141 -
Quote:Huh?That's fine for you (no sarcasm intended), but be aware that it's not how the comic books work!
The X-Men introduced the idea of various super heroes with a common origin point.
Before the X-Men, heroes just had origin stories. After the X-Men you had 'mutant origins' and 'everyone else' origins. The Flash had chemicals spilled on him with a lightning bolt. Green Lantern found a magic/super tech ring. Batman trained himself up and used gadgets. The FF got hit by Cosmic Rays, Peter Parker got bit, Daredevil got blinded and drenched in radioactive goo and trained. And many 'origin' stories got revamped over the years. DC is especially fond of the revamp, look at what they've done to Power Girl over the years.
Origins in comic books have historically been little more than window dressing and plot devices. They've been some really good plot devices, just read the story lines of both Batman and Spider-Man when the 'original burglar' for each was brought back. (For those who were unaware, it wasn't really the Joker who capped Bat's folks)
Trying to pigeon hole super heroes by some sort of enforced 'origin categorization' didn't happen before Marvel introduced the idea that Mutants were 'hated and feared' by everyone else and went on and on with pretend genocide war stories. And even after the X-Men were published, the idea that other super heroes could be grouped into categories didn't really become explored until Byrnes and Clairmont did the 'Vision of Future's Past' story arc. -
1) Do all the suggestions above which deal with revamping old story arcs/groups/content.
2) Do all of the suggestions above which deal with costumes.
3) Get rid of PvP completely and make the PvP zones into something useful. -
Quote:Probably the best advice in the entire thread.Suggestion: At level 10, you get an alternate build. Have two builds with different travel powers and see for yourself.
Try it out. Even if a power isn't 'Teh Fastest' it might be more fun. Or you might just like it better.
Also, totally disagree with some of the others. Teleport is not 'Head and Shoulders' above the rest in speed. Not unless you're traveling the entire length of Independence Port. And unless you've got the endurance slotted up well, you're gonna have to stop and rest and the Super Jumpers and Super Runners will still beat you and the Flier will almost tie you.
Just to stress a point here. Teleport is the only power which takes more endurance than you can effectively recover while in use without slotting. For example, while Flying, Running or Jumping, I can recover endurance while using. On the Gripping Hand, Teleport will flatline you from a full endurance bar if you have any real distance to travel. So if you're on a Task Force and have to go from the middle of Independence Port to the train station, hop to Atlas and then go into Perez Park; the runners, fliers and jumpers can start with nearly empty endurance bars and be fully rested by the time they get to the mission door. The teleporter could start with a full endurance bar and he will still have to stop and rest along the way and very likely be exhausted by the time he reaches the door.
Short of the Shadow Shard and IP, you're almost never going to be traveling long distances in a super straight line anyways. Most often you'll be trying to maneuver around buildings in Steel Canyon trying to drop by the trainer, stop at a store to sell and then find a the entrance to a mission door; a door which is almost always going to be on the other side of the building from where you are so you will have to teleport past it and then 'port back. And that's not even considering the mission doors in Skyway and Bricks that are underneath things.
Also, if you are searching an outdoor map for glowies, or just street sweeping, or doing any sort of search then teleporting is next to useless.
To reiterate what I said in my other post, even if I accede to the claims people make about how much faster Teleport is over the other powers, it's rarely more than a five second difference. You're never going to find a reasonable player who will kick you from a team because you have Flight instead of Teleport. Or Super Jumping with Jump Kick instead of Combat Jump.
Try one out. If you don't like it, you've got your second build to try something different. If both turn out to be not what you're looking for, hit up Terra Volta for a respec. If waiting for that is intolerable, make a new character. It doesn't take that long to get to level ten after all. -
All the cool kids Fly.
Superjump is cool for playing 'cross the zone without touching the ground' when you're waiting on some friend to log on or a TF to form up.
Super Speed is faster than Teleport, until you get used to using Teleport. Also looks cool and is fun to careen around the city.
Teleport is fastest way to get long distances but does take some getting the hang of. Hover is almost a necessity during the learning curve and for short distances that require maneuvering around buildings, it's slow because you have to keep jumping past points and turning around. Once you get the hang of using buildings as stopping points without blocking your next jump, it gets less bothersome.
Super Jump plus Super Speed makes you an awesome looking bouncing comet.
Really the travel power you choose is more about style than function. Only in the really large zones is it ever going to make more than about five seconds difference in travel time from mission door to mission door. A lot of people I know choose their travel power based on the lead in power chosen.
Hasten is quite popular with many people, making Super Running one of the more common travel powers.
