Guide in development - things to do
What about Crafting Badges?
Also there are the special events like Valentines, Halloween and the Winter events?
Doesn't Field Crafter pretty much require the whole set?
I'm loath to do Crafting Badges for the same reason I'm loath to do Flashback challenge badges; there's a lot and they're all most easily tidied up at 50th when you've got lots of spare time and influence and you don't earn XP for anything anyway.
Not event badges because when the event's on it's easy to check what the handful of badges going is, it would clutter up the list the rest of the time, and sometimes the event changes from year to year so last year's listing would be actively misleading.
Note to self; mark the point at which DO, SO, IO enhancements become usable.
Yeah Field Crafter is a lengthy, time consuming badge, I only got it on Sic because I was able to dedicate serious time to the requires all memorization badges apart from the 45s and the 50s, as well as the 1000 crafted items badge and the badge for finishing the crafting tutorial. Tis a swine of a badge to get.
They have a nifty table in ParagonWiki telling you all the badges for the crafter if you're prepared to link to that instead of writing out all the details
I like the idea of a "Hitch hiker's guide to Paragon City" sounds like a useful document.
I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!
Quick question, since I'm not at my games machine. Some things, like contacts, end at levels 4,9,14, etc.; some things, like Task Forces, end at levels 5,10,15, etc. What about Safeguards? Zone arcs?
There's this guide on the US boards.
Not sure if it's exactly what you're after, but it may be worth a look.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Yes, I've seen that. It's helpful for reference, but in many ways it encapsulates what I _don't_ want. For instance, note that it doesn't mention the story arcs available, in general, but is full of suggestions on where to *yawn* grind XP.
Here's a first draft for comment. I've ditched the fancy start/end/suggest scheme in favour of just thinking about the right order to list stuff. I still know nothing about PVP.
General notes:
You need only start an arc in the correct level range in order to finish it.
At levels divisible by 5, you may receive either of the two appropriate Safeguard missions at random - a nuisance. These levels are not listed in the range for these missions.
"pre-req" indicates a previous contact who you should do missions for to unlock this contact. I don't list the basic mechanisms for origin contact introduction, or the sets of four Zone Contacts who all work the same way. TFs and Trials generally only demand the team leader has done them.
In many cases, the available information on whether something finishes at levels 4/9/14/29... or 5/10/15/20... is outright contradictory. I'll try and test these myself, but no promises. I have erred on the side of caution in the mean time.
Most Giant Monsters are their own category at the end because of the way they really can be done any time and often have to wait indefinitely for a badgehunting expedition. Complicated Accolades have one entry in this list and many lines below.
1: Outbreak: kill 100 Contaminated for Isolator badge.
7: Invention Enhancements become slottable.
5-9 NO FLASHBACK: Atlas Park Safeguard explore badge.
5-9: Negotiator badge mission from Tech contact.
5-9: David Wincott (Hollows Contact #1).
5-9: Flux (Hollows Contact #2).
5-?: Meg Mason (Hollows repeatable missions).
6-12: Select prerequisite for travel power (traditional build).
12-50: Dual Origin Enhancements become slottable.
11-14 NO FLASHBACK: King's Row Safeguard explore badge.
10-50: University training.
10-14: Spelunker badge mission from Magic contact.
10-14: The Clockwork Captive arc from Tech contact.
10-14: The Bonefire Plot arc from Natural contact.
10-14: The Vahzilok Pollutant Plot arc from Science contact.
10-14: Julius The Troll (Hollows Contact #3).
10-14: Talshak The Mystic (Hollows Contact #4).
14: Travel power (traditional build).
10-15 suggest 15: Positron Task Force.
12-15 suggest 15: Cavern of Transcendence (Hollows) Trial (pre-req: Talshak)
6-16: Select prerequisite for Stamina (traditional build).
8-18: Select second prerequisite for Stamina (traditional build).
16-19 NO FLASHBACK: Skyway City Safeguard explore badge.
15-19: Plague Stopper badge mission from Mutant contact.
