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  1. In addition to other factors I think this would result in some unfair market distortions, as it would discourage dumping some 'junk' on the market at low prices.

    Personally, I know I often pause between missions and dump a bunch of common salvage on the market for 10 INF using /ah.

    IF your suggestion succeeds in discouraging use of /ah , then it will unfairly impact the low end of the market.

    Which leads to my next objection: IF this would work as you wish, and discourage use of /ah, why would the Devs put in something to discourage use of feature they took time to add?

    And encouraging use of the market physical location may be counter to Dev goals in another way. The more player characters in one close location, the greater the server load. The devs would probably rather that if 100 people are using market, that they be spread out, so the servers don't have to send every person's costume info to every other player.

    Since you are getting visceral negative reactions from a good sample of forum goers, and it might have unfair market distorting impact, and it's probably contrary to Dev goals... I think this is a lost cause. Good to think outside the box, but your energy probably better spent elsewhere, on other causes.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by William_Valence View Post
    Can I ask if you're considering (not putting you on the spot for a commitment to removing the cap, just wondering if it is being considered) removing the 90% cap, or should we expect a cap as a part of the change?
    I think we might be running into Design Intent on that issue. The devs intend for these types of procs to have a random element. I think moving things to a 95% cap is more likely to fly than no cap at all.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    This was the feedback that I received repeatedly from you all during this thread. Which is why we've decided to only use recharge on a power from enhancement sources and alpha slots. Global recharge will not reduce proc chance. Take a look at previous posts for all the details

    EDIT: Curses! Scooped by Sanguine Sentinel!
    With global recharge not being counted, and a floor on minimum proc chance, I can say I'm liking the changes. It should balance procs better across various powers, and still give some interesting build choices.

    Add my voice to the chorus of people praising Synapse for adjusting based on feedback in a very productive manner.

  4. Hm. Personally, I'm not fond of the change to PPM.

    I loved taking a fast recharging low damage attack and filling it up with damage procs, sometimes even skimping on normal damage slotting.

    I may never again have the joy of seeing all 5 of my damage procs going off at once in Jab from superstrength. It was rare before, but with PPM reducing the proc chance, it will be a lot longer.

    I guess I can understand that PPM are more balanced for various attacks, and for high-recharge vs. low recharge builds. But I'll miss mulling over if I want a damage proc in an attack, and tending towards using procs on lower-damage attacks.

    If it's best for the game balance, it's for the best in the long run. But I'll miss the old way.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    Hello everyone!

    I appreciate the feedback you’ve all been given here and on the beta forums. I’ve just made the following changes:

    1) Statesman’s Pal will remain Statesman’s Pal and will be given out when completing ‘A Hero’s Hero’, the original Maria Jenkin’s arc, in flashback

    2) Positron’s Pal will be given out when completing, ‘A Hero’s Epic’, the new Maria Jenkin’s arc

    3) Sister Psyche’s Comrade will remain the same and be given out when completing Psyche’s task force in flashback once Issue 23 is launched.

    4) Penelope Yin’s Friend will be rewarded when completing her new task force

    5) The Task Force Commander badge will be rewarded by having either Penelope Yin’s Friend or Sister Psyche’s Comrade

    Thanks again for all your feedback!

    Dr. Aeon
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't see why Hero's Hero can't continue to award Statesman's Pal and the updated Hero's Epic can't award Positron's Pal separately (as was suggested earlier in the thread). And if that is the case, the devs could retroactively grandfather all players to keep Statesman's Pal and require a rerun of Hero's Epic to get Positron's Pal, so that you actually have to save Positron to get it.
    I vote for this!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    How much is that going to matter past the ED cap for slotted defences, though? I realise Alpha boosts ignore ED for some percentage, but assuming I stop at I3 (T4s are intentionally designed to be time sinks), is that percentage really going to matter? For said Stalker, I was actually looking at more in the realms of recharge, because getting Assassin's Strike back up faster with just a single recharge reducer made a WORLD of difference in a way didn't think it would.
    If you are liking recharge, then I'd say that Agility Partial Core Revamp is your ideal Alpha.

    +33% End Mod, +33% Recharge, +20% Defense.
    As a Tier 3, half of the enhancement ignores ED (you are right about T4 being "time sink" stuff. Although, I like to think of them as "stretch goals". )

    with 10% of the DEF enhance ignoring ED, it's going to at least give you a few points of DEF in all the positionals on a SR.

    oh, and that Level shift is going to rock with your playstyle against level 50 stuff. When mobs are -1 effective combat level to you, they lose accuracy, I believe, and maybe even some to-hit, which makes non-soft-capped DEF builds all the more effective.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Ideally, I want to approach Dark Astoria, from the standpoint of a level 50 character fresh out of Ramiel's arc, at a difficulty setting of -1x2/+Boss/-AV. I realise this might make the content hard, especially for a DB/SR Stalker who won't be running terribly more than 36% defence, but it should be doable. I had some degree of success against the Soldiers of Rularuu, so I'm somewhat confident. Lowering the difficulty is always an option, but I'd rather only do it if absolutely necessary.
    I sorta did the "fresh out of Remiel's arc" thing with my blaster too. Although I did take a break partway through to do a WST, get a Notice of the Well, and get that T3 Alpha for a very useful level shift. With a Stalker, you probably need the shift less than a blaster.

