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  1. In your first build you had Slash, which is a not-very-good single-target attack in a set with several much better single-target attacks. I see you replaced it with Slice, which is a pretty nice cone. I like that a lot better. Don't hesitate to use Slice in crowds; it's pretty quick and does okay damage, and the cone is wide.

    I don't see Hack in your later build, though. One of the nice things about Broadsword is you get three very solid single-target attacks you can chain: Headsplitter, Disembowel, and Hack. Many sets have only two good ones, but Hack is unusually good and gives Broadsword a third. Many, many times I find myself happy to have one more hard hitter queued up, so I recommend having and slotting all three. It also should be possible to chain them continuously if you have enough recharge.

    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    And lastly... I put Pyre Mastery in your build in place of Energy Mastery. Melt Armor is a great power
    I am surprised to see any enthusiasm for Melt Armor in this thread, though. In past topics, the Scrapper and Tanker versions have been roundly derided as weak, unlike the much nicer Thermal version. A cursory glance at City of Data leads me to believe the Brute version is essentially the same as the Tanker version. Jack_NoMind, are you sure you're not thinking of the much higher buff/debuff set values?

    I hope more players post their opinion on this question (whether Melt Armor is significantly useful for Brutes).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    I've found dark armor/stone melee to be quite a sturdy and fun combination on a tanker, though I couldn't manage it on a brute back in the early days of CoV. For those considering it, be warned that it's one of the few characters where I felt I needed IO's (specifically, recovery and the Theft of Essence proc) in order to operate effectively. But now that the character has them, he is a beast in performance as well as concept.
    I have just reach SO levels with my DA/Stone Melee tanker. I picked the combo primarily to see how well stacking the disorients from Oppressive Gloom and Fault would work. Although I don't have OG yet, I anticipate much from this synergy.
  3. Soething I've wondered about for a long time.

    There are a number of powers that reduce enemy damage, notably Dark Miasma's Darkest Night toggle and Kinetic Melee's extra effect, among others (even Shield Defense gets a little of it in Against All Odds). It does not appear to be an enhanceable property.
    • Does it stack from different sources?
    • How effective is this mechanic at increasing character survival?
    • Does it reduce the final damage you would have taken by the stated percentage? I.e., does -10% damage reduce a 100-point hit to a 90-point hit, or is it factored in somewhere in the formula, like damage enhancement in a player's power, meaning it does not reduce final damage by the full 10%? (Not sure I'm expressing that intelligibly, sorry.)
    • Is it reduced by AV resistance (which is 85%, iirc)?
    • Assuming it's at least somewhat useful, what powerset combinations would give the most -damage? I am inclined to think it would synergize with damage resistance pretty well, so maybe pairing -dmg with high resistance would be best? Perhaps Kinetic Melee / Electric Armor?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Crap, is that live yet?
    Yeah. I had to go look it up to find when exactly -- looks like it went in with Issue 22 launch patch: March 6, 2012.

    • Hamidon, Synthetic Hamidon, Titan and Hydra Enhancements will no longer incorrectly enhance attributes other than those specified by the enhancement.
    There's a very lengthy, acrimonious discussion of it here: The Enzyme Nerf Cometh.
  5. Anyone have any thoughts on whether an Overwhelming Force Knockback-to-Knockdown proc would improve (or hurt) Trip Mines?

    I can't decide whether I like the idea of giving up true knockback in Trip Mine or of my all-time favorite things in COH is blasting an enemy with one trip mine and having them land on another trip mine. It's the most interesting power in the secondary.

    I don't always use Trip Mines, but when I do, I prefer a big pile of them. Stay 'splodey, my friends.
  6. Dink, we could really use more animal parts, especially tails. Pretty much everything, but my specific interests lean toward:
    • More distinct dog breeds -- an easy place to add variety is with more tails. The fox/wolf tails are fine for some breeds, but there's a lot more variety out there. More than any other costume piece I can think of, I want a medium-short, slightly-curved, "whip" type tail, like you'd see on a Dalmatian, Lab, Weimeraner, pit bull, beagle, and countless other short-haired breeds. I'd also like short-haired breed dog heads, but the tail is easier and has wider applicability. The cat tail is a poor compromise.
    • While we're at it, would it be possible to have a different tail animation? Every tail that moves now moves the same, a sort of vaguely cat-like sweep. Although "tail emotes" are not your department, and probably pie-in-the-sky thinking, a few very standardized options for tail movement would be very welcome. Not everyone is a catgirl.
    • More bird parts -- especially beaks. A non-bird-head beak (or better yet, several types -- curved parrot beak, straight bill, duck beak, raptor beak) that can be attached to normal faces would save a lot of us from making do with the harlequin masks.

    Also, I don't know if you do weapon customization, but we could use something better for a pole axe or polearm than we now have.

