New monitor... Can't log in?
Yeah that's basically impossible. Have you tried verifying all the files? Stupid questions. Is your capslock key on? Do you use the number pad? Is numlock on?
I was playing CoH yesterday and everything was fine, except for my monitor. It has been falling apart for weeks now, and this morning it was clearly on its last legs. So I ran out and bought a new monitor. It's widescreen (which isn't a perfect fit for my desk, but apparently that's all you can easily buy these days). I plug in the new monitor, fire it up, and everything is fine. I launch CoH to make sure it looks good... and I can't log in.
The Launcher seems to work, I get to the login screen. My username is already there, as usual. I put in the password, and I get an odd error message: "You must fill out the account and password fields to log in to your account." I tried a few more times, with no change. I put in the wrong password on purpose, and it gave me a different, more reasonable error: "The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect." I tried messing around a little. As long as the first character I type is the first character in my password, then I get that first error message no matter what else I type after that. If the first character is not correct, then I get the second error message. Under no circumstances can I log in. Any ideas? I can't imagine a new monitor could cause something like this, but nothing else has changed on my end. |
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

I checked caps lock , and it wasn't the num pad. So I did the next logical thing: I turned my computer off and back on again. Now it works just fine! Ah, technology. Can't live with it, can't afford to smash it with a hammer and replace it every time it annoys me.
/shrug. Guess all is well now. Thanks.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Glad to hear it worked out so easy. Have fun and good luck.
I checked caps lock , and it wasn't the num pad. So I did the next logical thing: I turned my computer off and back on again. Now it works just fine! Ah, technology. Can't live with it, can't afford to smash it with a hammer and replace it every time it annoys me.
/shrug. Guess all is well now. Thanks. |
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

I remember when I had a 19" CRT on my desk. Definitely not a perfect fit.
So I ran out and bought a new monitor. It's widescreen (which isn't a perfect fit for my desk, but apparently that's all you can easily buy these days).

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Ran into the same problem right now. No hardware change, the only change I did since the last time I played CoH was updating my drivers, but I can't see how that would have anything to do with this particular problem.
Closed the game, reopened it, no problem logging in this time.
Actually, a 19" CRT would be perfect. The hutch on my desk has a big square opening. I used to have a big CRT there, for about 7 or 8 years, I guess, but it stopped working. So I used this little square LCD monitor for a few years, but it died. So now I have a reasonably large widescreen LCD. It means there are several inches of empty space above it before the shelves start, but I love having the extra width in CoH. All of the UI elements took up a good half of my old monitor. It's fantastic being able to actually see what's going on.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Last time I got that it was just after a patch. Had to reenable the game in the firewall.
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EDIT: Now it's working again. Like magic! Yay.
I was playing CoH yesterday and everything was fine, except for my monitor. It has been falling apart for weeks now, and this morning it was clearly on its last legs. So I ran out and bought a new monitor. It's widescreen (which isn't a perfect fit for my desk, but apparently that's all you can easily buy these days). I plug in the new monitor, fire it up, and everything is fine. I launch CoH to make sure it looks good... and I can't log in.
The Launcher seems to work, I get to the login screen. My username is already there, as usual. I put in the password, and I get an odd error message: "You must fill out the account and password fields to log in to your account." I tried a few more times, with no change. I put in the wrong password on purpose, and it gave me a different, more reasonable error: "The account name or password that you have entered is incorrect."
I tried messing around a little. As long as the first character I type is the first character in my password, then I get that first error message no matter what else I type after that. If the first character is not correct, then I get the second error message.
Under no circumstances can I log in.
Any ideas? I can't imagine a new monitor could cause something like this, but nothing else has changed on my end.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie