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  1. Yes you can slot them in Health. It's one of the best places for them. Put in an auto power the effect becomes permanent as long as you don't exemp below the level where the power is available.

    The amount of +recovery you get is added to any you get from other sources. So if you had unslotted Stamina (25%) and a Miracle unique in Health (15%), you'd have a total of 40% +recovery. If you slot both a Miracle and Numinas in Health, you get 25% from those two, the same as unslotted Stamina.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Now I see why some people have just left placate out of their build. I rarely use it as it is, except for hard targets. My stalker is 32 and as mentioned this is my first encounter with this so thats not too terribly bad, but looking a head to all the EB's in the late game....uhh, yeah.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's just one more reason why defensive secondaries work better for Stalkers.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    If you sell spots on a farm, charge appropriately.

    You can make Inf by buying your way into farms for a couple million and selling the drops.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Those figures are for you soloing the map, yes? If so they would be lowered with more people in the mission dividing the drops, so I'm not sure they are instructive as to how much a person should charge for a spot on a team or expect as income if buying into a farm.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    A merit here, a merit there... so what? So the team leader can get an extra merit or two? And leave the rest of the team with nothing? Why would I run those arcs as flashbacks when they give such a piss-poor reward compared to a strike force?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I am able to run flashbacks and approach the new stated goal for merits/minute for TFs. I can do it solo, and I can double-box easily to double my rewards. I don't need any help starting them. This is redside.

    Sure it's possible to do even better if you can beat the average completion time on a TF/SF, but being able to start them myself and run them myself means I can do a little here and there, whenever it's convenient for me. No worries about people quitting, failing at the end, or any of that.

    The changes have made it easier for me. There's not just one arc available to one or two ATs that's got outsized rewards. There are a number that are decent. Not obviously overvalued like before, but decent.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Thus, clearly, the best way to get a purple drop is for people to demand screenshots of your activities.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That must be why I've never gotten one. I need to start making outrageous claims so people will demand proof.

    Ok you know how some restaurants have those pairs of swinging doors leading into the kitchen, one marked "Out" and the other marked "In"? Well...



    this one time....I went out the "In" door.

    I know I'm so bad.
  6. Thanks for this recent burst of info, Posi. Especially thanks for being willing to put up with all the complaints and negativity and still come here and let us know what's going on. There are those who understand you guys are especially busy right now and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but of course you don't hear much from them. You guys make a great game and the awesome level of communication is one of the things that really sets it apart.
  7. I still see Infinity CoV Badges being used, though the MotD hasn't been updated in over a year, so maybe the op is MIA.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I looked at Blaster, Brute, and Stalker Powersets and Charged Brawl does not ever do more damage than Bone Smasher so something is wrong somewhere for it to be dealing more for Doms then.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Within an AT you're correct. That's why people are saying Blaster version. The damage of the powers are balanced with recharge and endurance cost as well. Look at Dominator Charged Brawl end cost and recharge, compare it to the Blaster version, now look at the Brute version. Do the same with Bone Smasher.

    That's what people mean that Doms got the Blaster version of /Elec melee attacks. Higher damage, recharge, and end cost.

    /Elec is not unbalanced compared to other Dom secondaries, it just got what many feel are the "better" versions of the attacks. If you don't have much +recharge, you may not agree, since you'll be waiting a long time on your attacks. I'm sure there are people who would prefer the other versions that didn't have such long recharges.
  9. If Drain Psyche isn't enough to keep your health topped off, you're doing something wrong. If you haven't picked it up yet, get it ASAP.
  10. Dominator/Psionic Assault: Psychic Shockwave

    I believe I've narrowed this down to some combination of:


    but I don't have a /Psi Dominator high enough to test it.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    How do you shut down that annoying artic fog sound for corruptors and ice defenders. That is driving me NUTS !!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That was covered earlier in the thread. The search tool is your friend.

    Edit: A quick look in my folders shows I have sound\Ogg\Powers\cold_loop.ogg and sound\Ogg\Powers\fog_loop.ogg both silenced...I'm guessing those are what you're after.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh wow, thank you so much! But if you don't mind my asking I have another question. I'd like to know if there's a way to get rid of the sound the police scanner make when someone near you is looking through it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I believe that's sound/Ogg/Weapons/PPD1_loop.ogg but I haven't double-checked it to confirm.
  13. I'm going to agree with the person who said it's probably worth clarifying what it means when you say an IO functions as a set bonus. Specifically that it ceases to function if you exemp/malefactor more than 3 levels below the level of the IO, or any level that causes the power the IO is slotted in to be unavailable.

    In my experience IOs that have a 120 second timer do not have this limitation, and will continue to work at any level as long as the power is available.

    I also wonder if it wouldn't be worth including the -KB IOs. They're not unique, but they are more like uniques in their function than anything else.
  14. Two questions.

    1) Any chance of getting one of the mods to update your OP with the newer proc additions? It would be nice to have a comprehensive list, and this seems like the ideal place for it.

