Teamspeak and CoH




Does anyone here have any experience with CoH sounds bleeding into TeamSpeak? And if so, did you figure out what settings needed to be changed? When I play in other games like Battlefield 3, my friends don't notice any noises, but if I'm in CoH, they do. It's driving me crazy because they can't make out my voice over all the noise.


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Lots of views and no replies. Is my problem that obscure?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



A more directional mic, repositioning your speakers or a headset may be your best options. It looks as if your mic is picking up the sound from your speakers.

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Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Does anyone here have any experience with CoH sounds bleeding into TeamSpeak? And if so, did you figure out what settings needed to be changed? When I play in other games like Battlefield 3, my friends don't notice any noises, but if I'm in CoH, they do. It's driving me crazy because they can't make out my voice over all the noise.
When a friend's mic had game sounds bleeding through we fixed it by reducing the microphone recording level in Windows and then adjusted (raised) the sensitivity in Teamspeak to compensate.

Hope that might work for you. It's easier when someone on the other end can give feedback as you set it.

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Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
A more directional mic, repositioning your speakers or a headset may be your best options. It looks as if your mic is picking up the sound from your speakers.
Can't be speakers, I use a headset.

I've narrowed it down to being an issue with the sound card. A SounBlaster Recon3D. If I change the mic to go through the on-board sound, no bleeding occurs but everyone complains I sound like crap. So I've tinkered with all the settings with little improvement.

The drivers are current so I'm about to run out of ideas and just leave it be. That is unless, someone thinks of something better.

And no, buying a new card isn't an option... for the time being.


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The in game sounds actually tone you out which isnt a bad thing ive played with you on ts lol......

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Originally Posted by hidbyflames View Post
The in game sounds actually tone you out which isnt a bad thing ive played with you on ts lol......
A wise guy, eh?!


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I dunno, I might have had that issue.

People were seeing my mic light on when they talked, even though I was using a headset and didn't have the sound particularly loud, and they'd hear themselves echo.

Each time this happened, what I did as a work-around was go into Options and go to the "mic test" function (I forget the exact name) where you can set your mic's pick up level and see a bar moving (to indicate sound level) when you talk. I'd move the slider the tiniest movement possible and then save it.

That immediately fixed the echoing completely. Since I had barely actually changed the setting, I was surprised it worked -- but then I noticed the two check boxes (for "echo cancellation" and something else with a similar name).

The boxes were checked off before and after the fix, but my guess is that Teamspeak somehow "forgot" that echo cancellation (and the other one) were checked, and it wasn't adjusting the slider that made the difference so much as it was "saving with the boxes checked" re-informed Teamspeak to use echo cancellation.

The problem seemed intermittent. But now the people I play with regularly know to tell me to go tap my slider whenever they hear the echo.

It's not a permanent solution, but it's not too burdensome. Give it a try.

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Well, once I plugged the mic into the on-board sound, the sound bleed stopped. So I think it's an issue with either the audio card, or the Sound Blaster settings. I've messed with all the settings I can find that would relate, but none seem to do anything. I'd leave the mic on the on-board, but people complain more about the sound quality on that than the sound bleed I get using the audio card.

I think I'll just leave it be and give up at this point.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



The Recon3D is still a fairly new card also. I wouldn't hold my breath on Creative drivers though...

I was tempted to buy one until I found out that it is a software card unlike the X-Fi series... ugh. Creative, what have you done?

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