15-19: The Vahzilok Plague arc from Mutant contact.
15-19: The Mind Of A Kind arc from Science contact.
15-19: The Tsoo Shenanigans arc from Magic contact.
15-19: Jim Temblor (Faultline Contact #1).
15-19: Penelope Yin (Faultline Contact #2).
15-19: Rescuer badge mission from Penelope Yin (pre-req: Jim Temblor) gives access to SO enhancements.
20: Stamina (traditional build).
16-20: Synapse Task Force.
21-24 NO FLASHBACK: Steel Canyon Safeguard explore badge.
20-50: Cape Mission.
20-50: Costume Mission #1.
20-50: Atlas Medallion Accolade: Spelunker, exploration, history badges, Silver Bullet (warwolves), Slayer (vampyri).
22-50: Single Origin Enhancements normally available.
23 suggested: Silver Bullet (warwolves on Striga).
23 suggested: Slayer (vampyri on Striga).
20-24: Spirit Warrior badge mission from Magic contact.
20-24: Pwnz badge mission from Tech contact.
20-24: A Hand Of Iron arc from Tech contact.
20-24: The Tsoo Coup arc from Mutant contact.
20-24: The Sky Raider Secret arc from Natural contact.
20-24: The Wheel of Destruction arc from Magic contact.
20-24: Doc Delilah (Faultline Contact #3).
20-24: Agent G (Faultline Contact #4).
20-24: Steph Peebles (Striga Contact #1).
20-24: Long Jack (Striga Contact #2).
20-25: Sister Psyche Task Force.
23-28: Moonfire (Striga) Task Force.
26-29 NO FLASHBACK: Independence Port Safeguard explore badge.
25-29: Redeemer badge arc from Mutant contact.
25-29: Mystical Saviour badge mission from Magic contact.
25-29: The Freaklympics arc from Tech contact.
25-29: Ubelmann The Unknown arc from Mutant contact.
25-29: The Mysterious General Z arc from Natural contact (Lansdale).
25-29: An Unnatural Order arc from Science contact.
25-29: The Scroll Of Tielekku arc from Magic contact.
25-29: Tobias Hansen (Striga Contact #3).
25-29: Lars Hansen (Striga Contact #4).
25-29: Gordon Bower (Croatoa Contact #1).
25-29: Skipper LeGrange (Croatoa Contact #2).
25-29: The Pilgrim: Ouroboros introduction arc.
25-30: Ernesto Hess (Striga) Task Force (pre-req: Lars Hansen).
25-30: Citadel Task Force.
24-33: Respec Trial #1.
31-34 NO FLASHBACK: Talos Island Safeguard explore badge.
30-50: Costume Mission #2.
30-50: Aura Mission.
30-40: Origin Store Contact Missions (x5).
30-34: Corrupter badge mission from Tech contact.
30-34: War Wall Defender badge mission from Natural contact (Mereaux).
30-34: The Freakshow War arc from Tech contact.
30-34: The Rise Of The Vampyri arc from Mutant contact.
30-34: Corporate Culture arc from Natural contact (Mereaux).
30-34: The Unity Plague arc from Science contact.
30-34: The Library Of Souls arc from Magic contact.
30-34: Kelly Nemmers (Croatoa Contact #3).
30-34: Buck Salinger (Croatoa Contact #4).
25-34: Twilight's Son (Ouroboros) Task Force.
33-50: Conspiracy Theorist Accolade: Infiltrator Badge (100 Paragon Protectors), The Doctor's Ally, exploration badges.
30-35: Manticore Task Force.
35-40 suggest 35: Numina Task Force.
35-40: Task Force Commander Accolade: do Positron, Synapse, Sis Psyche, Citadel, Manticore, Numina Task Forces.
36-39 NO FLASHBACK: Brickstown Safeguard explore badge.
30-35: Katie Hannon (Croatoa) Task Force (pre-req: final Croatoa contact?), Ten Times The Victor Accolade.
