My opinions on Backstory and Origin




Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Part of growing up is realizing that you don't have to respect other people's choices, and in fact you shouldn't respect other people's choices. Just respecting other people's choices doesn't bring to light the idiocy in them, and thus doesn't provide a check for widespread stupidity. People have to learn that life isn't about "playing how you want" but it is really about "playing how others want". You think a manager will hire you at a new job if you refuse to do the job their way? But think about how many friends that one guy who pees in the corner of the room, doesn't bathe regularly, and refuses to play basketball unless he gets to tackle people has. That's right: none. But hey, he's just living ...
And a good troll it is. Growing up is about checking other people's stupidity? Really? Life isn't about play how you want but playing how others want? Really? In a game with an open and creative history tha encourages people to do what they want and express themselves you're gonna go with that?

We are not talking about a set of rules on a game court (or hell even in game), or a process in a factory, or even disgusting social flaws, we're talking about a creative endevors by a mixed bag of folks from age 7 to 70 whose outcome has no impact on your game. So I'f someone wants to make an AI running at 1 flop they can, you can choose to ignore them., but don't come to the public forum and "help" them cause your way is best/only way, that's about you not them.

I cut the OP some slack, mostly cause of the 7 to 70 thing, they may not be aware how these tup proclamation posts come across. For the record though, some thethe best, most creative role players I've seen in this game in the last, god almost, 10 years counting beta, stepped well outside the lore, but made it work. Then there is Flea.

And the bunny ears disturbme in a profound way that I don't quite get....childhood trauma I think.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
Now imagine that this same guy stands by the water cooler and starts telling people their perfume smells bad, their shoes are ugly, and they tie really awful knots in their ties. And when someone takes him to task over it he's all "Whoa, back off there! It's just my opinion your perfume smells bad."
Well, if someone smells like a poop sandwich, you'd be amazed how long it'll take before someone says something about it. Until then, that someone just goes around smelling like a poop sandwich, not knowing that they are offending to everyone else.

Checks and balances, man! You don't know you're incorrect until someone corrects you.

Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
And a good troll it is. Growing up is about checking other people's stupidity? Really? Life isn't about play how you want but playing how others want? Really? In a game with an open and creative history tha encourages people to do what they want and express themselves you're gonna go with that?
Just part of growing up. You know, the whole identifying one's self, applying critical thinking to situations, analyzing yourself critically and how you behave in other situations... that stuff.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Well, if someone smells like a poop sandwich, you'd be amazed how long it'll take before someone says something about it. Until then, that someone just goes around smelling like a poop sandwich, not knowing that they are offending to everyone else.

Checks and balances, man! You don't know you're incorrect until someone corrects you.
But what if it's your manager at work who smells like a poop sandwich? Huh? What then, smart guy?

Character index



I think the OP's first name might be Sheldon...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
Well, if someone smells like a poop sandwich, you'd be amazed how long it'll take before someone says something about it. Until then, that someone just goes around smelling like a poop sandwich, not knowing that they are offending to everyone else.

Checks and balances, man! You don't know you're incorrect until someone corrects you.

Just part of growing up. You know, the whole identifying one's self, applying critical thinking to situations, analyzing yourself critically and how you behave in other situations... that stuff.
I actually agree with this. Might I suggest that if your critical thinking about this situation and deep analysis of yourself has led you to the conclusion that correcting or pointing out stupidity of the backstory of someone you don't know in a pretendy fun time game is correct action, as opposed to not associating said person, then you need to rerun your subroutine.

Noone,'cept maybe your SO and MoM, can force you to associate with someone in this game. We're not talking about poop people your forced to interact with, a two man lift procedure at work, violence on a basketball court( although I find elbows more effective then tackling), or anything else that can impact you. Your examples don't hold up in the context of a game that gives you the ability to literally act as if some doesn't exist

To take the metaphor to the same silly level as poop people but the other direction, what if you think their religion (part of a persons back story)is stupid, or don't like the person they chose to sleep with? Has growing up obligated you to point out those flaws? Actually, I sorta wish I thought the religion to character backstory link was a little more of a stretch. With lots of RPr types it is not.

Anyway, this was fun

Love and peace

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Ok, this is just getting beyond idiocy at this point so I will finalize my objections with this... Those that prefer light-hearted/casual RP will NOT CARE whether or not you agree with anything they say or do. It's apparent to anyone with a brain. If you don't like/agree with their style of character or RP, then ignore them. It's as simple as that..

If people need help when it comes to RP and character development and propiety, then they will find it elsewhere.. hell anywhere, then this thread at the moment.



Hmm flops, AI, how about an AI bot based on an old TI99 Sinclair that can barely function but somehow wins. Thread was worth it for that, and the formation of the league of obsolete tech.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



I'm just still surprised that you think I was talking about the game in particular. That was the last subject on my mind.

But... Yeah you should mention it to someone if their RP style or their backstory or their character makes it really hard to RP with them. You let god-modders know that they're god-modding, pushy people know that they are pushing, and you let annoying people know that their antics drive others away. Sure, you can just abandon people who don't already fit into the mold, but why do so when you can improve them? To save on effort?

Something I sort of had a revelation about as a kid was that the people that I had to deal with now (back then) were going to be the same people I had to deal with in the future (present now). All through life you meet an endless amount of people, and you'll be putting more and more people into those "will tolerate, will not tolerate" boxes. Those people don't go away after you decide you don't like their RPing style. Eventually new faces become a rarity, and then it is all about people you recognize. That intolerate box is going to keep growing and growing, and eventually it gets to a point where you can walk into a room, and instantly pick out a dozen people you can't stand; people that remind you about how horrible their RPing is and how hard it is to find a good person to do it with. This problem doesn't get any better unless someone attempts to fix it. Due to the glorious lack of sincere and constructive criticism in the online world, that person who attempts something will have to be you, since no one else is going to do it.

I'm proud to be a harsh critic .

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Originally Posted by gr33n View Post
i think the op's first name might be sheldon...

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