    Thanks very much for reading.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Shield can also cap DDR with a ton a better utilities.
    Have you tried, lately? Take a look and get back to us.
  8. When you shuffle off this mortal coil,
    buy the farm,
    kick the bucket,
    meet your maker,
    get your ticket punched,
    pass on,
    pass over,
    push up daisies,
    sleep with the fishes,
    join that Celestial choir. <----(They give you the uniform.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moonlighter View Post
    Without that particular character the actual scenario in that situation would be that the defender would take a ranged mez from the DE, the toggles would drop, and the defender would die instantly.
    Well, the Hurricane debuff lasts ten seconds, so pretty often I can hit a breakfree and get 'Cane back up before the enemy can finish me. Not 100% of the time of course.
  10. I dunno, I might have had that issue.

    People were seeing my mic light on when they talked, even though I was using a headset and didn't have the sound particularly loud, and they'd hear themselves echo.

    Each time this happened, what I did as a work-around was go into Options and go to the "mic test" function (I forget the exact name) where you can set your mic's pick up level and see a bar moving (to indicate sound level) when you talk. I'd move the slider the tiniest movement possible and then save it.

    That immediately fixed the echoing completely. Since I had barely actually changed the setting, I was surprised it worked -- but then I noticed the two check boxes (for "echo cancellation" and something else with a similar name).

    The boxes were checked off before and after the fix, but my guess is that Teamspeak somehow "forgot" that echo cancellation (and the other one) were checked, and it wasn't adjusting the slider that made the difference so much as it was "saving with the boxes checked" re-informed Teamspeak to use echo cancellation.

    The problem seemed intermittent. But now the people I play with regularly know to tell me to go tap my slider whenever they hear the echo.

    It's not a permanent solution, but it's not too burdensome. Give it a try.
  11. The gap has narrowed as well -- the low-end stuff is now priced higher. Can't snap up too much for 150 million anymore. At least that part makes sense, if lots of people have been buying cheapies. (Isn't it downright weird when the COH/V market acts rationally? Just doesn't feel right, does it?)

    Incidentally I had a spectacular instance of luck with conversion last night. Might as well tell the story here.

    Over the past few weeks I've been slowly assembling a big, expensive-by-my-standards build, and I was getting close to finished. I had already acquired four of the five Ragnarok pieces I wanted, lacking only the triple. Now, Ragnaroks are available on the market...and I have some money left...I could have bought the triple outright. But I've been feeling cheap after blowing so much cash and so many A-merits on this build, so I bid-crept up from underneath on both the recipe and the crafted versions until it was obvious I wasn't going to get a bargain, and declined to actually pay the going rate.

    Ah well. I shrugged internally and went off to play a character. When he loaded up, I saw he'd had one purchase come in on the market. It turned out to be a low-priced purple (I don't recall which set) -- apparently the last one I'd managed to pick up before the prices rose a bit. My eye strayed over to the enhancement tray, and I saw that I had one converter on this character.

    What the heck, right?

    I stuck it into the converter, set it to "out of set conversion," and clicked. Out popped a Ragnarok Damage/Recharge/Accuracy.

    What are the odds of that? The piece I've been looking for for days (but too cheap to buy) on the first and only conversion I rolled that night? Looks like there are 10 purple sets, unless I've missed one, and it can't be one from the set I converted, so that's...something like 1 in 54 of getting the one piece I'd been looking for?

    It's probably karmic balance for my Summer Event runs, heh (at one point, 2 procs in 55 runs, although it eventually got a bit better).
  12. The Issue 24 Blast set changes should further improve the experience of playing Defenders.
  13. The actual gameplay is quite dynamic, too. To me, it feels more like stuff happening than watching a picture of stuff happening.

    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    I have to say too that Paragon Studios seem to have really upped their game development wise in recent times too.

    Also, judging from your forum account name, condolences are in order.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
    It's not a bad combo certainly, but often people either look for +Def powers or endurance management powers when pairing with Dark Armor and Fiery Melee doesn't have either.

    So as for Fire/Dark, it's not a bad combo, it's just that other combos may be more attractive for one reason or another, hence you see fewer Fire/Darks.
    Now on the other hand...Dark Melee/Fire Armor is an interesting pairing. You get TWO endurance management powers, TWO self-heals (both quick-recharging), and TWO damage-boosting powers (each lasting longer than Build Up). Also your attacks debuff enemy to-hit, which can help out any set-bonus-based defense you buy. +Recharge helps your attack chain but also helps you cycle your heals, adding to your mitigation.

    Dark Melee has notoriously poor AoE (to make up for its hard-hitting single target chain), but Burn and saturated-Fury Blazing Aura help offset that quite a bit.