30-50: Geas Of The Kind Ones Accolade (see below).
35-39: The Doctor's Ally badge mission from Natural contact (Stacy).
35-39: Frontline badge mission from Magic contact (Kestrel).
35-39: Mass Duplicity arc from Technology contact (Sampson).
35-39: A Path Into Darkness arc from Mutant contact (Nelson).
35-39: Revenant Hero Project arc from Natural contact (Stacy).
35-39: The Terra Conspiracy arc from Science contact (Yates).
35-39: The Envoy of Shadow arc from Magic contact (Kestrel).
35-50: Levantera (Rikti War Zone Contact #1).
35-50: Vanguard Accolade (see below).
30-39: Mender Lazarus (Ouroboros) Task Force.
10-50 suggest 35+: Lost And Found arc / Midnight Squad badge from Montague Castanella.
10-50 suggest 35+: Lost Saviour badge mission from Montague Castanella.
30-35 suggest 35+: The Origin Of Power story arc from Percey Winkley (pre-req: Montague Castanella).
35-40: The Organ Grinders arc from Steven Sheridan.
38-40: Abandoned Sewers (Hydra) Trial.
39-41: Eden Trial.
35-50: Imperious (Cimemora) Task Force (pre-req: Montague Castanella).
35-50: Senator Decimus Aquila (Cimerora Contact #1).
35-50: Marcus Valerius (Cimerora, repeatable missions).
35-50: Rikti War Zone Raid available.
35-50: U'Kon Gr'ai GM available during Rikti War Zone Raids.
41-44 NO FLASHBACK: Founder's Falls Safeguard explore badge.
40-50: Costume Mission #3.
40-50: Ghost Falcon Store Contact Mission.
40-44: Emancipator badge mission from Natural contact (MacIntyre).
40-44: Meteorologist badge arc from Tech contact (Christopher).
40-44: The Eternal Nemesis arc from Tech contact (Christopher).
40-44: Melvin And The Mysterious Malta Group arc from Mutant contact (Indigo).
40-44: The Praetorian War arc from Natural contact (MacIntyre).
40-44: The Evil Countess Crey arc from Science contact (Kellum).
40-44: To Save A Soul arc from Magic contact (Casey).
40-50: Serpent Drummer (Rikti War Zone Contact #2).
34-44: Respec Trial #2.
40-50: Archmage Accolade (see below).
40-50: Freedom Phalanx Reserve Accolade (see below).
40-45: Division:Line arc from Angus McQueen.
40-45: Sara Moore Task Force (SSTF #1).
45-50: Portal Jockey Accolade (see below).
46-50: Peregrine Island Safeguard explore badge.
46-50: Stouthearted Accolade (automatic with all nine Safeguards).
45-50: Bodyguard badge arc from Mutant contact (Crimson).
45-50: Agent badge mission from Maria Jenkins.
45-50: Project: World Wide Red arc from Mutant contact (Crimson).
45-50: Kronos Titan GM in missions from Mutant contact (Crimson).
45-50: To Save A Thousand Worlds arc from Natural contact (Kemen).
45-50: Upon The Psychic Plane arc from Magic contact (Maylor).
45-50: A Hero's Hero arc from Maria Jenkins.
45-50: Gaussian (Rikti War Zone Contact #3).
45-50: The Dark Watcher (Rikti War Zone Contact #4).
40-50: Dr Quaterfield Task Force (SSTF #2).
44-50: Justin Augustine Task Force (SSTF #3).
44-50: Faathim The Kind Task Force (SSTF #4).
45-50: Lady Grey (Rikti War Zone) Task Force.
45-50: Respec Trial #3.
45-50: Hamidon Raid available.
45-50: Statesman Task Force.
46-50: Mender Silos (Ouroboros) Task Force.
1-50: Field Crafter (endless grind).
Giant Monsters:
5 suggested - 50: Paladin (spawn) in King's Row.
7-50: Kraken in Perez Park.
10-50: Babbage in Boomtown (but more easily killed during Synapse TF.)
