SuperSci Booster and Height Slider?




Now that it seems possible to have a single toon with different heights (via the SuperSci booster)... how about adding a height slider to the core game?

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



The height slider / body-type changer seems to be one of the main features of the Super Science Booster. It would defeat the purpose of making it a booster if they gave one of those features to the core game.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



having a height slider vs having availability to a different 'stock' is apples to oranges; it wouldn't undermine the booster any more than the current costume change system

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



My understanding is that the booster contains both: body type changes and height sliders. Perhaps that was not clear, or you have different information about the booster. I can't find the original link where I saw that, though I haven't looked very hard.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



having a height slider vs having availability to a different 'stock' is apples to oranges; it wouldn't undermine the booster any more than the current costume change system

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It would when both the body type change and height change slider are both part of the booster pack.



It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.




It's better than WoW. $15 to change the gender, name, and looks of one toon, one time. Can't alternate, can't go back without paying again.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

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So, then, they should make us pay for Power Customization via a booster? And should have done the same for Weapon Customization?

IMNSHO, the Height Change shouldn't be part of a paid anything. The Model Change, sure, but height? No. That one little thing doesn't belong in a Paid Booster. That's all I'm saying.

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I agree that the height slider should be a core game function and not a paid feature of the booster. Changing the Model type? Yes, that you can pay for in the booster.

It would when both the body type change and height change slider are both part of the booster pack.

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Air Conditioning and Stereos are both parts of the "Booster Pack" on my Blazer. However, they are not intertwined and dependent upon each other.

Body Type switching and Height sliders are both in the Booster, but they are not interdependent.

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It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

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It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

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Standard Rant Code applies.




So, then, they should make us pay for Power Customization via a booster? And should have done the same for Weapon Customization?
IMNSHO, the Height Change shouldn't be part of a paid anything. The Model Change, sure, but height? No. That one little thing doesn't belong in a Paid Booster. That's all I'm saying.

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I have to pick at your argument here. It doesn't exactly make sense to me that you state one type of customization should be free... but the other is okay to spend money on? This kinda screams: "I want one to be free because I would use it, and not the other one because I wouldn't use that one." If you are going to argue that one should be free, by that same argument so should the other one.

And, I agree that they should both be free. That would be great. However, I do understand why they included it. They want us to buy it!

On a seperate note, the Devs are really in a horrible spot aren't they? The players are never happy about anything. If a Pack contains cool things people say it should be free, if it contains some decent things, people compain that they are useless and it's a waste of money. Talk about damned if you do and damned if you don't!



It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

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It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

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Standard Rant Code applies.

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Huh? Where is this about code? The fact that this is a computer game doesn't mean that absolutely every complaint can be shot down by the "Standard Code Rant".

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



I posted in the thread about the Science Booster on the General forum that I was a bit annoyed that a feature that has been asked for as long as I can remember, height, body type for nearly as long, ends up in a paid booster.

I don't have problems with costume parts in payed expansions because sometimes I simply not interested enough to spend $10 for them. However a QoL costume editing feature that people have asked for almost as long as we had alternate costume slots as part of a paid expansion is pushing the boundaries from what I consider to be a 'microtransaction' feature.

I've read Castle's (or was it BaB) who brought it up at the brainstorming session for what would be in this booster and he's willing to take the blame for this but someone should have realized that some people would be annoyed by this turn.

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Final Thoughts (before I move this over to the Suggestions Board).

I think someone had mentioned this somewhere else:

Make this feature a standard part of I15 while changing the Booster Pack Power to the ability to change builds without having to go to the Trainers (as a clickable power on a 5 minute max timer)

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I say no to all your is why!

While I am a loyal fan of this game and not many things the devs do piss me off, I feel that there is an underlying reason why the devs are producing paid perks. I feel that there has been a serious drop in revenue, no matter what you can tell me and no matter what you can sayI feel that this subtle move to paying for awesome pieces was a natural event. The devs did this with the wedding pack and that paid for some of the features that we love.

No one is forced to buy these sets and the only people that are complaining about them are the ones that want these items or features for free. the simple fact that every 6 months you end up paying 25 bucks(10.00 for a booster and 15.00 for monthly) for this game is a minor... and I also mean a petty cost. this additional revenue will pay for more important updates and more important features that we will get for free.

