Silver Gale

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  1. Yeah, do look into how Sidekicking works in this game, and let your friends know, otherwise all three of you are going to be "PL'd 50 n00bs" that everyone considers part of the problem.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    So it's the 6th. Thanks Zwill!
    Clearly they are afraid of the new game coming out that week stealing all their players and are desperately trying to retain our interest.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    To get back around to why I'm making this post here, when you create a superhero in the game, what makes them a "superhero" and not just a "hero"?
    Having a cape. Obviously.
  4. Well, it... wasn't as stupid as I was expecting from the loading screens. The trap by Wade made sense in context. The whole "Manticore has to shoot Psyche to stop everyone from being killed-!" felt a bit like a retread of the comics, but I guess not everyone has read those.

    After the brief "actual emotional reaction" of SSA5, my interest has fallen back to "not painful to read" levels.
  5. In order to get a bit more mileage out of the Super Packs I started using up my various Paragon Rewards consumable freebies a while ago. I'm left with only a few Enhancement Unslotters now. That wasn't too bad, double/team insps are cool and the occasional Windfall or XP Booster is nice to have.

    So here's what I'm going to do:

    1) Only buy the 5 packs/1 Reward Token, or one with my VIP points if there is nothing else I want.

    2) Not buy any more until I've used up all the consumables in the previous batch.

    3) Stop buying them immediately once I have the full EleOrder set.

    I've been going around all my characters putting up bids in the 50-100mil range on appropriate ATIOs. The logic is that there will be an initial spike of supply as people buy the Super Packs and end up with extraneous IOs.

    So far demand seems to be rising fast on the Corruptor set. My bids were left in the dust and I had to increase them. I used the Inf from my MM since apparently nobody wants the MM IOs and I got them all around 30mil ish.

    After getting 6 characters outfitted with new shinies I'm down 2 billion Inf, so that means I took a measely 200mil out of circulation.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

    I'm going to swallow my previous statement and lay down on one big set. I have points to spare from when the market first went live and there was a lot of stuff I wanted that needed points.
    If I can get the entire costume in that one drop, then all's good, I guess...
    I'll get the five-for-a-Reward-Token deal. Once they put that option in Paragon rewards. And give me my token for this month.

    If nothing else, I am gaining a lot of practice being patient.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    In this specific incidence, people complained, the complaints were heard, and while alternative methods to get the ATOs were added, at this time, there is no alternative method to get the Costume. It has been oft requested, and the developers haven't said that there will never be another method to get the costume, but at current time, it is a Super Pack exclusive.

    I don't really see how it's different from the pre-order arachnos helmets.
    Costume still exclusive to Super Packs. Those of us who want the costume but don't want to buy Super Packs are still discontent.

    You can't convince us to not want the costume, and you can't convince us to want to buy Super Packs.

    Let us voice our discontent, and move on.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dink View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am very excited to bring to you something that you have been asking for, for a long time...

    By some small miracle I had some spare time in my schedule in this milestone. So rather than spend the day twiddling my thumbs, I have ported the following Costume Pieces over to female:

    Misc Jackets
    • Baron Jacket
    • Baron Jacket with Vest
    • Steampunk Jacket
    This is awesome and you're awesome. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
    This isn't exactly new information, Tech. Little late to get angry about it now.
    If we complain about the Super Pack-only costume as soon as we learn about it, it's "too early to make a fuss, wait for more details".

    If we complain while it's on Beta, it's "still on Beta, they may change it yet".

    If we complain when it comes out and the alternate was of getting it is *still* not here, it's "well it's not exactly new information, it's too late to complain now".
  11. Silver Gale

    Botched ritual.

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    So, we're getting upset for being (Temporarily) penalized for not reading the helpful clues? Heaven forbid there should be consequences that are non-positive. Your incarnate level-shifted uber-selves won't notice.

    I got the ritual wrong the first time (did the mumbling), got the debuff, got it right the second time, and didn't even notice the debuff (if it was still there) in the next mission.

