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  1. First of all, if you think /Psi and /Icy are low damage, I'd say the only secondary for you is going to be /Fire.

    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    1) If confuse is that powerful, why even need to permahold an AV? You could perma confuse the Av even when solo and just beat him down since a confused opponent wont hit you.
    If you're soloing an AV you need to do enough damage to overcome their regen. Confuse has a long cast time and does no damage in that time. That alone will probably push your DPS below where you need it to overcome their regen. The primaries usually used for soloing AVs have holds with short cast times. I usually see Mind/ and Fire/ used, though others have done it. The holds also do damage.
  2. Mostly what's been said. When I'm leveling up Dark Armor I don't run the damage aura or either of the mez auras until my build is mostly or fully IO'ed. I get a Miracle and Numinas proc in Health ASAP. I also fully slot Stamina and add a Perf. Shifter proc on top. Then once I get the ToE proc in Dark Regen, I'm generally okay. Beyond those things I don't usually build specifically for +end or +recovery, though I do tend to end up with at least some of each.

    If end usage is still an issue, I look at changing around slotting in my attacks to get more end redux. Single-target attacks are rarely the offenders. It's usually fast activating AoEs that contribute the most to end burn over time. So I'll look at pushing up the end redux in the biggest offenders. That usually does the trick.
  3. I can't remember details but I seem to remember this being brought up to BAB at one point and he said he'd look at it. That was the last I ever heard of it.
  4. Out of the powersets listed in the OP, and with the considerations given, I'd say DB/WP no question.
  5. Supernumiphone

    Hero Skin Borked

    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    As a fan of villains, this pleases me. Good. Gooood!
    Yeah I've used the villain skin since day one, so I still have no idea how the hero skin is messed up.
  6. Supernumiphone


    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    Fear, confuse and placate are actually insanely powerful in NPC hands, due to duration, lack of protection and the way they screw up your normal attack/targetting in ways that they don't for the computer run NPC's.
    I have been defeated on my /Invuln Brute more than once on Lambda trials because I couldn't respond well enough due to fear effects. Nowadays I check my inspiration tray and if I don't have any break frees, I try not to piss off the seers.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Being forced not to do that today makes me make hard choices. They aren't desperately hard, but they do make me think, and have to decide what I want more. I think that's a good thing, and am very cautious about removing that.
    This is pretty much where I am. Ninja Run is slower than SJ, slotted or no. I can get by with Ninja Run, sure, but I'd prefer the extra speed (and height) of SJ. So I take SJ whenever possible, but if the build is so tight that I just can't squeeze it in and reach my other goals, it gets sacrificed for the overall build and I use Ninja Run primarily. The point being it is a sacrifice to skip SJ, however small that sacrifice may be to some. It is significant to me. In my opinion that's just about as it should be.
  8. I could do this on Exalted villain-side. Once the details of start date/time/day of week are worked out I'll see about rolling up my new Stalker.

    I'd like to point out that the team would greatly benefit from someone having the Achilles' Heel proc slotted. It doesn't stack, but having someone able to keep that up on hard targets would make a big difference on a team of damage dealers lacking debuffs.

    I don't think that will be me though. I'm not sure which sets can slot the proc, but I'm guessing any of the sword sets and Claws. I don't have any interest in playing NB, BS, or Claws, and I just finished leveling a DB Stalker to 50.

    I seem to remember StJ has a defense debuff. If the proc can be slotted there maybe I'll roll one of those.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LastLeprechaun View Post
    I cannot meaningfully explain the amount of times I have set out to create a character concept and been left with either devices/traps or the wildly popular trick-shot (ahem) as the only possibly (barely) plausible secondary options.
    First off I must admit that having concept be this important a part of character creation is a bit foreign to me, so I may just not "get" what you're talking about.

