My opinions on Backstory and Origin
This thread is posted with good intentions, but just be aware that the people who RP Statesman and Recluse's lovechild probably don't even realize how ridiculous they are.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
So it's become apparent to me that there's a rather large issue on Virtue, and that's people who missunderstand the actual lore behind City of Heroes and missuse certain things with in the Lore to create a backstory.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I try not to let other players bother me, but it's usually when they kludge propriety stuff into the game, "Don't break THE MASQUERADE, man--we can't let the KINE know that we SPARKLE! Quick, send the DEATHDEALERS!" Or, closer to home and my original comment, kludge City stuff together. That's somehow even more painful to witness. "After the Rikti DEVASTATED THE GALAXY, I came to earth with the KHELDIANS, except I'm not a KHELDIAN, my squid form is my CHERUBIM form and my lobster form is my SERAPHIM form. Also, Miss Liberty is my girlfriend and they named STEEL CANYON after me. Don't laugh, I could DESTROY THE PLANET in a heartbeat, I've done it before!"
I don't care if you gave birth to Lord Recluse in your private backstory, when you inflict it on us all in open RP, be prepared for some derision.
I've seen every single one of the above done, and painfully so. That being said, I'm still going to dutifully read your further updates.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Honestly, this thread OP seems less like a "let me help you with making your character origin more interesting by infusing it with the right lore."
and more "I have a cat girl that got hated on in Pocket D so I'll disprove them in a thread"
And I dont really get how "cat girls get a bad rap because of erpers" ties into people "misusing lore"
I like the intent, but, more helping, less preaching.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with others here stating the intent, while good, may be misconstrued. I believe that, on the forums at least from what I have seen, you are basically "preaching to the choir" at this point in regards to style and the "how to.." point.
However, if it's going to continue as far as given ideas on background proliferations/creations, then I think everyone can benefit to a point..
I try not to let other players bother me, but it's usually when they kludge propriety stuff into the game, "Don't break THE MASQUERADE, man--we can't let the KINE know that we SPARKLE! Quick, send the DEATHDEALERS!" Or, closer to home and my original comment, kludge City stuff together. That's somehow even more painful to witness. "After the Rikti DEVASTATED THE GALAXY, I came to earth with the KHELDIANS, except I'm not a KHELDIAN, my squid form is my CHERUBIM form and my lobster form is my SERAPHIM form. Also, Miss Liberty is my girlfriend and they named STEEL CANYON after me. Don't laugh, I could DESTROY THE PLANET in a heartbeat, I've done it before!" |
Really, as far as the "Cat-girl"/anthropomorphic character is concerned, I think it depends on each individual. I do understand the focus on wishing to help those individuals and I have seen some at least fairly decent anthropomorphic animal aliens but the ones that play like incessant idiots will continue to do so no matter what is written here or what anyone else's opinion is.

Honestly, this thread OP seems less like a "let me help you with making your character origin more interesting by infusing it with the right lore."
and more "I have a cat girl that got hated on in Pocket D so I'll disprove them in a thread" And I dont really get how "cat girls get a bad rap because of erpers" ties into people "misusing lore" I like the intent, but, more helping, less preaching. |
I've got more coming and what you read into what I write is your prerogative, but you're still wrong. To many people are infact ignoring the prime lore of CoX and or misusing said prime lore because they don't understand it entirely. I just had someone come to me for help two days ago in setting up a back story for her widow, because she doesn't know the Lore. Anthro-form is just what I choose to look at first, mainly because there is such a divide on it.
If you want to read that, "i haz cat gurl and she got hated on, wah!" then well, that's your right. Anyway, more coming tomorrow. Have fun!
I try to avoid established characters completely and entirely in my character's backstory, with the only exception I would possibly make being that perhaps they idolized an existing hero figure or were a nameless face in a crowd of people that were saved by said hero. Anything more is just shoehorning your character into lore to make them seem more important and is a sign of trying to godmod.
