enough by AMD to enable them. (It also uses quad-channel memory, which the author points out is of little value to most desktop apps and games that don't even push the limits of dual- or tri-channel memory.) The author went on to state that the i5-2500K is still the best overall value in CPUs today.
Food for thought... -
A certain space-based MMO (which shall remain nameless) has a thing called the CSM. It's a small group of players who are elected (annually, I think) by the general player populace. They're supposed to listen to suggestions or complaints raised by the general populace, debate said issues amongst themselves, and if there's enough support, discuss them directly with the developers in meetings (which happen on a regular basis). The devs aren't obligated to implement the issues brought forward by the CSM, but it's generally expected that if an issue made it that far, the devs would have to have a very good reason indeed to reject it.
It all sounds like a very democratic process, right? But, just as in real-world politics, the people who run for CSM often have their own (sometimes hidden) agendas, and being players themselves, frequently skew towards supporting qame changes that benefit their own play styles.
For example, that game's message forums have many complaints about certain current CSM members who seem to favor the way large alliances (of which some are members) can totally dominate areas of space, with smaller corporations ("guilds") having little hope of making inroads in those areas.
My point is, a representative democratic process can be a two-edged sword, in both real and virtual spaces. Such an arrangement has the potential to bring about good changes, but it can also lead to results that benefit only a small minority of players.
Of course, the same thing could be said about the player-dev interaction in any game, CSM or no CSM... -
Your problem could be related to a PCI bus latency issue that has been known to cause problems on many systems. Basically, the PCI latency timer is a part of the PCI bus which controls how long PCI devices can hold onto the bus for data-transfer before giving up control to other devices. If set too high, it may lead to some devices that need frequent bus access running out of data. Creative Labs soundcards are notorious for being pretty demanding with their PCI bus transfers, and on some motherboards a high PCI latency timer value can cause the soundcard's buffers to run out, causing audio dropouts or distortion.
The default or maximum PCI Latency is usually set in the motherboard's system BIOS; check to see what the current value is (write it down if you have to), then try setting it to a lower value (32 or 64 are often recommended), reboot, and try again. Note that not all motherboard BIOSes will expose this setting and allow changes. If yours doesn't, you can also try PCI Latency Tool since you're running Windows XP. However you make the adjustment, be careful not to set it too low, as this may cause performance issues.
You could also try moving your sound card to a different PCI slot (swapping other cards around if needed), and make sure you have the latest drivers for everything (especially sound and video, but also your motherboard chipset).
If this doesn't help, you can try running DPC Latency Tool, which checks for related bus-latency issues. Run it first while the system is idle; the graph should be continuously in the lower "green" zone. Then keep it running while you launch City of Heroes and zone a few times, switching back to the tool and watching the graph as the zone loads. If the graph starts spiking up into the red area (especially when you experience the sound problem), you have a latency issue. Follow the advice on that page and [carefully!] disable devices one at a time in Device Manager, starting with things like your network card and sound card, and see what happens.
Hope all this helps you.
Target -
Hello, Jay (or any other devs that read this)...
I thought I would draw your attention to this thread:
... in which players are lamenting the way many costume parts are "pre-tinted" and thus cannot be colored the way we players would like. That is, sections of the parts have their own color tinting which mixes with any color selected by the player to produce an intermediate color which is not at all desireable. As pointed out in that thread, this often makes any attempt to colorize those parts come out ugly, and makes it difficult to match those parts up with parts from other sets.
Please fix this. -
GoNukemHigh, what are your system specs (e.g. CPU, video, soundcard, speaker system, etc.)
Do you hear this buzzing at any other time, e.g. in other games? Have you updated any drivers lately? -
I have Time-Warner myself, and I had a major connectivity problem yesterday evening. Mapservered mid-session, then couldn't reconnect anymore after that.
Firing up a web browser to check the server status, I found I couldn't contact cityofheroes.com at all. Checking out some other sites, I found my connections to be very hit-or-miss. Some sites would load, others wouldn't... and even the ones that did load, would sometimes time out if I tried refreshing.
So I checked out a couple of "internet traffic report" sites. http://www.internettrafficreport.com/ reported that North America was experiencing some connectivity problems (the traffic index was at 75%) with an average packet loss of 20%. And http://www.internetpulse.net/Main.aspx?Metric=PL was also showing some packet loss between a few of the major peers.
Mind you, these two sites are still showing similar readings tonight, yet my Internet connectivity is MUCH better than it was last night. So I'm leaning towards Time-Warner itself having been at fault yesterday.