21-50: Adamstor in Dark Astoria.
22 suggested - 50: Lusca in Independence Port.
25-50: Eochai in Croatoa.
25-50: Jack in Irons in Croatoa.
25-50: Sally in Croatoa.
31-50: Jurassik in Crey's Folly.
Geas Of The Kind Ones is the Croatoa Accolade:
30-35: Geas Of The Kind Ones components:
Katie Hannon Task Force.
All Croatoa Giant Monsters.
Cap Buster: Red Caps.
Pumpkin Master: Fir Bolg.
Bane Of Dannan: Tuatha De Dannan.
Spellbinding: Cabal.
Haunted: Ghosts.
35-50: Vanguard components:
exploration/history badges.
Finder: Lost Bosses.
Zookeeper: Rikti Monkeys.
The rest of Archmage is trivial, albeit that Banisher can be tedious, compared to the Illusionist badge. Unless you get SKed into a hunt, this is one for your 40s.
21-50: Archmage components:
Exploration badges.
Banisher: Banished Pantheon Masks.
40+ suggested: Illusionist: Carnie summoned Illusionists.
Soul Binder: Circle Of Thorns Mages.
Tracer: Tsoo Sorcerors.
Arch-Villains, collect the whole set - they're in missions in the 40s.
40-50: Portal Jockey components:
Scholastic history badge.
Multidimensional exploration badge mission (MacIntyre, Kemen).
Shrouded exploration badge mission (Jenkins, Sheridan, Maylor, Nelson).
AVs: Anti-Matter (MacIntyre).
Bobcat (MacIntyre, Jenkins).
Neuron (MacIntyre, Jenkins).
Battle Maiden (Jenkins).
Black Swan (Jenkins).
Chimera (Jenkins).
Diabolique (Jenkins).
Dominatrix (Jenkins).
Infernal (Jenkins).
Malaise (Jenkins, Faathim The Kind).
Marauder (Jenkins).
Nightstar (Jenkins).
Siege (Jenkins).
Freedom Phalanx Reserve again is stuck on 40+ beasties in the form of Fake Nemesis.
40-50: Freedom Phalanx Reserve components:
Exploration/ history badges.
Tank Buster: Freakshow Tanks.
Gearsmasher: Clockwork Gears.
Unveiler: Fake Nemesis.
You've obviously given this great deal of thought and anyone willing to put themselves out for the benefit of the community deserves support.
Thing is though, pretty much the most comprehensive guide to Paragon and the Isles for contacts, badges, story arcs and just about everything has already been done.
Red Tomax has been adding to this site since 2004 and I don't know many people in game who don't use it as a reference.
Props for the idea though.
I first started playing in February 2005. I just assembled that list. I know how to use Google. Do you seriously suppose there is any possibility that I haven't seen Red Tomax's site? That and Paragon Wiki are where I *got* the data.
The point is, those sites are a fine thing if you want to look up just about anything. However, just because the data's there doesn't mean it's in a convenient form for a particular application; the idea of the list above is to answer the question one might actually ask - "I'm level such-and-such, what things might I be doing?"
That aside, the other thing I had in mind is the badge hunter's checklist. The idea is to have a list of every activity which might sensibly be called out on a badge hunting channel (although I have confined myself to hunts which lead to accolades), one column per character, and mark them off - so when, say, a crack at Anti-Matter comes up you immediately know which hero to send.
