Shadow Wail

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  1. Nyea, it bothers me to see that the community is all up in arms about how YOU read a subject?

    In what world would anyone else but the Dev Team have any new details?

    It's slightly presumptuous to assume I was trying to Troll/Riot a forum, I posted it in a PLAYER QUESTION forum...why else would anyone seem to do this, that someone would post details in a question forum...seeing as the Devs like to pat their own back and toot their own horn...don't you think they would make some sort of official announcement...not let someone post something on the forum?

    Really think about what you respond?! All I wanted was any kind of new answers, the Devs have a way of doing interviews and releasing slight detail but not posting them on the site till its too late.

    Kits... that anime sucked...Cute but offense <3
  2. Well color me ignorant for seeing my sex change and my size change and thinking its the same as a costume change emote/feature...Wow...
  3. I dont think I have ever seen something that the Dev's have done as a DOOOOOM issue....I mean yes the AE is actual doom and Plenty of people that are not lazy and wish to actually play ythe game like it is supposed to be played...sigh... think so.

    I just want to know because I am as curious as anyone else.

    I was looking at the GR video and I dont see where everyone got Dual Pistols... no where in the video does Malestrom hold 2 guns...just one

    I already have gone into the madness abouit i16...i17...GR...i18
  4. I would keep Shadow Maul and take the Sands of Mu power... 1,000 fists of darkness is a cool AOE combo
  5. Ummm...I never said they were the same I actually did make a clear specification...I actually read the dev posts!

    I was wondering when were getting them. The exclamations arent denotive of the fact that they arrived but of the fact that I( and everyone else) want

    All we know as of 1.5 weeks after i15 ( If you call it an Issue) is that in i16 you might be able to change the color of SOME of your powers...

    All we know about Going Rogue is that there will be an ability to switch your allignment...nothing was said about new Powersets.

    I think with it being July 10 and all that we nee to get something in the form of a leak or an accidental email being sent out?!
  6. When are we going to get i16 details...better yet I want some GR news?!
  7. Quick Question...I was running the Midnight Draws Near Arc from Darren Wade and for fun I used the Visage power on my short female into the tallish male Midnighter...It seems to work fine in live when it comes to that respect?

    It used the Smoke CC Emote from the magic pack and it changes the sex perfectly fine and the size I missing something?

    Why is it not on live yet if that bit of programing code works?
  8. When does this booster come out?
  9. My Spines/SR is only 3 weeks old and hes already level 28. I am not sure what to take for my Patron.

    I am going to try and do w/o the travel power.

    The only question I have is whether you need Hasten with a Spines/SR?
  10. Yea DM/SR would be a great combo! The DM/ has a -tohit and the /SR has a +Def.

    Imagine the amount of Defense gained from not being hit and the already excellent defenses...

    Some people say that you need to take some filler powers for Spines/ but I took the Sands of Mu power which is great with my hide. I line up enough people and hit them with Ripper, the knockdown/bck is great enough to rehide and set up a well placed SoM attack that debuffs their tohit and gives me a boost to my Def, this then gives me enough movability to chain SoM and Ripper seasoned with a Spine burst that is doing 118-124 dmg
  11. Villains have countless islands to exploit... the only problem is that the devs "Learned a Lesson" by not using too many zones... but the real problem is that now you are stuck with a game that has few things to explore. I liked being able to explore the zones in CoH.

    Few Ideas:

    -1 Cabal of Witches commune in villains that act as a magic origin point of interest

    - Some sort of underground shanty hut town. Like an abandoned sewer system with tin homes for the homeless, Lost and just unfortunates. One door can be in Mercy, One can be near The Pit in Sharkhead Isle and another can be in the Haven House area in GV

    -Can we get the shadow shard as a Co-Op zone? It is rarely used!

    -Give villains and heroes Co-Op zone options for DarK Astoria! If we can get a Black Helicopter to give us a lift to that zone, villains can get some DA Action
  12. Zombies are ok...I can live with that but I EFFING hate the Rikti invasions.... they are the most redundant things ever...

    I meanreally...can they just give it a rest?
  13. 11_Toons!

    I so agree with you...I want to kill the damn civilians on mayhem maps.

    Can we also get a few more targetable things?!

    --Trees ( Fire only )
    --Bushes (Fire only )
    --Select buildings

    I want to be able to walk into a crowd of civilians and use a PBAoE attack and have all those bodies surround me
  14. ...Can we ban together to remove this miserabe event?

    I mean for the love of god it was cute a few issues ago now it just annoys me...
  15. I have a spines/SR...I like it! I wanna try DM/SR just because with the -tohit and my Def...I think i wont be touched...
  16. Yea... three years of Red has made me think Corr/Stalk/Brute...
  17. So after playing my first scrapper 3 and a half years ago I quickly moved on to The Rogue Isles, I levels 2 villains to 50, a Mind/Psi Dom and Sonic/Dark Corr.

    I think I'm ready to go to Paragon again for a short time, What should I try?

    I was looking at Rad/TA or Arch/, I am not ure what do you guys suggest?
  18. I have not touched my Earth/Ice Dom...How is /Ice now?
  19. New Powers? YOU GUYS ARE FUNNY...
  20. ok...I have some work ahead of me, I have an entire base just for storage of salvage and several alts to cushion my salvage racks.

    I am using a Spines/SR stalker for my IO making machine, Is that a good choice? I heard some of the Dom buffs neutered them so I wanna avoid them.

    Any ideas?
  21. hmm, I just crafted 10 rech IO and I got the hired gun badge...I thought you had to do both Rech and Interrupt time IO to get the badge?

    Either way this is good to know, I find that crafting the cheaper dmg IO's that sell for 200k+ is going to cushion my bank account! Thanks!!!
  22. What happens when you memorize a recipie? I never memorized one. I searched for memorize in the Invention Lab forum and got nothing...
  23. Will we get double AE tickets?

    The best part of being an educator is that I get the summer to play COV for as long as I need/want!!!
  24. I say no to all your is why!

    While I am a loyal fan of this game and not many things the devs do piss me off, I feel that there is an underlying reason why the devs are producing paid perks. I feel that there has been a serious drop in revenue, no matter what you can tell me and no matter what you can sayI feel that this subtle move to paying for awesome pieces was a natural event. The devs did this with the wedding pack and that paid for some of the features that we love.

    No one is forced to buy these sets and the only people that are complaining about them are the ones that want these items or features for free. the simple fact that every 6 months you end up paying 25 bucks(10.00 for a booster and 15.00 for monthly) for this game is a minor... and I also mean a petty cost. this additional revenue will pay for more important updates and more important features that we will get for free.

    The fact that so many players bought the cyborg pack, the magic pack, the wedding pck, the jetpack pack, the mac pack just for the valyire costume says something.

    I personally bought most of those packs not because I will use them in EVERY character I make but for two reasons...

    1. I am loyal to the game and will contribute to as many things as possible
    2. I usually mix and match pieces.

    In the long run, don't complain if you arent going to buy and if you do buy just do it for the two or three pieces you like and for the fact that those 10 dollars can pay for a new programmer, a new comp or w/e else the studio needs to make these things reality I dont think we would be where we are in this game if we didnt shell out some extra green.