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I was wondering if it is possible to do such a toon similar to infernal and with all the powers that kinda complement each other like fire blast and say battle axe similar like infernal.
So my question is can this be done and would we ever see something like this ever implemented in the game?
Because i think it would bring diversity to the game in ways where it would challenge vets to use different ios that could be used and help stats as well as another way to revamp pvp in some ways. And make pve even better because you now have signature charecters like infernal, battle maiden and others on pair with the player base which makes it funner and a challenge. -
mines are gone too, i haven't been able to access them at all i know the archanos cape was a special CoV release and same with the Translucent cape it was a bonus when u got the dvd version of COH, and i saw i had the options in the middle of May and haven't been able to access them at all.
I love the titan weapons power but i want more swords or a lance or something
didn't even know praetorians could get to ouroboros
damn some of those io's are a few million in market all though you can prolly buy them in the paragon store as a set for a few hundred points
i rolled a titans weapons/willpower brute
and dude been able to stand up to allot of stuns and holds so far
i have him leveled to lvl 32 right now, name is Advant - Man -
i love virtue and after switiching from champion server to vritue a few short years ago, i found the fun level went way up. when i was on champ server it felt a drag to play and too long to find teams for mishes. but when i switch virtue i found an awesome crew of friends that are in the sg i am. and i've met allot of awesome people and some sour grapes but at the same time the community has made coh so much fun for me. as a three year vet i love this server and wouldn't plan on play any where else
agreeeeeeeeeed this ain't cho daddy's circle of thorns
Quote:oh yeah i figured as much, i was just refering to how other super mmo's did and i think city could do it allot better and execute way coolerThat's basically a blaster - ranged primary, (at least partially) melee secondary. All you need is for them to create weapon themed secondaries for blasters.
there needs to be some new mastery powers
what about shield mastery for toons that could use some defense like dominators -
i wished there was a way to have a hybrid toon that could have a duel pistols as primary like a blaster and broad sword/ninja blade/katana/duel blades as a secondary
just a thought -
i've been playing COH for three and half years and have been around a lil after issue 11 and have been happy with the game and the advent of new systems and even additions of Going Rouge. i did beta for the other two super hero MMO's and let me say they lack that special thing and the community that COH gives in comparison.
Dang this is amazingly beautiful piece of art
shows the potential and creativity going on coh, plus 7 years and counting -
Yeah, well as a virtue player giant monsters are always funnn
traps make a good secondary for duel pistols and assault rifle, because once you get to 20 you can get cloaking device and you'll great for teams
Depends on what ur going for damage and holds or just damage or holds i'm balancing mine out
it also depends on which incarnate powers you take like cardiac for my tanker caps out at exactly 59% to 60% for defense
best part of this game is making new friends and teaming with people you've never met and building community
you can only get so far soloing and these incarnate trials are meant to be with a team and now the league features make it awesome
i always team with at least one friend everytime i am on and in the game -
Yeah i never take taunt for any of my tankers, cuz tankers tend to aggro enough on their own to begin with
i went musculrature for my blaster and his damage is hella good now better than b4
that would incure allot of damage especially if the stalker incarnate was slotted for damage properly
Quote:okay manuvuers might be a bad power pick up but it isn't all bad though when you think aboutsome regard a tanker using manuevers as a 'failed build'. Why? It seems great to me and also buffs my team mates.
If i was to watch you play, and the team mates say, were always the same, careful, no nonsense bunch of players, then it is possible that no one needs you to have manuevers and you don't need to have it either. With a table top template game you have circle templates and triangle templates. They show the area of damage. Now if you as a tanker dictate the battle and your team allows for it, then no one needs to be inside of what would be them templates. If no one else gets hit then manuevers, is superfluous. Now some people play to achieve that and in pugs don't fault themselves for how people play their characters. If people want to be taken down by aoes then they only need to be in the middle of them. There were other options but they didn't use them, their fault. If there is a better choice than manuevers given the mindset of someone who creates situations that can offer teams a chance to never get hit then they will choose something else. Something that is perhaps good in pvp like assault which will help them resist taunt and placate. There isnt a law that you have failed if you take manuevers, you just have a different mindset. I would personally avoid manuevers for something better.