The fact that so many players bought the cyborg pack, the magic pack, the wedding pck, the jetpack pack, the mac pack just for the valyire costume says something.

I personally bought most of those packs not because I will use them in EVERY character I make but for two reasons...

1. I am loyal to the game and will contribute to as many things as possible
2. I usually mix and match pieces.

In the long run, don't complain if you arent going to buy and if you do buy just do it for the two or three pieces you like and for the fact that those 10 dollars can pay for a new programmer, a new comp or w/e else the studio needs to make these things reality I dont think we would be where we are in this game if we didnt shell out some extra green.



It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

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It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

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Standard Rant Code applies.

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Huh? Where is this about code? The fact that this is a computer game doesn't mean that absolutely every complaint can be shot down by the "Standard Code Rant".

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It does when you don't know how much code goes into changing the height slider after the character is already created.



I agree that the height slider should be a core game function and not a paid feature of the booster. Changing the Model type? Yes, that you can pay for in the booster.

It would when both the body type change and height change slider are both part of the booster pack.

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Air Conditioning and Stereos are both parts of the "Booster Pack" on my Blazer. However, they are not intertwined and dependent upon each other.

Body Type switching and Height sliders are both in the Booster, but they are not interdependent.

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How do you know they aren't interdependant? Because Castle refered to it in this post as the "'Ultra Tailor' Tech" which sounds like either something they had either just developed or they have had access to. Either way, the way the upgrade is coded could very well mean you can't have the Height Slider without the body type switcher and vice versa.

Also, I love how people who aren't programmers just assume stuff about magical things that could be easily seperated and/or done. Yes, I know I'm assuming as well when I say the tech for the height slider and body switcher is intertwined and inseperable, but it's a reasonable assumption based on the fact of the information provided and how they are handling it.

And speaking of which:
It does contain both, but the Height shouldn't be part of it. It's been asked for probably as long as power customization.

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What good would the boosters be if they didn't have stuff we really wanted? That's what makes them worth paying for. People have more than $15/month that they're willing to spend on City of Heroes, and I don't begrudge Paragon Studios trying to maximize their earnings. I could wish it were all available for one price, but I could wish the same of anything I pay money for. I wish it were all free. The good stuff always costs extra.

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It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

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Standard Rant Code applies.

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Huh? Where is this about code? The fact that this is a computer game doesn't mean that absolutely every complaint can be shot down by the "Standard Code Rant".

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No where in any of the posts before you last one was about programming code. I think when he said "standard rant code applies he meant code as in the "a systematically arranged collection or compendium of laws, rules, or regulations." definition. If he was meaning the programming language definition he would have typed "standard code rant" like you mistyped it as in your reply. Or perhaps even "standard rant: code".




It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now. The fact that we're being charged extra for it now that it's -finally- being added is just plain ludicrous.

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Standard Rant Code applies.

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Huh? Where is this about code? The fact that this is a computer game doesn't mean that absolutely every complaint can be shot down by the "Standard Code Rant".

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It does when you don't know how much code goes into changing the height slider after the character is already created.

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But the complaint above did not rest on it being a small amount of code.

Also, personally, I am skeptical of the design of any system wherein the head, torso, arm, and leg sliders can be changed at any time, but the height takes huge amounts of code rewrite. Sure, it's possible, but what an awful way to write a program.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



It's a feature that should've been in the damn game from the first day the tailors went in. It's such a basic element of character customization that it was bad enough that it wasn't there before now.

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This is what I was referring to. We don't know WHY they didn't put it in, only that they didn't. Generally when something isn't put in that we think should be there (power customization, body type changes, etc) it's because they don't have the code written to do so and need to write it in such a way that it doesn't impact the existing game. It's not like changing some text to bold on a website, after all.

Considering the game itself is code, complaining about the way things are in game is ultimately complaining about the way the code is put together.



Well, sure, if you want to do spin-doctoring that would make a politician jealous...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



My point still stands. You don't know how difficult it would have been to put it in the game at the beginning. Heck, at the beginning you couldn't respec or change your costume. Those things came later. They waited until they were sure they got it working right before they put it in.



And my point still stands: Charging us for such a basic customization option is pretty low.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint