Silver Gale

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  1. So... this is it? This is the actual character who is dying? It's not some thing where you go "Statesman DIES!" and then in future parts it turns out his death moves Manticore or whoever to sacrifice himself to bring him back and that's the character who actually dies? I'm *assuming* you wouldn't make up this whole article to mislead us, because that would be kind of dumb.

    And so Statesman dies in part 5, and there are two more parts that are still called "Who Will Die?" even though the question is already answered?

    Look, I love what you guys have dome with Freedom and the store and all the new costumes and power sets, but at this point the only way I can enjoy the writing is if I make up a drinking game to go along with it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    The Super Boosters are as much "Gambling" as the machines at supermarkets full of cheap rubber toys are.

    This is not gambling.

    Neither are the Super Packs.
    Yes, and those rats that randomly get a pellet or not when they throw the switch aren't gambling either. I have no moral qualms against gambling, I just don't want to be treated as a lab rat that is being conditionned to hit the "give Paragon money" button as often as possible.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    In fact most things cold in game other than the snow aura, cryogenic aura and the recent holiday temporary snowstorm power just miss the mark conveying cold or ice.
    So most attempts at conveying frost or ice in the game...


    ...just leave you cold?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
    There's two main objections. One is the exclusivity issue, one is the gambling = immoral issue. They're linked, but still two different things. Given that this thread is about moral obligations, only the latter is really relevant.

    And yeah, the packs aren't really gambling, but the folks who think it's immoral don't seem too concerned about the distinction.
    It's a system that has all the pitfalls of gambling without the potential for massive monetary gain for the player. In other words, it's like gambling except even worse.
  5. Silver Gale

    Vidoc on MMorpg

    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    That's just what Crow and Tom Servo WANT you to do! They are all in it together with Citadel! It's a vast AI conspiracy!

    As we all know, the dictates of the plot will control, and the most elaborate protections will vanish in a *poof!* if the writer wants them gone.
    But that also means if anyone tries to do something vastly world-altering like finding out all the heroes' secret identities, then they'll need to leave the computer doing it running for several hours because *mumble mumble*. And if any heroes get to the computer in that time and destroy it, then they'll lose all the data. And they won't be able to incrementally save it to a separate storage either, because *mumble*.
  6. Silver Gale

    Vidoc on MMorpg

    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Citadel has access to ALL THE WORLD'S DATABASES?


    Ooooooook, so there is NO chance of all our credit, military, intellectual property and other knowledge bases including our personals being misused or otherwise compromised by anyone, especially seeing that the Council tried to clone him and Citadel appears in a variety of villain and hero arcs...

    Yes. He's a computer, thus he can access any other computer in the world. But don't worry, only data that's relevant to the current plot will ever be compromised. The Council might hack the floorplans for all the banks in town or the codes for a nuclear missile or the mayor's Facebook, but never all at the same time.

    Just repeat to yourself "it's just a comic book, I should really just relax".
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    It really does appear to be a case of the Seers stacking. Here are the stats on the Seers in question:

    Reveal Weakness Ranged Foe -DEF, -RES (All)
    The Scryer peers deep into their victim's mind and finds what they are most vulnerable to. Targets affected by this power have their defense and damage resistance reduced for a short time. Recharge: Long
    -DEF and -RES (All). So guess what? This is a game mechanics issue. The Seers are plowing your defenses and resistances down the tubes, making those angry rock-throwers seem more powerful than they actually are.

    I'm not sure how the devs could "fix" this unless they just removed the damage from rock attacks altogether. That said, I agree with ClawsandEffect. If they removed the challenge, people would just be complaining about how it's too easy.
    There you go, then. Mechanically, what happens is that the Scryers debuff your defenses *and* resistances making you vulnerable to the rock attack, but in-story, you can just treat it as the Scryers incorporating the rock-throwing into their mental attacks.

    "Why are you here? You're not doing anything useful. Every decent citizen hates you. Look at them yelling and throwing things. You're worthless and you should just lay down and *die*."

    Adjust as needed for whatever deepest fears your character has.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    With regards to Silver Gale's post above...

    No, it doesn't help.

    The Imperial Defense set looks pretty much like a tech suit based four colours superhero. heck switch the colours to something more four coloursish and it would be a bog standard tech suit, saying that the colours chosen make the costume look Booster Goldish. Shadow spy and Speedster look like they're only seperated by colour and the Martial Artist DEFINITELY is only seperated by colour.
    Wait, are you saying my examples of what is and isn't superheroic are in fact the exact same costume pieces, only colored differently? But that would mean that any costume piece can in theory be "superhero stuff" depending on how you use it.
  9. Yes, we definitely need more superhero-specific costume pieces. This game is based around character customisation, after all.

    The right costume pieces mean the difference between a shadowy spy and a flashy speedster.

    We don't want to be armored enforcers of a tyrannical regime. We want to be silent vigilantes lurking in the night.

    No more anime-inspired martial artists, let's have more superheroes - say, in the vein of Iron Fist.

    I hope this post illustrates how important it is to have the right costume pieces when achieving a truly superheroic look.
  10. If I go look at names people have on Exalted and maliciously camp those names on the other servers, would that make everyone here hate those servers and like Exalted more by comparison?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    I don't have anything non-inflammatory to say so please enjoy this picture of puppies.


    Aaaw, so cute.

    I forget why I was even in this thread.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
    Frankly, considering that AFAIK, Malaise's talents as an artist have never been referred to before (side note: No, I haven't run every mission/Task Force ever, so if it was mentioned in the past, I have missed it. But from what I recall, Malaise's background mentions him committing crimes in Europe. Nothing about being an artist.),
    Of course he's an artist, he's *French*.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Sinister Armor came with the CoV expansion, so it was clearly designed not just for evil-evil bad-bad villain types, but ones who did business in the Rogue Isles. So I think the spider theme is pretty deliberate. Besides, spiders = bad, we all know that, right? Dunno what Spiderman's thinking.