This'd work way better in monospace. I'll provide a link to it as plain text when it goes up as a guide proper.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Mission Badges:
Negotiator 5-10
Spelunker 10-14
Plague Stopper 15-19
Spirit Warrior 20-24
Pwnz 20-24
Rescuer 20-25
Redeemer 25-29
Mystical Saviour 25-29
Corrupter 30-34
War Wall Defender 30-34
Midnight Squad 10-50
Lost Saviour 10-50
Origin of Power 10-50
The Doctor's Ally 35-39
Frontline 35-39
Emancipator 40-44
Meteorologist 40-44
Bodyguard 45-50
Agent 45-50
Task Forces:
Positron 10-15
Synapse 15-20
Sis Psyche 20-25
Moonfire 23-28
Hess 25-30
Citadel 25-30
Twilight's (Ouro) 25-34
Manticore 30-35
Croatoa 30-35
Lazarus (Ouro) 30-39
Numina 35-40
Sara Moore (SS 1) 40-45
Dr Quaterf (SS 2) 40-50
Justin Aug (SS 3) 44-50
Faathim tK (SS 4) 44-50
Imperious (Cime) 35-50
Lady Grey (RWZ) 45-50
Statesman 45-50
Silos (Ouro) 46-50
Transcendence 12-15
Respec 1 24-34
2 34-44
3 44-50
Sewers/Hydra 38-40
Eden/Woodsman 39-41
Special Explore Badges:
Multidimensional 40-44
Shrouded 45-50
Giant Monsters, Geas of the Kind Ones:
Eochai 25-35
Jack in Irons 25-35
Sally 25-35
Giant Monsters, other:
Paladin 5-50
Kraken 7-50
Babbage Synapse
Adamstor 21-50
Lusca I-P
Jurassik 31-50
Arch-Villains, Portal Jockey
Battle Maiden
Black Swan
Safeguard Explore Badges:
Heart of City 10 Atlas
King's Right 15 Kings
Courage Driven 20 SkWay
Freedom's Def 25 Steel
Honorable Capt 30 Iport
Talos' Might 35 Talos
Cornerstone 40 Brick
Founders' Prot 45 FFall
Gatekeeper 50 Perig
Hunt badges which aren't just about steamrollering commonly available
-10s when you can get the rest of the accolade:
Silver Bullet (wolves) 20+
Slayer (vamps) 20+
Banisher (masks) 21+
Cap Buster (Red Caps) 30+
Pumpkin M (Fir Bolg) 30+
Bane Dannan (Tuatha) 30+
Spellbinding (Cabal) 30+
Haunted (Ghosts) 30+
Zookeeper (Monkeys) 35+
Illusionist 40+
Unveiler (Fake Nem) 40+
</pre><hr />
You're missing Rescuer 15-19 Faultline (pen, gotten through jim)
Rather, I have misplaced it, in 20-25. Thanks.
10-15 contacts are quite happy to hand you Castanella as a contact; I conclude his missions should be listed earlier. Will correct.
If there is any invention badges you should make.. it is the 25/30 ones... Reason. TWO, 2.. I say again TWO extra salvage slots on your character for EACH badge!
At level 40 check out Shadowshards and use the local travel. Its a great change to your normal travel ;D
For information and whats needed for Accolade badges. head to
That place is a great place to check up on what requirements are for those nice extra powers. And every accolade power is well an extra power in your arsenal as you progress (why wait until you reach 50).
If your on union and you get more bitten by the badge collecting. Do join us at the channel "Sals Badgehunters"
Its an public channel where badges have priority (but some non-badge chat happens... as is usual.) If you have need for a special TF.. well tf's are organized regulary.
Other things to do. Be ingame during Halloween and winterevent for a different hunt.
Well just a few thoughts from me
Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
I should list the Shadow Shard mission contacts, anyway.
I do list the Accolades in the main by-level listing - the requirements are just at the end because, say, the Portal Jockey AV list would mess up the main listing too much.
I already read a bag of badgehunting channels, including sals.
10-15 contacts are quite happy to hand you Castanella as a contact; I conclude his missions should be listed earlier. Will correct.
[/ QUOTE ]
Also, all his missions/badges/story arc are effectively one thing and deserve only one entry.
Someone mentioned Babbage spawns in Boomtown, although oddly I can't find the comment. Yes, but you get him for free during Synapse (or shout-outs in Skyway) so I doubt anyone's going to bother zooming around Boomtown.
I first started playing in February 2005. I just assembled that list. I know how to use Google. Do you seriously suppose there is any possibility that I haven't seen Red Tomax's site? That and Paragon Wiki are where I *got* the data.