    It's not as tough as some combos, but good set bonuses will help it a lot, and it's pretty interesting. I don't have the pairing on a Brute, but I have it on a Tanker, and I keep coming back to it.
  15. Sailboat

    /wp slotting

    Conventional wisdom for Willpower is to slot for defense first. After you have solid high defense (frankly Willpower does not really need to be soft-capped, and it can be tricky to actually soft-cap it on a Brute or Scrapper), THEN fit in as many hit point bonuses as you can, and then regen bonuses (usually those two come together, but the hit points are more important as a goal).

    +Recharge should be way less important as a slotting goal -- Willpower itself gains essentially nothing from recharge bonuses, so recharge only matters for your primary (and frankly that depends on your projected attack chain -- you may not need much +recharge at all.
  16. Occasionally the topic comes up of how Super Reflexes compares to other, newer sets -- Shield, specifically. Example: Why choose Super Reflexes?

    I know they buffed SR a bit in the past with the scaling resistances, but if they were inclined to buff it again, I would like to see a buff that addresses its greatest weakness, instead of adding a damage power or something silly.

    What is SR's greatest weakness? Well, once you have got your DDR to 95%, it's no longer defense debuffs. :P I'd say the thing my SRs worry about most of all is to-hit buffs to my enemies: Nemesis Vengeance, Devouring Earth Quartz drops, Rulaaru eyeballs, and special bosses using Build Up (in Architect and certain missions). These things tend to completely overpower defense, and since SR has insignificant layering, huge damage pours in fast. The scaling resistances cut in to slow it, but they really work better in normal (non-to-hit-buffed) combat, because resistance allows some damage in, and since the scaling resistances cut in when life is very low, when every attack hits, even the reduced damage getting in is almost always fatal.

    But how to make these things less dangerous (i.e., not an immediate death sentence) without totally removing their effectiveness?

    Just giving SR more resistance seems like a cop-out. It's already going to get a little bit of resistance (along with everyone else) with the I24 IO changes.

    I propose that scaling defense be added to the scaling resistances. I hope I can explain clearly.

    Under normal (non-to-hit-buffed) circumstances, a high-defense character can in theory get a lot of use out of the scaling resistances, because the hits are still fairly infrequent, allowing the resistances to buy the player some time to react.

    Scaling defense, one's defense numbers climbing as one's life bar drops, would provide little help in these normal circumstances, thus not making the character unbalanced/invincible. When you're soft-capped, more defense is (normally) literally no help at all.

    But that changes when the enemy is to-hit-buffed. The buffs would allow the enemy to hit the SR character easily, quickly putting some damage on the character...but then as the life bar dropped, the otherwise-superfluous scaling defense would pile up. If set at the right values, this defense could progressively offset big to-hit buffs, slowing the character's decline enough to make the fight interesting, without making the character immune to harm. Randomly-occuring spikes of damage could still kill the character outright (health being low at this point), but the point is, it would now require spikes of good to-hit rolls, it wouldn't be "everything hits and down you go."

    You can kind of do something like this now if you slot Elude, but I get the impression a lot of these to-hit buffs are way stronger than Elude can counter. Plus, Elude is a fixed number, and can contribute to the binary state problem of being invincible or dead. Scaling numbers might help instead (or alongside Elude). Of course the exact numbers would be up to the Devs to set.
  17. I was thinking about this just last night. There are several considerations.

    For starters. can't use Shield with a two-handed weapon set. Also, it has a minimal-fx option, unlike Ice or Electric, for example.

    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    And the coming new IO set changes are just going to extend some layering options.
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    With the changes to set bonuses coming out, an SR character can build up some resistance, too, so that should help. Stacking them with Tough should make an SR character very sturdy.
    The posters above might be under-selling the changes. See, resistance sets per se aren't necessarily stronger than defense sets; what's made the difference is that, through IOs, you can add meaningful defense to a resistance set, but cannot add meaningful resistance to a defense set. And resistance + defense is better mitigation than just defense. It is to be hoped that the new changes will permit SR to add at least some resistance (although, keeping a wary eye on balance, I don't want to hope for "too much" resistance.)

    So for this consideration, the answer might become, "yes, Super Reflexes used to be measurably inferior, before Issue 24."

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    - easy softcap to all positions, letting you build for maximum damage output
    That's an under-rated advantage of SR. I recently put together awhat I consider a very expensive, very capable Shield build, but my choices were rather constrained by the necessity of taking lots of sets strictly for their defense bonuses, and I definitely had to make compromises (particularly on recharge).

