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If you want to make a PvP toon to represent an existing character, there are many cases where you can change the colors of a PvP character's powers so they mimic the appearance of the original. Just a thought.
*points to signature*
C'mon, you know you wanna! She's adorable! -
I just can't play a controller or kheldian. I really... really can't. Just no.
Confirmed! Same thing happened to me, I had to fight Nightstar in the old arc to complete this badge.
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun.
Where did my soda go? -
That is AWESOME! Much better than I expected!
If you try again, you can hit me up if I'm online. Global is @Empyrean and character I'm almost always on is Grinning Guillotine.
If you're still looking, I have a bunch of photos on CoH Faces. Here is the newest one. Aaand my character is in my signature! *points down*
SR isn't as bad as most people think, though its lack of a heal does stick out like a sore thumb. Also, it's a very tight build usually and you can't really afford to miss most of the powers. That aside, I agree with what's been said about it being much nicer for a weapon primary because you have toggles more than click powers.
Also, I might note that it's crazy convenient when you avoid taking damage that would normally knock you out of stealth. For instance, a nearby mob uses an AoE as you're lining up an AS. A defense build is much less likely to be interrupted, something I also use to my advantage in PvP. If I have to make a "strategic retreat," for instance, I can generally count on avoiding enough attacks to re-enter stealth before getting killed.
Edit: I'm also speaking as someone who has a completed build! I don't really remember what using SO's was like. -
My main is my Claws/SR stalker, but I also PvP religiously, so she's a little bit... boring in PvE. She does very good single target damage of course, but there's no AoE there. For PvE, I almost always grab my Plant/Elec Dominator because it is CRAZY fun to see all the ticking AoE damage and keep everything rooted in place for the other AoEers to destroy. Also... the venus fly trap is friggen' adorable.
The lag was bad enough to briefly disconnect at least one member of the ITF I was on yesterday and wreaked havoc on everyone else's connections as well! I'd love to see this fixed, it would be great to have one less frustration on a TF that I've already farmed to death.
For PvP, I'd suggest Energy/WP or Energy/Nin, personally. I've never played either, but I've heard great things about both from friends.
Otherwise, I play a Claws/SR and I loooove the recharge times! -
My condolences to his friends and family, it's sad to see someone go so young.
I think I saw you marveling at the walk animations yesterday in the D.
Welcome back. ;) -
Bluuuh! How dare the server be down! This prevents me from wasting another Saturday night doing nothing important!
I hope you're still doing these! They all look wonderful.
Here's my submission if you're still looking for them:
Name: Grinning Guillotine (Gil)
Level/AT: 50 Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker
Species: Human (Natural Origin)
Player: @Empyrean (I am NOT the original owner of this Global. I used to be @Ruby Pyralis until I took a friend's old global for fun.
About: Not much is known about this insane jester's past, though she has a flair for the theatrical and enjoys spending her time entertaining those who are in her favor and eviscerating those who are not. She is always seen with a grinning mask, her actual face never being shown to the public. As far as she's concerned, though, the mask /is/ her face and becomes highly insulted when asked to take it off.
Not everyone reads the forums frequently enough to have known about the contest. I didn't know about it until that night when people in the D's broadcast channel were talking about it. I think the point of registering beforehand should be for the purpose of providing contact information and making it easier to get ahold of the person if they won. Otherwise, it's not fair to tell 90% of the people in the Pocket D on virtue that they can't participate because registrations are closed.