Miracle & Numina +Recovery/+healing




Howdy folks, i was wondering what the result would be of slotting these Procs into Health, Fast healing, or another similar auto power since Paragonwiki lists their chance of kicking in at 100%.
Would this make their effect permanent? Or is it impossible to slot them into these powers?
Also, probably a silly question but... does the +15% recovery from Miracle's for example get added to your total recovery or to the bonus you get from Stamina (AKA another +15% to Stamina's 25%, making it 28,75% like when adding an enhancement to it? I assume it's the first, since not everyone gets Stamina - but still better safe than sorry )

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Yes you can slot them in Health. It's one of the best places for them. Put in an auto power the effect becomes permanent as long as you don't exemp below the level where the power is available.

The amount of +recovery you get is added to any you get from other sources. So if you had unslotted Stamina (25%) and a Miracle unique in Health (15%), you'd have a total of 40% +recovery. If you slot both a Miracle and Numinas in Health, you get 25% from those two, the same as unslotted Stamina.



Those sorts of powers are the best place to slot them. the bonuses are added to total recovery, so it's like having unslotted Stamina if you've got both. Add Stamina itself and/or Quick Recovery, and you're looking at a lot of +recovery.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

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Exemplaring doesn't affect them. The only difference the level of the IO makes is the level at which you can slot it. They are all equally effective once slotted, and will continue to function at any level as long as you have the power they are slotted in available.

Edit: For further clarification you might want to read the Mini-Guide to Unique IO's stickied at the top of this section. Probably will answer your questions and then some.



neat things about those IOs if you use numina and miracle uniques
youll have +20% regen and +25% recover, thats the same as a
unsloted stamina (also a +25% recovery boost) and that +20%
regen is about half a unsloted health. (normaly health is a 40%
regen buff) if you add the regenerative tisues unique youll accualy
surpas that base lv of health. (and be better then sloting 3 SO/IOs
in it)

some of the best sloting for health nowadays is
(Regenerative tissued +regen)
(Miracle +recover)(Miracle: heal) {both for more recovery +2.5%}
(Numina +reg/rec)(Numina: heal) {both for more regen +10}
(note also now your health is about 80% moded for more regen
that way)

(and optional (numina or miracle heal/{something})
as that third spot in either is more HP, and will
put your health to the "3 SO" lv of sloting

This sloting will be over a staminas worth of end and
even a none regen will start to regen enough for
you to notice (even more so then just health)



Another cool thing though most likely a bug, the Numina and Regenerative Tissue uniques aren't set to ignore enhancements so whatever heal enhancements you put in health also increases the regen you get from the numina/regen tissue Ios

2 slotted health with a Numina and a Regen tissue gives you:
Numina: 20%
Regen Tissue:25%
or 95% total regen bonus

5 slotted with 3 lvl 50 heal IO's(~100% heal enhancement) and the Numina/Regen tissue gives
Regen tissue 50%
or 170% total regen bonus
side note: you can also replace a heal IO with a Lvl 50 Numina Heal IO for the 12% regen set bonus

not to mention that going through a loading screen double stacks the uniques for 2 minutes so thats another 45-90%

so including all that your total +regen just from health can possibly add up to +272% for a few minutes



Some very creative slotting there, seems i will be doing some respeccing since most of my Healths only have 3 slots in them
Thanks for the great tips!

[/ QUOTE ]

NP warning though its some expencive pieces to be looking for



Some very creative slotting there, seems i will be doing some respeccing since most of my Healths only have 3 slots in them
Thanks for the great tips!

[/ QUOTE ]

NP warning though its some expencive pieces to be looking for

[/ QUOTE ]
At least one of them can be gotten with merits (250 though O.O).
Maybe 2? Haven't checked Regenerative tissue yet

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Some very creative slotting there, seems i will be doing some respeccing since most of my Healths only have 3 slots in them
Thanks for the great tips!

[/ QUOTE ]

NP warning though its some expencive pieces to be looking for

[/ QUOTE ]
At least one of them can be gotten with merits (250 though O.O).
Maybe 2? Haven't checked Regenerative tissue yet

[/ QUOTE ]

All set IOs (other than purples) can be bought outright with merits, but for recipes like that you're often better off doing random rolls. You might not get the recipe you want, but you also might get other valuable recipes that you can sell and make enough inf to buy the recipe with inf and merits leftover.