    That said, if your character is willing to use devices or traps that can do all these wonderful things, why not power armor? Think of it as wearable traps.
    Once you allow that, a lot of other power sets can work as being produced by the armor.
  10. Yes they are not unique, though they are disappointing.
  11. I had a similar experience with a smaller site I've done development for. The index.php files were modified in such a way that it appeared to have been done automatically, by a bot of some sort. That site doesn't run its own server, but uses a hosting company. When the owner of the site contacted the hosting company about the intrusion, he was told that the modifications were done by someone using a valid username/password, and that by far the greatest likelihood was that one of the site admins had his local machine compromised by malware of some sort that had captured the login credendials when he accessed the site.

    A scan of the systems of anyone with admin rights on the site did turn up a few minor infections. Those were cleaned and the problem has not recurred since.

    My guess as to how it works is that it's probably all automated. Malware is loaded by visiting an infected web site or something similar. That monitors the users system for access to web sites. When it captures login credentials for a site, it automatically scans and infects that site, and the process repeats itself.

    So anyway, the short version is, I'd make sure anyone who had access to the titan network scan their system very thoroughly.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    The thing that sets the first list apart from the second one is that it contains enemy debuffs and control powers. We're talking genuine keep-them-from-attacking toystuffs like Cloak of Fear, Disrupt, Energy Absorption and Blinding Powder. And in case that sounds like a one-of gimmick, I also remind you of Oppressive Gloom, Energy Drain, Chilling Embrace and Smoke Flash... And Soul Transfer and Caltrops. (-:
    I'm not in a position to comment on the broader theme of your post or the thread, but I want to point one thing out about this specifically. Enemy affecting toggles like Cloak of Fear and Chilling Embrace don't work very well for Stalkers as they are now, so I wouldn't be asking for more powers like that. Clicks sure, but until the toggles are fixed to work better I think it would be a mistake to add more. I've gotten to the point that I just don't bother running mine anymore.

    In case anyone isn't aware what I'm referring to, enemy affecting toggles break Placate and prevent re-entering Hidden status as long as there is an enemy nearby. While the toggles suppress in the Hidden state, Placate does not put the Stalker into that state, so the toggles do not suppress. As a result they tend to break Placate almost immediately.

    As to the toggles preventing re-entering Hidden status while affecting an enemy, that may or may not be an issue depending on individual playstyle. For me it's not uncommon for me to be scanning the battle and/or repositioning, and once I get into position I can queue AS and go into Hidden status just in time for it to fire. With enemy affecting toggles this doesn't work, because unless I'm already in Hidden status before I get near an enemy, I'll never enter it.

    What that tends to mean in the end is that if I'm running enemy affecting toggles, I pretty much have to play my Stalker as a Scrapper. I can't make good use of the tools specific to the AT. Until that problem is resolved I can't support any push to get even more such toggles for Stalkers.

    As far as fixes go, I presume that the Placate problem can be fixed, but hasn't been yet simply because it has not gotten dev attention. I don't even know if they're aware of it. Not re-entering Hidden status while the toggles are affecting enemies is something that may or may not be "fixable", but I kind of doubt it will get changed in any case. Even just fixing Placate would be a big help.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I won't be heartbroken if this doesn't happen, but it'd be a nice addition that I don't think would unbalance anything.
    You must have missed the discussions on Stalker SJ when we had a preview of it in beta. Making Placate or Build Up give a combo point was requested repeatedly and loudly. If nothing has happened by now, I'm not sure how optimistic I'd be about it happening in the future. Still I think it's worth bringing up again and I'd love to be wrong.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I went through every costume in that thread, and there were a few that made my eyes want to bleed. Which was part of the reason I stopped participation in costume contests to start with.
    The last one I entered, the winner had the full Valkyrie set. That's it. Yeah it looks cool, but if you're going to award someone for the full set, it should be Jay or whoever created the thing. That was just too much. I haven't entered another one since.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarkRavingMad2 View Post
    I did not realize that Cobra Strike was raised from minimal damage to HIGH. Jeebus. I had it just for the stun and was happy with it.
    IIRC the stun chance was reduced from 100% to 75%. FYI.
  16. With regard to the OP...I have a Corruptor build with similar stats. 70% S/L resistance, over 50% energy resistance, and low resistances to everything else. Built for +HPs and regen. Corrs and Stalkers have the same HP caps, and with Energize you'd have a decent chunk of regen, so overall I'd expect the builds to play pretty close to one another.

