Regen vs SR
A well built Regen = Win in PvP.
If you have Shadow Meld in PvE it is also a win.
Defense in PvP is screwed for the most part.
Regen is a benefit, even though stalkers have a lower HP cap. You can easily cap you HP without Dull Pain, making it a heal that can heal you for about 1k HP. So use DP for heal, not the HP buff.
WP to me is squishy. My opinion and it most likely differs from people that use it a lot.
SR can be great in PvE, less so in PvP. The only time you are going to excel in PvP is when Elude is on.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
PvE it depends on your settings and your missions. all defense-based sets perform similar against most enemies: you don't take damage. Regen assumes you are getting hit, then you survive and heal it back.
So on my /regen I can solo a ton of dot/low-damage enemies but very few spike-damage enemies. One very noticeable example is the crey tanks. I can ignore up to 14 cray ice/elec tanks. By "ignore" I mean walk away and make a cup of tea, then come back and kill them. I have literally done this. But just two of the power tanks can spike me down all by themselves. /SR would have the ability to walk away from the power tanks.
/SR is pretty low maintenance and definitely better for weapon builds. Regen is active and I'm not happy with the redraw issues.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
willpower would do really well if you don't mind using it, you can cap your hp off of hpt slotting alone and you get a decent mix of res and def with reconstruction
out of sr & regen; regen is overall better as even though sr is solid it needs all of the powers aside from elude to peak
all 3 sets are good secondarys in both pve and pvp, what primary are you planning to use? that would help in guidance
The followilg is for PVE only. Don't ask me about PVP, I know next to nothing about it.
Between Regen and SR, it depends on your primary. As has already been said, Regen is very click-intensive, so you're going to have a lot of redraw if you pair it with a weapon set. How much of a problem that is depends entirely on you; some people hate it, others don't care. SR, on the other hand, only has one click power (outside of the god mode), and you're only going to be hitting it once every 1.5-2 minutes, so it's more redraw friendly.
Sword sets are an exception. With Parry/Divine Avalanche, you can easily add a good chunk of defense, which can bolster SR's existing defense, or pair with Regen's +regen for multiplicative survivability. I would consider putting up with the redraw tolerable on a Katana/Regen.
One of the best sets for PVE is Broadsword/WP (Katana works too, but BS's higher damage plays more to a Stalker's burst damage method, in my opinion). Combining Hide, Heightened Senses, Combat Jumping, and Weave gets you decent defense to almost everything, and Parry gets Melee and Lethal softcapped with one or two applications. Your +HP comes from an auto power, so there's no redraw from hitting Dull Pain (though you do lose out on DP's heal), and you get a bit of resist from it as well. Mind Over Body and Weave combine to give you very good resist to S/L, meaning that you don't need to hit your heal too often. And of course you have extra regen from Fast Healing (and probably Health too, since stalkers don't get Quick Recovery, meaning you'll need Stamina for all the extra toggles I've suggested). In the end, you'll have medium to high Defense, Resist and Regen, plus a self heal - you can't get much better than that. Unless you take Soul Mastery and use Shadow Meld to softcap yourself to everything before Assassin Striking - you won't even notice the Alpha.
Something like what I'm suggesting is a very tight build - I gave up a travel power and am using Ninja Run instead to help make room. But the potential off SOs alone is VERY good. Add IOs, set bonuses and accolades, and it becomes even better.
SR isn't as bad as most people think, though its lack of a heal does stick out like a sore thumb. Also, it's a very tight build usually and you can't really afford to miss most of the powers. That aside, I agree with what's been said about it being much nicer for a weapon primary because you have toggles more than click powers.
Also, I might note that it's crazy convenient when you avoid taking damage that would normally knock you out of stealth. For instance, a nearby mob uses an AoE as you're lining up an AS. A defense build is much less likely to be interrupted, something I also use to my advantage in PvP. If I have to make a "strategic retreat," for instance, I can generally count on avoiding enough attacks to re-enter stealth before getting killed.
Edit: I'm also speaking as someone who has a completed build! I don't really remember what using SO's was like.
Also, I might note that it's crazy convenient when you avoid taking damage that would normally knock you out of stealth. For instance, a nearby mob uses an AoE as you're lining up an AS. A defense build is much less likely to be interrupted, something I also use to my advantage in PvP.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
As long as you have a pulse, you can do great with any secondary in PvE. In PvP, /Regen is going to perform better.
WP is very solid all around and a good deal cheaper to build effectively for PvP though.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Edit: I'm also speaking as someone who has a completed build! I don't really remember what using SO's was like.
If you want to save a ginormous amount of Inf, buy vendor trash sets and craft them yourself. And I'm talking from level 17 to 50 saving over 200k inf per slot.
/gets off soapbox
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Because SOs are more expensive for a lower bonus (starting at character level 17), I haven't used them on any build in over a year and I don't recommend anyone else use them either.