    It's not as big a deal as some folks make it sound, which is the way it is with just about everything in this game that folks take offense to.

    If this penalizes folks for not reading, I say "Good job, Devs." Let's have some more.
    What if it penalizes folks for not reading the mind of the arc's writer?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Examples? Most examples of actually god-moding canon tend to rightly get shouted down as the tripe they are...
    Possibly may be talking about Samuraiko's The Course of Superhero Romance, which is non-canon but highly regarded among forumgoers?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    Well, if someone smells like a poop sandwich, you'd be amazed how long it'll take before someone says something about it. Until then, that someone just goes around smelling like a poop sandwich, not knowing that they are offending to everyone else.

    Checks and balances, man! You don't know you're incorrect until someone corrects you.
    But what if it's your manager at work who smells like a poop sandwich? Huh? What then, smart guy?
  14. Running Trials is definitely mentally exhausting for me.

    But you know what? Swimming is physically exhausting, and I still enjoy it.

    A good Trial run, where the leader communicates clearly and everyone's on the ball, where I really feel like part fo a greater whole - it can feel like getting a new best time on 50m crawl. I feel exhausted but also accomplished, and happy. The Merits and Threads and reward table are almost an afterthought.
  15. Silver Gale

    Botched ritual.

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

    It's not that big a deal. Worst-case scenario, once you get through it, you know the pattern.

    I like the fact that there's a mission now that caught a bunch of people off guard because it entails more than just clicking buttons ad nauseum.
    Yes, variety is nice, and I'm not opposed to a little bit of a puzzle bonus for people who read the quest text. The Vincent Ross arc with the Midnighter portals is that sort of thing done *well*. Even in the last set of portals, where you're told that you are told the correct choice is the one that's "different" and the difference isn't obvious at first, there *is* a difference and if you spot it, you can get to the end with a minimum of difficult fights.

    However, in this case, even if you read all the text and reason correctly, at one point you are presented with four choices and *nothing* that indicates which one is the right one. In fact, if you choose the one that is the "correct" choice and lets you advance the plot, later on a character insists that "there had to be some other way!". This is *not* variety done well. This is just confusion.
  16. Silver Gale

    Botched ritual.

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    You can even get some of the ritual wrong and still not get the debuff. I got "yo, dummy, starting with the spider ain't doin' nothing" text and didn't botch. You can attempt the different improvisations until you hit upon using blood and you still don't botch it.

    You have to do something like use up all your coins at first or uncork the dying breath anywhere but at the end to botch it. But if you do that, then you clearly didn't read the clue which explained how to do it.
    It won't actually let you uncork the dying breath until everything else is working.

    I got a botched ritual because during the improvisation I chose "chant some magic incantations" and my character, who is Magic-origin and has the Archmage badge, could apparently think of nothing better than "mutter something you heard once and hope it works".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I think you meant to use the word 'empathize', not 'emphasize', they mean entirely different things >>
    I would like to emphasize that I absolutely *do* know the difference between 'empathise' and 'emphasize', and I'm sure anyone who has ever confused two uncommon words can emphathize with my error.
  18. I've always thought I'm not going to start complaining on these forums about the writing in this game because if I start, I may never stop. And seasonal missions are naturally going to be the worst since they're written on a tight schedule and are only going to be visible for a short time anyway.

    With that in mind, let me complain on these forums about the writing in these seasonal missions.

    SPOILERS (seriously)

    1) I'm an Archmage. Seriously, that's what the badge says: "Your research into the arcane, coupled with your experience in fighting magical foes, has unlocked heretofore unknown magics within you, earning you the title of Archmage." Surely I would have a better handle on how to use a magical ritual rather than "mutter some spells I heard somewhere once and hope for the best"? Minor gripe, can't write for everyone, most heroes are not magic scholars, I know.

    2) Why does my character's life have to be linked to that of Red Widow? My character is a hero. She doesn't need much additional reason to go save the life of someone she's just brought back from the dead.