Good ranges to roll in are the 35-39 and 40-45 range. I don't know the exact percentages, but those are more likely to produce more sought after recipes (especially the sets that cut off at 40 like Decimation, Touch of Death and Miracle).


Also on Steam



Ah, i always thought people rolled in those level ranges because they were worth more (due to being able to slot the procs on lowbie alts).
I didn't know they were more likely to drop the good stuff! Thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]

The level you roll in doesn't actually dictate the level of the goodie you get, at least not directly. Unintuitively, what the level range you roll in controls is what's available as a reward in your random grab.

Set IOs have level ranges for which they exist. For example, Miracles exist from 20-40. Mako's Bite from 30-50, and Entropic Chaos from 20-35. When you roll, your random reward is picked from the list of recipies who's level bands overlap the range you picked. For example, if you pick 35-39, you could get all the sets I mention above, but if you pick 40-44, you couldn't get Entropic Chaos, because it doesn't exist at level 40. If you roll 20-24, you couldn't get a Mako's Bite, because it doesn't exist down at level 20.

Once the game knows what you're getting, it gives it to you at the lower of your level and the top end of that set's level band. So if you're level 50 and you get a Miracle, it will be level 40. If you're level 35 and get a Miracle, it will be level 35.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Some very creative slotting there, seems i will be doing some respeccing since most of my Healths only have 3 slots in them
Thanks for the great tips!

[/ QUOTE ]

NP warning though its some expencive pieces to be looking for

[/ QUOTE ]
At least one of them can be gotten with merits (250 though O.O).
Maybe 2? Haven't checked Regenerative tissue yet

[/ QUOTE ]

All availible for merits, BUT a warning, you cant get a regenative tissues
from ANY roll, its a lv 10-30 recipe thats either end mission or mob drop
(one of those dont remember witch) so for that one youll either have to
buy it of market or buy it outright with merits. Miracle and numina unique
are pool c (tf/sf pool)

Note also if it is a end mission drop you cant even just Ouro them as all
the end mission ones seem at true lv not exempted lv. Though if it is a
mob drop you might get it but like all the realy good stuff its rare.




All availible for merits, BUT a warning, you cant get a regenative tissues
from ANY roll, its a lv 10-30 recipe thats either end mission or mob drop
(one of those dont remember witch) so for that one youll either have to
buy it of market or buy it outright with merits. Miracle and numina unique
are pool c (tf/sf pool)

[/ QUOTE ]

Mob Drop - Pool A rare.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Btw, how do these work for Khelds?
I've currently skipped Health on my Peacebringer due to it not working in my Nova and Dwarf forms, how about the procs, will they still work? (for some reason i think i read somewhere that they will...)
Might be time to respec again and get that Health back then (i'm currently forced to take powers i'm not using anyway lol)

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If the power these are slotted in is disabled, they won't activate. However, you could pop into human form, then have 120s of benefit from these in other forms. While inconvenient, it's not unworkable.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



To get something cleared? Because I'm not entirely sure how these 2 IO's work (numina and regen tissue). I hear people say it's permanent when slotted in an Auto power. However when I monitor my Regen and Recovery on my Tank, It's always changing. What am I missing?

~Amidst the blue skies, a link from past to future. The sheltering wings of the protector~



If your a WP tank your regen rate changes all the time based on # of foes
around. If you look in your combat numbers you will find that both the numina
and regenartive tissues are added to your regen and recover as expected.

Note the bonus will seem to change every time you zone. It will correct
itself after that 2 min that it takes for the older ones to vanish.



Btw, when slotted into AoE healing powers (like Radiant Aura) these Procs will still only affect me correct?
Would make one hell of a combination for healers otherwise

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Only you.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Hmm, anyone happen to know which ticket reward rolls have the Numina & Miracle special IO's in them?
I know Regenerative Tissue can be gotten from both Bronze and Silver rolls (rolled several on the 30-34 categories in both groups) - but no luck so far on the others.

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