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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    3) If the NPCs can do it then the players should be able to do it.
    Yes we should all have Zeus Lightning.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Cole didnt stop the Hamidon to become the champion, he stopped Hamidon to save the world. The well saw the strength of his words/persuasion and this convinced the well to make Cole its champion.

    It has been proven many times in this thread that the first blow was struck by Primal Earth, Cole knew that if any sort of conflict with Primal Earth was to spill out into the open in Praetoria that the deal he had struck with Hamidon would be off.

    Just thought i'ld correct you
    The first blow was by Cole. We never attacked Praetorian Earth until they attacked us. Unless bombing Kings Row and Nerva weren't attacks.

    Also he became the well's champion to STOP Hamidon.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Just curious, if in the same situation (being overrun and on the verge of defeat), would you allow any of your resources to be turned over to the enemy if it could be helped?

    I think it's been established Cole realized the city had been evacuated by Primal Earth (if he would have nuked his own city without that detail is neither here or there) purging any potential foothold you can steal from him seems like a **** move, but if you think about those on the opposing team (some of them are power hungry and destructive villains), taking a "if you want to usurp me as the champion and defeat Hamidon, do it yourself. no cheating by using any of my junk" seems reasonable.
    And if Cole were to win that fight, he just destroyed his own resources. Also I'd think he'd prefer us to win, primal heroes/villains or not, over Hamidon.

    A good point, though.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DEMARQ View Post
    Darn, Looks like I missed out on this since I wasn't online during April at all, Any chance any of this will pop up in the market?
    If it's anything like the vanguard pack last year, then we'll be seeing it in the market late summer/early fall. Doubt it'd include the "Tempered Through Fire" badge though.
  5. Titan Weapon/Energy Aura brute with Ageless Destiny + Hasten. Oh god.

    Oh god. I am always at 95% fury.
  6. Wait, people not using inspirations? IO'd and/or 50 I suppose, but I'd like to meet the guy who's gone through an entire Inspirationless playthrough 1-50.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    What secret? That he turned Praetoria into a blissful utopia to save mankind from the devouring earth? What a fiend!
    No. Cole told everyone he DEFEATED the Hamidon and they'd never have to worry about it again. He never defeated the Hamidon. He came to an agreement with it to become the well's champion. When he started the war with us, the Hamidon cut the deal off and decided to come take his city away soon anyways.

    Also he's totally a hero, leaving all those people out in the ward and brainwashing the citizens in his utopia. What a hero.

    I used to find Cole almost sympathetic but as of issue 23 he's lost it. He realized he lost and pulled a "If I can't have it no one can!" trick on us in the Mag trial.
    Not sure how people aren't able to connect "Blowing up the entire F-ing city" and "Being a terrible and insane person".
  8. Meh. Super jump is fine the way it is.

    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    If the Hulk was flailing his arms around every time he jumped, it would look pretty dumb.

    As an alternate animation? Sure, I guess. As the new norm? No thanks.
    Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
    I used super jump and like it how it is. However, an alternative animation for it would be fantasitc. The current one is more more about gracefully defying physics to leap great height. One that is more about power would be fun.
  9. ShadowMoka

    dm\fa brute

    Since I don't reccomend fully IOing 'til later, I'd suggest try frankenslotting your toggles with a balance between end SOs and Defense/Resistance SOs.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Emperor Marcus Cole. Hero of the People.
    Besides for us revealing the secrets of Praetoria in TPN.

    Even then, he's not technically a hero.
  11. Fire/Fire/Fire as far as damage goes. Elec/Elec/Elec for variety and Ice/Ice/Ice for survivability.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Anti-matter is confirmed to be alive. In the MoM trial if you speak with Metronome he expresses regret that we didn't kill him Praetor Keyes.
    Ah. I always kind of hoped he'd just join us due to a stronger hate for Cole than us.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    Wouldn't be the first hero they have killed off, recently, so I wouldn't put it past them. But here's hoping it's not permanent!
    What do you mean "hero"?

    Also some Praetorians it's confirmed we killed:

    Praetor Tilman
    Col. Duray(Well WE didn't...)
    Nightstar & Siege

    Possibly killed:
    Tyrant(As of i23 trial)
    Shadow Hunter(As of i23 trial)
    Swan(I23 trial)
    Chimera(I23 trial)
    Neuron & Bobcat(Seeing as the message "Bobcat seeks vengeance!" appears across your screen...)

    It IS a war, after all.
  14. He should've been booted to Atlas. Teleporter would be the only way, yeah.
  15. My characters all seem to turn purple and brown as dopplegangers.
  16. Doms looking pretty nice. Perhaps Fire/Earth. I have definitely wanted to try Plant/Psi Dom for awhile, though. The toon I have in mind is a villain whos being put on parole and forced to do hero stuff : P.
  17. ShadowMoka

    'Best' MM?

    Thugs/Dark. Thugs is hands down the best set if not robotics. They also don't grunt and snort like those demons ; ).
  18. Actually, Cole knew Hamidon was awake all along. He never beat Hamidon in the first place.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Right. As I've said, he was arguably a Hero at some point, but I prefer the term 'necessary evil', considering the state Praetoria is. Drugging and psychic-mind-washing your populace is not Heroic. At all. Even if your intentions are for the survival of all, that's not Heroic. Lawful Evil, maybe, if we need to use a tag.

    A Hero once, a Villain once he came into power. A 'Necessary Evil', which quickly turned into 'Temper-Tantrum Child Scorned' when things didn't go his way. His role was played, and his villainy fully exposed. What MAY have once been a Hero, died long ago.
    While I'm glad he didn't get a face heel turn so we can get the climatic final battle with him, I'm almost sad he didn't get some epic moment of redemption and a final battle against Praetorian Hamidon to die as the hero Praetoria needed all along. I guess that's too anime of me, though.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Not sure which. One or both!
    Probably both. I'll have to come annoy-I mean talk to you sometime.

    But yeah.

    Tyrant's a lunatic now. He's reached that "Last Resort" stage villains get where all their cunningness fades and they go berserk. Zant in Twilight Princess is a blunt example.
  21. Whelp after rolling nothing but brutes and a stalker for the past five or six months, I haven't looked back. It's starting to get dull but I love my melee characters too much. Any reccomendations on a...Well, non-melee archetype/powerset? I played a blaster as my main in the past and really liked troller.

    Never could make a good corr.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    More like "Read the lore you keep citing."

    You know, I have you on my globals and never seem to talk to you. I forgot how we met...It was either through us both agreeing on someone being stupid in the Roleplayers channel or through some friend I think.
  23. ShadowMoka

    Bio Armor!

    Originally Posted by Forevermore View Post
    I think the carapaces are going to be the auto powers, with DNA siphon something like drain psyche from mental.
    Or energy drain from /energy aura.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenjoy View Post
    I don't think we need more incentive for hunting giant monsters. They aren't supposed to be farmed.


    So they're just suppossed to be ignored? Give a cool down on the reward table then, similar to Dark Astoria's solo arcs. If you chose "Threads" for one monster, you can't choose it for the next for another 20 hours.
  25. ShadowMoka

    Whip Powerset

    Originally Posted by Fugacity View Post
    If they're going to make it available to Dominators it needs to be simultaneously released with "Chain Control"...because what good are Whips without Chains?
    Now you guys are just pushing this back a few more years.