Going to log into the game now, hopefully I won't get a repeat of last night. -
Quote:while you devs are there nose deep in gui fixing, can you please punch the opacity bug in the face ...
The opacity bug is a real show stopper for me, i go blind trying to see anything in the default 53% opacity setting. I need mine to be at 90% or higher and remain there, otherwise i can't see a darned thing in them. Having to go into options to adjust it every time i zone is a frustrating nightmare of epic proportions! *shakes fist* (added the fist shaking for extra emphasis)
This. -
What is your video card, anyway?
Quote:Maybe, but these drivers haven't been updated since August, and CoH ran just fine with them until the latest patch. Considering all the people posting here about the flashing issue starting just now, and the fact it's happening with both ATI and nvidia cards, it seems likely the game is just broken. I doubt a driver rollback would help.I have the GTX 460 and I'm using ancient drivers. I haven't updated them in about a year. I never bother updating my drivers unless I have a performance drop that is actually noticeable. Since CoH plays the same for me as it did a year ago with good frame rates I haven't bothered.
Since I am experiencing no flashing issues what so ever so if you don't absolutely need the newer drivers for some other game you are playing you might want to try stepping them back a few to see if that fixes it. -
I had major flashing right after the patch. A repair from the Launcher corrected it for the most part, but it still happens from time to time. Basically, the "world" disappears for a tiny fraction of a second, leaving only characters hanging against the "skybox" backdrop.
Running nvidia GTX 460 here, 280.26 drivers (newer beta drivers are available, but I'm loathe to try betas to fix a problem in a single game) on Windows 7 Home Premium (x64). -
Fish heads, fish heads... roly-poly fish heads.
Quote:A certain space MMO (which shall remain nameless) would have people use the in-game store to buy their avatars a monocle for the equivalent of $70 in real-world money, or a shirt or boots for around $18. They don't have anything cheaper. Not exactly "candy items".I don't know of any other games that mostly focus on big-ticket items that are generally $10+ each, with no real "candy" items that people blow loads of cash on without realizing it.
Quote:Not a bad idea. By the time you get your refund, computer tech will have moved on. There will no doubt be better motherboards, processors, video cards, and the like.I figure I'll continue this project anyway though. Like when I get my tax returns next year. By then, however, I might want to think about getting another motherboard altogether. I guess I'll see.
Frankly, if I were you, I'd sell any currently-unused components, put the money in the bank, wait for that refund, then buy everything in one fell swoop. If you buy stuff piecemeal over the course of months, you'll find the stuff you bought earliest will have been superseded by something better/faster/cheaper in the interim. -
You could also try one of these:
IDE to SATA converter
You plug it into the back of your IDE hard drive, then run a SATA cable to your motherboard. That way, you can keep on using the IDE drive for storage. Have to make sure there's enough clearance inside your case for the adapter to plug into the back of the drive, though. -
I welcome our new free player overlords.
I'm sorry, but I think merging the archetypes forums is a bad idea.
There may be some crossover of powers and play styles between several archetypes, but they're hardly clones of each other. If I'm playing, say, a Blaster, and need advice, I really don't want to see discussions of Corrupter powers, and vice-versa. -
Ditto. Forum forgets my login when I close the browser. (And still occasionally as I'm navigating the forums.)
Firefox 6.0.2 on Windows 7 Home Premium, x64. -
Quote:I doubt it. 4GB is a hard limit for 32-bit OSes, and even then, the OS doesn't make all 4GB available to programs due to memory-mapping of hardware.
1) I currently have 4 gigs of RAM. If I add more RAM to this, is it going to do anything since I am on a 32-bit OS?
Quote:2) My other option is to upgrade to a Windows 7 64-Bit OS. I don't run any applications that wouldn't work on this. To my knowledge though you gotta wipe the harddrive going from 32 to 64 bit. Is the change difficult to do? I've personally never installed an OS before...
Installing Windows isn't hard, but you ought to make sure you have up-to-date device drivers for all your hardware on-hand (either on CD/DVD or on a second hard drive), as well as the install discs or downloaded installers for all your apps and games, so they can all be loaded after the base Windows installation finishes.
Quote:3) If I do end up upgrading to Windows 7, what is the best 64-bit version? Is there different ones?
You can get the upgrade version of Home Premium x64 for about a hundred bucks or less if you shop online. (You could also get the OEM version, which might make more sense since you have to do a clean install anyway as discussed above, but Microsoft requires that the OEM version must be purchased with hardware.)
Hope this helps.