/wp slotting




should i slot the regenerative powers in WP like a /regen? meaning numina's? Any advice would be appreciated.



Originally Posted by FreedomFighter View Post
should i slot the regenerative powers in WP like a /regen? meaning numina's? Any advice would be appreciated.
I would slot Rise to the challenge, high pain tolerance, and fast healing with 3 pieces of numi or miracle for the +HP. Having the numi and miracle procs as the 3rd in fast healing and health wouldn't hurt either.
Aside from that I wouldn't chase any other +HP/regen bonuses, as slotted this way your regen will be pretty awesome.



Conventional wisdom for Willpower is to slot for defense first. After you have solid high defense (frankly Willpower does not really need to be soft-capped, and it can be tricky to actually soft-cap it on a Brute or Scrapper), THEN fit in as many hit point bonuses as you can, and then regen bonuses (usually those two come together, but the hit points are more important as a goal).

+Recharge should be way less important as a slotting goal -- Willpower itself gains essentially nothing from recharge bonuses, so recharge only matters for your primary (and frankly that depends on your projected attack chain -- you may not need much +recharge at all.

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