On the subject of anthropomorphism in characters: About a year ago I rolled a duo with a friend of mine. My character was a magician, black suit, top hat, silly moustache and all, and I asked my buddy if he would roll a toon with the backstory of being said magician's pet black cat that he accidentally turned into a human when he first started using magic and hadn't been able to figure out how to turn him back. I found it quite an entertaining notion and it was an amusing and thematically appropriate duo according to comments from other players. I'll even admit, I was skeptical to do it at first because catgirls/boys anywhere have a general negative connotation attached to them, mostly because of screeching, pubescent anime fangirls who go to conventions wearing cheap cat ear headbands and a piece of fabric as a tail, tackle anybody dressed like their favorite character and scream "I AM KAWAII NEKO DESU! YOU'RE SO SUGOI!". It really is in the construction of the character. So yeah, I've influenced a friend to create one, and actively played with said character proudly, and it was a smashing success, but keep in mind that the virtue pocket d catgirls likely do not read this forum and would likely respond with nothing more than "You're just a stupid baka!" even if they did. Good intent, but it falls on deaf ears.
I play a six foot plus tall Flea.
Who comes from an alternate dimension where a catastrophic event pretty much wiped out every higher organism, leaving insects to evolve and thrive.
You can have animalistic mutations (i.e. Mako). You can have animalistic genetic modifications (i.e. Mynx). You can have animalistic spirits and manifestations (i.e. Grymm and the Tuatha). You can even have animalistic alternate dimension critters and aliens.
Or you could play someone in a fursuit. That could of course be hilarious if done right. Use animal parts and RP it out as someone in a full fursuit, complaining about the heat, fake fur falling off and getting into their eyes, their head getting stuck....
God damn, why hasn't somebody gone and done that already?!
Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
Artificial Intelligence and Cybernetics
1. A.I.
Measuring A.I. growth potential and computing power in form that allows people to come to an understanding of how quote "powerful" an A.I. is or how "Capable" it is of understanding humans is something I've worked on for a long time. If we attempt to put this all in actual mathematical terms we have the following,
Ray Kurzweil, author of book known as "The Singularity is Near", one of many people who have done this, has a guesstimation as to the computing power of the human brain. This guess, is around 20 petaFLOPS, or 20 Quadrillion FLOPS.
What is a "FLOPS" you ask? "Floating-point Operations / Second" or a measure of computing performance. And why is this important to us in regards to A.I computational power?
Well simply put this is a "benchmark" of computational power, aka for an A.I to be capable of "near-human" thought and or self awareness, it must be able to process information at roughly the same speed as a human being, if not more so.
The current world record for "FLOPS" is held by the "Folding at Home" project. Which is around 4-5 petaFLOPS. Meaning in our current time, we have a super computing cluster capable of 1/4 the computing power of the human brain.
So take this into account when creating your A.I, and it's age. But also take into account the rate of technological growth with-in city of heroes. As well as "Moore's law" which states that computational power doubles every 18 months, and "The law of accelerating averages" which actually proves that technology is growing faster then Moore's law states. As we've achieved greater computational power milestones in less time then each previous milestone. Meaning that each time we double in computational power, the time to the next doubling shortens.
So, bunch of rambling now you're thinking right? Well yeah, but it's all important if you want to be as accurate and realistic as you can be with A.I.
So, onward and upward in the conversation at hand. We know that the human brain operates at or around 20 petaFLOPS, if we take on board all the science mumbojumbo people are tossing around then we use this as a means of showing just how powerful an A.I. needs to be to reach that point.
Hopefully people are following me so far, but more is coming!
Pfft accuracy and realism.
Meanwhile, in the world in which our characters live, the Council and Sky Raiders mass produce autonomous robots that can walk or fly around by themselves and fight independently. They also speak and respond to verbal commands. WHile both groups have access to good hardware and research, neither could be considered field-leaders.
Nemesis, who is a one-off genius, has been doing this since the early 20th century, and seems to have perfected some kind of machine/human interface.
All of these are mass produced AIs that we casually destroy in their 100s. Stands to reason that a special unique AI like a player character could be more advanced.
Folding@home isn't really a relevant point of reference, is it?
Also, Citadel/Luminary.
I felt you first post was overly preachy and more of a peeve than actual advice; regardless of how you intended it to sound. This latest one though, this is just silly. Almost nothing in the game world is accurate or realistic, and trying to pin down a whole genre of character concepts to fit your conceptions of what they should be based on your own limited interpretation of a narrow real-world field is just over the top. People's characters are inspired by a long tradition of comic literature and lore that is evidently beyond you.
Excuse me now, my character needs to go pick up a cache of enriched plutonium one of these street thugs happened across, and I need to get it done between dawn and dusk, which as you know is a fifteen minute window. It's okay though, since I run at 60 miles per hour, even while wearing a ridiculous costume. Mostly I worry about gunfire from snipers on local buildings, but since bullets only travel a hundred feet or so, and rarely break skin when they hit, I think I'll make it.
