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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    My worry, however? It'll have the standard low psi damage because supposedly (emphasis on that) so few mobs resists psi. The big problem is the things that do resist psi resist the HELL out of it.
    I don't have any official basis for this, but I always thought psi damage tended to be kept low (most visibly when ported to Blasters) because it was perceived to be poorly resisted by players in PVP.

    Before the release of Psi Blast for Blasters, so many PVP-oriented players were chanting "Psi, Psi, Psi..." because they wanted to get around the resistances of their player foes. But when it came out and the damage numbers were not awe-inspiring, a lot of those same posters expressed significant disappointment. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking there's a link of some sort, but I always assumed the Devs limited the damage output of Psi so it wouldn't become a monster PVP set.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    This page on the wiki is an excellent resource for finding sets with good bonuses:
    Also give this page a look. The links called "Sets that improve..." (such as "Sets that improve Area Effect Defense") -- not the ones called "Sets for improving..." -- give a sort-able list of all the bonuses and number of slots required. It's VERY easy to find a set that gives a specific bonus you are looking for (assuming one exists).

    Really experienced builders might have most of the sets memorized, but if you don't, that page is a really handy resource. I have it bookmarked.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    And another comment for a set that I think is pretty awful.

    Dishonorable Mention : Titanium Coating. Okay, maxhp and melee defense; great. But nothing special for a yellow in those two entries, and the other three bonuses are practically worthless. Even if you want status resistance, there are sets that give a better bonus -- status 2.5% -- as a single entry, often in the first three. And how many characters building Resist actually want status resistance anyway? Many of the other resist sets are kind of meh, but they make up for it with fantastic procs or globals. This set is just bad. It should have its resistance entries merged into a single "status resistance 2%" as the third entry (the four-item bonus) and something else actually useful as the fourth, like an e/n or s/l resistance bonus. The first entry could be whatever; movespeed even would be fine, although 8% regen or a small s/l defense buff would be even nicer.
    Titanium Coating is one of the sets that should be much improved by the I24 changes.
  4. I failed to get Beam Rifle last time it was on sale, so I resolved to wait grimly for another sale. I was pleased to see it appear this time!

    But when I went to purchase it Sunday morning (10:30 AM or so EDT) it was not yet on sale. Had to do some chores, and when I came back in the evening, it was for sale, finally. Snapped it up!

    Maybe the sales are on West Coast time or something...I'm not really complaining, just that I was surprised the sale didn't roll out at "midnight" (when Saturday became Sunday) in any North American time zone.
  5. One thing that might not be immediately obvious, even though it's touched on in the summaries given so far, is that having several characters will help. Rewards that are time-gated like SSA and Alignment Merits are, as far as I know, always "per character," but you can alt and run them again if you have the stomach for it.

    Also, spending Alignment merits is time-gated -- you can only buy one recipe, for example, every 20 hours. So if you have 20 merits on one character, it will take a while (like, almost ten days) to access them all. But if you have 20 merits on ten different characters, you can cash them all in in one sitting -- no waiting!

    Now that we can e-mail recipes, enhancements, and influence to our other characters, the alts don't even have to be on the same server or same faction. My villain on Infinity can mail a recipe to my account name, and my hero on Guardian can claim and slot the recipe, or vice-versa. So not even the number of slots per server limits this strategy.

    The game is often called alt-friendly. But the reward system is more than friendly -- it really rewards you for having numerous capable (decently leveled up and slotted) characters.
  6. Couple of points tyhat jump out at me from casual perusal of the build:

    You're not soft-capped to AoE.

    You're not soft-capped to any position if you turn Stealth off (not sure about when it is merely suppressed). Do you fight with Stealth on?

    You have 3 knockback protection IOs slotted. Shield doesn't need any additional -knb if you run Active Defense constantly, unless there's some reason specific to the iTrials I don't know about.

