dm\fa brute




I recently built a dm\fa brute and so far I'm loving it,haing probs with end due to toggles but I know that can be fixed pretty easy.but I'm not sure if there are powers I need to skip,but jus want general advice on build so I can get most from it



You have access to Consume and Dark Consumption and are having endurance problems?!?!?

What on Earth are you running for toggles?

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@ shadow moka I wasn't goin to start io's til 47or48,@ erratic as for toggles I'm runnin the fire shields and I don't have both end recovery moves yet jus have the one from the dark set.



@erratic I'm lvl20 and have end do's on all my moves and have stam with 2end mods



Running Fire Shield is somewhat mandatory unless you want to get beaten to death. Blazing Aura however. . .yeah, you get it early and you want to use it. And then there is Plasma Shield, which you'll want to run. And if you've already picked up Tough and are running that too. . .well, no wonder you might be in endurance trouble.

Early on Fire Shield is all you really need. Judge by your opponents if you really need to activate Plasma Shield. Tough, if you've already taken it, should only be turned on for what you know will be an extreme fight.

As for enhancements, you can get SOs at 20. Run DFBs and random SOs of your origin will drop. There is also the Jim Tremblor arc in Faultline which leads to Penelope Yin as a contact. Complete Penelope's story arc and rescue her father and her father's store opens up to you with SOs for Accuracy, Damage, and a few others.

What I have learned across a few characters is that you either have to slot it for endurance reduction early, you need to turn it off periodically, or you should simply avoid using/taking it for a bit. I tend to use a mix of the three to get by on until I'm prepared to start leaving it on all the time. And the first thing you want to do is slot it up to reduce its endurance cost. Typically I slot for 2 endurace reduction, then accuracy, and then finally for damage, with the damage not happening typically until a character is in their 30s.

Hope this helps.

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@ erratic i dont have tough yet but i do run cj and fire shield at all times,fire aura and plasma get turned on when far as dfb im dfb'd out,but ima run the ff arc you spoke about and see how that is. thanks alot