1800 -
It depends on what role you want to perform. Do you want to just focus on damage and nothing more? go Blaster. Do you want to be a valuable addition to your team, contributing a nice mix of buffs, debuffs and damage? go Corruptor. Do you want to lock down large spawns and do a bit of damage? go Dominator
Farm Lady Winter/Baby New Year's missions. Alternate between them, set the spawns to x8 and go to town
I used to play Anarchy Online before coming to CoH. In that game, the "Doctors" (the game's main healing class) pulled huge amounts of aggro just by healing; the bigger the heal, the more "threat" they generated. This forced the tank class to stay on top of his game spamming taunts and paying more attention while managing aggro. All mezzes in that game were single target, too.
2 Fire/Rad Corruptor(s) and/or Controller(s)
Congrats, RSFs and STFs where you just rush the Phalanx/Patrons are always fun.
Quote:On the other hand, most of those sets do deserve the hype they getHyper in-game and hyped on the forums are often different. In-game, at least by my perception, Dark Miasma seems underrated. Almost never see one. In-forum, Dark Miasma gets a lot of "This set is awesome!"
My own list, including several frequently mentioned. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean I dislike these sets. Some I play.
Fire/Kin Controller
Kin/Fire Corr
Elec/SD Scrapper
Super Strength anything
Willpower anything
Bad Empaths (I'd argue good Empaths are under-hyped)
Sonic Resonance (Let's be clear here: any amount of hype for this set is overhype. Compared to all the other options, it's, in my opinion, that bad. I like the set, but it really, really needs a look)
Rad/Sonic Defender
Power Mastery on Defenders
Body Mastery (and equivalents) on Scrappers/Brutes/Tanks
Illusion/Rad Controller
Psy/EM Blasters (In PvP only. Yeah, well built they kick serious butt, but there's plenty of other viable alternatives (and ATs). Maybe or maybe not in the top-end competitive scene, but I've never played or seen that level). -
I don't really care for that last comment
Tough and Weave are both excellent choices for Blasters IF you're stacking Tough with your (resistance) Epic/Patron Shield AND Weave with defensive set bonuses.
Quote:That's not how it works.My understanding is its not subtractive, unlike to hit. It works like resistance debuff, recharge debuffs etc, where 100% debuff is halved regen.
A 50 arch villain has 28,271 HP. He regens 5% of that every 15 seconds (1413), for a regen of 94 HP per second. If its subtractive (dropping it to 23), that's a net loss of 61. For even a single sonic blast (20% debuff) to not outweigh it, your entire team has to be dealing under 300 dps, which is pretty low. If its multiplicative, the loss is 19 or so, requiring a paltry 100 dps to beat. If my math is off, let me know. It was never my best subject.
There are certainly some corner cases where its handy (unstoppable as mentioned below), but this thread isn't about things that are nice, but overrated. And regen debuffs, IMO, fits that to the point where its replaced healzors for something people wont leave home without. If you really want to kill something fast, bring a /sonic defender. A stacking 20% resistance debuff is pretty obscene. -
Quote:As Arbegla said before me, a typical -regen debuff does -500% regen to the target, which with a single application is almost enough to zero their regeneration. Say you have a Cold and a Therm in your team? yeah, they're enough to completely shut down an AV's regeneration even through their 85% debuff resistance. A Dominator's Drain Psyche or a Trapper's Poison Bubble is enough to halt an AV/GM's regeneration by itself, the latter being autohit and easy to perma.In game? Debuffs in general once you get a good steamroll going. People don't understand how AV's resist them on top of the "purple patch" effect, and buffs last for multiple spawns. There's been a lot of talk in this thread about regen debuff, but that AV is going to resist 85% of that. A single sonic blast will typically yield more bang for your buck on a team.
Seeker Drones actually have to activate their [Self Destruct] power for the debuffs to take effect. If they're destroyed before they can self-destruct, the debuffs won't take effect.
Also /Traps is the opposite of click-and-forget. That powerset sees a buttload more interruptions than both Cold and Dark combined. It is a good thing indeed that its -regen debuff is autohit and the highest ingame, but the powerset is one of the busiest debuff sets -
Not to mention the traps are targetable and destroyable, and they will be destroyed by a well placed [Hammer of Justice] from Statesman or [Hammer of Tyranny] from Reichsman, or even a wide-area [Foot Stomp] that most GMs like to spam
I personally tend to favor defense-based sets for Scrappers/Stalkers and resistance-based sets for Tankers/Brutes
HT lasts 30 seconds and it's on a 180 second base recharge, which makes it pretty much impossible to keep it perma.
Cold and Thermal's regen debuffs are similarly on long timers, though theirs are more manageable than HT. Lingering Radiation on the other hand, can be made perma on SOs, after Hasten and AM.
Rad's main advantage is IMO that it's a fire-and-forget set; toggle EF, launch LR and go to town with your attacks. Cold and Dark on the other hand, see a lot of interruptions in their chains with reapplying their debuffs (and buffs in the case of Cold)
I am of course talking about long fights against hard targets, where debuffs and DPS actually matter. -
Quote:While I respect for opinion, I'd have to disagree.Radiation Emission: Another decent set but I think it tends to get a bit to much regard relative to other sets. -Regen is useful but several other sets (Cold and Traps) provide equivalent or better -Regen alongside other useful tools. It's not a bad set but I think it does get over-hyped.
For all the awesome it can do, rad is, if anything, underrated. It's usually overshadowed by Dark Miasma (and Cold Domination to a lesser extent) while being a far, far superior set. -
Dark Miasma has perpetually been overhyped
Outside of farms and exploits, I consider AE arcs to be fanfiction that our heroes/villains "play" in an arcade-like facility.
I've never been a fan of fanfiction, and I didn't come to Paragon City/Rogue Isles to play a game-within-a-game -
My squishies tend to be either female or non-human (mainly insects) while my Brutes/Tankers tend to be maxed out huge builds. I do have a female Tanker though, who looks like an amazon from that Snu-Snu planet on Futurama
Out of my current line-up:
Brute = Male (Huge)
Mastermind = Female
Corruptor = Male (Android)
Dominator = Female
Stalker #1 = Male (mutated thorny plant)
Stalker #2 = Female -
Yeah, I reeeeaaaally doubt a Cold Corruptor is going to be soloing GMs. AVs maybe, but not the tougher ones.
I made a DP/TA Corr on test that is very capable of mowing down x6 spawns: a mixture of good AoE damage (empty clips + hail of bullets + ignited oil slick / immobilized by web envelope) and softcapped S/L defense (with scorpion shield) made it a rather fun toon to play
FF bubbles are indeed affected by PB, because their resistance values are not enhanceable (unlike cold shields)
Therm and sonic shields are not enhanced by PB either.