    2) How do procs work on powers that themselves have a % chance to activate? If I understand what I read in this thread correctly, the power a proc is slotted in has to succeed in its tohit check (if there is one) before the proc chance is rolled. However what if the effect the proc is targetting has a roll also?

    I'm specifically asking about Seeker Drones. You can slot a disorient proc in them, but the disorient aspect of this power only has a 25% chance to activate. So does the proc roll every time the tohit check succeeds, or only when the tohit check *and* disorient roll succeed?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I could have sworn EA already had teleport and repel protection....

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah this thread is over 2 years old.
  16. I'm surprised to find myself in the minority on this one. I agree that this change wasn't handled as well as it could be, but I don't have a problem with it overall. Looking at the posts from Posi it seems he is aware of the problems and working to address them. He addressed the most common complaints in this thread. They are working to improve the way they handle patch notes, and he is looking at reducing the starting requirements for some of the TFs.

    The people running 8x8 Caps, generating 64 recipes in under two hours had to know that was not intended behavior. Sure I want the top end recipes too, and I've been on my share of fast Caps. Still I was under no illusions about what I was doing and I'm not surprised it's been addressed. As many have pointed out, this SF can still be run fairly quickly, so it's not like any of us have been locked out.

    As for the RSF problem, with any luck it will be addressed soon.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Huh? What good does soloing the first missions of a TF do?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    For many people who don't read the boards, that's when they'll first discover the change.
  18. My prediction: The next time you team with Pearl she will say that she did reply in your thread, but won't say which reply.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Gangbuster (Pain)
    Kill 200 Family (Marcone) Bosses. (An 8 person team hunting throughout southern and northern Port Oakes is the best bet.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most sources that I've found list PO as the place to find Marcone Boss's. This is an agonizingly slow place to hunt them, There are a ton in the southern half of Nerva, but they are around level 27.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /macro Capo targetcustomnext Capo


    /bind f targetcustomnext Capo

    spam repeatedly while you run around PO. Makes it *much* faster than just cycling through available targets or looking for the red glow around their head when you enter visual range. Once you've done this a bit you get to know where to find the most of them and you can just make a continuous circuit and rack them up pretty fast. Still takes a while and I've never had the patience to do the whole thing in one go, but a few sessions and you're done.

    Oh and this also targets some non-bosses, like Capo Gunners. Nothing I could figure out would exclude them and still target the bosses, so I just live with it. Still works great.
  20. Very nice. And yeah when Posi said "respecialization" I was like "wha?"
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Meantime any new toons of mine shall still undergo the "accolade power grind"

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Sad but true.

    /em crosses fingers
  22. Anyone know which file can silence the alarm sound in mayhem missions? I mean the one that triggers when you cross one of the red beams in the side mission and get the "Alarm triggered!" message. I have to turn my speakers off every time that happens.

    I tried looking for a likely candidate just based on the file names and nothing jumped out at me. Even if anyone has any suggestions for possible names I'll try them but offhand I don't even know where to start.
  23. Ah thanks for the reply. I'm familiar with City of Data but somehow never notice the attack typing information. I wish there was a source like that for the attacks mobs in the game use. AFAIK in at least some cases they may use an attack with the same name as one players get but it can be different in some ways, so I'm not sure I'd count on the typing being the same.

    It's also good to know that attacks can have more than one damage type. So what's usually said about smashing defense working against say a cold/smashing attack is probably true in *most* cases, but not necessarily all. Great info.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    So that there is no confusion, here are some examples:

    * Fireball does fire damage and smashing damage. Its typed Fire_Attack/AoE_attack. Smashing defenses do not protect against it.

    * Ice Arrow is typed Cold_Attack/Ranged_Attack. It does not do cold damage. It does no damage at all.

    * Dominate is typed Psionic_Attack. Notice it isn't typed with any "positional" type at all. So none of Super Reflexes defense powers work against it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Is it possible for an attack to have more than one damage type? It's been a while since I've come across a specific example, but I've seen it said many times that for an attack with multiple damage components the highest defense value is used. So in the Fireball example if I had 10% smashing defense and 5% fire defense, supposedly the 10% number would be used. If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, anything other than fire defense (or positional defense) would be ignored.

    That would be a change to my understanding of how typed defense works. It has been said, and I have long understood, that with only smashing/lethal defense I would be protected from any attack that had a smashing or lethal component. That would include a lot of ice, fire, and energy attacks.

    So if that is not there any source for how various attacks are typed? Or maybe I should ask if there's any *published* source. ;P
  25. <QR>

    Well considering that I'm bored out of my skull ATM because I decided I wanted to get the Force of Nature accolade at the lowest level possible on my current alt, I'm all for this. Farming mayhem missions endlessly is the opposite of fun, but I do like to have my accolades available for SFs, trials, and whatnot. I just don't see any valid justification for punishing people who don't have the knowledge, patience, or opportunity to farm for accolades at lower levels. Not only that but to me it's so much more satisfying to get the requirements through normal play, but as others have said you end up being punished for doing it that way.