    I would advise getting that Alpha slotted quickly if you can. If you go Radial and get to T2 on either Agility or Nerve, you'll get some extra DEF enhancement which might have a big impact on how easily you can sruvive, since you are around 36%

    And remember that in addition to doing the main DA storyline, the repeatable missions contact in DA can get you a 10 Threads rewards once a day. Those add up. A few SSAs for Threads don't hurt either. At some point, you'll want to use Threads for iXP, just to get Judgement or Interface unlocked (assuming you've got the components sitting around to craft something for them). The iXP comes a little slow when solo without Thread conversion.

    And don't feel bad if you do need to drop down from x2 to x1 on some of the tougher arcs, or turn off bosses for one mission. The DA incarnate factions ARE a little tougher than their lower counterparts, with a few more tricks up their sleeves.

    Good luck!

  9. Sam,

    Given how you've described your playstyle and preferences, for your first run through of the DA incarnate arcs, I'd advise being sure to have Bosses turned off. That 2-minute timer "do the right thing" choice is a lot easier if you do. And there's several other places where it might be a factor as well.

    There are a few Elite Bosses in the later arcs. Have Inspirations / temp powers ready if you might need them. But overall, if Bosses are turned off, it's not a hardcore challenge or anything. I soloed a Blaster though all the DA arcs with only Alpha unlocked, so I'd think a decently built Stalker should have no issues.

  10. Because it was first suggested as a joke.

    And it might have died there, but then Positron (the dev) had a very exaggerated "No Clowns!" reaction. Which led to people saying that Positron had a pathological fear of clowns, preventing us from having the set. Which led to people requesting it more, just to poke fun at Positron and have fun with the in-joke.

    Then it got mentioned often enough that some people said "you know, I'd really like that, actually."

    there's some kind of vicious cycle along the lines of:

    joke --> in-joke --> localized meme --> taken seriously --> makes it a better joke --> repeat

    going on sometimes.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    A lance might look odd, but I totally agree that more weapons would be cool. Some options that should be basic are oddly absent, like a simple giant hammer.
    Yes, this.

    This, this, this. Just a big hammer.

    Sledgehammer / maul version would be good too.
  12. Shagster

    The Done Club

    Finished up the Astoria day job on FemFury last night, making it to 1357 (1355 on City Info Tracker).

    Done once again. Now back to my "blaster doing incarnate stuff with non-Trial content" project.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    The new Hami-Os: Promi-Os, with names like "Toenail Clippings," "Hair Packets," and even less appetizing things than that.

    (Reference for the perplexed.)
    Given Prometheus was involved, the first thing that came to my mind with Promi-Os and body parts was the line "Eat your liver, it's good for you!".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
    During hard fights I usually have the 3 toggles on, plus Combat Jumping, Sprint and Acrobatics.
    Well, to start with, turn off sprint during fights will help a lot.

    Also, you shouldn't need Acrobatics toggled on as long as you have Practiced Brawler from SR, which should be much better knockback protection.

    I run a StJ/SR on my secondary account myself. One thing I find is you can get suckered in to using your area effect finisher moves too often. When you've got Combo level 3, it's just too tempting to get full effect from a Finisher. Sweeping Cross and Spinning Strike are well worth it if you have a lot of targets to hit. But, against a single tough opponent, you are spending Area effect endurance costs for nothing. If Crushing Uppercut isn't recharged, sometimes it's better to wait for it than to use the one of the more end-heavy options at Combo level 3. I find that cutting back just a little bit on when you use the AoE attacks moderates StJ endurance burn rate quite a bit.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If its something you love, its not nit-picking because you're *always* thinking about it. Its second nature. You don't have to look for it deliberately, you just see it. And even if you do go looking for it deliberately, its because you want to.
    I think the best summation of this was from the Intro to the Nitpicker's Guide to Star Trek.

    "If you love someone, you're allowed to tell them when they've got an unsightly bit of food on the corner of their mouth."

    That's not a precise quote. I paraphrased from memory, so someone can have the pleasure of correcting me if they so desire.
  16. My Rogue Stalker is an honorable sort. He won't kill unless it's in the heat of combat, execution of a dishonorable opponent, or he's got an assassination contract.

    He can't suggest an assassination contract he'd like to take, because that would make him a murderer, instead of a detached professional. So he waits and waits for that day that someone offers to hire him to kill Westin Phipps.