The point is, those sites are a fine thing if you want to look up just about anything. However, just because the data's there doesn't mean it's in a convenient form for a particular application; the idea of the list above is to answer the question one might actually ask - "I'm level such-and-such, what things might I be doing?"
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh dear.
See, my post was courteous and friendly and yet you had to get all confrontational. I was merely pointing out that, since I'm not privy to the inner most workings of your mind, it looked like you might not have been aware of Red Tomax and sought to bring it to your attention.
Sigh all you want, if you really want to measure e-peens, I've been playing since the middle of 2004, what does that matter to anyone?
I'm afraid I don't know anyone who has trouble following what is in range from Red Tomax's site. I simply thought I might save you needless hard work if you happened not to be aware of that resource.
If it makes life easier for you then go for it, I hope your project brings you much joy. Your patronising tone however is quite frankly uncalled for and insulting.
edit for spelling
Deleted a post - I'm, at best overreacting to a trivial irritation. Sorry.
Heh, I was trying to reply to your post, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work.
I'm glad you changed your mind.
Again, good luck with the project.
I've corrected some errors (and added the i13 arcs) and posted a new version at
Corrections are welcome.
Really good project. I'm looking forward to teh finished product
Best of luck with it

Thelonious Monk
I think I am finished; the version linked above is as good as it'll get, at least until i15 changes everything.
One thing I feel the lack of is a "things to do" guide, listing (perhaps primarily from a badgehunter's point of view, rather than, say, the "here's all the temporary powers, now go street sweep" guide on the US forums) what one should make sure to get on with at each level.
Entries on the list would have some or all of START, FINISH, or SUGGESTED levels - for example, hunting werewolves and vampyri for the Atlas Medallion would start at 20th (and note a design decision there not to list the absolutely theoretically possible idea that you might get repeatedly SKed into Council missions by some benefactor, but the point at which it's reasonably sensible) and suggest the level at which they start to even-con, Task Forces would suggest the maximum level for XP gain, Safeguards and Contact Missions end at the maximum level...
Another thing to note is that which can't be Flashbacked. As far as I know, that's Safeguard explore badges.
I'm assembling a preliminary list of things; right now I'm doing blueside only. I'd be interested, particularly, in comments about PVP, since what I know about PVP could be written on a granite slab with a herring.
Contaminated in Outbreak.
Mission Badges; the Negotiator, Spelunker... Bodyguard, Agent badges from normal contacts.
Story Arcs from normal contacts.
Task Forces: Positron... Numina; Striga (x2), Croatoa, Ouroborous (x3), Shadow Shard (x4), Cimerora; Statesman, Lady Grey.
Trials: The Cavern, 3 Respecs, Sewer, Eden.
Six Safeguards.
Cape, Aura, and 3 Costume Slot missions.
Raids; Rikti War Zone, Hamidon.
Store contacts. Origins in 35 range, Midnight Club. When is the Midnight Club mission _sensible_ to do? I know it can be attempted from 10th level, but...
Zone arcs: The Hollows, Faultline, Striga, Croatoa, Rikti War Zone.
Grind contacts: Meg Mason. There must be others, but I don't know who they are.
Giant Monsters: Adamstor, Babbage, Eochai, Jack in Irons, Jurassik, Kraken, Kronos Titan, Lusca, Paladin, Sally.
Mission-specific explore badges: six Safeguards, Multidimensional.
Accolades (list all prerequisites): Atlas Medallion, Conspiracy Theorist, Archmage, Freedom Phalanx Reserve, Geas of the Kind Ones, Portal Jockey, Vanguard (all normal explore/mission/hunt); 3 respec badges (implicit in listing respecs); Field Crafter (grind); Stouthearted (implicit in listing six Safeguards); TF Commander (implicit in listing Freedom Phalanx TFs); Ten Times the Victor; Watchman (RWZ).
Anything else? Any comments on the above?