Excuse me now, my character needs to go pick up a cache of enriched plutonium one of these street thugs happened across, and I need to get it done between dawn and dusk, which as you know is a fifteen minute window. It's okay though, since I run at 60 miles per hour, even while wearing a ridiculous costume. Mostly I worry about gunfire from snipers on local buildings, but since bullets only travel a hundred feet or so, and rarely break skin when they hit, I think I'll make it.
You must die inside a little whenever you see someone fall off a building and survive.
I felt you first post was overly preachy and more of a peeve than actual advice; regardless of how you intended it to sound. This latest one though, this is just silly. Almost nothing in the game world is accurate or realistic, and trying to pin down a whole genre of character concepts to fit your conceptions of what they should be based on your own limited interpretation of a narrow real-world field is just over the top. People's characters are inspired by a long tradition of comic literature and lore that is evidently beyond you. Excuse me now, my character needs to go pick up a cache of enriched plutonium one of these street thugs happened across, and I need to get it done between dawn and dusk, which as you know is a fifteen minute window. It's okay though, since I run at 60 miles per hour, even while wearing a ridiculous costume. Mostly I worry about gunfire from snipers on local buildings, but since bullets only travel a hundred feet or so, and rarely break skin when they hit, I think I'll make it. |
This was intended for discussion, and the name of the thread is "My opinions" perhaps that was too vague for you? Maybe I might need to dumb the title down for you to understand it?
You are not doing much to endear yourself to the community, nor to dispel the notion that you are pretentious or self-absorbed, by becoming hostile when someone points out, correctly, that your advice is useless in context.
Animal uplifts, mutations, and A.I.s with some thought put into their origins can be really fun creations to RP with. Some good brain food in those links.
Mutations are seen as a wide-open field in City of Heroes, but they actually have some reference points in some of the game's arcs and NPC groups. We know what caused the Mutant origin as we know it today (the Atomic Age), and yet we also know that some mutants existed beforehand. That might not be as controversial as it sounds, though, since some mutations are bound to occur in any species naturally; and unlike more mundane universes, we know the Mother Nature of Primal Earth actually has a personality of sorts. We can also guess what has exacerbated their rise in number (a consequence of Pandora's Box, and the influence of the Well).
Most importantly, of course, we know about our own stories and explanations, even when they fly in the face of all these established "facts". I believe firmly that the lore is not established on facts, but on facts that seem necessary at the time, in each instance of the universe, experienced by each player character. This is our lead designer's own belief about the way his team should approach established facts, and it fits a comic book universe that is host to many thousands of writers, if you include us and our stories. This is our world too. When we create our characters and their stories, we help create the world. Our bios don't exist in a vacuum, and in that sense our separate experiences aren't islands, but neither do we have to seek approval for our creations.
Damion, I enjoy this kind of discussion immensely. But like the others, I have some words of advice regarding your approach. First, I will present you with the magic key. Whenever I've written guides on roleplaying aspects of the game, I've always been careful never to use this word: "You." Sure, I might use it in my initial writing. But before posting, I will go through and replace all instances of that nasty word with "me", "I", "myself", and so on (I have broken my rule in this one instance, let's see what happens!). The results are magical. People will reply to tell you that you may as well have been talking about them. And you were, of course. But when you're explicit about this fact, your audience will only respond to tell you how much they hate you. This has never happened to me personally, but I know what I'm talking about. I learned from watching threads like this.
My other piece of advice is to be kind and respectful to your audience, even when they insult you. Doing so elevates you, not only in your own mind, but in your audience's minds, whether they ever admit it or not.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
I try to avoid established characters completely and entirely in my character's backstory, with the only exception I would possibly make being that perhaps they idolized an existing hero figure or were a nameless face in a crowd of people that were saved by said hero. Anything more is just shoehorning your character into lore to make them seem more important and is a sign of trying to godmod.
First and foremost RPers are really just a form of actor. We just have the perk of choosing our role and adding our own views to the concept.
While I am not saying its impossible that a form of godmoding isnt behind some lore based toons. IME that is rarely the case as I am run and know no few on virtue.
for some like myself it was a transition, my first few months in year one, I was making mainly D&D setting based characters as I had jsut come from a fresh streak of PnP sessions before getting into CoH. but after a few moths, id worked out the initial fool around desire to make characters using the awesome creator to portray various movie,cartoon, and novel characters or recreate old D&D PCs of mine.