    It would cost him all his connections with Arachnos and related allies, of course, and make his life very dangerous from that point on. So he's going to have to charge for the service.

    He's thinking a fair price would be about one dollar.

    For any of Phipps' actual victims, special discount, one penny.

    For a blinded orphan child, he'd accept payment in pocket lint.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kadmon View Post
    I went through the arcs on my +3 Broadsword/Regen/Mu Scrapper (Read: Flying death engine; Did missions solo where given the option without realizing there would be badges involved). Out of six reward tables, I picked the Component every time. Except for Mu'Vorkan's table, all of them were Commons. Mu'Vorkan netted me an uncommon. Is it not actually possible to get a rare/VR component from these arcs, or is it just extremely... well, rare?
    I got a very rare on my very first DA arc completion, so it is possible.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I think I just finished the Diabolique bit. I see someone mentioned Cimerora, and I wasn't looking for Cimerora contacts in my list. This being a Dark Astoria arc I was looking for the next Dark Astoria (or ???) contact. That might explain why it seemed to end so abruptly to me, eh?
    ***SPOILERS to anyone who hasn't gotten that far yet****

    yeah, after Diabolique goes down, you have to head to the past and talk to Sister Solaris for the next step in the plotline. Talking to Ajax after Diabolique is consumed, he explains that a quick trip to Cimerora is needed to handle Mot. You should have gotten a Sister Solaris contact intro right at the end of that arc.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
    "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science." - Agatha Heterodyne
  20. Shagster

    The Done Club

    Joining the chorus here.

    Spring fling done for a total of 1309.

    Ready for Issue 22, time to give my main a brake and work on alts until then.
  21. I kinda assumed that the ritual in question wouldn't work on everyone.

    Like there might be dozens of theoretical magical rez rituals lying around on dusty shelves, mostly unused, as each one only works on 1% or less of the population, and some have drawbacks.

    In my head, I was picturing Ms. Liberty reading some intel reports and remembering a mystic ritual that worked to return someone from the dead. Only, since the ritual invokes Charon, it only works on someone "tied to Tartarus or Hades". And the use of the Amber Widow means there has to be some resonance with the symbolism of that item representing a million year old "anchor" of "suspended life.". Ms. Liberty realizes that with Recluse's Incarnate ties, his love for the Widow counts as a tie to the Greek underworld, and the spider in amber called a widow is pretty good match for sympathetic magic on an arachnos agent with "widow" in her code name.

    Or maybe it's more simple than that, and the ritual only works on female assassins. Which wouldn't create a long list of candidates that Ms. Liberty would want to drag out of the underworld.

    I just wish Ms. Liberty at *least* had one line of dialogue with something like her shaking her head sadly, and wishing that this particular ritual would work on some people she could think of that would be more deserving of a second chance at life. Then she could put that regret aside and continue with the plan, "working with what she's got."
  22. Don't mind the costumes one way or the other really.

    But in terms of her physique and body structure, she seems to have lost a lot of sense of physical presence there. Not just talking about bust size either. Sometimes PG was drawn muscular. Sometimes not so muscular, but still broad-shouldered and impressive. Sometimes, yes, the bustline was the standout feature.

    This pic... she's clearly fit and athletic. But the underlying body type just doesn't seem right to me. More suited to a gymnastic / acrobatic / martial arts superheroine maybe, not a powerhouse slugger like I picture PG being. And compared to the Alex Ross PowerWoman from Kingdom Come, she looks downright dainty.

    It might be in trying to make the character less "sexist", DC has actually ended up reducing the diversity of female body types in their superheroines.

    Edit: a particular problem I have with this cover is seeing her next to Huntress. If you had those two switch costumes and wear the right wigs, not sure you could tell them apart. Did the ladies bond as a superheroing duo over the fact that they were the same height and dress size and could share clothes?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    I also run into the question of the thermodynamics laws a lot, forget which it is off the top of my head:

    "matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed"

    If that's the case...then where did all our matter come from. Even assuming the Big Bang happened, the matter for the Big Bang had to come from somewhere.
    Lawrence Krauss has done some interesting thinking in this area, described for the layman in his book "A Universe from Nothing".

    The net energy of the universe might just be zero, and all that matter and energy is being "paid for" in changes in gravitational potential energy as the universe expands.

    And, it just might be that "nothingness" is "unstable" and results in bursts of "something" that lasts a trillion years or so.

    The quantum foam might be the ultimate primal chaos, in a way. Randomly spawned universes that last, there they are. Ones that don't last never have people in them to wonder about such issues.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sarha View Post
    This is also a better version of what I was thinking.
    Arcanaville does that to many people. Quite often, actually.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post

    Z: "Eric Johnson, your phone is ringing!"


    No, it's not.

    Oh, dangit. Curses. Having one of the most common name combinations of my age demographic does this to me a lot.