Is it just me, or is earth domination lacking...



Posted control? Or at least, it seems that you have to activate all of your holds just to really have control. I heard that it was supposed to be a solid set for lockdown, but against Longbow for example, I have a lot of trouble. Is there something I'm missing here?



Seems like you are missing something. Run us through a typical scenario and we can give you some more detailed help.



Well, I usually end up using most of my holds and AOEs in per battle. I may just be doing it wrong, I'm new to domis and still haven't gotten that feel down. Usually a battle will end up with me charging in with stalagmites, then dropping quicksand, volcanic gasses and/or earthquakes. But like against Longbow Wardens? Pretty ineffective it seemed.



You're overusing your controls. Alternate between Stalagmites and Earthquake for groups, keeping Volcanic Gasses in reserve. Note that critters don't need to be controlled 100% of the time for you to be doing your job. You do great work by negating alpha strikes and controlling spawns when they're at their worst--fully massed and all of them still alive.



This is really doom.



You're overusing your controls. Alternate between Stalagmites and Earthquake for groups, keeping Volcanic Gasses in reserve. Note that critters don't need to be controlled 100% of the time for you to be doing your job. You do great work by negating alpha strikes and controlling spawns when they're at their worst--fully massed and all of them still alive.

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I use Volcanic Gasses either when theirs a whole lot of mobs, like when you aggro another group, or an ambush happens.



Replace 'Earth' with 'Gravity' in the thread subject and it would work better.

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Actually, against Longbow, Plant would be a better example. I discovered yesterday the hard way that some Longbow bosses with Leadership buffs provide strong Confuse protection. After two faceplants I finally noticed the little buff icons around them.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



OP, I did have similar problems in the 20s on my earth/ dom--without enough slots to spread between my AoE controls and my attack powers, I'd occasionally have to throw out multiple controls to keep larger groups of enemies from shredding me to pieces, especially when I couldn't kill a decent amount of the enemies before the controls wore off (granted, this should be far easier now that dom damage has been buffed). If that's the case, all I can really say is that it gets better. If you're just throwing them all out at the same time regardless, though, then this:

You're overusing your controls. Alternate between Stalagmites and Earthquake for groups, keeping Volcanic Gasses in reserve. Note that critters don't need to be controlled 100% of the time for you to be doing your job. You do great work by negating alpha strikes and controlling spawns when they're at their worst--fully massed and all of them still alive.

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Also keep in mind that using Stalagmites + Volcanic Gasses on the same enemies at the same time is pretty pointless--either power alone should be able to lock down most of a spawn unless it has bosses in it, and they don't stack with each other. For bosses, you either want to drop Volcanic Gasses then stack it with Fossilize or drop Earthquake + Quicksand and then stack Fossilize while the boss flails around. If you're to the pet, then he can also do an admirable job of tanking a boss while you lock it down.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



You are definately doing something wrong. Earth control has excellent control. I can say without a doubt its the only set that keep groups delt with in hard control more than any otherset. I know for my controllers its pretty much the no one is dying on my watch set. I can see it being even better for doms when domination is up so you can stretch the duration of stalagmites even more.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Be sure to use Earth's unique play style to your advantage - there are lots of powers you can use from afar without line of sight. My Earth Controller on the blue side is all about staying as far from the action as possible until the targeted AOEs have been layered on and are doing their thing.




as stated in an earlier post, you are most likely overusing your controls. Quicksand/Earthquake or Quicksand/Stalagmites should be sufficient for most single mobs, or they can even be spread apart for 2 mobs, just kill the quicksand mob while EQ mitigates the other... use ST hold/Immob as needed to lock down tougher opponents while you kill off the weaklings.

you can drop Volcanic Gasses if things get too harsh (like an unexpected ambush etc). Typically, VG is best reserved for emergency situations and isn't generally needed for every spawn (not that it can be used every spawn, unless you wait alot or have significant recharge)... you have plenty of other controls at your disposal that should do the job just fine.

In my experience, Earth Domination (and Ice) is lacking in damage capability when compared to other control sets, but it is in no way, shape or form lacking in control. IMO, it is THE best control set in the game. in regards to its level of control, it surpasses everything else.

i've never seen or played any other set that could lock down 5 mobs spawned for an 8 man team at the same time... Earth Doms CAN.

as stated previously, Quicksand, Earthquake and Volcanic gasses can all be used without being in direct line of sight with a mob, this can be used to significant advantage for preventing an alpha strike on your location before the controls take effect. in other words, this will prevent the mob from being able to get off the first shot and thus increase your survivability by that much more. normally, on a team this method isn't typically necessary... just make sure you're not the first to engage in plain sight dropping quicksand or some such nonsense.