Then I started really getting into the game, having played through most lower lvl story arcs multiple times, and really enjoying some of the higher level ones my frst run through. It lead me to make my first true main, who is now my oldest and only first year character left among my stable.
I quickly took an odd love hate for the circle of thorns, but also became intrigued by the complexity of thier origin, as when it came down to it they had not started evil, and in fact depending on how you look at it, in coxverse demonkind was possibly the most important protector of humanity in its history dating back so far it probably is the case in numerous timelines.
The character of Infernal and his strange duality with his praetorian self when combined with his unique origin lead me immediatly to the idea that it was unlike all the other praetorians, actually one being split in two by the cosmic mishap that tore him from his own world.
But if you know about Infernal you know he wasnt the only one from his world torn away. Two beings, one a fellow wizard and life long friend named T'Keron, and Valmaz lord of demons where also sucked through, and fused together. and then never really ever mentioned again.
Except if you know my prized first year character T'Keron Valmaz. Who perhaps was made not to godmod so much as show exactly where the line for godmoding should be drawn. And made him infact after meeting one of those really obnoxiou Im only lvl 14 but the god of death and chaos types.
I made my character Kat/SR and chose SR because of its fragility. My concept was now that the lord of demons had human aspects fused to him, he was no longer certain how being physically destroyed on the mortal plane might effect him. So he now avoids being harmed at all cost. I play abit of a multi personality hybrid personality when I RP and use costumes accordingly to represent that.
I am a huge stickler for COX lore around Demons when I run him, and do get very annoyed with those who insist on the whole im an evil monster demon who just is out to burn and kill. Demons in COX lore are professionals in the art of deals and pacts, its humans practicing demon binding that started the war with them on infernals world after all, and should infact lead to a similar occurance in the main dimension with the creation of the demon summoner master mind, been hoping some new lore might use that personally. I infact play my character witha strange mix of lawful evil/chaotic good and its infact because of the blending of human and demon he does sometimes grow frustrated,bitter, and prone to lash out without the careful long view of an ancient cosmic entity.
If you ever read the Xanth novels I tend to view a true demon lord as something like the demon Xanth, an entity so much bigger then any mortal imagination could even concieve of in a god that calling him a god is a direct insult much as calling a large tough guy a little girl in a tutu.
THis is actually backed by cox lore and the fact demon magic and artifacts clearly where able to easily turn the tide of the war againt goddess Tielekku who shared with her followers the magic that is behind virtually all magic origin characters who dont know lore enough to come up witha viable alternative.
Is my Demon Lord still undying? who knows as I built him to be nearly impossible to put down. I do believe any and all conceptual powers indiciated in bios should be reflected in ones build from power choices to IO sets to incarnate choices.
The fact is though at least because of my character being so lore based he doesnt leave the same bad taste in my mouth the many wannabe cosmic entities, demons, and angels that float about the D cause because they are indeed just players who want to be treated like superman, rather then a character being played capably enough to be seen as a superman.
Finally there is one last ego about the name I do have to fess up to. Badges, well some of them used to be really hard to get, used to mean something, for those of us old schoolers who once had that , now all we do have to kind of represent something of a badge among RP vets is our names.
When you run a lore based character properly, the goal isnt to just feed your ego, but to become a living breathing part of the world to help enriche

Remind me to ignore you from here on out, as you openly attack me and stand on your own soapbox. Have a good one.
This was intended for discussion, and the name of the thread is "My opinions" perhaps that was too vague for you? Maybe I might need to dumb the title down for you to understand it?
Discussion isn't just you lecturing from the podium to the rest of us on the right way to do things; it has to be an exchange of ideas and reconsideration of positions. If you're unwilling to work through the discussion process, which I feel is clear from your responses, then you're going to have to weather through this torrent of replies telling you your opinion is basically ridiculous. And if you're upset at the various levels of hostile tones and outright sarcasm you've elicited, well, welcome to the internet.
You are not doing much to endear yourself to the community, nor to dispel the notion that you are pretentious or self-absorbed, by becoming hostile when someone points out, correctly, that your advice is useless in context.
I can't really say much except that I agree with Ardea.
It is a game about superheroes, aliens, gods, and more.
Accuracy and realism went out the damn window the day they came up with this game.