    Alpha and Omega Armors -- I got no clue. To me they seem like, "We got to do two new armor sets, but we can't use any of our really cool ideas because these ones are free. Come up with something today, go!"
    Sinister and Justice were both part of the Good vs Evil boxed set, and map fairly easily to Villain and Hero respectively.

    Likewise, Alpha and Omega came with the Going Rogue boxed set, and they have a Order and Chaos theme to go with the more morally gray storytelling of the PRaetorian storyline.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Hey guys,
    I thought I'd jump in here and give some feedback on an idea that kept cropping up at the beginning of the thread:

    Costume parts for VIPs.

    While this sounds good on paper, the reality of the situation is the system isn't set up to handle this. It would involve a pretty significant code-change (we investigated this when developing Freedom). The problem is "what happens when you are no longer VIP?" Currently the game does not remove illegal costume parts (as many players can attest to, still having costumes with illegal parts today).

    The simple solution sounds like "let us keep them" but we'd like to avoid the future argument of "why do non-VIPs get to use VIP costumes?"
    Um, you already have costumes that are free to VIPs, and you have the Celestial set which is not only exclusively available to VIPs, but *Tier 9* VIPs. Hasn't that ship already sailed?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The hostility you are perceiving isn't directed entirely at the people that overpay for things at the market. To be more accurate it is directed at the subset of that group that insist on overpaying and then subsequently complain that everything is too expensive while childishly demanding changes so they can pay less (They still want to be able to sell their stuff for millions tho) instead of learning to place reasonable bids and waiting for them to be filled.
    Well, technically, some people will see "last 5 sales" prices of a million or more on common salvage, assume that those are the result of evil flippers buying things at low prices and reselling them at a million or more, further assume that this means they cannot get any of the items for sale without matching that price, and come to complain on the forums about how flippers make it impossible for them to get things.

    So in a way, they *are* expressing hostility towards people who place high bids, they just don't know it.
  16. They're not supposed to mean anything - or, more accurately, they are supposed to mean whatever you think fits best for your character.

    Your character is an inventor who designed and built their own suit of armor? Sure. Stolen Crey/Malta/Longbow prototype? Go for it. Uniform of your planet's peacekeeping force? Works. That's how your skeleton mutated after you fell into the radioactive goo? Why not.

    It's probably best that we don't have "official" explanations, because some people would insist any other use of the costumes was Doing It Wrong, and we'd have yet another topic to add to the usual causes for forum flame wars. (Seriously, just look at "Kheldians should not be RP'd as anything beside Kheldians" and "we need to restrict Natural origin to only weapon sets and Willpower" threads.)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
    I've read this thread and I'm glad that I'm not the only one at the very least amused by the comments on the female costume parts. If you ask me, one needs only to shrug about it - it's not like the selection of "pre-Gunslinger" parts are significantly less sexist
    See, here's the thing...

    If there's just a few costume sets where the male version is fully covered while the female version is dental floss, then "it's just a few costume sets, don't make a big deal out of it".

    If there's a *lot* of costume sets like that, then "well that's the way things are, it's normal, don't make a big deal out of it".

    So... when *can* we make a big deal out of it?

    I think "every time a costume comes out for one gender that I would really like to see for the other" is a good baseline.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Dress up as a sizzling firecracker
    You misspelled "painted harlot".

    I'm not being insulting. That costume is *literally* what the phrase "painted harlot" refers to.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    It's effectively the same thing as buying a pack of baseball cards. If there's a system in place to prevent duplicates, then I don't see it as being an awful idea.
    If you buy a pack of baseball cards, and you get ones you don't want, you can trade them with someone else for the ones you want.

    Also, if some of the rewards are consumables, not sure how preventing duplicates would work.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twoflower View Post
    A lot of this wouldn't be an issue if there weren't EXCLUSIVE items.

    If you have to decide between "Cheap but random" and "Solidly priced but you get what you want" then a lot of the issues go away. Folks who enjoy blowing the mortgage in Vegas can enjoy their SuperPacks, the rest of us can grab the pieces we want.

    I'm all for "Don't like it, ignore it and don't buy it." I think it's a good live and let live policy. But exclusivity is dangerous territory... you cut people off from content that normally goes through other channels when you do that.
    Yeah, I'm usually content to just vote with my wallet, but I'm gonna go ahead and speak up because in this case, simply not buying the pack may be taken as "put in more exclusive shinies to try and tempt me into buying".

    Please do not do this. It is a bad idea and sets a bad precedent.
  21. Random CCG-style packs of stuff in the store! Prizes include AT IOs and items exclusive to this offer!

    Audience: *uncomfortable silence*
  22. I expect that some of the forum posters will be unhappy with it and express their dislike. I may or may not be one of those.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    An interesting little writeup. Nice especially to know what the thought process was behind some of the new Alphas. One thing though sorta made me scratch my head:

    So first, you create an artificial limitation, then you create a new power so that people aren't limited by that artificial limitation? My own opinions on the power level of the ability aside...why not just, y'know, not disable Assemble the Team, if that was the goal?
    Because Assemble the Team is a Veteran Reward (sorry, Paragon Reward) power?
  24. As a tiebreaker for Origin determination, I like to use the names of SOs and see which one of these best fits the sentence "My character increases their abilities by _".

    1) developping Secondary Mutations - Mutant
    2) contacting Dimensional Entities - Magic
    3) perfecting Techniques - Natural
    4) installing Cybernetics - Technology
    5) performing Experiments - Science

    This is why my psi secret agents are Natural (they refine their powers through training) and their evil artificially created psi soldier counterpart is Mutant.