If you want to save a ginormous amount of Inf, buy vendor trash sets and craft them yourself. And I'm talking from level 17 to 50 saving over 200k inf per slot. /gets off soapbox |
It's not like it takes that long to make up 200k per slot if you have even one 50, and some of those "vendor trash" sets aren't there all that often specifically because they're vendor trash.
If you've been building up a stockpile of pre-built vendor trash so it doesn't take you any time, great. I'm maxed out on storage on my base, and don't feel like shuffling off the non-vendor-trash IOs (or even SHOs) that are waiting on people to level into them to make room for ones on characters that I haven't created yet.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Meh, I don't like SR so I'm already biased. I just think SR requires you to take every single powers within the set...which is a pain.
SR is also useless in PvP unless Elude is on, like others have mentioned, just because everyone either has Aim or Build Up and there are a lot of accuracy/tohit bonuses flying around from IO's.
Also, like I've stated in many other posts, it's much easier to get defense from IO bonuses on a resistance-based set than it is to get resistance on a defense-based set. This pretty much means that your /SR wont have as much room for improvements.
Well, Hide gets you pretty much to the softcap against AoE when you're hidden, anyway. But for things like Placate->AS mid-battle, yeah, defense definitely helps. Between having no defense and the DoTs from my primary, I use Placate very rarely on my Spines/Regen as opposed to my Ninja/Ninja stalker.
SR is good if you don't want to be bothered with micromanaging your defense / health status. Unless you just completely miss the boat on DEF in your power selections and slotting you'll spend most of your time completely healthy and occassionally will get hit hard by something and have to use an inspir or run. It can be rough early on before you can generate high enough DEF levels, but purple shields are your friend.
WP is good if you avoid big alpha strikes, but your health bar will yo-yo back and forth as your regen teeter totters against incoming damage. If this alarms you, you'll not like it. You must take Rise to the Challenge, or you will not make it.
Regen is solid, but you need to be johnny on the buttons or you will faceplant a lot. If you can't pay close attention or don't have good twitch reflexes to hit the right button at the right time, you probably wont do well.
WP is good if you avoid big alpha strikes, but your health bar will yo-yo back and forth as your regen teeter totters against incoming damage. If this alarms you, you'll not like it. You must take Rise to the Challenge, or you will not make it.
Stalkers can't take Rise to the Challenge (they get Reconstruction instead). Your hp will still tend to bounce around as Recon recharges, though the Demoralize debuff effectively giving an extra 5-7.5% defense (it's unresisted, but affected by the purple patch) really helps out.
It plays much like Regen, only without IH and with a touch of defense a moderate resistance, so you have a little more time to react to use your heal.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Because SOs are more expensive for a lower bonus (starting at character level 17), I haven't used them on any build in over a year and I don't recommend anyone else use them either.
If you want to save a ginormous amount of Inf, buy vendor trash sets and craft them yourself. And I'm talking from level 17 to 50 saving over 200k inf per slot. /gets off soapbox |
*points up at the "Stalker" heading for the forum section*
Stalkers can't take Rise to the Challenge (they get Reconstruction instead). Your hp will still tend to bounce around as Recon recharges, though the Demoralize debuff effectively giving an extra 5-7.5% defense (it's unresisted, but affected by the purple patch) really helps out. It plays much like Regen, only without IH and with a touch of defense a moderate resistance, so you have a little more time to react to use your heal. |
Stalker WP is actually really, really nice because it allows you to mitigate burst damage quickly instead of hoping you can out-regen it.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I tend to count time investment as part of the cost, and by that comparison SOs are really cheap - I don't have to make sure I have the salvage, recipe, and a nearby table to get anything, just run off to the arbiter and buy it with inf.
If you're just worried about enhancement bonuses, it's not fantastically difficult to frankenslot your powers well (unless they're Targetted AoE--"dur dur dur, let's make the 4th-most-needed recipe the rarest drop type!"

What do you mean vendor trash? Cheap stuff on the market? Random drops you get? Or is there an actual generic IO vendor?
And yes cheap. I recently bought and crafted a level 24 cleaving blow dam/end for less than 50k total including recipe (509) and salvage (1818 total = 309, 309, 1200) and crafting cost (36,820). That gives me 19.2% dam/19.2% end from character level 21 through 50. Slotting one SO from level 22 through 50, only replaceing it when it expires costs over 240k total, and gives a maximum bonus of 38.3%, an average of 33.3% and sometimes as low as 24% right before it dies. Looks like the Cleaving blow is cheaper, available 1 level sooner, and gives higher bonuses.
But as Siolfir points out, you do gotta blow the time crafting it. I prefer crafting to finding the right store and figuring out the chaos of what icon is the enhancement I want. It takes less time for me to shop and craft than to use a quartermaster.
I do craft random drops I get. But I sell most of them. Generic IO recipes you can buy from any crafting table, you can also spend AE tickets on them. Technically, you can spend merits on them, but please don't.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Which one is a better 2ary for stalker? For general use in PvE and occassional PvP
I know stalkers do not benefit from Regen because of their low HP. But aside from that, is it still a good set?
How does it compare to SR and perhaps WP too? Which will you go for?