1800 -
Yes, you need to both fully slot it and learn how to use it
Anyone who hasn't prominently appeared in a movie or an animated TV series can be considered T2 IMO. In this respect, one could say Deadpool is considered T2, since while he may be popular within the comic book readers (to the point of overexposure, as some put it) nobody else knows or has even heard of him (even "softcore" Marvel fans who get most of their superhero fix through the various animated series and live action films)
Quote:Nope.From what I can guess if you're a Rogue and want PPP you would have to spend 2 days of tipping and run the arc to get access to PPP's powers.
Rogues don't need to do any tips to run patron arcs, they can just go talk to the contact directly without any bureocracy or paperwork -
Based on whatever you want to base on, what say you oh great gurus of the CoH/V General Chatter and Spam?
You could say DDR theoretically works under the same mechanic, except there is no way to debuff DDR.
Brute tends to be the wiser choice.
You start with less defensive capabilities than a Tanker, but you have the potential to match their top survivability through buffs in a support-saturated team.
Brutes are also much more meaner killing machines than Tankers, being more on par with Scrappers on the offensive side, so as a Brute you have the potential of getting the best of both worlds. -
Quote:Information overload is a common sympton in the Player Questions forumIs this the part where someone posts a detail about a game system, like saying you can only have 5 copies of the same set bonus value... then someone else chimes in to add clarification that is rarely useful to the person being informed, such as the limit being set by the name of the bonus... then someone else starts to talk about the hows and whys which clarifies the first clarification, such as pointing out that each set bonus is treated as a power and all of the current set bonus powers are set to be limited to five copies, but it would be a trivial matter to create a set bonus that allows 10 copies or 2 as the difference is merely a single number in a spreadsheet....
Is that the sort of situation going on? -
Quote:1.- I *think* mob recovery is the same across minions, lieuts and bosses, but the end/sec gain varies since higher ranks have higher max endurance (lieuts 140, bosses 200, AVs 800)1) Wiki seems to be missing the recovery table of Mobs aside from Minions.
2) It also seems to be missing the HP table for Giant monsters.
3) I'd love to know the Debuff resist numbers on all mobs and not just AVs (which are listed in Paragon Wiki)
4) Do debuff resists reduce only the potency of affected stat, or do they also shorten the duration of the bebuff as well?
5) Speaking of debuffs. I'm quite confused about some of them. I know how all debuffs work (I think, at least, lol) except Regen and Recovery debuffs. I learned that the Regen and Recovery are "tick" based (set amount of % regained at intervals of time) and more Regen/Recovery rates mean that the intervals will occur more often and not higher % of HP/End at each tick. Now...question is, how do debuffs factor in this? Matter of fact, how do buffs work as well? Though I'm assuming if I can learn one the other will work the same way, but yeah. I can't figure it out really. How do Regen/Recovery buffs and debuffs work?
Paladin has 13k
Kraken has 18k
Babbage has 25k
Deathsurge has 27k
Lusca has 35k hitpoints per each tentacle + head
Adamastor has 42k
Ghost of Scrapyard has 43k
Eochai has 45k
Jack in Irons has 47k
Jurassik has 57k
4.- Debuff resistance only decreases the potency of the debuff, not its duration. Mez resistance, however, decreases mez duration
5.- From what I understand, ticks are fixed. There is no way to increase/decrease tick frequency, and the buffs/debuffs to regen/recovery simply increase/decrease the hp/end gained with each tick -
It's not all about the softcap, softcap alone means squat in practice when fighting +4/x8. What you need is reliable layers of mitigation stacked with each other, ie high defense (even short of the softcap), high resistances, high regeneration/healing, knockdown, slows, debuffs, control and any and all types of active mitigation.
In the presence of powers such as Mask of Vititation, Mental Scramble, non-positional psionic attacks, and an entire firing squad worth of -def debuffs, you definitely need something more than "It's all about the soft cap..." -
A couple runs on Unai Kemen's "BP Farm" will do
Gangbuster requires 200 Marcone Bosses. Lts don't count, sadly.
Best place to hunt redside is in St Martial, NE corner, near "The Flop" neighborhood (which seems to be your location as per that screenshot) -
Geas seems much easier for me than FoN, especially for Firebug
Born in Battle and High Pain Thresold are both very easy to get -
I find Accolades are generally easier to get redside, with the exception of Force of Nature
In my opinion, Stalkers need to be buffed at the best thing they do: single target damage.
Much like the buffs to Fire Armor in i18, a set which is considered squishy but strong offenssively, the buffs further reinforced its offenssive status, making it much stronger than before.
Something similar needs to be done with Stalker, like buffing AS damage by at least 300% in PvE and 50% in PvP. It's sad when you can't even take a quarter health off a +2 boss with a well landed BU + AS.
Simply put, Stalkers need to be the indisputable single target damage kings, hands down. As it stands, a Fire/Shield Scrapper has both better survivability and better damage, being able to take down a Rikti Pylon in under 4mins by themselves. They also do massive AoE damage and look cooler, to boot. -
I have full knowledge of the game and defensive mechanics and I also stay away from pure defense sets (SR, EA). Even at the softcap I find them too unreliable (then again, the RNG does hate me), so I prefer sets with defense AND a secondary means of mitigation such as Ice Armor which has +hp and -rech debuffs, or Shield Defense which has +hp, +dam and a massive spawn clearing attack.
Super Strength is the most popular choice, so be original and pick something else.
Stone Melee provides excellent AoE mitigation, Claws and Fire deal sick AoE damage if you don't mind herding the spawns, and also do very good single target damage. -
My SS/Elec Brute, Elec/Fire Tanker and Fire/Shield Scrapper can all do several enemy groups at +4/x8, in that order of effectiveness. As mentioned before it largely depends on which enemy groups you're fighting; CoT, Council, Crey, Rikti, Nemesis, Malta, KoA and Carnies may range from easy to moderate in difficulty. But Arachnos, Longbow, Devouring Earth and Rularuu can be tricky.
Each one of them has just under a billion inf invested in their builds, but then again I built them some time ago and prices may've gone up. -
Many Gods have seen wielding weapons.
Thor has a hammer (which is a tool rather than a weapon)