I really hope people can grow up just a little and have a little more maturity and respect for peoples chosen play-styles and character preferences.
KK. Got the trolls out of my system. Now to other things!
Or you could play someone in a fursuit. That could of course be hilarious if done right. Use animal parts and RP it out as someone in a full fursuit, complaining about the heat, fake fur falling off and getting into their eyes, their head getting stuck.... God damn, why hasn't somebody gone and done that already?! |

Notice the tail

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide
You think a manager will hire you at a new job if you refuse to do the job their way? But think about how many friends that one guy who pees in the corner of the room, doesn't bathe regularly, and refuses to play basketball unless he gets to tackle people has. That's right: none. But hey, he's just living by his own choices...
The OP clearly wrote his piece due to back-stories he disapproves of because they "missunderstand the actual lore behind City of Heroes and missuse certain things with in the Lore to create a backstory". Although he later claims it's just his opinions and should be respected as such, it's presented as advice on "how to use them to create your own back-story." He's demanding respect, and even deference.
He tries to write to us as if he's taking the high road: "I will not walk up to said person and tell them how much they suck, or that they should not be playing the character. As I respect their personal preference and chosen play-style", but instead of speaking privately and quietly to a small number of people, he comes here and complains about them to the wide world. I don't consider that particularly respectful.
Then, ignoring the comics style basis of this game, and its existing lore on many intelligent robots, androids, and intelligent and self-aware computers, he tells us we should follow a handful of citations about Moore's Law and Folding@Home he brings up to "take this into account when creating your A.I, and it's age". And then he has the temerity to say "it's all important if you want to be as accurate and realistic as you can be with A.I." As was said by others, accuracy and realism are complete jokes in City of Heroes. I'd go as far as to say they're generally unwelcome - many excellent roleplayers are deliberately inaccurate and unrealistic in their character concepts.
I think a better approach would have been to post all this in the Pet Peeves what is yours when comes to roleplaying thread. Short of that, speaking from one's own voice as was recommended above by Captain-Electric would certainly help. Further, recognize these forums make everything a discussion; it's not likely one's going to just post one's own raw opinions and not get some harsh feedback and outright rebuttals. Preparing for a discussion and adopting a tone that asks for and builds that give and take of ideas could be much more effective than trying to set out a lecture to attentive students.
He is so cute!

So it's become apparent to me that there's a rather large issue on Virtue, and that's people who missunderstand the actual lore behind City of Heroes and missuse certain things with in the Lore to create a backstory. So, below are my opinions on specific origins and how to use them to create your own back-story that people can bite in to.
Genetic Manipulation and Mutation
1: Genetic manipulation is something of a standard in super hero comic books and role-playing games. There are a few distinct back stories that one can use to come up with a unique character. How ever the first form of genetic manipulation, which is the use of animal genetic materiel infusion to enhance soldiers and regular humans, which is something that has existed in several comics, stories, and games..seems to carry a lot of negative intonation on Virtue.
I blame this on the ERP crowd, and those that create anthro-form characters with no real background other than, "I is catgurl" and other examples.
Proper usage of this can create unique characters, and there is even a Signature "Cat-gurl" hero in the CoX prime lore.
Located here:
Mynx, volunteered for a Crey Industries research program which logic would dictate was a genetech research program designed to infuse animal DNA into a target recipient and thus create an anthropic-form with a human appearance and animal traits. Myx is the only example at current, but that does not discount the usage of Genetic Manipulation to create anthro-form individuals with increased strength, speed, reflexes and heightened senses as a valid background.
As a note: There have been some instances in the D lately where people have a distinct hate for anthro-form humaniods. There is a difference between this and the Furry, but regardless, I really hope people can grow up just a little and have a little more maturity and respect for peoples chosen play-styles and character preferences. While I myself might have an issue with the ERP crowd, or those that make anthro-form characters with (in my personal opinion) crappy back-stories, I will not walk up to said person and tell them how much they suck, or that they should not be playing the character. As I respect their personal preference and chosen play-style.
Coming up next: Undesired Mutation as a Back Story, followed by High Technology Backstories, such as Artificial Intelligence and finally Time Travel and Dimensional travel.
Also, as a further note...Anthropomorphism, is something that has existed in human society since ancient Egypt and before, Aesop's fables Anthropomorphizes the north wind. Do not think that Anthropomorphism is linked solely to humanoid animal like creatures. This would be ignorant of the truth of the real definition Anthropomorphism.