resistance, -resistance, -damage, defense




Let me get a few things straight on how these properties interact.

Resistance will resist -damage and -resistance. When applying a -resistance debuff, it will: A) enhance the effectiveness of -damage by stripping away resistance; B) multiply the effect of -damage when a foe's net resistance value to a specific vector drops below 0%; C) -resistance will have similar effects on future applications of -resistance.

Take a character that has a base of 30% resistance to all. If a damage debuff of -20% were placed on this character, the debuff would be reduced to -14%. Similarly, if a resistance debuff of -20% were applied to this character, the debuff would be reduced from -20% to -14%. However, after having that -resistance debuff applied, the previous -damage duff would be increased from -14% to -16.8%.

Similarly, a charracter at 0% resistance to all that has a -20% resistance debuff applied would have the same damage debuff of -20% enhanced to -24%. If two -20% resistance debuffs were added to this character with 0% resistance to all, then the first application would be valued at -20% resistance, and the second application would be valued at -24% resistance. So, with every application of a -resistance debuff, it is enhancing future applications of itself as well as any future and current application of -damage.

So here's the question, assuming all of the above is right. Does this mechanic differ from defense/DDR, and -defense? Are they the same-- ie does Defense Debuff Resistance get reduced as -defense is applied-- or does DDR always operate at its listed performance? It seems like a similar mechanic happens as defense is reduced and more hit pile on. However, cascade failure feels much faster for characters at 90% resistance versus 45% defense/90% DDR. My gut tells me this is because the 90% DDR value is operating in full effect from 45% dfense on down to 0% defense, and that because resistance resists -resistance, it would experience faster cascade failure.



You could say DDR theoretically works under the same mechanic, except there is no way to debuff DDR.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
C) -resistance will have similar effects on future applications of -resistance.
You're right up until this point. -Res is resisted by the undebuffed resistance value. If you have 40% resistance undebuffed, all resistance debuffs will be reduced by 40%. On a different note, -dam uses your debuffed resistance value to determine its effectiveness, and all debuffs use whatever resistance you have that applies to it on the fly (so if you get hit with a 20% resistance debuff while affected by a 10% -dam debuff while you have 0% resistance, you will now be at -20% resistance and -12% damage, rather than the -20% resistance and -10% damage that you thought).



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
You're right up until this point. -Res is resisted by the undebuffed resistance value. If you have 40% resistance undebuffed, all resistance debuffs will be reduced by 40%. On a different note, -dam uses your debuffed resistance value to determine its effectiveness, and all debuffs use whatever resistance you have that applies to it on the fly (so if you get hit with a 20% resistance debuff while affected by a 10% -dam debuff while you have 0% resistance, you will now be at -20% resistance and -12% damage, rather than the -20% resistance and -10% damage that you thought).
Thank you very much for that information. I didn't know that your undebuffed resistance value was tracked and used in that fashion. In that sense, Resistance is very similar to DDR, with the biggest difference being a 75%/85%/90% cap that varies by AT versus a 95% cap for DDR (of course, only achievable by SR and Shields).