    Speaking of Active Defense, you have a Membrane Exposure HO in there, for 33% recharge bonus. I think they removed the effect Membranes had on Active Defense's DDR, so all it's giving you is 33% recharge -- you'd get over 42% from a lvl 50 common recharge IO.

    You can hit the ED cap to recharge with only two lvl 50 common recharge IOs if you use +4 Enhancement Boosters to each. A few boosters are available to high-tier Paragon Rewards vets for free, otherise you have to buy them, I think; but the ability to save a slot in every power I normally 3-slot for recharge (Hasten, Build Up, Aim, Tar Patch, and so on) is so good I sometimes use them anyway.

    That's really just tidbits and does not address your main point, sorry.
  7. I'd also like a little "notes" field associated with each build where I could type a quick reminder to myself, such as "investigate dropping Aid Self" or "can replace Set X with the purple set if I get the money" or what have you. That might be too limited to hold all the info for the purpose outlined in the OP, however.
  8. Happens to me occasionally -- did so last night, in fact. I went out to the server selection screen, changed servers, and it was fixed. (Then I had to go back out and change back to the original server, of course). Irritating but minor.
  9. Get yourself a knockback>knockdown proc (Overwhelming Force set) and stick it into Tornado. That'll give you TWO nice pseudo-pet damage powers.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Or they get nit picky. They rather look for things to point out instead of actually reading the content.
    Thousands of years of written language and hundreds of millions of texts competing for attention have shown that presentation does, in fact, matter. You can "feel" however you want to about it, but that's a bit like "not liking" gravity.
  11. Sailboat

    Super respecs!

    Not sure if this is a joke or not. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have respecs look dramatic.

    Another quality-of-life issue I'd like is to be able to see chat tabs -- at the very least, tells -- while respeccing. For all I care they could just have the chat windows sit on top of the screen, in your way, and you'd have to drag them aside to put slots there, then drag them back to put slots where they just were. That would be ugly and awkward, but still better than being in The Cone of Silence™ for 10-20 minutes.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't have a specific objection to increased resistance bonuses, I just think the odds of nasty and irreversible unintended side effects from that increase are extremely high.
    That's why I once proposed a mechanic that would allow the Devs to curtail too much stacking of resistance and defense from IOs.
  13. Well, I was referring to the way 45% defense is equivalent to 90% resistance.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Only if I can too

    Proof that, contrary to popular belief, the devs DO read the S&I section. Sounds like it's getting the -res proc I suggested as well.

    And if the set bonuses end up how I suggested them, I have to say: D'oh!

    I could use the S/L defense bonus on my scrapper.......but his TAoE is Shockwave and I need the KB->KD proc as well.
    Well, they certainly used the name you suggested, which does indicate they took your thread into account. Mine's older, but being "first" doesn't mean much if I got lost in the signal-to-noise ratio.

    Tip of the cap to you, sir, and thumbs up on all the changes, whatever the font of inspiration!*

    *In this particular medium, I suspect Comic Sans.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Shadey_NA, I don't think that's going to be a "practical" combination of powers, simply because of stack of casting times. Theoretically speaking, yeah there's a high peak there ... but practically, in actual gameplay, I doubt you're going to have the "luxury" of having that much time to "do your things" unless you're playing solo (and if you're solo, the mobs will be aggroed on you while you're doing all this).