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    DDR is the most underestimated damage mitigation mechanic, bar none. The difference is night and day between being merely softcapped with 0% DDR and being softcapped with 95% DDR. I have seen so many "tough" survivability builds crumbling into nothing, dropping like a rock as soon as something with significant defense debuffs pops up.
    Indeed. When they changed the way HOs work, some people interpreted it as primarily aimed at nerfing Shield's (then-existing) ability to cap DDR, which was achievable only by exploiting the properties of HOs. My point at the time was, maybe so, but since DDR was one of the very few clear advantages SR had in comparison with Shield, it seemed unfair for Shield to cap DDR through that unintended way. Shield ultimately had to settle for being demoted all the way down to second- or third-best DDR in the game. :P

    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    SR doesn't compare too favorably with Shield, which doesn't seem to pay too much of a price for the added resistance, max HP, damage buff, damage debuff, AoE KD, aggro aura and decent T9 it gets... Then again, few powersets can compete with Shield. Comparing SR to anything else, it seems just fine.
    Yeah, and to boot, SR's other great trick (inherent +recharge) got co-opted by Electric. I personally feel like a buff to Quickness -- even as big a one as increasing the recharge from 20% to, say, 50% -- still wouldn't make SR head-and-shoulders the best choice, but would certainly make it nicer for niche builds.

    I have a lot of Shield builds, but I also have a lot of SR builds. I personally like them both, but I admit Shields has a lot of nice toys.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    On my invuln tank, the Cimerorans in the ITF had my base defense at -100% within seconds. I recently did the ITF on an SR tank and they never took my defense down more than 3%. I haven't done the ITF on my shield tank lately, but I do know he has the Master of ITF badge.
    At the risk of a hijack, that surprises me. Invulnerability gets 50% DDR, which works okay against the sort of short-duration debuffs we're talking about. I've never had too much trouble with Cimeroran debuffs on an Invuln Tanker, but I admit to having a cushion -- 50% defense to s/l with 1 foe in range. That cushion, coupled with a bit more from having more than one just the foe in range of Invincibility, works pretty well to keep my defense at 32+, soon climbing back toward the soft cap, no matter how bad the swarms of Romans are.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    As far as I'm aware, there has been no such balance decision ever made. And yes I'm aware of the post you quoted. My statement stands.
    Well, they changed Hurricane after complaints that the repel could totally pin players in PVP zones, without any ability to escape from it.

    So they made it pulse less frequently, or something, such that mobs can now run through it momentarily.

    I guess they didn't announce "this is because of PvP," but they'd never said anything about 'cane being overpowered in PvE prior to the change, and if I recall correctly, they made it during a raft of changes that were explicitly PvP (droning and hospital-camping-type changes). And I PMed Castle at the time and suggested they try a different solution to allow players to escape Hurricane pins (than reducing Hurricane's repel), but he said it couldn't be made to work and that there shouldn't be two different versions of the way the power works, one for PvE and one for PvP.

    To me, that sounds like a balance decision for PvP affecting PvE. I mean, it's not proof, I guess. But it is a conversation about a PvP balance problem, with Castle, in which he said PvE would be affected by necessity.

    Now that powers and even some IOs DO work differently in PvP and PvE by design, it seems like we could get the old Hurricane back for PvE.
  20. Storm is a particularly good set in a life-and-death crisis. Its weakness (the scatter/chaos) only really affects the offensive output of an orderly team. Once the team's focus turns toward staying alive, the chaos isn't so much of a penalty, and Storm is better than the soft cap at keeping people alive. (I say "better than" because it has knockback and ragdoll and -range and -recharge to go with the to-hit debuff, making it more effective than just floored to-hit.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Howling Twilight is one of my favorites.
    Heh. On our hardcore Iron Eagles teams, defeat means the character is "dead" and out of the supergroup, so we have no use for rezzes. But people still take Howling Twilight because it's such a good control in a crisis.

    We've had so many cases when Howling Twilight saved us from an incipient teamwipe that we started calling its unique effect "the Sound of Victory!"

    edit: on-topic, I love Staff Fighting so much that even when I'm playing something else and a Staff character joins the team, I feel compelled to tell them "I love Staff!"
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    They do because of the way they are awarded by the table system at the end of the event. It was also an issue as the enhancement screen was reading this and not allowing them to be slotted on characters who weren't high enough. This was fixed.
    What do you mean, "This was fixed?" They are still sorting themselves that way in the storage racks. It *looks* like they still have some sort of "hidden" level.

    Are you saying that they still have that awkward and erroneous behavior, but are actually slottable regardless of level, despite that?
  23. Aha! I wondered about that -- the Overwhelming Force pieces I put into storage sort themselves into separate stacks (presumably by level), so I'll see three or four stacks of the Acc/Dmg piece, for example, but the regular Archetype ATOs all stack together (if they're the same piece) as if they're all the same level.

    Is this behavior of Overwhelming Force indeed just a bug? It's certainly...weird. Are they supposed to have "levels?"
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
    All he needs is a pick-your-nose emote to show his ultimate disdain for the foes around him.
    The classic emote for showing contempt for your enemies is /e newspaper.