Teleport Friend is very common as well, being able to grab your friend out of trouble, or after a kill that has left an AV standing over him. Or just to get him to the mission door faster because he joined late or had to stop and level up.
Hover and Combat Jump both have defensive value. Combat Jump has a thematic feel for a lot of toons and used to be popular with the melee crowd to move around a skirmish but with everyone having Hurdle now it's becoming less needful. Hover gives one of the best defensive bonuses in the 'below ten' game. I call it the "Out of Reach" defense. The ranged attack is the weakest attack of many low level mobs. And if they have a target in range of their primary attack they may shift aggro to pop it off instead of continuing to use a weaker attack at you.
Other than a few 'badge spots' which require special means to reach, you do not 'need' any single travel power to do anything in the game. And for those hard to reach spots you can almost always find someone with teleport friend who will bring you over if you do not have a temp travel power to make it on your own.
But all the cool kids Fly. -
What is an origin anyways? Is Superman a Natural because everyone from his planet has the same abilites or is he a Science because he comes from another planet?
I usually choose 'natural' because I like to toss the dagger at people. I'm 'naturally' a mutant because I was born this way. I'm naturally a tech because without the power suit im nothing. I'm natually magic because I got these powers from reading a book, or everyone from my dimension has these same powers....
I could wish that Origin choice had some sort of actual game impact but then people would gripe that one Origin story line had something they wanted. In the long run it's more of a personal choice than anything else anyways so I am pretty happy with the current set up. -
Quote:They promised us the moon once. Maybe they will go back to it. (grin)...which should free up more time and resources for non-Trial content.
Seriously tho; once travel between the two earths is 'common' there's lots of potential to play with. Malta and Arachnos both might be interested in meddling. There's a half dozen Portal Corps missions which could be stepping stones to new content that impacts both earths. And what about the Rikti? What might they do if they found the way to Preatoria? Could there be Trials where instead of fighting against Preatorians you are fighting with them to drive back a massive 'end around' invasion from the Rikti?
Personally I'd like to see the Midnighter's Club become something other than the place you travel through to get to Cimeroa. (sp?) Right now I feel they are just the unwanted step children of Orobus. It always seemed like a disconnect to me when the Time Travel Group wasn't the stepping stone to the Back in Time zone of the game. Getting back on track here, if the Midnighters are 'neutral' towards Rogue Islands and Paragon, why can't the be neutral towards Praetoria? Open up a branch office there and explore the consequences. -
Quote:Glad it worked out for you. I had the same thought when my account got caught up in a hacking issue back in January. A call to the customer service got it cleared up for me but yah, they asked for the original security code. I mean, it's seven years ago, three moves -including one coast to coast swap- and I don't even remember which box of stuff in storage has my orginal game box. I do have it. Just dont have it handy.I had to wait on the phone for 15 minutes, but I was able to get them to reset everything.
As far as security questions, I answer them incorrectly as well. But I remember which incorrect answers I give. Sometimes it's simple things which might still be figured out I suppose, like putting my sister's married last name in for mother's maiden name. It's still a different last name than mine but someone determined might be able to figure it out.
On the Gripping Hand, if someone is that determined to break into my CoH account then they are gonna do it anyways. Security is what you make of it. Change your password every ninety days to anything important and don't sweat the small things. -
Quote:And this is where I feel you continue to miss the point. Base Construction does impact a large amount of the Player Base. You can come at how to make Bases more fun/useful from a lot of angles and each angle you work from still impacts the entire Super Group. Even if they never let more than one person actually edit the Base, improvements to the Base effect everyone in the SG.Yes, super groups themselves are far reaching. Looking at the title of this thread though, Base Construction isn't far reaching.
If those of us who wish Bases to be improved continue to miss the significance of Bases and the impact Bases could have in the game how do you expect anyone else to? -
I've heard people say something similar as if it was disparaging. What's wrong with SIMs CoH? SIMs is making a profit, innit?
Quote:I could make up numbers too but I won't.Sadly, the numbers don't lie.
How many people in your group are base builders? I can say that in a group that is now down to 15, only 2 are. Before, when we had 30 members, the number was double that in my group: 4 players.
The numbers get worse for large groups, where it might be 3-4 of 150 characters (possibly only one player) allowed to edit bases. Does that show "mass appeal"?
Nothing you have said proves my point invalid. Super Groups are an aspect of the game which effect a majority of the Player Base. Super Groups have Bases. Bases are an aspect of the game which effects a major portion of the player base.
Editing the decorations in a base is currently only available to a minority. But Bases themselves have a farther reaching impact on the game. We should reinforce that instead of perpetuating the fallacy that Bases are only for a tiny fraction of the player base.
My suggestion is for people to stop prefacing their suggestions with 'I know this will only effect a small part of the player base' when in fact Bases have a larger impact. -
Quote:My point is we need to quit saying 'only a few people benefit' because then we are advertising a false premise. Every time someone who supports bases says "I know it will only benefit a few of us" they are reinforcing the idea that this is a niche community. Super Groups are a big part of the game. A huge chunk of the Player Base participates in Super Groups. Guilds (as other MMOs call them) are integral to any MMO. Bases should be a major part of any Super Group. People over on WoW are begging for some sort of 'Guild Hall' set up to gather at. Bases could be a major selling point of CoX if they were implemented better.That's the point of what I posted above - get more people to actively use it by making it a better feature (in points 2 and 3) and one that CAN be used by more people (in point 1).
One step we need to make in order to get the improvements we want is to change the perception that somehow it's only for a minor part of the Player Base on CoX. The first step of doing that is for us ourselves to stop considering this as an issue which only effects a small fraction of the Player Base.
So my point. Every time someone starts out their post/premise/idea with "I know only a small part of the community will benefit but..." they are shooting themselves in the foot. -
Quote:People keep saying this, or something similar.I think the root problem is this: Any meaningful improvements to bases are not warranted based on the small number of players that would use the feature. Those resources can be better used on more widespread and attractive features that will be used by more players.
How many players are in Super Groups?
Perhaps Base Building isn't used by many, but the awkwardness of the current system is as much to blame as anything else. Fix the Base editing system and more people would use it. More to the point, if you fix Bases so as to make them more useful/fun in the game and everyone who is a member of a Super Group gets the benefit. Or in the very least, a Quality of Life improvement. -
I really wish you would stop saying things like this. No one is slapping you in the face. No one is taking a pee in your cheerios. Ultimately their are only a certain amount of resources available to be allocated to any given aspect of the game. It's nothing personal if they have different priorities than you do. Please quit trying to make it personal.
An odd and only half formed thought...
So what if they added in Personal Bases which allowed for things like showing off badges and souvenirs and some sort of costume closet to show off your various costumes. Along with the various decorations like beds, lounges, TVs and so on. And if you have the proper badges you could have a terminal to the Auction House or access to your Vault or a Invention table.
And one of the things you could put in your personal base is a door to your SG Base. The SG Base would still have all the things it has now, but add a room for 'barracks' (or whatever you want to call it) which would have all the doors (or probably just one point with a selection of doors) that granted access to the various personal rooms. The SG permissions would decide who was allowed to 'plant a door' in the Base but each individual would decide if their door was locked or unlocked.
I'm sure there's lots of coding which might make this untenable but it seems to me to at least be a fix that doesn't require a complete overhaul. It would only require one more type of room be added to the current Base system. The personal rooms could either use current Base build code or be the core that eventually a new Base system is built around. -
Quote:Why? There was a time when Base Raiding was supposed to be a game function. Having your base be difficult to negotiate was useful.Next, why would someone design a base like this? We have so little time why would someone intentionally steal time from players like this?
Time was stolen from you? Someone forced you to join this SG? Or did you ask to join and then not ask for anyone to show you around? Joining an SG just because someone in Broadcast was advertising is kind'a like joining a PUG. It's not always suitable to your style. Why complain about it? If you don't like them, quit the SG and find one more to your liking. -
Quote:I really don't see any of this as viable. Far too complicated and do you think anyone would really want to sit unmoving in their SG base and do nothing while everyone else was playing? And if you give the person in the chair any XP at all then it becomes just a leech tool for someone to park an AFK toon in.I had this idea back in the day with another Forumite called Monitor Duty but it never took off. It would be a combination Base and SG thing. I'll try to keep this brief but it's complicated so here goes...
But I do have one question. Why would the reinforcements spawned have to be any different from the mission level? -
Anyone remember the Paragon Dance Party?
We have Pocket D because some of the code team thought it would be cool to put in a dance club. If someone in the Development Team liked Bases at all, then they would be upgraded or at least the major issues would be addressed.
I think one of the major issues is that not enough of the developers still play the game for fun. If they did, then they would realize how unfun the current Base system is and something would be done about it. -
It was one of the 'science lab' maps of Pretoria. The mission specifically was the one where you drag the Doctor back to Maxine and then fight off a couple waves of ghouls. It's a Resistance mission. Most people do the 'Cutter Cain' arc from the Loyalist, and that removes the NPC who gives this mission out of the game.
But I've run into it on most all Pretoria maps with stairs or ramps. The underground sewer ones, like the second one from White where you have to babysit four cops. I've tried going up the stair side, going up the ramp side, going slow, going fast, they bumble and stumble along.
The mission yesterday just really ticked me off. Only one damn NPC and the whole point of the mission was to lead him to the back of the map. I waited at the top for him and when he seemed stuck I ran halfway back down. At which point he ran up to the top and before I could get there he ran down again and got stuck. I went to the bottom and tried leading him up a second time by sticking to the side and he got stuck anyways on a different place. That's the point where I got out a watch and hit the timer function and timed how much longer it took him to get up. Went to the top and just a little bit back and waited. I figured at least a minute and a half of my time had already been used and it took him three minutes and forty two seconds to get up on his own.
There really has to be something that can be done about this. -
Just In Case You Didn't Know...
Some items you make for your base using salvage. Some of the higher end computers and power generators. More importantly, the teleporters.
They go into the 'Personal Base Item' placement for the character who made them.
Now if you only have one hero in your base who is doing anything you may or may not even notice it. But I've made duplicate items before because I created items on one character but happened to be on an Alt for 'decorating' the base up and actually placing things. Forgot I had already made the upgraded power generator on the first character. So I made it twice. -
Bloody Frell!
Can someone please teach NPCs how to frelling walk up and down stair cases?
Escorting Doc Stefford to Maxine and he took over five minutes to reach the top of the damn stairs.
Seriously. I know pathing can be a tricky thing but someone's gotta fix this. Or stop putting stairs in missions with escorting objectives. -
Okay... Made this up back when the Architect was new. Mostly it's been run by a couple of my friends. Maybe ya'll might like to give it a try.
Arc Name: Every Rose Has it's Thorns
Arc ID: 21382
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Roughtrade
Difficulty Level: Average (I guess. How do you decide that?)
Synopsis: This Dude you know from Pocket D needs some help. His girl has been kidnapped by a Hellion.
Enemy Groups: Hellions. Skulls. Vhaz. Unique.
Estimated Time to Play: .... MA says it's 'Very Long' but I can solo it pretty quickly. But then again, I know what I'm looking for and can speed past mobs on sprint solo because there's always a place to stop and wait for aggro to bleed off. Four Missions on Medium sized maps. Shouldn't take anyone more than an hour to run it all.
My goal when creating it was to fiddle with the MA a bit, put one of my own villains in and see how well my heroes could do against her and have some fun. It's a bit light hearted, could be suitable for Vigilantes or Rogues I suppose. Anyways, hope someone gets some use out of it. -
Quote:Did anyone actually stay for all of that movie?Dead West is so awesome coh players decided instead of going to see Jonah Hex they would watch Dead hop around for 2 hours.
Halo Jones is so awesome she has her own song (Though she actually likes Trash City better)
Liberty Force is so awesome she has made American Valor blush. Twice.
Zot is so awesome she has two stories in the City of Heroes comic. (Okay, it was one that got split over two issues) (09 & 10)
Scorpio Rose. Ditto. (17 & 18)
Witchcraft : Awesome Name. Doesn't need anything else to be awesome.
Psychic. Ditto.
Pep Squad isn't quite as awesome as she thinks she is but you won't get her to admit she is anything less than total awesomesauce.
Ion Force was only made up two weeks ago but isn't it awesome that the name was available?
What is this word 'main' that people keep using? -
Is it just me or do ITFs seem to have this problem more than other TFs?
Was on one the other day. Right up front, before actually starting, the Leader asked if we wanted speed run or shards. Most of us said we didn't care, two people wanted shards, Leader suggested a 'kill most' with a decided emphasis on 'Not a Speed Run' and then waited to see if anyone wanted to leave. I will add, this was like Wednesday, there were at least two other ITFs gearing up at the same time and lots of folks around so anyone who wanted to leave was not going to have a long wait for a new team.
So, we get going and this one scrapper goes off on a speed/stealth run to hit the mission objectives in the tunnels. Our Leader called him on it several times, without ever getting an answer. After freeing all the oracle ladies, Scrapper goes outside and waits. Eventually he quits when no one rushes out to join him. I'm confuzzled as to why he stayed at all when there was a very clear discussion about not speed running it before we started.My only question here was, did they mean to leave? I have accidentally hit 'exit' at the end of a mission when I had mean to stay and finish clearing the map. It's sort of a Pavlovian reflex. That 'Mission Complete Bugle' sounds off and I hit exit. And once one person leaves, others may have followed out of the same sort of reflex. Or did the others say they didn't want to stick around any longer? -
My friends and I just snipe from the hallway and drag our fights out of the laggy rooms. But yah, big square rooms with lots of shelves in rows. Mostly pop up on the various alignment missions. Really freak'n laggy.