Massively Article
A nice article over at Massively: Meet the Team: Adrian Bott.
The Taxibots™ are now officially recognised Union-Lore! - great news! - Go Taxibots! (em,pom-poms)
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Union Lore?
I thought he was referring to the US Taxibots? Nice article though
The U.S have Taxibots? , I thought they were a Union original! <laughs>, ahh well - shows how much I know.
Union Lore?
I thought he was referring to the US Taxibots? Nice article though
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I thought so too, since I didn't see any direct reference to Union, or even Europe. The article mentions good communication with the developers, and while they might be listening to us, they sure don't talk to us a lot.
Anyway, I think taxibots is a fairly widespread thing. There were some on defiant too a couple of years back when I first started.
Ahh nice!, I hadn't seen any Taxibots on Defiant and had no idea the brand was global!
[EDIT]: hold on a minute.... Yes, It is the EU.Taxibots (presumably Union) he is talking about because the writer (obviously based over here in the UK) is father to SuperNoob - That is our EU.Ghostwidow at our memorabilia.
Although the Taxibot idea was transferred to the EU servers pretty much at launch, the service was very much a US brainchild way back at least as early as i2.
(I considered joining at one point and teamed all the way through the Hollows with a Taxibot on my first CoH character).
Nice to see them getting some recognition which-ever side of the water they are.
I tried running an evil "Black Cab" service on Defiant Villains for a while (for payment, obviously).
Oddly, no-one trusted me. Besides, I didn't go saaaaarf of the clock tower.
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

I thought taxibots were a defiant thing, mainly cos thats where I started in the early days!
I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.
I tried running an evil "Black Cab" service on Defiant Villains for a while (for payment, obviously).
Oddly, no-one trusted me. Besides, I didn't go saaaaarf of the clock tower.
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Never has there been a clearer case for player-vehicles, I'd pay good Inf just to sit on a wall nearby and watch DreamWeaver plying for trade in a blackcab from hell.
City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains,
Hmmm he seems to mention this game alot..wonder if its any good

City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains,
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Well, they did ask 'what is your favourite game', so I had to be honest...
Hmmm he seems to mention this game alot..wonder if its any good
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I mention it a lot because I play it a lot.
And yes, I think it's tip-top, personally.
City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains, City of Heroes/Villains,
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Well, they did ask 'what is your favourite game', so I had to be honest...
Hmmm he seems to mention this game alot..wonder if its any good
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I mention it a lot because I play it a lot.
And yes, I think it's tip-top, personally.
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wow, didnt expect a reply there
welcome to the forums.

A nice article over at Massively: Meet the Team: Adrian Bott.
- great news! - Go Taxibots! (em,pom-poms)
The Taxibots™ are now officially recognised Union-Lore!