    Against S/L/E damage you'd do fairly well. You wouldn't be able to handle a lot of enemy attention coming your way the way you could with a defense build, but provided the bulk of the aggro was directed elsewhere it would be plenty of mitigation to get things done.

    So all in all it would be quite playable. It would never be able to compare to a defense build, but if you were just really hankering for a change of pace, it would get the job done.
  17. For me the purpose of my Bane is soloing. I use the Huntsman build for teams, then switch to my Bane to run the tips I just got on that SF.
  18. I have had a distinct impression from playing the game lately that the bugs are getting out of hand. It's hard to keep them straight, and it seems like I'm spending way too much time and effort working around them. I don't have a spreadsheet I can point anyone to, that's just my impression.

    I would like it if the development staff would adjust their priorities to get the amount of bugs back to the previously manageable level. I realize that would likely mean a slight slowdown in the rate of release of future content. That's a price I would gladly pay to have things working right again.
  19. Supernumiphone


    Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    Go /Dark, stacked stuns FTW.
    This IMO. Perma-stunning bosses never gets old.
  20. I just saw someone in game mention that Spinning Strike on his Stalker only did a half crit. Spinning Strike does its damage in 2 ticks. A full crit should equal the sum of both ticks. According to this player, the crit was only equal to one tick.

    I just looked at the power in Mids', and there it is showing the full crit. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to rolling my Street Justice Stalker yet. Can anyone else confirm this in game? If so please /bug it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ericsonx View Post
    I've just never been able to bring myself to play a character that uses it, I mean, if you've no way of lessening damage or evading it, you're always going to get hit and for full amount, I mean....fill me in?
    The set it designed primarily around hit point recovery. So yes you get hit for the full amount, but then you heal it back. It might not seem like that would be much fun, but that's why you have to try it for yourself.

    For defensive sets there seems to be a continuum of player preference. At one end you have sets that you toggle up when you log in, and never have to think about them again. At the other end, there's Regen.

    If you don't want to have to think about anything other than mashing your attacks, Regen is probably not for you. If you like the idea of your survivability being dependent on, and proportional to, your judgements and reactions, Regen might be for you.

    Me, I like Regen because just hitting my attacks in sequence is boring for me. I like to have to think about what I'm doing, and to be rewarded for doing so. Some newer attack sets seem to be designed with people like me in mind. Consider the combo system from Dual Blades, or Street Justice.

    So where along that continuum are you? That will probably give you a good idea of whether you'd like Regen or not. If you don't know, I'd say try it out. I will say though that you don't really get a full idea what the set feels like until you get all the tools, and slotted. So if you plan to try it, really give it a fair shot before making final judgement.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talonflash View Post
    I hesitate to ask for capped Neg resist for DA to bring in in line with the other elemental armours because most likely we'll have to pay the price they do: a huge gapping hole against something else.
    It already has this. In fact, both Fiery Aura and Electric Armor (on a Brute or Scrapper) end up with more resistance to their opposing damage type (Cold and Negative respectively) than Dark Armor. Dark has the lowest resistance to Energy damage, one of the most common damage types in the game.

    Dark Armor is already paying the price you mention.
  23. If I remember correctly the Soulbound Allegiance proc doesn't work well with Fire Imps. Since they only have one attack, when it procs I believe it will boost at most one attack from the imp.

    For procs in Freezing Rain, again going from memory, but I believe that power does have a tohit check. Most people ignore it because it tics so fast and has a defense debuff, so you can pretty safely ignore the tohit check. However with a proc in the power it will roll the proc twice. Once on initial cast, then again 10 seconds in. If it misses on the first tic, that proc opportunity is lost. The fix is to slot some accuracy in the power. Whether it's worth burning the extra slots for accuracy to make the procs effective is your call to make.