Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I believe he believes most of what he says. I don't trust him to be necessarily right, nor do I believe him when he effectively says his plans are so inscrutable we couldn't do anything more than mess them up if we were aware of them.

    Anyone who says "you dare question me" is in dire need of being questioned. And probably wrong.
    And I do wonder, how much of this "aha, I knew it, you *do* want my shinies! *you're not getting my shinies*!" in response to reasonable questions about "why didn't you bring this up before?" is projection. How much is a general assumption that players are power-hungry and if there is a Greater Power to be gotten, they will want it. And how much is the GM going "you are not ready to know" because he's still trying to decide and doesn't want to commit to one answer yet.

    I am expecting the whole thing to hit depths of stupidity never thought possible, just so there's still a slim chance I'll be pelasantly surprised.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    A request to our writers: Please stop trying to be cute and funny. It's not working. At all. It's actually getting to be very aggravating.
    Actually, compared to what happens when they try to be grim and serious, I think I'll take trying to be cute and funny.

    That poor, poor Chicago, man
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Since you are specifically referring to Itrials I'll respond with the methods being used to control Itrial recruitment in your post.

    1. Incarnate Trials can only be run by VIP's (this one is out of the hands of players but still counts)

    Incarnate Trials being restricted to VIP's controls who can join those trials by eliminating all F2P and Prem players from participating.

    2. They are using Broadcast in zones that are known for gathering spots for Incarnate Content so they are most likely to get responses from VIP's interested in doing that content.

    3. They use Global Channels. Global Channels are small communities of players that know each other at least casually and they only contain members that are either VIP's or Prem's that have earned enough reward tokens to unlock global channel access. So recruiting from them means you know the respondents are more likely to be interested in running the same content and that they have experience doing that content. Furthermore many of the global channels are dedicated to doing certain types content. for example: TankHQ is dedicated to people that like running tankers.

    4. Requiring people to respond with tells effectively eliminates people that haven't unlocked the ability to send tells by acquiring at least 2 reward tokens. Another method of controlling who responds

    5. The new DA is level restricted (like Eden still is) which also adds a level of control as to who can enter and join those teams. By recruiting in the restricted zone only qualified players can enter to be recruited.
    Since the queue only allows VIPs to join iTrials, and all VIPs can use /tells and Global channels as much as they want, none of this changes if a player uses the random queue to put them in an iTrial instead of inviting the first 24 VIPs who show interest, and then launching an iTrial.

    Actually it even *prevents* the situation where a level 50 Premium player who has access to Tells/Globals joins your iTrial League, and everyone experiences a delay because the leader can't launch the iTrial and has to kick the offender and find another person.

    6. I noticed that in your post you didn't say that you got on those trials by simply joining the queue. That indicates that the Itrials you saw recruiting, joined, or were simply invited to were either pre-formed or closed team/leagues which validates my point that players prefer controlling who they invite rather than letting the LFG feature assign random people from the queue.
    My interpretation was that nobody uses the queue to randomly team up because nobody *else* ever uses the queue, so it's easier to randomly team up by Broadcasting "LF any Trial" in the proper zone.

    Maybe it's personal bias: I have led Trials before, because there were a lot of people "LF any Trial" in Broadcast and nobody forming one, and I knew that using the random queue was a last cause, so I went around inviting anyone who seemed interested until I had a full Trial, and then launched and led it. It wasn't difficult, but it was full of tedious busy work, since I had to individually send out invites, and sometimes people were in the wrong zones and I had to ask them to come to the RWZ, and sometimes someone would ask me to save a spot for a friend who was switching. And of course, if it took more than 15 minutes to assemble a full League, people would start quietly vanishing, I assume because of a lack of time or patience. A simple way to just say "accept the next 23 people who show interest in an iTrial" would have helped me immensely.

    The queue has some problems from the point of view of someone looking to get into an iTrial team as soon as possible and not caring about who they team with: it doesn't show how many people are waiting, the "typical wait times" are skewed by pre-made teams, and there is no guarantee that someone will be giving a clear strategy to follow.

    Joining a "pre-made team" has at least the illusion of clear waiting time, since you can see how many people are needed to reach the maximum, and an illusion of leadership, since the person doing all the invites can be expected to dictate strategy. (There are cases where a person will invite 24 people from Broadcast and then ask "okay, who wants to lead?", but at least in my experience, they are rare.)