    3) I haven't worked with Miss Duncan a day and already I'm entering a warehouse, beating up security and trying to steal an artifact that the owner, as far as I know, has not aquired illegally. I should probably quit before I wind up wearing white and red spandex taking a flamethower to homeless people on foreign soil.

    Okay, so it is Crey, who are fairly throughly corrupt, but my sole justification is "I need that thing to mess with someone's mind and the Countess won't give it to me". There is pretty much no way I can look at this and see myself as a hero.

    4) On a villain character, I decide to try out Arbiter Hawk's version, and suddenly all becomes clear. It is *exactly* the same story except with "Longbow psychology profilers predict Recluse might become a little less obsessed" replaced with "Arachnos Fortunatas forsee a GLORIOUS FUTURE where Arachnos rules all".

    So what I *suspect* happened is that the writers wrote the villain arc first - with the "you have to stop her getting killed or you'll die too" motivation, and the "someone has an artifact I want so I'll break into their place and rob them" and then did the equivalent of search-and-replace to make the hero arc. Heroes are always running around doing anything a contact tells them with the vague promise of 'world better somehow' at the end of it, anyway.

    Is this an attempt at making us emphathise with villain players who complain about their content being merely copy-paste of hero content? Or is this an attempt at evening out the quality of red and blueside by lowering the latter instead of raising the former?

    In summary, Jessica Duncan's arc is the lowest point in my enjoyment of CoH writing at least since AE was introduced. Even the writing in the Trials has never been bad enough that I wanted to complain on the forums about it.
  19. Silver Gale

    CoH2 already

    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Newer graphics and engine? Yes.
    Better and more complete customization? Yes.

    But that game sucks with gameplay mechanics. You only need 2 or 3 attacks you hit all the time, and gets BORING. Animations are crunky and the characters looks like The Incredibles.
    Yes, see, because they started with the goal of "let's put in *everything* the players of CoH have ever asked for!" but forgot to put in the things nobody was aksing for because they were already *in* CoH.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post

    This is the link to the new tables of weights for superpacks and how they will convert to Influ.
    You could at least change the file name. <.<

    I'll probably get at least a few packs (maybe drop a Paragon Rewards token on a batch when they come out) trying to get that elemental Order robe, because it's super shiny and I want it. I'm just trying to figure out if I should sell any ATIOs I get, or keep the ones I have a use for and try to fill in the gaps to make full sets.

    It would, at least, be *something* to do with all this Inf I have.
  21. I wonder how difficult it would be to make a Shadow Shard-sized zone that's just a huge expanse of flat terrain in all directions, with a starry sky. 'cause that'd be a great April Fool's joke. "MOON ZONE! (mobs, missions, terrain features, or any thing of any interest whatsoever not included)".
  22. Archetype-specific IOs. Which price category wil they be in? Posiblast? Purples? PvP IOs? Will they all have similar prices or will some sets be more valuable?

    What is the opinion of the market experts?
  23. The promptness of awarding each VIP reward to my account seems inversely proportional to its desirability.

    Server Transfer Token
    Desirability: Low to none.
    Awarded: First of each month, sharp, no delays!

    Paragon Points
    Desirability: High.
    Awarded: Couple days after the first, usually before billing date. Usually.

    Paragon Reward Token
    Desirability: Very high.
    Awarded: Completely randomly, somewhere at the tail end of the month.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    If I had said anything of the sort, and if no one in this thread whatsoever agreed with me, I might actually believe you. However, numerous other folks in-game and on the forums have agreed that villainy is bland and lackluster outside of the SSA arcs, especially so in co-op content. Not only would the writers be catering to me, but they'd be catering to everyone else who's chimed in about my thoughts on this matter. They'd even be catering to all the folks who pick up this game over another, newer MMO. If I were to come back to this game anew and find all the redside content written for truer villainy, I'd probably do a happy dance.
    As I said, even I agree with you on the general point of "the writing on villainside is pretty poor". I just don't think the issues you have with it are the main problem.