    Nice thought, but perhaps Too Complex™ to be workable in realtime gameplay, particularly in Teams or Leagues.
    Although a full team of NA/DP characters....heh.
  16. I thought they implied that they're replacing the bonuses with resistance, and that whatever they're doing, it's already decided.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    It's likely that they'll be between equivalent to and twice as much as comparable Defense bonuses. Even if they are merely equivalent, .63 S/L resist adds up.
    Although logically they "should" be twice the equivalent defense bonuses because of the way resistance works, I'd be shocked if the Devs go that far. Numerous sets give us 3.75% to a given defense pairing (energy/negative, for example). If they release numerous sets giving 7.5% resistance each (and they've already said they'll be pairing up the types of resistance like they did defense) I'll be gobsmacked.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    Yes, I was refering to tornado. Sorry about that.
    I'm not sure why, but I always get lysdexic about hurricane and tornado.
    It's all part of the cycloooone, the cyclone of liiiiiiiiiiiiife.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tfab10 View Post
    I have saved up 4 Reward tokens.
    I have three saved up, myself...and any thought I might have had of spending them on consumables just braked to a squealing halt until I see the new stuff.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SodaPops View Post
    Is it just me or are the bird attacks a bit nastier than most MM attacks
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    The bird certainly feels nastier, and it actually has a use in that it kills flight.
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Yeah birds out of all things seems to be a good nasty power set. I enjoy the bird attack more than the wolf attacks.
    All right, enough carrying on in here. THAT's a hawk!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    This. You usually use these at the start of a fight, so they are poor on a brute.
    Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
    This is not biggest reason that they are not as good for brutes. The pet damage/base damage options are they key here. After all- you can always wait a moment until fury is reasonably high and AAO is fully saturated
    I kinda agree with PRAF68_EU. If you're waiting for Fury to rise, one of two things is happening:
    • You're using other attacks, wearing the enemy hit points down -- which risks wasting the damage of your pumped-up big hitters as overkill
    • You're just waiting and not attacking, which is just dead time in your DPS.

    Neither sounds appealing.
  22. Quote:
    • Improved Enhancement Set Bonuses: Invention Origin Enhancement set bonuses, such as XP debt reduction and specific mesmerization/mental control resistances, have been replaced with more useful set bonuses. These new set bonuses provide more powerful resistance against a broader variety of damage.
    • New Invention Origin Sets: Four new Invention Origin Enhancement sets debut with Issue 24. Annihilation (targeted AoE), Unbreakable Guard (damage resistance), Reactive Defenses (defense), and Preventive Medicine (healing). These new sets all offer different and specific bonuses, such as decreasing an opponent's resistance, increasing a character's maximum hit points, improve resistances, and even granting an absorption shield.
    Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
    Still, new TAoE invention set = win. God I hope it's got better enhancement values than that stupid posi's blast set.
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    I guess I need to change my sig. even if it's just one more TAoE set...

    Also just last week I complained about the debt reduction bonuses...
    Can I claim just a teeny bit of bragging rights in relation to these changes? I have long-standing suggestion threads on these specific topics:

    New "Targeted AoE" Invention Sets

    Replace debt reduction property on IOs

    Resistance Is Futile! (A suggestion on how to limit stackable resistance and defense bonuses that probably isn't what they adopted, but I did advocate adding more useful resistance bonuses to IO sets)

    Yes, I know I'm not the only person to want these things, but I did put forward [bother to type up] (and occasionally bump, in the case of the TAoE sets suggestion) explicit proposals in the correct forum.

    Anyway, even though these changes are somewhat limited in scope, I'm VERY happy to see them.
  23. Sailboat

    Fire / Storm

    Generally good suggestions, but one I don't understand:

    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    Freezing Rain needs damage...LOTS more damage and Recharge
    People slot Freezing Rain for damage? Hasn't it been shown that those "1s" you see over the foes' heads are actually fractions of a damage point? Doesn't slotting damage in FR make very little difference?
  24. Don't have Mid's available from here, but it looks like Tornado isn't well slotted for damage, which seems counter to the intent of the build. Wouldn't you at least want it at the ED cap for damage?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    I'd vote scrapper, but would lobby for a different combo, personally.
    Unless I misunderstand, the OP seems to be interested in the Lightning Rod/Shield Charge combo specifically.

    It's true that Elec/Shield has some weaknesses; it's not as good as other Scrapper pairings for single-target damage against AVs, for example.

    But if you have another fun Scrapper combo to advocate, please do; I'm not the OP, but I do like reading about fun powersets and/or good synergies.