    You could say that "wanting a clearly defined leader" is a type of "preferring control over who they team with", but if the queue had some way for people to volounteer for League leader, what exactly would be lost compared to the method of recruiting the first 23 people who show interest and then launching a Trial?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The problem isn't with the tool, nor is it with the players. The problem is assuming that our player base doesn't want control over who they team with.

    We will control who we team with.
    Well, from my observations, there are plenty of people on Broadcast in the RWZ and now in Dark Astoria saying "any Trials forming?" or "50+X [AT] LF any Trial".

    Likewise, when a Trial does start forming, it is my observation that many leaders tend to announce it on Broadcast and Global channels, recruiting freely both those people who are Broadcasting for invites and those who send them tells. I have asked to join many Trials in forming and have only ever been refused for lack of room. During off-peak times, when playing on my level 50s, I have even gotten /tells asking me if I am interested in a trial.

    Neither of those situations appears to speak of "wanting to control who they team with" - on the contrary, it seems to value getting into the Trial as soon as possible. They are both quite frequent and I do not often see the same character name twice.

    So, based on my observations, I conclude that there is a significant amount of players in the game who want to experience the Trials with a minimum of fuss and waiting, not really caring who they are teamed with. I am assuming that the intended use of the random queue on the LFG tool is to help that particular class of people get into Trials faster. Please feel free to point out any errors you see in this line of thinking.

    So, if the random queue is intended to help people who don't care about team composition and want to get into the Trial faster, and the random queue is *not* actually helping people get into the Trial faster, then the LFG tool is not working right for those people and could use an improvement.

    If the majority of the players who run Trials care about proper team composition more than expediency, or if the LFG queue is intended only to let pre-made Leagues run the Trials, then of course everything is working correctly.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This change is indeed intended and was an inadvertently missed note. We'll correct it ASAP.

    For those concerned, there should be a confirmation window that notifies you that claiming this from your mail will activate the booster. I do understand concerns about changing the way this works, however the fact that you had to search through your mail, claim it, then search through your powers list and drag it to your bar, AND THEN activate it was determined to be a suboptimal user experience.

    If you previously claimed boosters, they will still be in your powers and able to be activated in the legacy manner.


    I was dismayed when I discovered this today. Like most posters in this thread, I liked to divvy up my XP Boosters between characters and have them ready in a power tray. I mistook the "this will activate the XP booster" warning for a "this is something only one character can claim" warning, and I ended up with a XP booster on a character I was about to finish playing.

    Worse, when I claimed the booster, the email vanished from my inbox (presumably so I could not claim another one while I had the one active), giving me the impression that the other five XP Boosters that email was good for had just vanished.

    I don't like this change and would like to ask for it to be reverted, and not applied to any more boosters.
  6. I've had more than 6 bil inf across all my characters for a while now (got rich on Alignment Merits). But I always tend to move it around so none of my characters are too close to the cap. Well, Silver Gale got a purple drop running through Dark Astoria and selling that got her to 1900 mil and change, so I bid the change on something and sent over 100 mil from another character and got this:

    Inf cap achieved! what?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tohopekaliga View Post
    The thread I started a few days ago on it is here.

    Rigel Kent was the one who thinks it's some weird new recharge mechanic.

    Personally, I don't think they've created some new whack job of a mechanic to nerf a power that gives you the possibility of 3 medium to 3 large inspirations every 30 minutes, when the game itself drops them like Cheeto Dust on a gamer's keyboard. I think they broke it.

    If it is a Stealth Nerf on a power that essentially costs $15 US Dollars*, then I think I want my token back so I can put it to use on something else.

    * 1 token for 1200 PPs purchased @ $5/400PPs = $15.00

    You can argue sub costs and benefits to make it sound free, but for those who bought the points to get the token, to unlock this power, you're just wasting your time trying to warp the "value/cost"
    Won't someone please think of the people who are Premium players, never plan to subscribe, had exactly 27 tokens, and spent $15 on points for the express purpose of getting the Innner Inspiration power?

    (By the way, if you want to have large inspirations as drops without subscribing, you're going to have to fill up Tier 8, meaning you have to spend that token on Inner Inspiration anyway.)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    *coughs* Guild Wars 2 (one of the few games we can mention on this forum due to it being an NCsoft published game) actually does this.
    If you look at my original post, that was indeed what I was refrring to.
  9. Congrats to you both!

    And yeah, same here. CoH friends, asked out over Global channel, married now.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    Auto exemping'll just piss a lot of people off because they wouldn't be able to use certain powers in the lower zones. Having people show up in your mission uninvited when you just want to solo a bit would piss a lot of people off too. Including me. And I'm very pro (some) team gated content (or rather content that is designed so that it's only completable by a team, like the iTrials).
    Wasn't saying it was a good idea to do all of those in CoH. You'd have to make up a brand new game that relied entirely on in-zone events instead of instancing, and that could scale you down to a lower level without disabling any powers you gained later.
  11. Silver Gale

    The One?

    Since one of my main goals is finding new people to RP with, I make it a point never to have a character who is THE anything. Within particular storylines in my RP groups, my characters occasionally become "the one to" when something notable happens as part of the story.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    And its not that Paragon Studios simply doesn't care if we team or not. They *want* us to team. They think teaming is important. They just believe its better to encourage us to team, and eliminate barriers to teaming, and provide the odd carrot or two to team, and not generally *force* us to team. But apparently that's not the right way to do it.

    This is why this game has no competition: you're never going to see another City of Heroes, because no one wants to make one. Apparently, that's not the way an MMO is supposed to work.
    ArenaNet are the only group of mavericks who started from the idea of "how do we remove obstacles that get in the way of teaming?". And their approach has basically been taking CoH's system and improving on it.

    (SSK is good, but how about if every zone in the game auto-exemped you to its max level? Sharing mission completions and improving rewards for teams is good, but what if you didn't even have to invite other people to your team at all? Oh hey, most character builds are self-sufficient, but almost any team-up is greater than the sum of its parts.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    And to 'celebrate I22' dev comes to AP to play with the Flying Disc with ppl, including announcing you need the power to play and go to the market to buy it.

    I was a little sick to my stomach.
    I'm slightly devastated by your combination of intensity identifiers there.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzor View Post
    What a pathetic fail that is...

    So, let's review:

    Staff Fighting - No

    Beast Mastery - No

    Converters - No

    So very anti-climactic.

    I know they'd mentioned (if you knew where to look) that the ATs weren't going to launch today, but still, they seem to have failed to release just about everything I was looking forward to in this update...

    Hopefully the new trial will at least be fun, or did that not make it into the release either...
    They released the Dark Astoria update with all the new arcs and solo/small team Incarnate rewards, LFG queue that covers all the Trials and TFs and is usable inside missions, and Dark Control. So that's quite a lot of things that *I* was looking forward to, at least.
  15. I've never seen the point of explicitly mentionning a character's weight in their bio, unless it's several orders of magnitude higher or lower than you'd expect from looking at the model.

    People would only complain when they couldn't make their 6' tall Amazon with huge muscles weigh less than 160 pounds (because as everyone knows, any woman that weighs more than 160 pounds is horribly obese and disgusting).
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I didn't say anything was completely impossible.

    For one thing, this post contains no indication whatsoever to what extent the character "that was created in City of Heroes" actually was used as an inspiration. When I read the post in context, it kinda sounds like Brian (whoever that is) created some characters in CoH, but the artists rejected them because "they were awful." That is, he started from scratch with different ideas, which is perfectly fine.
    Brian Clevinger is the writer of Atomic Robo. He came up with the idea for the character (a very human-like if not at all human-looking robot created by Nicholas Tesla) a long time ago, made the character in City of Heroes, then decided to make a comic book based on the character. He got Scott Wegener to do the art on the comic, and included screenshots of the CoH character. Scott Wegner subsequently came up with the character's look, which ended up not being much like the CoH version at all, and the Atomic Robo comics make no reference to Paragon City or anything similar to the place.

    NCsoft doesn't strike me as a particularly evil company, though make no mistake, they are a company, and even if they're nice now, you never know who will be running the show in five or ten years. I'm just pointing out to the OP that while there's a good chance that this is not an issue, there's always that little possibility that, metaphorically speaking, he could have a wreck because he's doing 70 in a 55 and Very Bad Thingsā„¢ could happen. Bad enough that if it were me, there's not a chance in hell that I would risk it.

    Never, ever, EVER, EVER!!! underestimate the ability of lawyers to screw you over.
    I get that you're advising people to be cautious, but don't do so based on unsupported fearmongering. This is less like doing 70 when the speed limit's 55, and more like those cartoons where four characters share a can of beer and pass out and have horrifying hallucinations to illustrate the Dangers of Alcohol To Young Minds.

    There is a non-zero chance that if you use your own creation as a basis for a CoH character, and then make a commercial production based on the original version of the character, NCSoft will take you to court based on the wording of the EULA.

    There is also a non-zero chance that NCSoft will insert language into the EULA making every customer agree to be an indentured servant, and send their private mercenary army to enforce the terms.

    The proper response to this thread is NOT "never, ever, under any circumstance use a character idea you ever want to monetize in CoH, and if you already made character there, then you can never use them for profit."

    The proper response is: "In general you should avoid making CoH characters based on ideas you want to monetize at some point - but if you do think of monetizing a character you've already rolled, it's a good idea to 1) Redesign the new version so they are markedly different from what CoH's engine can do, 2) Delete/rename the character, and remove any prominent CoH screenshots with the character from your websites/forums, 3) never, ever, under any circumstance use any references to CoH characters, places, or terms in your work."
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I guess I just don't understand why people would hoard infamy unless they plan to use it for something.
    I could spend this Inf I have now... but what if I need it later?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    This seems very weird to me. Isn't the Global Mail yes/no flag a character-specific setting anyhow? If you had 3 characters with it on and 3 off, how could it even decide what to do if you were offline?
    I think it depends on which character first checks their email. If it's a character with "only accept from Global Friends" unchecked, the email goes into the inbox as normal. If it's a character that has it checked, it vanishes into the Void, never to be seen again.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Practically speaking, that wouldn't happen. In reality, 1) your character would be deleted from their server, and 2) any publisher or studio that knows that Mr. Awesome was in City of Heroes wouldn't touch the property with a ten foot pole. I mean, think about it, if you were a studio and you knew that a third party had at least some legal claim to a character that you're going to risk at least hundreds of thousands of dollars on, quite possibly millions, would you take that gamble? Oh, hell no.

    I tell everyone this who brings up this question: 1) Do not ever create any character in City of Heroes that you even remotely might want to use for some other purpose someday. Period. 2) If you've already done so, resign yourself to the fact that you will never be able to use that character for any profitable enterprise. Period.

    Yes, some people always bring up the Dresden guy in threads like this.

    For him. If you're seriously thinking about developing some IP for commercial purposes, as an unknown, you very likely don't have that luxury (if it even exists for him in the first place).

    So the tl;dr version, if you're just skimming down to the bottom for the punchline, is don't do it, and if you already did, forget about it. Make up some new characters for your fame and fortune.
    Again, what about Atomic Robo? The artist that works on the series outright stated that:

    I had no idea at first what Robo should look like. Brian approached me with the concept, but no details. Oh and he had made a character in City of Heroes (long after coming up with the core Atomic Robo concept) and I had those to work with -but they were awful LOL
    So here was a character the writer made up, that was created in City of Heroes before he went out to do anything with him, that was then translated into comic book form (the comic book retaining absolutely no elements of CoH lore) and picked up by an independent publisher.

    Now, we don't know how much legal wrangling was involved, but you shouldn't say it's completely impossible.
  20. Atomic Robo had an incarnation early on as a CoH character. Brian Clevinger has still not been sued by NCSoft despite several critically acclaimed TPBs of the character's adventures.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
    It didn't kick back last night, but I was only on for 10 or 15 minutes after I sent the mail.

    I will double check shortly.

    The mail did not return. I'm 99% certain that the inf was not re-deposited onto him, given how much he had on hand logging into him just now.

    It would seem that the influence is just gone. Lesson learned. I guess the "burn influence" part of the goal was achieved, at any rate.

    I just sent a test email, and will re-send the influence once I get a reply from you.
    Got it this time, thanks. (Would've just replied to the mail ingame, but didn't think of it until after I'd deleted. Duh.)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    If you disable the "only mail from global friends", I think it will actually appear in your inbox. That is, I think it's there, and that setting just hides it.
    Nope. Turned it off on one character, and the test email came through, but still don't see the previous mail.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
    Inf will be mailed to you, Silver Gale.

    Is there a period at the end of the global, or are you just ending a sentence?

    Edit: saw your CIT listing without a period. Mailed it to that global... if yours DOES have a period, email me ingame, and I'll send to that one, also.
    Argh, I forgot I had "Mail from global friends only" set on most of my characters. I'm ot sure what that did to the email, did it get returned, or did it just vanish into oblivion?
  24. Good call, I was ending a sentence. Thanks.
  25. Ooh. Can I get in on that action? I have 250 mil to burn and a base that I really need to get arond to building, maybe this'll provide an impetus!

    Global @Meagen.