300 -
And don't forget that I15 isn't actually the full return of the 5th Column - they're not back out on the streets yet, so the Issue where they decide to unleash them fully might see a Boomtown revamp.
[/ QUOTE ]
We can only hope. -
Happy birthday Eski!
You too Eight Ball! -
It's not really even like someone from Sainsbury's standing in Tesco's handing out leaflets, that would be like someone from Cryptic standing in game under the Atlas statue spamming that they had CO beta codes to give away.
This is more like someone at Sainsbury's using Tesco's clubcard mailing list to send letters to customer's homes telling them that they could be shopping at a much newer and prettier Sainsbury's store.
Cryptic might well have considered that they had a right to use the CoX official forum to do a bit of soliciting but it's still an abuse of trust/privacy. -
I'd guess the only reason Sister Psyche gets used more is that her costume is more revealing than Ms Liberty's.
I can't log in at all at the moment. Just keep getting the connecting attempt message.
I don't think we've ever met but I wish you all the best and hope you get everything sorted out.
My wife had post natal depression and I can only imagine what you're feeling. She came through it ok, there is always hope.
Good luck. -
Engine Update - TBH this in my opinion is overdue anyway, but I don't think they ever said it won't/can't happen.
[/ QUOTE ]
I seem to remember that BaB said something along the lines of; "An engine up-grade would be called something else. A sequel."
Or something along those lines. Forum seaching is difficult at work so can't find a link. -
I can't for the life of me find a post exactly outlining the details of the Halloween event but I seem to remember that it was set for ToT mobs to drop only Tech enhancements.
It struck me as odd at the time too, but I'm sure it's WAI.
Also about the Spirits;
Lighthouse wrote: [ QUOTE ]
Low Spirit Spawn: In reading through feedback and playing the event we've seen comments about the relatively low spawn rate of Spirit NPCs during Trick or Treating. In investigating this, it looks to be a bug with how those NPCs are being spawned. Unfortunately, we won't be able to correct the issue before the event is over, so at this time we can only make you aware of the issue and apologize for any inconvenience caused.
[/ QUOTE ] -
Although the Taxibot idea was transferred to the EU servers pretty much at launch, the service was very much a US brainchild way back at least as early as i2.
(I considered joining at one point and teamed all the way through the Hollows with a Taxibot on my first CoH character).
Nice to see them getting some recognition which-ever side of the water they are. -
Heh, I was trying to reply to your post, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work.
I'm glad you changed your mind.
Again, good luck with the project. -
I first started playing in February 2005. I just assembled that list. I know how to use Google. Do you seriously suppose there is any possibility that I haven't seen Red Tomax's site? That and Paragon Wiki are where I *got* the data.
The point is, those sites are a fine thing if you want to look up just about anything. However, just because the data's there doesn't mean it's in a convenient form for a particular application; the idea of the list above is to answer the question one might actually ask - "I'm level such-and-such, what things might I be doing?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh dear.
See, my post was courteous and friendly and yet you had to get all confrontational.I was merely pointing out that, since I'm not privy to the inner most workings of your mind, it looked like you might not have been aware of Red Tomax and sought to bring it to your attention.
Sigh all you want, if you really want to measure e-peens, I've been playing since the middle of 2004, what does that matter to anyone?
I'm afraid I don't know anyone who has trouble following what is in range from Red Tomax's site. I simply thought I might save you needless hard work if you happened not to be aware of that resource.
If it makes life easier for you then go for it, I hope your project brings you much joy. Your patronising tone however is quite frankly uncalled for and insulting.
edit for spelling -
You've obviously given this great deal of thought and anyone willing to put themselves out for the benefit of the community deserves support.
Thing is though, pretty much the most comprehensive guide to Paragon and the Isles for contacts, badges, story arcs and just about everything has already been done.
Red Tomax has been adding to this site since 2004 and I don't know many people in game who don't use it as a reference.
Props for the idea though. -
I've not had a single purple drop of any kind since they were introduced.
In fact; I seem to be generally unlucky with all drops.
As said above, the prices only relfect what people are prepared to pay, if the sellers didn't know they could hold out for stupidly high prices, they'd have to lower the reserve in order to sell. -
Welcome back my friend, and happy birthday to boot!
While it's true that helping new players enjoy their early time in the game should be a duty all long-timers should take on with honour, it most certainly isn't true that number of level 50s somehow equates to experience.
Sometimes it does, but often it has no bearing on the player's experience at all. -
FALLOUT is a radiation themed team/SG on Union, (not just rad power sets, just back story). Our ATs and power sets were chosen to compliment each other, and we generally only play those alts in that team. Consequently our builds reflect teamwork over self suficiency.
We have a set rule for SG costume to be black and yellow and always team in SG mode.
We've had lots of tells commenting on our unified look.
FALLOUT at Terra Volta.
It's been done many times over the years, and my own experience of it has been very rewarding. If you have idea, I say go for it. -
The fact that models can't change shape might have something to do with why the Council troops that beome Warwolves are all much larger than their comrades, even in human form.
[/ QUOTE ]
They clearly can though, otherwise Kheldian transformations and Stone Armour wouldn't be possible, would they?
The Devs have made references in the past that these are just alternate "special" costumes. They even have specific limitations on what emotes you can use in other forms, so there really should be no technical limitations on allowing these, as there is existing precedent for it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Could be.
To me games are like cars; I'm quite happy to play with them but I have no idea how they work.
I'm all for it, I'm just sure I remember there was some technical reason against it in a long ago thread. -
I'm sure it's been said by a Dev at some point that it's more difficult than might be imagined.
My Warshade is Ex-Council, infected with Nictus. Kheldians can shift into the form of any creature they've melded with in the past. I have Void Seeker, Council Soldier, Warwolf and Council Vampire costumes. I would love to change from Male to Huge for the Warwolf costume but I have to content myself with the Monstrous costume options in Male.
I'm not personally bothered about Male>Female changes but hell, why not?
I think Female Huge was a pointless oversight on the part of the Devs and should have been in from the start.
The fact that models can't change shape might have something to do with why the Council troops that beome Warwolves are all much larger than their comrades, even in human form. -
Aww mate, very, very sad news.
Hope to catch you in game before the final deadline.
Flog some stuff on eBay, it's amazing what some people will buy off you!
I can apperciate it must be hugely tough what with TWO weddings to fund. I hope your big day(s) go without a hitch and you and Mrs FrIce have evey happiness.
Take care mate, hope you come back soon. -
I think it needs to be more severe than it is now, but not at the level it used to be (prior to the 50% reduction and higher debt cap I almost gave up on my 1st blaster in the late 30s due to debt)
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, heh, my only 50 is a blaster; it just lets you earn more inf and prestige. -
Debt used to be a good reason to exemp down and team with lower level PuGs.
Back in the day debt used to start at level five and was four times more than it is now.
I remember reading Broadcast in the Hollows on more than one occasion from a 30s-40 hero wanting to exemp for Frosty a couple of times to clear debt.
I've never been bothered by debt, it's just a state of mind. Now though; debt is gone before the next mob, sometimes even in the same combat if you lay faceplanted for a minute.
Bring back old debt! -
I'm just confirming my claim to a slot.
Green Sleeves: level 28 Plant/Thorns Dominator.